Trump acquitted again!

The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Truth really wipes you one trick pony liberals off your drug-free cloud nine, doesn't it. And away you go straight to the nearest mantra newsfart to select the propaganda that excites your legshake response the best, and you expect intelligent, experienced conservatives to purchase that swill. Keep tryin' junior, because we know better. :rolleyes-41:
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business

Just quoting you Slade who called it that.
It's still called by them the maga movement.
People have had it with DC's BS of both parties.
I’ve had it with both parties as well but a home in the Trump camp is the furtherest thing from a better path. I live in Cali. Didn’t vote for newsome, would be fine with him getting booted. Not looking for anybody that resembles Trump in the slightest to replace him
Yeah. Ya want a McCain. Well ,his ilk are going DOWN. America First has caught on. Just as Conservatism caught on in 1980. PS--Newsome is a TYPICAL Democrat. All Dem politicos are as bad ,or worse ,than Newsome and Cuomo.
Y’all should start a MAGA party. That would be great, consolidate all the whackos into one group. Makes you easier to ignore
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business

Just quoting you Slade who called it that.
It's still called by them the maga movement.
People have had it with DC's BS of both parties.
I’ve had it with both parties as well but a home in the Trump camp is the furtherest thing from a better path. I live in Cali. Didn’t vote for newsome, would be fine with him getting booted. Not looking for anybody that resembles Trump in the slightest to replace him
Yeah. Ya want a McCain. Well ,his ilk are going DOWN. America First has caught on. Just as Conservatism caught on in 1980. PS--Newsome is a TYPICAL Democrat. All Dem politicos are as bad ,or worse ,than Newsome and Cuomo.
Y’all should start a MAGA party. That would be great, consolidate all the whackos into one group. Makes you easier to ignore
Whackos? Hmmmm.... WHO burned down Seattle and Portland? Who thinks there are more than two sexes? Who thinks the Earth will burn up in 12 years? Whackos? Some folks should clean up their own yards before condemning others.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Truth really wipes you one trick pony liberals off your drug-free cloud nine, doesn't it. And away you go straight to the nearest mantra newsfart to select the propaganda that excites your legshake response the best, and you expect intelligent, experienced conservatives to purchase that swill. Keep tryin' junior, because we know better. :rolleyes-41: almost had me.....then you had to throw in the word bye felicia!!
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business

Just quoting you Slade who called it that.
It's still called by them the maga movement.
People have had it with DC's BS of both parties.
I’ve had it with both parties as well but a home in the Trump camp is the furtherest thing from a better path. I live in Cali. Didn’t vote for newsome, would be fine with him getting booted. Not looking for anybody that resembles Trump in the slightest to replace him
Yeah. Ya want a McCain. Well ,his ilk are going DOWN. America First has caught on. Just as Conservatism caught on in 1980. PS--Newsome is a TYPICAL Democrat. All Dem politicos are as bad ,or worse ,than Newsome and Cuomo.
Y’all should start a MAGA party. That would be great, consolidate all the whackos into one group. Makes you easier to ignore
Whackos? Hmmmm.... WHO burned down Seattle and Portland? Who thinks there are more than two sexes? Who thinks the Earth will burn up in 12 years? Whackos? Some folks should clean up their own yards before condemning others.
Whackos come from both sides buddy. Nice try to distract with the whataboutism but your point falls flat. I make no excuses for the hyper dramatic and violent on the Left
woo hoo!!! No link even available yet.

Democrats try not once but TWICE and fail.

This is beautiful!
7 Republican senators with balls. Kudos to them!
Wrong. 7 Senators who haver no future in Politics. Maybe you didn't see the vote count recently ,Comrade. The old GOP is dead. Trumps Populist party has taken over.
Trumps populist party that just lost the house senate and presidency in 4 years?! They are taking over?! Haha. Ok, I believe you.

Already happening.
The Governor's in California and NY are getting signatures to be recalled.
California already have enough and it keeps growing.
What in the world does that have to do with Trump?!
The populist party.
Holding them accountable by bad political actions .
The populist party?! Haha. Dang sounds like serious business

