Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

Trump is trying to compromise the Judicial, because he disagrees with their rulings.
If Congress doesn't pass enough of Trump's wishes, will he try to compromise Congress?
Trump is attacking one of the three branches of government because his over-inflated ego can't accept the fact that he is wrong and he isn't man enough to accept he isn't perfect.
Trump is attacking the Constitution and his ass clowns think are eating it all up.
We shouldn't jump to the conclusion that Trump won't win on this, when he takes it to the Supreme Court. I still haven't heard a layman's explanation for what was unconstitutional about the EO. One guy on tv last night said something about only Congress can make decisions about payments?
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
as many times as they have been overturned maybe they should be.....they sure as hell dont seem to be competent judges.....

Two other circuits are overturned more often than the 9th. Stop watching Faux News.
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.

Yeah, like their complete disregard for the law?
When Trump shows me his law degree, I'll start listening to what he thinks of the 9th circuit. Goes for you, too.
Trump is trying to compromise the Judicial, because he disagrees with their rulings.
If Congress doesn't pass enough of Trump's wishes, will he try to compromise Congress?
Trump is attacking one of the three branches of government because his over-inflated ego can't accept the fact that he is wrong and he isn't man enough to accept he isn't perfect.
Trump is attacking the Constitution and his ass clowns think are eating it all up.
We shouldn't jump to the conclusion that Trump won't win on this, when he takes it to the Supreme Court. I still haven't heard a layman's explanation for what was unconstitutional about the EO. One guy on tv last night said something about only Congress can make decisions about payments?

Correct, Congress has the power of the purse, and for the executive to unilaterally attach stipulations to payments that congress has already authorized is unconstitutional and an executive overreach.

Something right-wingers used to hate, til Cheeto-in-Chief was elected.
Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

That's not what the lawyers say...

Supreme Court Reversal Rates: Evaluating the Federal Courts of Appeals

You wanna check the date on your article, genius?
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.

Yeah, like their complete disregard for the law?
When Trump shows me his law degree, I'll start listening to what he thinks of the 9th circuit. Goes for you, too.
Show us your mind reading degree so we know you actually know what people you don't know are thinking
Drumpf is elevating this to infinity. Conservatives have never seen scorched Earth on everything they believe in. But it's coming.

You mean seditious, treasonous, violent, intolerant snowflakes plan on doing MORE than...

Rigging Primaries

Election Fraud

Debate Cheating


Violence / funding violence

Threatening the lives of election officials

Destruction of Property




Calling for treasonous military coups

Calling for the assassination of the Pres.

Conducting Political 'assassinations'

Running an even WORSE candidate than their most recent worst candidate in US history

Running a candidate that is under MORE than 2 on-going criminal investigations days before the election

Felony Espionage - leaking classified

Working for the KGB

Working for the Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC e-mails

Be exposed by their own leaked e-mails as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites

Accepting thousands of shares of unreported Russian stock

Making false accusations and attempting to undermine / overthrow the legitimate govt/President

Openly declaring to be enemies of the state by publicly committing their total opposition of everything this new President seeks to accomplish for the good of the country, all for the benefit of their PARTY? must be so proud...

And you dumbasses wonder WHY you've lost 1,000+ elections and back-to-back historic, record-setting elections...

You ignore the will and voice of the people, force edicts and your will upon them, lie to them, spy in them, target them with the IRS, rig their primaries to force an undesirable camdidate upon them, deny them freedom of speech, get rejected...AGAIN...and vow 'revenge' upon them for that rejection, and wonder why they won't willingly accept you as their 'rulers' and the ruling class. :p

With ever desperate act, every declaration, every vow of hurtful action against the country for party benefit you / they prove the DNC has become terrorsts, anarchists, ENEMIES of the state!

Good luck with that, snowflakes! :p

Irony is you calling anyone else a "snowflake" given your paranoia and panic-induced posts, flailing with mountains of misinformation.
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

That's the kind of thing tyrants do.

There's been discussion of breaking up the Ninth Circuit for more than a decade. It's gotten too big.

That's not why Trump wants it broken up. Also, it's more than discussions, it's Trump, on his own, declaring that HE wants to break it up, which is unconstitutional.
A "tyrant?" Step back and listen to yourself snowflake.

How is breaking up courts who rule against him not a LAN aspiring tyrant?
Population of Ninth too much. Needs to be divided and Utah, Montana, Idaho and other poor bastards that have suffered under this liberal, Marxist , districts tyranny.

He cannot do this. He doesn't have the power to do this and I'm not sure what is worse between his aspiring tyranny or his ignorance about the job he's nearing 100 days on.

Now, if those who do have the power to break it up, whether they want to and if they should, that's a separate debate, but once again Trump has no clue how something works.
Of course he does. Not that splitting the court was his idea. Jeff Sessions and John McCain started the ball rolling but other senators jumped on the idea of peeling six states off the 9th.

It's been propsed many times. Now, guess what, there's a president that agrees.

Is it a pattern? States wanting to exercise their rights is TYRANNY! At least according to democrats.

