Trump: a personality riddled with insecurities....

In Trump, we have a very weak person whose insecurities and thin-skin has made him into a personality that would warrant countless of psychological studies.

No amount of number of beautiful women on his arm,,,,and no instances of notoriety can ever fix this guy's insecurities. The man is self-centered and involved in a life-long battle to be better than his father, hungry for attention and insecure enough to never forgo any perceived slight on his low self-worth.

His upcoming loss will prove devastating to his ego, although he will always be a rich man with the insecurities of a spoiled child's mindset.

however you will bow to him

In Trump, we have a very weak person whose insecurities and thin-skin has made him into a personality that would warrant countless of psychological studies.

No amount of number of beautiful women on his arm,,,,and no instances of notoriety can ever fix this guy's insecurities. The man is self-centered and involved in a life-long battle to be better than his father, hungry for attention and insecure enough to never forgo any perceived slight on his low self-worth.

His upcoming loss will prove devastating to his ego, although he will always be a rich man with the insecurities of a spoiled child's mindset.
This is how almost 99% of rich and famous people are I guess :)
Jindal: Trump insecure, weak and dangerous

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Thursday unloaded on fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, calling the front-runner "insecure," "weak" and "dangerous."

"It's clear Donald Trump has never read the Bible. The reason we know he's never read the Bible? He's not in the Bible," Jindal quipped in one attack line.

Just because a lot of people like watching Kim Kardashian — we wouldn't put her in the White House, either," Jindal said in another jab at the brash billionaire.

Jindal launched sprawling barbs at Trump in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., with more than two-dozen references to the businessman.

"Donald Trump is not a serious candidate. He's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac. The only thing he believes in is himself," Jindal said. "Everybody knows this is true.

"He is an entertaining narcissist, but he is still a narcissist," Jindal said. "Like all narcissists, Donald Trump is insecure and weak. He's afraid of being exposed. That’s why he tells us, always and constantly, how big and strong and wealthy he is."

Jindal: Trump insecure, weak and dangerous
In Trump, we have a very weak person whose insecurities and thin-skin has made him into a personality that would warrant countless of psychological studies.

No amount of number of beautiful women on his arm,,,,and no instances of notoriety can ever fix this guy's insecurities. The man is self-centered and involved in a life-long battle to be better than his father, hungry for attention and insecure enough to never forgo any perceived slight on his low self-worth.

His upcoming loss will prove devastating to his ego, although he will always be a rich man with the insecurities of a spoiled child's mindset.

however you will bow to him


Have you yet chosen a new screen name for Nov. 9th??? LOL
Jindal: Trump insecure, weak and dangerous

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Thursday unloaded on fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, calling the front-runner "insecure," "weak" and "dangerous."

"It's clear Donald Trump has never read the Bible. The reason we know he's never read the Bible? He's not in the Bible," Jindal quipped in one attack line.

Just because a lot of people like watching Kim Kardashian — we wouldn't put her in the White House, either," Jindal said in another jab at the brash billionaire.

Jindal launched sprawling barbs at Trump in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., with more than two-dozen references to the businessman.

"Donald Trump is not a serious candidate. He's a narcissist, he's an egomaniac. The only thing he believes in is himself," Jindal said. "Everybody knows this is true.

"He is an entertaining narcissist, but he is still a narcissist," Jindal said. "Like all narcissists, Donald Trump is insecure and weak. He's afraid of being exposed. That’s why he tells us, always and constantly, how big and strong and wealthy he is."

Jindal: Trump insecure, weak and dangerous
Much like you, Jindal is a windbag making specious claims, such as, "It's clear Donald Trump has never read the Bible"
Every time you start bashing Trump, it comes out that whatever it is, in this case personality, he is vastly superior to the monster that is Hillary.

What about Hillary is real?

her marriage? NO
her kid? No - Webb Hubbell is the daddy
her being "so smart" ? failed the DC bar exam, was a horrible lawyer who engaged in fraud
her "leadership?" LOL!!! Doing whatever the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation wants is hardly "leadership"
her integrity? LOL!!!! Whitewater, Castle Grande, cattle futures, stealing the White House furniture
her sexuality? Ask HUMA
The Unnerving Insecurities of Donald Trump
The Republican front-runner claims he “had no choice” but to publicly discuss his anatomical endowments.

To Donald Trump supporters, I pose this question: When you think back on your high school, your platoon during basic training, your frat brothers, men you've dated, or the regulars at your local bar, did the loud guy who boasted about his anatomical endowments strike you as a confident winner, or deeply insecure?

Was he comfortable in his skin and ready to lead others, guided by the needs of the task at hand, or was he desperate to fill a void in his psyche with attention-seeking?