Just quoting you Slade who called it that.
It's still called by them the maga movement.
People have had it with DC's BS of both parties.
I’ve had it with both parties as well but a home in the Trump camp is the furtherest thing from a better path. I live in Cali. Didn’t vote for newsome, would be fine with him getting booted. Not looking for anybody that resembles Trump in the slightest to replace him
Yeah. Ya want a McCain. Well ,his ilk are going DOWN. America First has caught on. Just as Conservatism caught on in 1980. PS--Newsome is a TYPICAL Democrat. All Dem politicos are as bad ,or worse ,than Newsome and Cuomo.
Y’all should start a MAGA party. That would be great, consolidate all the whackos into one group. Makes you easier to ignore
Whackos? Hmmmm.... WHO burned down Seattle and Portland? Who thinks there are more than two sexes? Who thinks the Earth will burn up in 12 years? Whackos? Some folks should clean up their own yards before condemning others.
Whackos come from both sides buddy. Nice try to distract with the whataboutism but your point falls flat. I make no excuses for the hyper dramatic and violent on the Left
It is one sided. ALL of the violence is from the lefties.All of the perversions. All of the Race baiting. All of the gloom and doom. Trumps "America First" policy WORKED. Even with the filthy MEDIA jumping his bones 24/7. America SHOULD be first. Let dirty foreigners take care of their own shithole countries.
Trump reminds me of a Bee Keeper, who's bee's are violent and unruly. Love the bee's but don't want to get stung by em'.....its just a matter of time, before them crazy white motherfuckers that stalk his Merry Fuk-O hood, is gonna become his worst fuckin nightmare. AND FOLKS YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. Because white people are some sick mf's
Trump reminds me of a Bee Keeper, who's bee's are violent and unruly. Love the bee's but don't want to get stung by em'.....its just a matter of time, before them crazy white motherfuckers that stalk his Merry Fuk-O hood, is gonna become his worst fuckin nightmare. AND FOLKS YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. Because white people are some sick mf's
Funny. It is black bastards committing all the murders nowadays. Wrecking every neighborhood they move into. Rioting. Shooting heroin. Deadbeat dads. Welfare. Whites BUILT this country. Nobody else could have. The Bell Curve was right. 100%
Trump reminds me of a Bee Keeper, who's bee's are violent and unruly. Love the bee's but don't want to get stung by em'.....its just a matter of time, before them crazy white motherfuckers that stalk his Merry Fuk-O hood, is gonna become his worst fuckin nightmare. AND FOLKS YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. Because white people are some sick mf's
Then why are so many blacks moving into white neighborhoods and becoming friends with their white neighbors.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
Bullshit! You fucking socialist want some?
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
Bullshit! You fucking socialist want some?
Want some what?
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
Bullshit! You fucking socialist want some?

I want nothing from freaks like you. Regardless of your mindless offers, Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Trump reminds me of a Bee Keeper, who's bee's are violent and unruly. Love the bee's but don't want to get stung by em'.....its just a matter of time, before them crazy white motherfuckers that stalk his Merry Fuk-O hood, is gonna become his worst fuckin nightmare. AND FOLKS YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. Because white people are some sick mf's
Then why are so many blacks moving into white neighborhoods and becoming friends with their white neighbors.
lLOLOL...that's a good question...uhmmmm, why are blacks moving in white hoods???? I guess because they can????? LOOLOLOLOLOLO Listen, I got know problems with sellouts, yall can have em, Wayne Brady, Tiger Jordan, etc.....have at it, Beav......LOLOLOL
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
Bullshit! You fucking socialist want some?

I want nothing from freaks like you. Regardless of your mindless offers, Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Most of the debt Obama added, was a bail out package, Jr. had already authorized prior to his win and lets understand, the nation, thanks once again to a fuckin republican, them conservative fake motherfuckers......was on the brink of yet another economic collapse.....
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
Bullshit! You fucking socialist want some?

I want nothing from freaks like you. Regardless of your mindless offers, Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Most of the debt Obama added, was a bail out package, Jr. had already authorized prior to his win and lets understand, the nation, thanks once again to a fuckin republican, them conservative fake motherfuckers......was on the brink of yet another economic collapse.....
What a crock. The only collapse was in shithole Dem cities.
The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
Bullshit! You fucking socialist want some?

I want nothing from freaks like you. Regardless of your mindless offers, Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Most of the debt Obama added, was a bail out package, Jr. had already authorized prior to his win and lets understand, the nation, thanks once again to a fuckin republican, them conservative fake motherfuckers......was on the brink of yet another economic collapse.....
What a crock. The only collapse was in shithole Dem cities.
Yeah, them god awful blue states that pay more in taxes and get less fed aide, than these flag waving vomit slurping piss poor southern redneck shit ho states, with their hands held out beggin for welfar bucks.......gotcha!!
The Traitor Sued For Attempted Coup Under 1871 KKK Act.