Under New Bill, Federal Appellate Court Based in California Could Be Split Up

Boo hoo.
9th allows California coastal liberals to hold other western states hostage.

Oregon and Washington are also blue. Idaho and Montana and Nevada have virtually no people.

Do you even understand the geography of your own country?
folks are upset that Trump criticizes judges? These judges are powerful, political & unaccountable. They should be criticized. Grow up

So Trump's boyfriend Neil Gorsuch is powerful political and unaccountable.

Gorsuch is a check on liberal judges. Gorsuch is a check on liberal judges.

Do you repeat things so you can sound verbose, while not having to add any actual information to your posts?
Hossst: 17116972 said:
It seems as though denying the right to speech is pretty much exclusively being done by the Left. Do I hear ANYBODY from that side of the political spectrum speaking out to denounce the violence being used to deny somebody the freedom to express their opinion. Sad days for America.
The Left hates free speech, Christians and Jews and normal people. Loves illegal immigrants, Islamic terrorists, Liberal Progressive judges, dirty politics and traitors.

In con-meme-land, not reality.

Trump urged his supporters to harm any opposition at his rallies and said he would pay their legal bills, because they exercised their free speech. He's now facing a lawsuit because of his ass actions. Your dear leader and by extention you are the ones that hate free speech. You aren't normal and you aren't Christian. You bear false witness against your neighbors with a great glee on a daily basis.

You poor snowflakes just hate it when students exercise their free speech. "They're too loud, it isn't fair". Then go home cupcakes.

You are the biggest fucking liar and hypocrite on this board.

I think the problem is that when Obama was in office, he packed the courts with appointed judges of his choosing to skew things.

List of federal judges appointed by Barack Obama - Wikipedia
Well, since Congress left so many judge vacancies vacant during Obama's term, maybe Trump will have his chance to fill them up his way. Let's see if we can politicize the one branch of government that isn't supposed to be.

I would rather that didn't happen. Those positions need filled with strict constitutionalists.

Obama may have put activist judges in, and that's a shame.

It's just wrong and it makes me sad.
The most overturned circuit in the nation is the 11th, which includes Florida, Georgia and Alabama.

So, in other words, the most overturned circuit is the red-state circuit.
It's not sad when he wants a court that follows the law rather than one that rewrites it.
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.

Trump is nothing but an overgrown child in a very fat 70-year-old body. His problem with judges and courts is due to his overgrown, out of control sense of entitlement. If he's such a great deal maker, then why doesn't he negotiate instead of being such a fucking tyrant? Sorry, Trump, the Constitution was DESIGNED to protect people from in-bred tyrants like yourself!
Honey, you need a course in Constitutional law.

The Ninth Circuit is the most overturned appeals court in the United States.. In total numbers, that is correct. From wiki
It's not sad when he wants a court that follows the law rather than one that rewrites it.
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
Just because you have never read our Constitution doesn't mean they're making up laws.

That's a 7-year-old article, dipshit. And by "total numbers" you mean "I'm going to lie to you with this graph."
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.

Yeah, like their complete disregard for the law?
When Trump shows me his law degree, I'll start listening to what he thinks of the 9th circuit. Goes for you, too.
Show us your mind reading degree so we know you actually know what people you don't know are thinking
In reference to whom?
Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

By looking at percentages only, that's correct.

However, 9th circuit gets far more cases than any other circuit, and if you look at the number of cases overturned, the 9th circuit is a shame.


Supreme Court Reversal Rates

You just want to ignore that the 11th Circuit (including red states FL, GA and AL) is the most overturned by case rate?

Why would you use total numbers when you know damned well the only intellectual honest way to look at it is "overturn rate"? And regardless, overturn rate is not, on its face, an indication the circuit makes bad rulings. Some rulings are overturned initially, then years later the SCOTUS sees the same issue again and affirms the 9th's ruling, legally speaking.
The 9th circuit has not only 30% more cases but it has a 79% higher reversal number than any other court of appeals. So far it holds the record for 5 unanimous reversals in a row. So why is the 9th at odds with the Supreme Count? The short answer is that the 9th no longer depends on the U.S. Constitution. The Court decides cases on the basis of emotion and political expediency.

Its reversal RATE is lower than the 11th circuit and the 6th circuit, which includes FL, GA, AL, TN, KY, MI and OH.

So, you know. Whoops.
Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

By looking at percentages only, that's correct.

However, 9th circuit gets far more cases than any other circuit, and if you look at the number of cases overturned, the 9th circuit is a shame.


Supreme Court Reversal Rates

You just want to ignore that the 11th Circuit (including red states FL, GA and AL) is the most overturned by case rate?

Why would you use total numbers when you know damned well the only intellectual honest way to look at it is "overturn rate"? And regardless, overturn rate is not, on its face, an indication the circuit makes bad rulings. Some rulings are overturned initially, then years later the SCOTUS sees the same issue again and affirms the 9th's ruling, legally speaking.

Read my post first, retard.

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