Trump acquitted again!

woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
If we want a smart and honest leader then we elect Dan Crenshaw in 2024. Or John James. Not Harris.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
If we want a smart and honest leader then we elect Dan Crenshaw in 2024. Or John James. Not Harris.
Im not a fan of Harris. I like Kinzinger but think he and Crenshaw are both too green for Prez. The Reps have a good chance of taking back the power in Congress and the White House next cycle but they need to run a real leader and not a Trump sycophant... I have a feeling that Nikki Haley has the edge on the run... I'm about as enthusiastic about her as I am for Harris
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
If we want a smart and honest leader then we elect Dan Crenshaw in 2024. Or John James. Not Harris.
Im not a fan of Harris. I like Kinzinger but think he and Crenshaw are both too green for Prez. The Reps have a good chance of taking back the power in Congress and the White House next cycle but they need to run a real leader and not a Trump sycophant... I have a feeling that Nikki Haley has the edge on the run... I'm about as enthusiastic about her as I am for Harris
I will need to see the debates to gauge where she stands
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
If we want a smart and honest leader then we elect Dan Crenshaw in 2024. Or John James. Not Harris.
Im not a fan of Harris. I like Kinzinger but think he and Crenshaw are both too green for Prez. The Reps have a good chance of taking back the power in Congress and the White House next cycle but they need to run a real leader and not a Trump sycophant... I have a feeling that Nikki Haley has the edge on the run... I'm about as enthusiastic about her as I am for Harris
I will need to see the debates to gauge where she stands
She's just like Harris. Says whatever she needs to say to pivot to the best political position. She's been on and off the Trump train whenever convenient and not consistent or authentic with messaging. Kamala was the same way which is why im not a big fan. I guess there is a learning curve in politics so I'll keep an open mind for anybody but I'm not impressed with either of those two.

Crenshaw is OK, I like him until I saw a couple interviews that rubbed me the wrong way... can't remember why. Hoping Kinzinger keeps up what he's been doing and gives it a run in 8 years
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
I assume ya mean Swamp creatures like McCain and Romney. RINO! But who cares. The Populists will take over the GOP. Just as the Commies are taking over the Dems. Getting rid of the bureaucrats was Trumps goal. Part of his greatness and his downfall. Barry Goldwater started the Conservative movement. Result? Reagan became the best Prez ever.
What do you consider a bureaucrat? And which ones do you think Trump got rid of?
I said that was his GOAL. He didn't succeed. The SWAMP fought back. It includes the MEDIA.
Ok well how my first question what exactly is a bureaucrat per your definition? And who are some examples of ones that Trump tried to get out?
EPA for one.Those regulations were crippling business.
PS--The TEACHERS Union are Bureaucrats. And a cancer.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

Fancy Nancy just HAD to spend a million point three five on those God-forsaken and damned gold pens to circle jerk with her Demonrat/Rino get-even-quick bums to celebrate the miserable, calumny-based phony baloney impeachment of Donald Trump from which he of course was acquitted because he didn't do anything wrong except win the election of 2016, which pissed off the barracudas that the freaking out loud Marxist tools in the press who took every calumnious lie House Speaker Pelosi took out of her venom-riddled crock pot, brewed with maximum hatred for the half of America who now view Democrats as empty-headed false witnesses who project their crimes on Republican POTUSs who do right by the American people first and the Constitution equally first.

Note: we seldom freeze here, and it only snows once and melts away within the hour usually, but this post was interrupted by the extreme one-digit freezer box weather we have had today, and my server was out half an hour, so this post appeared as posted before I had a chance to finish, so I had to complete it 45 minutes later and found several other issues with unfinished sentences.:oops8:
Last edited:
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
yesterday all our troubles seemed so far away......dude, get with reality and get off the trump nuts of yesterday and for the last time, that was Obama's economy that whore rode to the ground and destroyed.
Guess you don't know how to do math or read the data in those two links.
Just one example;
This time in 2016 as MaObama's reign is nearing it's end, "Savings per Family"= $8,160
This time now, 2021, just after Trump, "Savings per Family" = $26,922

There has not been a three times plus inflation in the past five years.
Nor do the numbers in both links, when cross compared, show an economy "rode to the ground and destroyed."
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
Considering the abuse he endured from the MSM and the Left-wing Loonies, Trump held up quite well for a "wimp". Better than most of his detractors would have. Plus, this stint as POTUS is his only major one in "politics~political office".

