Trump acquitted again!

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

The Traitor can and will criminal prosecution for his actions on January 6. The Fulton County D.A. is investigating the Traitor for Election Fraud AND the New York A.G. as well as the Manhattan D.A. are looking filing criminal charges.
How fortunate is Trump to have a culture willing to donate towards his legal fees?
The level of retard it takes to donate ones own money to a BILLIONAIRE to cover his legal fees baffles me. HE DOESN'T NEED HELP HE IS A BILLIONAIRE!!!

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

The Traitor can and will criminal prosecution for his actions on January 6. The Fulton County D.A. is investigating the Traitor for Election Fraud AND the New York A.G. as well as the Manhattan D.A. are looking filing criminal charges.
How fortunate is Trump to have a culture willing to donate towards his legal fees?
The level of retard it takes to donate ones own money to a BILLIONAIRE to cover his legal fees baffles me. HE DOESN'T NEED HELP HE IS A BILLIONAIRE!!!

Well, let's meet Fred Eshelman , this dead from the neck up dummy donated $2.5M to investigate "Voter Fraud".

Trump supporter gave $2.5 million to investigate voter fraud — and wants his money back

Now he wants his money back.

A foolish supporter of the Traitor who dumb enough give that Orange Shit Stain actually thinks he get money back.....when pig fly.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
I assume ya mean Swamp creatures like McCain and Romney. RINO! But who cares. The Populists will take over the GOP. Just as the Commies are taking over the Dems. Getting rid of the bureaucrats was Trumps goal. Part of his greatness and his downfall. Barry Goldwater started the Conservative movement. Result? Reagan became the best Prez ever.
What do you consider a bureaucrat? And which ones do you think Trump got rid of?
I said that was his GOAL. He didn't succeed. The SWAMP fought back. It includes the MEDIA.
Ok well how my first question what exactly is a bureaucrat per your definition? And who are some examples of ones that Trump tried to get out?
EPA for one.Those regulations were crippling business.
PS--The TEACHERS Union are Bureaucrats. And a cancer.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

Fancy Nzncy jusy HAD to spend a million point three five on those God-forsaken and damned gold pens to circle jerk with her Demonrat/Rino get-even-quick gold pens to celebrate the miserable, calumny-based phony baloney impeachment of Donald Trump from which he of course was acquitted because he didn't do anything wrong except win the election of 2016, which pissed off the barracudas that the freaking out loud Marxist tools in the press who took every lie House Speaker Nancy
Were you seriously trying to sound smart with that comment?! Allies and friends of Trump have both admitted that he has done wrong. Why would they do that if it was just a phony Dem fantasy and Trump really did everything right?
You have confused Rinos with friends. They're no friend of the majority of the American voters who gave their vote to Trump while on the other side of the world, Chinese hackers ran the election into the shipwreck of loser Biden the Extortion con game creep who tapped into recipients of taxpayer gifts to beleaguered countries, getting 30% kickbacks on the average of his damn 40 something years of Senate and Vice President elected jobs. That's why I can't stand having a common criminal in the White House and a bipolar House Speaker knocking herself out managing vicious devastation of the Founders and their Constitution and it's amendments.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
Now, as previously posted, because a Senate Trial IS NOT A CRIMINAL TRIAL, there is no Double Jeopardy.

Here Are The Criminal, Civil Investigations Trump Faces After Senate Acquittal

Legal troubles in New York and Georgia mount for the former president with his second impeachment trial having gone dark.


With former Traitor’s second impeachment trial in the country’s rearview mirror, several criminal and civil investigations into his conduct are coming into focus.

The Senate on Saturday acquitted Trump of inciting the deadly, insurrectionist attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. But the former president has reportedly expressed concerns about the potential of facing charges related to the riot.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), one of the 43 GOP senators to vote to acquit Trump, in a floor speech after the trial ended said Trump was responsible for inciting the violence and could face criminal prosecution. (McConnell said he voted to acquit because he didn’t believe the Senate had the power to convict a former president, even though the upper chamber voted days earlier that it does.)
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.

43 republicans are gutless wonders with no balls or spines.
And you are a useless waste of air that wouldn't know balls if they were sitting on your chin.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :up:
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
Do you know what republicans voted to convict besides Romney and Murkowski--It is time they are primaried out--CANCELLED.
I never liked Romney when he was the former Governor for Massachusetts. I knew he was a sleazeball of some sort.
The trump haters all love Romney because he voted for biden and is in league with the dems to destroy America.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

Yep. 43 radical Republicans stood with Trump, rioters, and cop killers.

Now come the state criminal and civil indictments.

And there won't be any Republican Senators around to protect him in those trials. See you soon.
Yeah and all you leftist/Democrat's stood with rioters that burned, rioted, beat and killed the innocent, attacked government facilities, statues, police precincts, attacked individuals, created no go zones in major cities, threatened witnesses, and when asked to condemn it all "CRICKETS".
:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread bar none.:thup:
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business

Just quoting you Slade who called it that.
It's still called by them the maga movement.
People have had it with DC's BS of both parties.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business

Just quoting you Slade who called it that.
It's still called by them the maga movement.
People have had it with DC's BS of both parties.
I’ve had it with both parties as well but a home in the Trump camp is the furtherest thing from a better path. I live in Cali. Didn’t vote for newsome, would be fine with him getting booted. Not looking for anybody that resembles Trump in the slightest to replace him
Now, as previously posted, because a Senate Trial IS NOT A CRIMINAL TRIAL, there is no Double Jeopardy.

Here Are The Criminal, Civil Investigations Trump Faces After Senate Acquittal

Legal troubles in New York and Georgia mount for the former president with his second impeachment trial having gone dark.


With former Traitor’s second impeachment trial in the country’s rearview mirror, several criminal and civil investigations into his conduct are coming into focus.

The Senate on Saturday acquitted Trump of inciting the deadly, insurrectionist attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. But the former president has reportedly expressed concerns about the potential of facing charges related to the riot.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), one of the 43 GOP senators to vote to acquit Trump, in a floor speech after the trial ended said Trump was responsible for inciting the violence and could face criminal prosecution. (McConnell said he voted to acquit because he didn’t believe the Senate had the power to convict a former president, even though the upper chamber voted days earlier that it does.)
The Dem communists are abusing their offices to harass their political opponent and you blame Trump?

How about we start going after these corrupt politicians and DA's who are abusing their office to try to destroy political enemies instead?
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

Who is that walking around with Donald J. Trump's shit on their face? Oh ...that would be Democrats.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business

Just quoting you Slade who called it that.
It's still called by them the maga movement.
People have had it with DC's BS of both parties.
I’ve had it with both parties as well but a home in the Trump camp is the furtherest thing from a better path. I live in Cali. Didn’t vote for newsome, would be fine with him getting booted. Not looking for anybody that resembles Trump in the slightest to replace him
Yeah. Ya want a McCain. Well ,his ilk are going DOWN. America First has caught on. Just as Conservatism caught on in 1980. PS--Newsome is a TYPICAL Democrat. All Dem politicos are as bad ,or worse ,than Newsome and Cuomo.

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