Trump about to whack solar with a tariff

New Solar Price Record: Tucson Utility Inks Deal For Solar Power That Costs Less Than 3 Cents Per Kilowatt-Hour!
Reports of record-low prices for utility-scale solar power are pouring in from around the world. In Chile, prices dropped below 3 cents per kilowatt-hour last year. But such super low prices have not been part of the energy environment in the US — until now.

On May 22, Tucson Electric Power announced it had signed a 20-year power purchase agreement with NextEra Energy Resources to buy solar power from a new 100-megawatt solar power plant that will be built and operated by NextEra. The completed system will supply enough electricity to run 21,000 homes in the Tucson area. The price? Less than 3 cents per kilowatt-hour.

To put this in a little context before proceeding, the unsubsidized cost of electricity from fossil fuels has a low end of about 4.8 cents per kilowatt-hour in the US. 3 cents per kilowatt-hour crushes that and the only potential source of competition in that range is wind power, but that’s assuming the location has great wind resources. Overall, the point is clear: fossils can’t compete with solar and wind in more and more cases.

New Solar Price Record: Tucson Utility Inks Deal For Solar Power That Costs Less Than 3 Cents Per Kilowatt-Hour!

And the price is still going down.

$0.55 per watt from SolarCity's record-breaking new solar panel - ExtremeTech

2.5 Cents Per Kilowatt Hour: America's Cheapest, Cleanest Fuel 'Holds Steady'
It's not news that energy efficiency is cost-effective. But new numbers from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) quantify just how cheap the resource has become relative to other power generation types.

The figure today: two and a half cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

That's one-third or less the price of any new source of electricity, making efficiency the cheapest option available – conventional or renewable – and a no-brainer investment for big utilities.

ACEEE notes, for instance, that in 2008 coal cost between 7 and 14 cents per kWh; natural gas cost between 7 and 10 cents per kWh; and wind between 4 and 9 cents per kWh. In terms of new nuclear, some estimates put its price at 15 cents per kWh, or more.

The main point is straightforward: Conventional energy costs are climbing, and coming carbon regulation will kick those costs up even more. Not the case with energy efficiency. The price of saving a kilowatt has stayed steady or dropped over the last half decade, reinforcing why states and utilities are adding aggressive efficiency programs, and forcing this question: Why aren't the feds doing the same?

"Saving Energy Cost-Effectively: A National Review of the Cost of Energy Saved through Utility-Sector Energy Efficiency Programs" updates ACEEE's frequently cited research from 2004. The original data determined that the average cost of delivering energy efficiency programs in the U.S. was 3 cents per kWh.

2.5 Cents Per Kilowatt Hour: America's Cheapest, Cleanest Fuel 'Holds Steady'
As before in our discussions on this issue you ignore the installation price of the energy source.......which makes PV power a much higher cost that fossil fuels.

Then add to it that Obama purposely tried to raise the rates and SHUT DOWN FOSSIL FUELS via his EPA policies that caused the rates to go up.

So you RIG THE POKER DECK............FORCE PRICES UP and GO SEE.............look it's getting higher.

Kinda dishonest unethical way of doing business so you can ram higher energy costs to our citizens like Europe has done.
New Solar Price Record: Tucson Utility Inks Deal For Solar Power That Costs Less Than 3 Cents Per Kilowatt-Hour!
Reports of record-low prices for utility-scale solar power are pouring in from around the world. In Chile, prices dropped below 3 cents per kilowatt-hour last year. But such super low prices have not been part of the energy environment in the US — until now.

On May 22, Tucson Electric Power announced it had signed a 20-year power purchase agreement with NextEra Energy Resources to buy solar power from a new 100-megawatt solar power plant that will be built and operated by NextEra. The completed system will supply enough electricity to run 21,000 homes in the Tucson area. The price? Less than 3 cents per kilowatt-hour.

To put this in a little context before proceeding, the unsubsidized cost of electricity from fossil fuels has a low end of about 4.8 cents per kilowatt-hour in the US. 3 cents per kilowatt-hour crushes that and the only potential source of competition in that range is wind power, but that’s assuming the location has great wind resources. Overall, the point is clear: fossils can’t compete with solar and wind in more and more cases.

New Solar Price Record: Tucson Utility Inks Deal For Solar Power That Costs Less Than 3 Cents Per Kilowatt-Hour!

And the price is still going down.
Solar power Green energy pundits use the SUN IS FREE.......................Look at the PRICES DROPPING.........

But what they don't tell you is that PER KWH they are MASSIVELY MORE EXPENSIVE than FOSSIL FUELS.

The ONLY THING THAT which case the cost of installing a system at your home over time makes it COST REAL TERMS OF COST.

I don't have any grievance with solar power or wind.............geo thermal power..............I have an issue with the OVERALL COSTS to power your home......