Quid-pro-quo/Groper-Molester Joe Biden on other hand has spent nearly all his post-college career in guv'mint employment and/or political office, looting from the taxpayers and managing to acquire greater wealth than those guv'mint paychecks would have provided. Makes Biden the opposite of a smart or honest leader, just the opposite. But then he's aligned with the Democrat party and that's what we've gotten from them these past few decades (Clinton istas onward).
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
I assume ya mean Swamp creatures like McCain and Romney. RINO! But who cares. The Populists will take over the GOP. Just as the Commies are taking over the Dems. Getting rid of the bureaucrats was Trumps goal. Part of his greatness and his downfall. Barry Goldwater started the Conservative movement. Result? Reagan became the best Prez ever.
What do you consider a bureaucrat? And which ones do you think Trump got rid of?
I said that was his GOAL. He didn't succeed. The SWAMP fought back. It includes the MEDIA.
Ok well how my first question what exactly is a bureaucrat per your definition? And who are some examples of ones that Trump tried to get out?
EPA for one.Those regulations were crippling business.
PS--The TEACHERS Union are Bureaucrats. And a cancer.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

Fancy Nzncy jusy HAD to spend a million point three five on those God-forsaken and damned gold pens to circle jerk with her Demonrat/Rino get-even-quick gold pens to celebrate the miserable, calumny-based phony baloney impeachment of Donald Trump from which he of course was acquitted because he didn't do anything wrong except win the election of 2016, which pissed off the barracudas that the freaking out loud Marxist tools in the press who took every lie House Speaker Nancy
Were you seriously trying to sound smart with that comment?! Allies and friends of Trump have both admitted that he has done wrong. Why would they do that if it was just a phony Dem fantasy and Trump really did everything right?
  • Thanks
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The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
Considering the abuse he endured from the MSM and the Left-wing Loonies, Trump held up quite well for a "wimp". Better than most of his detractors would have. Plus, this stint as POTUS is his only major one in "politics~political office".

Quid-pro-quo/Groper-Molester Joe Biden on other hand has spent nearly all his post-college career in guv'mint employment and/or political office, looting from the taxpayers and managing to acquire greater wealth than those guv'mint paychecks would have provided. Makes Biden the opposite of a smart or honest leader, just the opposite. But then he's aligned with the Democrat party and that's what we've gotten from them these past few decades (Clinton istas onward).
Did you think I called Trump a wimp? You must have been misreading what I wrote. Biden spending a career in government and supporting left wing policies does not support your claim that he is not a smart/honest leader. That was a piss poor argument. Thats two strikes... Wanna take another swing?
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  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
If we want a smart and honest leader then we elect Dan Crenshaw in 2024. Or John James. Not Harris.
Im not a fan of Harris. I like Kinzinger but think he and Crenshaw are both too green for Prez. The Reps have a good chance of taking back the power in Congress and the White House next cycle but they need to run a real leader and not a Trump sycophant... I have a feeling that Nikki Haley has the edge on the run... I'm about as enthusiastic about her as I am for Harris
I will need to see the debates to gauge where she stands
She's just like Harris. Says whatever she needs to say to pivot to the best political position. She's been on and off the Trump train whenever convenient and not consistent or authentic with messaging. Kamala was the same way which is why im not a big fan. I guess there is a learning curve in politics so I'll keep an open mind for anybody but I'm not impressed with either of those two.

Crenshaw is OK, I like him until I saw a couple interviews that rubbed me the wrong way... can't remember why. Hoping Kinzinger keeps up what he's been doing and gives it a run in 8 years
He served so that works for me.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

The Traitor can and will criminal prosecution for his actions on January 6. The Fulton County D.A. is investigating the Traitor for Election Fraud AND the New York A.G. as well as the Manhattan D.A. are looking filing criminal charges.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

The Traitor can and will criminal prosecution for his actions on January 6. The Fulton County D.A. is investigating the Traitor for Election Fraud AND the New York A.G. as well as the Manhattan D.A. are looking filing criminal charges.
How fortunate is Trump to have a cult willing to donate towards his legal fees?
Last edited:
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
If we want a smart and honest leader then we elect Dan Crenshaw in 2024. Or John James. Not Harris.
Im not a fan of Harris. I like Kinzinger but think he and Crenshaw are both too green for Prez. The Reps have a good chance of taking back the power in Congress and the White House next cycle but they need to run a real leader and not a Trump sycophant... I have a feeling that Nikki Haley has the edge on the run... I'm about as enthusiastic about her as I am for Harris
I will need to see the debates to gauge where she stands
She's just like Harris. Says whatever she needs to say to pivot to the best political position. She's been on and off the Trump train whenever convenient and not consistent or authentic with messaging. Kamala was the same way which is why im not a big fan. I guess there is a learning curve in politics so I'll keep an open mind for anybody but I'm not impressed with either of those two.

