Trump Ad Banned for Using an Emoji

Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

If you can't see anything fascist in the way the far left is suppressing speech and rioting, you are as blind as the bat Covid-19 spread from.

Although yes, perhaps it would be more accurate to characterize them as communists. Communism is even less American than fascism.

I don't know about you but I heard plenty of speeches over the course of two weeks of televised protests.
The far left suppressing rioting, yes, you are correct. (lol, learn to write, bubba)
The rioting was a very small percentage of the millions in over 400 cities across America who protested.

Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

And maybe Trump is sending a signal that he will run the administration he pleases despite the objection of sleazy snowflakes/democrat socialists.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

They control the media. They exercise the agenda setting function. The sooner we break them into a thousand pieces and sell them off the better.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Talk radio uses the term all the time, so the Trumpsters blurt it out without the slightest sense of irony or reflection.
Facebook has taken an extreme stand on hate or violent speech and racism. Even culturalism.
I posted a description of your average Trump supporter as a "glazed-eyed, mouth breathing, toothless, t-shirt wearing redneck" and was banned for 3 days.
I didn't single any one out by name.
I didn't single out a race or ethnicity.
I didn't threat anyone.
BOOM----banned for 3 days.

Just imagine if this forum had hate speech policy. You would be perma banned in under a minute.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Talk radio uses the term all the time, so the Trumpsters blurt it out without the slightest sense of irony or reflection.

No one except Mac obsesses about talk radio here.

If you want to discuss the definition of fascism make your own thread. You can pretend all you want that there is nothing fascist about censoring someone's messages.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Talk radio uses the term all the time, so the Trumpsters blurt it out without the slightest sense of irony or reflection.

Exactly. Hannity and Rush and Levin and the other fascist-loving hosts.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Talk radio uses the term all the time, so the Trumpsters blurt it out without the slightest sense of irony or reflection.

Exactly. Hannity and Rush and Levin and the other fascist-loving hosts.

Fascinating to watch. A mixture of projection and willful ignorance.
Facebook has taken an extreme stand on hate or violent speech and racism. Even culturalism.
I posted a description of your average Trump supporter as a "glazed-eyed, mouth breathing, toothless, t-shirt wearing redneck" and was banned for 3 days.
I didn't single any one out by name.
I didn't single out a race or ethnicity.
I didn't threat anyone.
BOOM----banned for 3 days.

Just imagine if this forum had hate speech policy. You would be perma banned in under a minute.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Talk radio uses the term all the time, so the Trumpsters blurt it out without the slightest sense of irony or reflection.

No one except Mac obsesses about talk radio here.

If you want to discuss the definition of fascism make your own thread. You can pretend all you want that there is nothing fascist about censoring someone's messages.

Goddamn, your brains are scrambled eggs with extra hot sauce.
A company online or otherwise can choose what content they want and what content they don't published.
That's called being free from an outside authority telling them what to do.
Getting it yet, dumb ass?
Facebook has taken an extreme stand on hate or violent speech and racism. Even culturalism.
I posted a description of your average Trump supporter as a "glazed-eyed, mouth breathing, toothless, t-shirt wearing redneck" and was banned for 3 days.
I didn't single any one out by name.
I didn't single out a race or ethnicity.
I didn't threat anyone.
BOOM----banned for 3 days.

Just imagine if this forum had hate speech policy. You would be perma banned in under a minute.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Talk radio uses the term all the time, so the Trumpsters blurt it out without the slightest sense of irony or reflection.

No one except Mac obsesses about talk radio here.

If you want to discuss the definition of fascism make your own thread. You can pretend all you want that there is nothing fascist about censoring someone's messages.

Goddamn, your brains are scrambled eggs with extra hot sauce.
A company online or otherwise can choose what content they want and what content they don't published.
That's called being free from an outside authority telling them what to do.
Getting it yet, dumb ass?

Oh, can bakery choose what cakes they bake and to whom also?
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.

Ooooooh....I can see your dick shrinking from here.
Triggered, huh? LOL
Yeah, Trump can sue them if he wants.
And a judge would throw it out in a nano-second.
Facebook is not a federal agency.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.