I have a problem as they YELL LOOKY HERE............PRICES ARE FALLING.........which they are.....but not on any level to compete with other fuels. Without Subsidies and tax breaks they are VERY VERY EXPENSIVE.
God are you a stupid ass. The cost per energy produced by utility scale solar is under 3 cents per kw. The cost per watt of generating potential of the new Solar City panel is 55 cents. But you seem to be unable to wrap your head around that.
The ONLY ROCK HERE IS YOU..................

Per KWH, which is the ONLY THING THAT REALLY MATTERS, you lose your argument.

To top it off the REAL OP is NOT ABOUT THAT AT ALL.

It is ABOUT PROTECTIONISM versus buying panels from China.
Look at the posts by the progressives............tell me every single one of those mofu's isn't sporting one mega bumpy cucumber in the pie hole!!!:coffee: The anger and misery.............its all you need to know!!!

WHO'S NOT WINNING???:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:

You think politics is a team sport?

Who isn't winning? The people.

Only in the bubble world s0n where progressives like to hang. In the real world, its all about winning. The climate crusaders were losing before Trump they are getting whacked upside of the head with a baseball bat on the ghey green fantasy shit.

It is regular Americans that benefit huge!!:bye1::bye1::fu:

Oh, so the real world is the place where all the losers who thought they were big in high school, but afterwards aren't so big any more hang out?
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows
Tesla/SolarCity/Silevo/Panasonic 1GW Buffalo fab’s known unknowns

Primarily, the vague first paragraph gave all that the companies were prepared to state about the manufacturing plans, which for reference is published below:

‘Tesla and Panasonic have finalized an agreement this week to begin the manufacturing of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules at the Buffalo, NY factory. These high-efficiency PV cells and modules will be used to produce solar panels in the non-solar roof products. When production of the solar roof begins, Tesla will also incorporate Panasonic's cells into the many kinds of solar glass tile roofs that Tesla will be manufacturing. All of these solar products will work seamlessly with Tesla's energy storage products, Powerwall and Powerpack. Production of the first PV modules will begin in summer 2017, and will ramp to 1 Gigawatt of module production by 2019.’

Having read this paragraph countless times, the poor wording and structure seems to have been on purpose and the last part of the last sentence does not seem to relate to Panasonic’s involvement. Instead, this would seem to be a reference to the SolarCity/Silevo part of Buffalo fab.

There have been several push-outs to the timing of the original SolarCity/Silevo tool install phase(s) of the 1GW nameplate cell and module capacity since the facility was first announced back in June 2014.
Progress is happening at a faster pace. Only the right wing prefers to sink costs on fossil fuels.
I provided FACTS on the cost per type of energy source.

Disprove can't.............

When PV's equal the cost per KWH of fossil fuels you come back here and let me know................

Got news for you................if the article I read is true..........the cheapest PV panel made in foreign countries would be 75 cents a watt...........

Yet some companies are now saying they can produce them for a RECORD BREAKING 55 cents a watt............

If that is the case.............TRUMP is ACTUALLY HELPING YOU TO CREATE JOBS HERE IN THIS MARKET..........but you are too blind to see..................because EVERYBODY HATES TRUMP.
Sinking costs on a Manhattan Project for fusion (an energy with a future), is much more rational.
In terms of costs, I wrote in last year’s update: “We’re headed to $1/watt as an all-in cost in the next five to 10 years.” Wow, what a difference just a year can make. According to GTM data, utility-scale solar projects recently met the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative's $1/watt all-in cost goal (minus developer profit of perhaps 10 percent additional cost) three years early! The DOE has not officially met its goal, but it is astounding to be here in early 2017 and looking at all-in costs for new solar plants at near $1/watt. Things can and do indeed change for the better.

At $1/watt, the levelized cost falls to just 5.7 cents per kilowatt-hour, well below cost parity with new natural gas plants, coal plants or nuclear plants. With two-axis trackers (which are becoming increasingly viable) and the best solar resources, increasing the solar capacity factor to as much as 32 percent, the $1/watt all-in cost of power falls to just 4.5 cents per kilowatt-hour.
The Solar Singularity: 2017 Update

At a dollar a watt for the solar panel, the cost is 5.7 cents per kw/hr. So at 55 cents per watt for the solar panel, the cost is a bit over 3 cents per kw/hr. That is a far better price than coal or natural gas can deliver. As more and more grid scale storage is delivered, solar will start to become a 24/7 power source, same for wind. And that makes the cost of solar even cheaper.
Rate increases approved for Tucson Electric, Trico customers

State regulators approved rate increases Wednesday for both Tucson Electric Power Co. and Trico Electric Cooperative — and in a surprise move, voted to cut credits to Trico customers who install rooftop solar systems.

At an open meeting in Tucson lasting more than nine hours, the Arizona Corporation Commission unanimously granted TEP a rate increase that will add about $8.50 a month to the average residential customer’s bill.

TEP seeks to raise customers' energy rates

Tucson Electric Power Co. is asking state regulators for a 7 percent increase in revenues in a rate case that would boost the average home customer’s bill by $12 a month by 2017.

In a request filed Thursday with the Arizona Corporation Commission, TEP also is seeking a change in its so-called net metering policy that will significantly reduce credits and add charges for customers with new rooftop solar arrays.