Crenshaw is OK, I like him until I saw a couple interviews that rubbed me the wrong way... can't remember why. Hoping Kinzinger keeps up what he's been doing and gives it a run in 8 years
He served so that works for me.
It kind of amazes me that somebody can be the commander and chief of the greatest military power in the world with absolutely zero military experience.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

The Traitor can and will criminal prosecution for his actions on January 6. The Fulton County D.A. is investigating the Traitor for Election Fraud AND the New York A.G. as well as the Manhattan D.A. are looking filing criminal charges.
How fortunate is Trump to have a culture willing to donate towards his legal fees?
The level of retard it takes to donate ones own money to a BILLIONAIRE to cover his legal fees baffles me. HE DOESN'T NEED HELP HE IS A BILLIONAIRE!!!
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.
2022 is coming up quickly. After whacking out 12,000 JOBS on his first day , President Bezos is going to lose more than 7 house seats. And 7 is all that it will take.
The tides of power swing like a pendulum. I would expect Reps to take the house in the midterms. I just hope it is taken by real conservatives and not Trump drones
Tell us what a Trump drone is, be specific.
A Trump drone would be somebody that listens, defends and repeats the many lies told by Trump. Somebody loyal to a man and not their own ideology or principles
Oh you mean just like a Democrat drone and a Biden Drone.. Got it.
Yes, drones come from all sides, especially in politics. The less we have in leadership rolls the better
Well we had one that wasn't a drone, but the Democrats went stupid because of it. His name was Trump.
We finally agree. Trump is def not a drone. And it’s too bad he lacks integrity and acts like a bully child. Not a great example of somebody to follow.
Hmmmm, so you think a wimp is better to tame DC ???? Hasn't worked in 60+ years, but you liked those results eh ?? And you like when ole Nancy talks to everyone like they are her grandchildren that she's scalding for climbing up the magnolia tree eh ? DC is filled with pathetically arrogant power drunk old has been elite's, that whine like ole rotten prune juice when nobody cares to listen to their old aces anymore.
No I don’t think the alternative to Trump is a wimp. I’m just looking for a smart and honest leader. Trump is far from that. He is just as corrupt as the DC insiders... more so.
I’m not a fan of pelosi, would love to see her gone as well
If we want a smart and honest leader then we elect Dan Crenshaw in 2024. Or John James. Not Harris.
Im not a fan of Harris. I like Kinzinger but think he and Crenshaw are both too green for Prez. The Reps have a good chance of taking back the power in Congress and the White House next cycle but they need to run a real leader and not a Trump sycophant... I have a feeling that Nikki Haley has the edge on the run... I'm about as enthusiastic about her as I am for Harris
I will need to see the debates to gauge where she stands
She's just like Harris. Says whatever she needs to say to pivot to the best political position. She's been on and off the Trump train whenever convenient and not consistent or authentic with messaging. Kamala was the same way which is why im not a big fan. I guess there is a learning curve in politics so I'll keep an open mind for anybody but I'm not impressed with either of those two.

Crenshaw is OK, I like him until I saw a couple interviews that rubbed me the wrong way... can't remember why. Hoping Kinzinger keeps up what he's been doing and gives it a run in 8 years
He served so that works for me.
It kind of amazes me that somebody can be the commander and chief of the greatest military power in the world with absolutely zero military experience.
Thank you
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

The Traitor can and will criminal prosecution for his actions on January 6. The Fulton County D.A. is investigating the Traitor for Election Fraud AND the New York A.G. as well as the Manhattan D.A. are looking filing criminal charges.
How fortunate is Trump to have a culture willing to donate towards his legal fees?

The Traitor may call it his "Defense Fund", but in reality that money will go straight into his wallet.
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!

The Traitor can and will criminal prosecution for his actions on January 6. The Fulton County D.A. is investigating the Traitor for Election Fraud AND the New York A.G. as well as the Manhattan D.A. are looking filing criminal charges.
How fortunate is Trump to have a culture willing to donate towards his legal fees?
The level of retard it takes to donate ones own money to a BILLIONAIRE to cover his legal fees baffles me. HE DOESN'T NEED HELP HE IS A BILLIONAIRE!!!

Never underestimate the level of sheer outright stupidity of his followers.

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