Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

That's not what the lawyers say...

Supreme Court Reversal Rates: Evaluating the Federal Courts of Appeals

You wanna check the date on your article, genius?

It hasn't improved so the date of the article isn't all that important. The 9th is a clown show.
Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

That's not what the lawyers say...

Supreme Court Reversal Rates: Evaluating the Federal Courts of Appeals

You wanna check the date on your article, genius?

It hasn't improved so the date of the article isn't all that important. The 9th is a clown show.

The 9th has a lower overturn rate than the circuits that represent MI, OH, KY, TN, FL, GA and AL. THAT'S where the clown show resides.

Regardless, if the SCOTUS was packed with liberal judges, you'd never claim an oft-overturned circuit is a clown show. Just admit you're a partisan asshat with no concept of constitutional law.
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.

Yeah, like their complete disregard for the law?
When Trump shows me his law degree, I'll start listening to what he thinks of the 9th circuit. Goes for you, too.
Show us your mind reading degree so we know you actually know what people you don't know are thinking
In reference to whom?
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

That's not what the lawyers say...

Supreme Court Reversal Rates: Evaluating the Federal Courts of Appeals

You wanna check the date on your article, genius?

It hasn't improved so the date of the article isn't all that important. The 9th is a clown show.

The 9th has a lower overturn rate than the circuits that represent MI, OH, KY, TN, FL, GA and AL. THAT'S where the clown show resides.

Regardless, if the SCOTUS was packed with liberal judges, you'd never claim an oft-overturned circuit is a clown show. Just admit you're a partisan asshat with no concept of constitutional law.

I admit that I am a Constitutional fundamentalist and the reasoning for the decisions made by the Founders becomes ever more apparent when I read the sort of drivel that idiots like you put forth.
Fucking idiots

No, 9th Circuit isn't 'most overturned court in the country'

6th Circuit - 87 percent;

11th Circuit - 85 percent;

9th Circuit - 79 percent;

3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

2nd Circuit and Federal Circuit - 68 percent;

8th Circuit - 67 percent;

5th Circuit - 66 percent;

7th Circuit - 48 percent;

DC Circuit - 45 percent;

1st Circuit and 4th Circuit - 43 percent;

10th Circuit - 42 percent.

That's not what the lawyers say...

Supreme Court Reversal Rates: Evaluating the Federal Courts of Appeals

You wanna check the date on your article, genius?

It hasn't improved so the date of the article isn't all that important. The 9th is a clown show.

The 9th has a lower overturn rate than the circuits that represent MI, OH, KY, TN, FL, GA and AL. THAT'S where the clown show resides.

Regardless, if the SCOTUS was packed with liberal judges, you'd never claim an oft-overturned circuit is a clown show. Just admit you're a partisan asshat with no concept of constitutional law.

I admit that I am a Constitutional fundamentalist and the reasoning for the decisions made by the Founders becomes ever more apparent when I read the sort of drivel that idiots like you put forth.

"Constitutional fundamentalist" just means "I don't like to do more than 8 pages of reading, and learning history is hard." Even the Founders authored the constitution to be a living document and treated it as such the instant the new government was ratified.
That's not what the lawyers say...

Supreme Court Reversal Rates: Evaluating the Federal Courts of Appeals

You wanna check the date on your article, genius?

It hasn't improved so the date of the article isn't all that important. The 9th is a clown show.

The 9th has a lower overturn rate than the circuits that represent MI, OH, KY, TN, FL, GA and AL. THAT'S where the clown show resides.

Regardless, if the SCOTUS was packed with liberal judges, you'd never claim an oft-overturned circuit is a clown show. Just admit you're a partisan asshat with no concept of constitutional law.

I admit that I am a Constitutional fundamentalist and the reasoning for the decisions made by the Founders becomes ever more apparent when I read the sort of drivel that idiots like you put forth.

"Constitutional fundamentalist" just means "I don't like to do more than 8 pages of reading, and learning history is hard." Even the Founders authored the constitution to be a living document and treated it as such the instant the new government was ratified.

No, it realizes that idiots, like you, are incapable of getting past the propaganda and indoctrination that you have been inundated with. I have read far more on the COTUS, and how it was written, and why it was written as it was than you ever will. It hurts your tiny little head to have to actually THINK. The writings of Cicero were among Jefferson's source materials for the document. I suggest you start there...if you truly wish to learn something that is.
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.

Yeah, like their complete disregard for the law?
When Trump shows me his law degree, I'll start listening to what he thinks of the 9th circuit. Goes for you, too.
Show us your mind reading degree so we know you actually know what people you don't know are thinking
In reference to whom?
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
This is his words in an interview with the Washington Examiner. I don't have to mind read, TN.
Trump: I'm 'Absolutely' Considering Breaking Up 'Outrageous' 9th Circuit
Trump said that "many people" would support breaking up the "outrageous" bench, adding that he is "absolutely" considering the possibility.
He said his political opponents always "run to the Ninth Circuit" in "semi-automatic" fashion because of the bench's likelihood to rule against him.
You wanna check the date on your article, genius?