Ooooooh....I can see your dick shrinking from here.
Triggered, huh? LOL
Yeah, Trump can sue them if he wants.
And a judge would throw it out in a nano-second.
Facebook is not a federal agency.

Is bakery a federal agency?
Facebook has taken an extreme stand on hate or violent speech and racism. Even culturalism.
I posted a description of your average Trump supporter as a "glazed-eyed, mouth breathing, toothless, t-shirt wearing redneck" and was banned for 3 days.
I didn't single any one out by name.
I didn't single out a race or ethnicity.
I didn't threat anyone.
BOOM----banned for 3 days.

Just imagine if this forum had hate speech policy. You would be perma banned in under a minute.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Indeed. Perhaps this again helps Mac1958 see the difference between actions of the real fascists vs. the mean words of Trump.

I hope Billy understands, this behavior is not even in the ballpark of tolerable nor legal in America, the nation of freedom. You need to get home.

"Real Fascists" :laugh:

Funny, coming from an adoring supporter of a brash, arrogant, pugilistic, narcissistic nationalist of European descent who attracts millions of robotic followers by promising to save the country by ridding it of millions of undesirables.

Love it.

You gotta love it.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Talk radio uses the term all the time, so the Trumpsters blurt it out without the slightest sense of irony or reflection.

No one except Mac obsesses about talk radio here.

If you want to discuss the definition of fascism make your own thread. You can pretend all you want that there is nothing fascist about censoring someone's messages.

Goddamn, your brains are scrambled eggs with extra hot sauce.
A company online or otherwise can choose what content they want and what content they don't published.
That's called being free from an outside authority telling them what to do.
Getting it yet, dumb ass?

Oh, can bakery choose what cakes they bake and to whom also?

Sure can. And the Colorado baker won his case in the Supreme Court.
Running out of gas here, Sparky.
Time for you to step back before you dig yourself deeper.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.

Ooooooh....I can see your dick shrinking from here.
Triggered, huh? LOL
Yeah, Trump can sue them if he wants.
And a judge would throw it out in a nano-second.
Facebook is not a federal agency.

Is bakery a federal agency?

Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.

Ooooooh....I can see your dick shrinking from here.
Triggered, huh? LOL
Yeah, Trump can sue them if he wants.
And a judge would throw it out in a nano-second.
Facebook is not a federal agency.

Is bakery a federal agency?


No, it is not.

Facebook should honor its contract. It can't decide that an upside down symbol is a hate-symbol all the sudden. Especially not when it simultaneously hosts antifa which uses the symbol to identify.

No American (which does not include you) is fine with it.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.

Ooooooh....I can see your dick shrinking from here.
Triggered, huh? LOL
Yeah, Trump can sue them if he wants.
And a judge would throw it out in a nano-second.
Facebook is not a federal agency.

Damn, not something a straight guy would notice. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.

God that’s so fucking stupid. I can’t imagine how you’d react if Obama did this.
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

So is the UK a monarchy or democracy ?
Trump ad was banned from facebook over using an upside down triangle symbol. According to facebook it is a symbol of hate. The symbol is used by Antifa, so good job for admitting that they are a hate organization. On the other hand, the symbol is also an emoji, which means facebook is a hate organization. The symbol does not appear in any hate symbol database.

Trump campaign is of course not a hate organization regardless, since they were only highlighting problem with the anti-American bigots.

Trump campaign has now established that the media is acting like a publisher with an enormous bias. The lawsuits should be coming.

I think what this ad removal boils down to is the middle finger message social media companies are sending to Trump: “fuck you, you orange sack of shit. We will run our companies how we please. With or without your empty intimidation.”

Have to agree, but you know the saying, "dont go up against the king, unless you're able to kill him"

So you believe Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for it? Do you realize how insane that is?

Yes, they do.
These are some very stupid people who don't recognize a difference between democracy and monarchy.
Seriously! The are THAT dumb!

Trump is entitled to take legal action against them for any legal reason. Certainly a breach of contract is one of them.

You are the only sub 80 IQ moron here. Go away.

God that’s so fucking stupid. I can’t imagine how you’d react if Obama did this.

Did what?

If anyone whined like you, I would have a problem with it.

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