Donald Trump Claims He 'Had No Choice' But to Talk About His Anatomy
Speaking of schlongs, I found this golden oldie of foul mouth from last December:

In Trump, we have a very weak person whose insecurities and thin-skin has made him into a personality that would warrant countless of psychological studies.

No amount of number of beautiful women on his arm,,,,and no instances of notoriety can ever fix this guy's insecurities. The man is self-centered and involved in a life-long battle to be better than his father, hungry for attention and insecure enough to never forgo any perceived slight on his low self-worth.

His upcoming loss will prove devastating to his ego, although he will always be a rich man with the insecurities of a spoiled child's mindset.
Well, as he has always done, he will make something out of this run when he loses, as he did with his order to claim he 'didn't lose'... ;)

I think I feel sorry for him and the life he's lead...

I honestly blame his parents....his father primarily for sending him off to Military School when he was young as punishment, while the other kids had their parent's least some attention from them... while Donald had none.... so he made his own attention, directed to himself....
her marriage? NO

Just for fun....and speaking of insecurities.....

How many times has Hillary been married...............and, even an idiot could guess what the next question about Trump would be.....................Family values???? Your ass !!!
Every time you start bashing Trump, it comes out that whatever it is, in this case personality, he is vastly superior to the monster that is Hillary.

What about Hillary is real?

her marriage? NO
her kid? No - Webb Hubbell is the daddy
her being "so smart" ? failed the DC bar exam, was a horrible lawyer who engaged in fraud
her "leadership?" LOL!!! Doing whatever the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation wants is hardly "leadership"
her integrity? LOL!!!! Whitewater, Castle Grande, cattle futures, stealing the White House furniture
her sexuality? Ask HUMA

Did you know Hillary Clinton has a Grammy? She won the award in 1997 for Best Spoken Word Album for the audio of her book It Takes a Village.

In Trump, we have a very weak person whose insecurities and thin-skin has made him into a personality that would warrant countless of psychological studies.

No amount of number of beautiful women on his arm,,,,and no instances of notoriety can ever fix this guy's insecurities. The man is self-centered and involved in a life-long battle to be better than his father, hungry for attention and insecure enough to never forgo any perceived slight on his low self-worth.

His upcoming loss will prove devastating to his ego, although he will always be a rich man with the insecurities of a spoiled child's mindset.

Spawning dozens of sock accounts is a sure sign of confidence in St Hillary the Inevitable

It's still not too late to replace her, yanno
Trump is incredibly insecure

Constant desire to claim to be "the best" "I'm rich" I'm smart"
Needs to surround himself with beautiful women to prove his virility
Inability to accept criticism
Uncontrollable need to "get even"
Name calling and petty insults to bring down others

In Trump, I'm reminded of a "funny" exchange by Orson Wells in the movie (and book by Heller) Catch 22
Wells played a general and when someone stated something that he didn't like, he ordered to take him to the back and "shoot him"......When told he couldn't really do that, Wells retorted:

"Shoot him. What do you mean I can't shoot him, I am a General dammit"

Trump would act the same way in the oval office (which he'll never see, unless as a tourist of theWH)
her marriage? NO

Just for fun....and speaking of insecurities.....

How many times has Hillary been married...............and, even an idiot could guess what the next question about Trump would be.....................Family values???? Your ass !!!
Family values? Hillary enabled her adulterous husband you idiot.
How many times has Hillary been married.

Hillary is a DYKE pretending to be married to a SEX PREDATOR whom she enables. Huma is the same.

How many different dykes have shacked up with Hillary?

A: dozens
Hillary is a DYKE pretending to be married to a SEX PREDATOR whom she enables. Huma is the same.

How many different dykes have shacked up with Hillary?

A: dozens

Any right wing idiot (like you) has a right to believe what you wish to believe.....Go brush your tooth.
In Trump, we have a very weak person whose insecurities and thin-skin has made him into a personality that would warrant countless of psychological studies.

No amount of number of beautiful women on his arm,,,,and no instances of notoriety can ever fix this guy's insecurities. The man is self-centered and involved in a life-long battle to be better than his father, hungry for attention and insecure enough to never forgo any perceived slight on his low self-worth.

His upcoming loss will prove devastating to his ego, although he will always be a rich man with the insecurities of a spoiled child's mindset.

Classic liberal regressive projection.

Trump is a billionaire business legend alpha who can grab pussy at will and have women say nothing about it. You are a guy who couldn't run a lemonade stand, women are insulted when you merely look them.

You do the math, who is the insecure omega? And who the confident alpha?

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