It hasn't improved so the date of the article isn't all that important. The 9th is a clown show.

The 9th has a lower overturn rate than the circuits that represent MI, OH, KY, TN, FL, GA and AL. THAT'S where the clown show resides.

Regardless, if the SCOTUS was packed with liberal judges, you'd never claim an oft-overturned circuit is a clown show. Just admit you're a partisan asshat with no concept of constitutional law.

I admit that I am a Constitutional fundamentalist and the reasoning for the decisions made by the Founders becomes ever more apparent when I read the sort of drivel that idiots like you put forth.

"Constitutional fundamentalist" just means "I don't like to do more than 8 pages of reading, and learning history is hard." Even the Founders authored the constitution to be a living document and treated it as such the instant the new government was ratified.

No, it realizes that idiots, like you, are incapable of getting past the propaganda and indoctrination that you have been inundated with. I have read far more on the COTUS, and how it was written, and why it was written as it was than you ever will. It hurts your tiny little head to have to actually THINK. The writings of Cicero were among Jefferson's source materials for the document. I suggest you start there...if you truly wish to learn something that is.

LMAO, and now you think Jefferson authored the Constitution. He was in PARIS during the Philadelphia convention, dipshit. The primary authors of the Constitution -- and more importantly, the Federalist Papers, which were the principal documents relied on to get it ratified -- were Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. Neither one in their wildest dreams could've imagined someone, 230 years later, being stupid enough to engage in your retarded "strict constructionalist" attitude concerning the document. There were HOURS of discussions and reams of writings regarding implied powers of the government, and dissections of different clauses. The interpretation departed from "strict constructionalist" literally the moment after the document was ratified.

You're fucking stupid.
Yeah, like their complete disregard for the law?
When Trump shows me his law degree, I'll start listening to what he thinks of the 9th circuit. Goes for you, too.
Show us your mind reading degree so we know you actually know what people you don't know are thinking
In reference to whom?
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
This is his words in an interview with the Washington Examiner. I don't have to mind read, TN.
Trump: I'm 'Absolutely' Considering Breaking Up 'Outrageous' 9th Circuit
Trump said that "many people" would support breaking up the "outrageous" bench, adding that he is "absolutely" considering the possibility.
He said his political opponents always "run to the Ninth Circuit" in "semi-automatic" fashion because of the bench's likelihood to rule against him.
dang you can read minds! You said that before the article came out! Even beat the original one from the washington examiner lol
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

so the orange sociopath cant handle checks and balances.

awwwwwwww.... poor baby.

what a loser

hint: justice Roberts doesn't like trumps immigration BS either.

U.S. chief justice alarmed at Trump administration immigration case stance

the court isn't going to allow this autocrat-wanna-be to destroy the courts.
When Trump shows me his law degree, I'll start listening to what he thinks of the 9th circuit. Goes for you, too.
Show us your mind reading degree so we know you actually know what people you don't know are thinking
In reference to whom?
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
This is his words in an interview with the Washington Examiner. I don't have to mind read, TN.
Trump: I'm 'Absolutely' Considering Breaking Up 'Outrageous' 9th Circuit
Trump said that "many people" would support breaking up the "outrageous" bench, adding that he is "absolutely" considering the possibility.
He said his political opponents always "run to the Ninth Circuit" in "semi-automatic" fashion because of the bench's likelihood to rule against him.
dang you can read minds! You said that before the article came out! Even beat the original one from the washington examiner lol
I had heard him in a clip on tv calling them outrageous and saying "I'll see you in the Supreme Court." If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore. I try to base my opinions on facts, but if that's not enough for you, fine.
You wanna check the date on your article, genius?

It hasn't improved so the date of the article isn't all that important. The 9th is a clown show.

The 9th has a lower overturn rate than the circuits that represent MI, OH, KY, TN, FL, GA and AL. THAT'S where the clown show resides.

Regardless, if the SCOTUS was packed with liberal judges, you'd never claim an oft-overturned circuit is a clown show. Just admit you're a partisan asshat with no concept of constitutional law.

I admit that I am a Constitutional fundamentalist and the reasoning for the decisions made by the Founders becomes ever more apparent when I read the sort of drivel that idiots like you put forth.

"Constitutional fundamentalist" just means "I don't like to do more than 8 pages of reading, and learning history is hard." Even the Founders authored the constitution to be a living document and treated it as such the instant the new government was ratified.