A senior Democratic congressman sued former president Donald Trump Tuesday, accusing him of violating the 19th century "Ku Klux Klan Act" by supporting the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.

Bennie Thompson accused Trump, his lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and extremist groups the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers of violating the 1871 act by supporting efforts to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden as the new US president.

Thompson, who is Black and the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, cited a law originally created to protect the rights of African Americans after the Civil War and the end of slavery.

The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Washington two days after Trump was acquitted of supporting insurrection in an impeachment trial in the Senate.

The Klu Klux Klan Act of 1871.

The absolute beauty in all this, is that Trump is gonna fuck them up so bad now that he's free to campaign for 2024. They had a chance to get rid of their abuser and they failed...the GQP is now his party and Mitch, no matter how hard you try to justify his actions, Trump is officially the leader and thank God, the GQP is DOA now
That is not what Trump does. He lifts the American people up.

The Democrats tear the American people down over loser projects.

I predict that if President Trump decides to run again, he will do all he can to prosper jobs. The only way he can do that is to have changes made in honesty at the polls. He will need to have people who also serve the American people guarding deceit by Democrat operatives willing to cheat for the big bucks to damage President Trump from Uncle George Soros. :(
Lift ppl up? The clown had 4 fuckin years to lift ppl up and what the fuck did he do with them 4 yrs? Empowered white racist dogs, whine about every gotdamn thing under the sun, ass kiss every murderous dictator on the planet and rob the nations treasury on a daily fuckin basis.....I know you losers live on a different planet, but please spare us the Trump bullshit.
Try checking some of the data, from the CBO;
USA Debt this time in 2008 just before MaObama elected and takes office;
USA Debt eight years later as MaObama is about to leave office after more than doubling it;
More than double? How do you figure that? It was $10.6t when he became president and it was $19.9t when he left. More than double would have been more than $21.2t.

OK, my baad. MaObama only got to about 90% of near doubling. Minor pick of nit compared to claims of Trump doing 36% increase in Debt (which would be 72% had he stayed in office, still short of MaObama's achievement".)

Thanks for the link BTW, when I have time to dig through it, might find the actual numbers for both dates that you failed to provide.

Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Where's your documentation?
Please provide such.
Also, would you rather he not have signed off on Congress's inflated budget over his request, which would have "shut-down" the Federal Guv'mint, and others?

Meanwhile, I'll take even a psuedo-Conservative over a socialist forked-tongue Alinskite anyday, especially one whom thinks there are 58+ states in this Union.
I already gave you the link to the actual numbers. Do you require help to click on it?
Bullshit! You fucking socialist want some?

I want nothing from freaks like you. Regardless of your mindless offers, Obama added $9.3t in 8 years, Trump added $7.8t in 4. Where's your outrage, con?
Most of the debt Obama added, was a bail out package, Jr. had already authorized prior to his win and lets understand, the nation, thanks once again to a fuckin republican, them conservative fake motherfuckers......was on the brink of yet another economic collapse.....
What a crock. The only collapse was in shithole Dem cities.
Yeah, them god awful blue states that pay more in taxes and get less fed aide, than these flag waving vomit slurping piss poor southern redneck shit ho states, with their hands held out beggin for welfar bucks.......gotcha!!
Florida and Texas have NO State Income Tax. Yet the living standard is far better. Social Justice SUCKS. Street Justice is the way to go. Like with Trayvon Martin. Good riddance to that little felon. Bernie Goetz was a Hero. SO was Robert E Lee.
The Traitor's Acts As President Are Fair Game.


U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell noted this just moments after voting to acquit Trump, saying the courts are the proper forum for holding the former president accountable for his role in the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters.

The Traitor "Is still liable for everything he did while he was in office as an ordinary citizen,” McConnell said on the Senate floor. “He didn’t get away with anything. Yet.”

In short all you dead from the neck up, shit for brains followers of the Traitor, he can still face jail time for criminal acts he committed while illegally serving as Russia's Butt Boy in the Oval Office.
The Traitor's Acts As President Are Fair Game.


U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell noted this just moments after voting to acquit Trump, saying the courts are the proper forum for holding the former president accountable for his role in the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters.

The Traitor "Is still liable for everything he did while he was in office as an ordinary citizen,” McConnell said on the Senate floor. “He didn’t get away with anything. Yet.”

In short all you dead from the neck up, shit for brains followers of the Traitor, he can still face jail time for criminal acts he committed while illegally serving as Russia's Butt Boy in the Oval Office.
Name one criminal act ya Goddam Red.

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