And as in Europe.............prices go up..........................
Any product or company that cannot rise or fall without getting assistance from the Federal gov't is a FAILED INTERPRIZE.

Even with Tax payers money, Companies still went belly up...............


Which, of course, is complete nonsense.

All Pharma companies, some of the biggest companies in the world, continue to get billions in state funding thrown at them, as do Amazon, Walmart and many other successful companies putting smaller companies out of business and increasing their market share massively on the back of govt support.
In terms of costs, I wrote in last year’s update: “We’re headed to $1/watt as an all-in cost in the next five to 10 years.” Wow, what a difference just a year can make. According to GTM data, utility-scale solar projects recently met the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative's $1/watt all-in cost goal (minus developer profit of perhaps 10 percent additional cost) three years early! The DOE has not officially met its goal, but it is astounding to be here in early 2017 and looking at all-in costs for new solar plants at near $1/watt. Things can and do indeed change for the better.

At $1/watt, the levelized cost falls to just 5.7 cents per kilowatt-hour, well below cost parity with new natural gas plants, coal plants or nuclear plants. With two-axis trackers (which are becoming increasingly viable) and the best solar resources, increasing the solar capacity factor to as much as 32 percent, the $1/watt all-in cost of power falls to just 4.5 cents per kilowatt-hour.
The Solar Singularity: 2017 Update

At a dollar a watt for the solar panel, the cost is 5.7 cents per kw/hr. So at 55 cents per watt for the solar panel, the cost is a bit over 3 cents per kw/hr. That is a far better price than coal or natural gas can deliver. As more and more grid scale storage is delivered, solar will start to become a 24/7 power source, same for wind. And that makes the cost of solar even cheaper.
he new rates are needed to cover increased costs, including some $1.3 billion TEP has invested in infrastructure since 2011 as the utility shifts its power generation away from coal-fired sources, TEP president and CEO David Hutchens said.

TEP seeks to raise customers' energy rates
Any product or company that cannot rise or fall without getting assistance from the Federal gov't is a FAILED INTERPRIZE.

Even with Tax payers money, Companies still went belly up...............


Which, of course, is complete nonsense.

All Pharma companies, some of the biggest companies in the world, continue to get billions in state funding thrown at them, as do Amazon, Walmart and many other successful companies putting smaller companies out of business and increasing their market share massively on the back of govt support.
Any product or company that cannot rise or fall without getting assistance from the Federal gov't is a FAILED INTERPRIZE.

Even with Tax payers money, Companies still went belly up...............


Which, of course, is complete nonsense.

All Pharma companies, some of the biggest companies in the world, continue to get billions in state funding thrown at them, as do Amazon, Walmart and many other successful companies putting smaller companies out of business and increasing their market share massively on the back of govt support.

Did I say that? Er... no, I didn't.
As usual...........cannot get the liberals posting here on whether or not they agree with tariffs to increase manufacturing here in the United States versus buying it from China who has copy catted the technology and used it's dirt cheap labor to lead the world in it's production.

Given this...................if the claims of Tesla and Panasonic are TRUE.........and they can make it well under 75 cents a watt already......RECORD BREAKING 55 CENTS...............

THEN WHY IS A TARIFF ON THE TABLE AT ALL.........................
Thread dies when the left doesn't like the facts...............

Move along..............nothing to see here.
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows

That is due to the buckets full of subsidy money...when that dries up prices will skyrocket...when government is paying you to be in business profit isnt so important...take subsidy money away and the picture changes radically
Those who are pushing for total Solar power always say see..........the prices are dropping............

See............HISTORICAL LOWS...........................

Their MAJOR MALFUNCTION is that this HISTORICAL always against ITSELF.............aka SOLAR VERSUS SOLAR..............

Solar power still gets it's ass handed to them on cost by Fossil Fuels..........
:oops-28::oops-28: :spinner:

"A steep rise in panel prices "could be huge and disastrous for large-scale solar," said Tom Werner, chief executive of San Jose-based SunPower Corp (SPWR.O), a top U.S. solar company that is majority owned by France's Total (TOTF.PA). "Developers are alarmed and planning."

So damn happy to see funding for solar projects in the shitter!! As it should be. Remember the days of Soetero where hundreds of billions of taxpayer money went up in smoke..........a disgrace...........a disaster.......except to the climate k00ks. Progressives never care about what things cost.........if the intentions are noble, the wasted money is money well spent = a mental disorder. Good to see President Trump kicking the mental cases square in the nutsack.:up:
Nothing like the right wing always being, behind the curve:

The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows

That is due to the buckets full of subsidy money...when that dries up prices will skyrocket...when government is paying you to be in business profit isnt so important...take subsidy money away and the picture changes radically
dude; absolutely NoBody on the left should take anyone on the right and most especially You, seriously about economics.

The left is willing to advance emerging technologies, not just fossil fuels.

Coal: A Long History of Subsidies | Taxpayers for Common Sense

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