No, it realizes that idiots, like you, are incapable of getting past the propaganda and indoctrination that you have been inundated with. I have read far more on the COTUS, and how it was written, and why it was written as it was than you ever will. It hurts your tiny little head to have to actually THINK. The writings of Cicero were among Jefferson's source materials for the document. I suggest you start there...if you truly wish to learn something that is.

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.~Thomas Jefferson
Show us your mind reading degree so we know you actually know what people you don't know are thinking
In reference to whom?
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
This is his words in an interview with the Washington Examiner. I don't have to mind read, TN.
Trump: I'm 'Absolutely' Considering Breaking Up 'Outrageous' 9th Circuit
Trump said that "many people" would support breaking up the "outrageous" bench, adding that he is "absolutely" considering the possibility.
He said his political opponents always "run to the Ninth Circuit" in "semi-automatic" fashion because of the bench's likelihood to rule against him.
dang you can read minds! You said that before the article came out! Even beat the original one from the washington examiner lol
I had heard him in a clip on tv calling them outrageous and saying "I'll see you in the Supreme Court." If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore. I try to base my opinions on facts, but if that's not enough for you, fine.
indeed. Because that means "im going to break up the 9th circuit because I am a hack"
In reference to whom?
Sadly, Trump would like to break up the 9th circuit for other reasons, not caseload.
This is his words in an interview with the Washington Examiner. I don't have to mind read, TN.
Trump: I'm 'Absolutely' Considering Breaking Up 'Outrageous' 9th Circuit
Trump said that "many people" would support breaking up the "outrageous" bench, adding that he is "absolutely" considering the possibility.
He said his political opponents always "run to the Ninth Circuit" in "semi-automatic" fashion because of the bench's likelihood to rule against him.
dang you can read minds! You said that before the article came out! Even beat the original one from the washington examiner lol
I had heard him in a clip on tv calling them outrageous and saying "I'll see you in the Supreme Court." If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore. I try to base my opinions on facts, but if that's not enough for you, fine.
indeed. Because that means "im going to break up the 9th circuit because I am a hack"
So why did you say I was "mind reading?"
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

Conservatives better take note, you think all this stuff happens in a vacuum. It doesn't. You cheer when your dear leader (I'm not sure if the author of the OP is a drumpf supporter) tears down some thing you think is 'librul'. There will come a moment of payback, when the Democrats once again control the government. Do you really think they will forget any of this? Drumpf is setting precedent for the amount of revenge a party takes when they get power back. Don't kid yourselves, you are getting some temporary instant gratification but as it always does the time for the reverse will arrive as well. So I say to drumpf and the Republicans get to it. Go full out with your scorched Earth policies. The bloodletting that will take place for all the things conservatives hold dear will unleash a cry of pain and misery from cons the likes of which hasn't been heard before. States, which currently are being told they have no power or rights under the US Constitution, will be seperated by red and blue, as drumpf is, and the red states defunded entirely just for the hell of it.

This is the world you are creating that your children will have to suffer in. Conservatives love to sucker punch people so get it all out cons. The journey just down the road is not going to be pleasant by any stretch of the imagination.
So kinda like what we told you would happen when your favorite snuggle bunny Reid used the nuclear option. Only now you are thinking this is a problem. Interesting.

My favorite snuggle bunny is Drew Barrymore but you like who you like so go with that Kaitlyn.

And all cons know once the Democrats gain power again the limits will be gone thanks to drumpf. He's ending for good any and all thought of bipartisanship and compromise. They will burn all things conservative to the ground. You know this and it's why I say have fun while you can. Do your worst. Because the worst is coming.

It's going to be along 60 years for you

OK then, let's also break up the 5th Circuit Court, probably the most conservative of the circuit courts.

Fair enough? However you RWnuts want to fuck over the 9th circuit, let the libs fuck over the 5th circuit in exactly the same manner,

and we'll call it fair and balanced.

...oh RW'er likes that plan!!!!
The 9th has to much power of lunatics
People have been calling for the break up of the 9th circuit since the 70's. It's long over due. I actually believe all that needs to happen however is to impeach a couple of them. The other snowflake judges will straighten up real fast.
Liberals are insane. They believe that a judicial district has never been broken up before. Indeed, some of the sillier ones think such breakups are unconstitutional.

Democrats are living proof of why drugs should be illegal.
This needed to happen years ago, mainly because the 9th Circuit has case load roughly 30% higher than the other circuit courts due to the population boom here in the west the last several decades.

Exclusive interview: Trump 'absolutely' looking at breaking up 9th Circuit

so the orange sociopath cant handle checks and balances.

awwwwwwww.... poor baby.

what a loser

hint: justice Roberts doesn't like trumps immigration BS either.

U.S. chief justice alarmed at Trump administration immigration case stance

the court isn't going to allow this autocrat-wanna-be to destroy the courts.

It's not up to the courts. It's up to Congress.

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