Trump admin prosecutes woman for laughing

It was an intentional attempt to disrupt the hearing, she admitted it herself. Don't want to be charged with disorderly conduct, don't be disorderly.

Fairooz said in a statement on Code Pink's website that it was her "responsibility as a citizen to dissent at the confirmation hearing of Senator Jeff Sessions, a man who professes anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT policies, who has voted against several civil rights measures and who jokes about the white supremacist terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan."

Woman Prosecuted for Laughing at Jeff Sessions During Confirmation Hearing

Bet you defend the congress critters who were getting yelled at in the 2009 and 2017 town halls, yeah?

Poor little fakey, running to deflection, how regressive of you..
Yeah, I knew you would back down. You such a hypocrite. :lol:

You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every

Ah yes the Huffington post.
Code Pink.

She intended to be disorderly. She was disorderly. No problem.
As were the silly far righties who were told before hand at our town hall in 2009 they would be led out in hand cuffs if they disrupted the meeting.

They did not believe what they were told, and they were led out, taken to the magistrate, and put under a police bond for good behavior. It worked.
It was an intentional attempt to disrupt the hearing, she admitted it herself. Don't want to be charged with disorderly conduct, don't be disorderly.

Fairooz said in a statement on Code Pink's website that it was her "responsibility as a citizen to dissent at the confirmation hearing of Senator Jeff Sessions, a man who professes anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT policies, who has voted against several civil rights measures and who jokes about the white supremacist terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan."

Woman Prosecuted for Laughing at Jeff Sessions During Confirmation Hearing

Bet you defend the congress critters who were getting yelled at in the 2009 and 2017 town halls, yeah?

Poor little fakey, running to deflection, how regressive of you..
Yeah, I knew you would back down. You such a hypocrite. :lol:

You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And still, not a single Trump-snowflake is willing to say "That was wrong".

They twist. They squirm. They cry. They evade. They scream "fake news". It's not helping. They're skewered. Their DearLeader's administration is literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

Now, if a Democrat had done such a thing, we liberals would be saying "That's wrong, they shouldn't do that". Conservatives are very different. Most of them know that what the Trump admin is doing is disgraceful. It shouldn't be that tough for them to say so. After all, it wouldn't mean they have to swear off conservatism.

Still, not a single one of them will do so. Either they support it, or they're too terrified of their fellow thugs to condemn it. If any of them broke ranks and criticized DearLeader, they'd get banished from the herd, and to herd animals like the Trump-snowflakes, that's unthinkable.

That's another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. We can and do criticize our own party without fear.
It wasn't wrong. The woman was wrong.

She should have had her pants pulled down and a wooden paddle applied to her ass until it bled.
Why are lefties confused about the difference between "free speech" and "willful disorderly and disruptive conduct"? Is it the fact that the defendant was arrested by a woman that annoys the sissie bigoted left? Why not let the court decide if a crime was committed before y'all Huffington fans get all huffy?
The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.

You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech,

Obama should have. Discovery would have been interesting.

He wasn't prosecuted and was simply given a slap on the wrist by Congress not Obama.

"A resolution of disapproval is the softest form of punishment that the House administers. "

House Rebukes Rep. Joe Wilson for Interrupting Obama Speech

How ironic you would lie about something where someone said, "You lie."

He wasn't prosecuted

Who said he was?
The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.

You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech,

Obama should have. Discovery would have been interesting.

He wasn't prosecuted and was simply given a slap on the wrist by Congress not Obama.

"A resolution of disapproval is the softest form of punishment that the House administers. "

House Rebukes Rep. Joe Wilson for Interrupting Obama Speech

How ironic you would lie about something where someone said, "You lie."

He wasn't prosecuted

Who said he was?

You said he should have been... did you read the article where it said it is simply against the rules of the House and not a law that can be prosecuted for?
The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.

You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech,

Obama should have. Discovery would have been interesting.

He wasn't prosecuted and was simply given a slap on the wrist by Congress not Obama.

"A resolution of disapproval is the softest form of punishment that the House administers. "

House Rebukes Rep. Joe Wilson for Interrupting Obama Speech

How ironic you would lie about something where someone said, "You lie."

He wasn't prosecuted

Who said he was?

You said he should have been... did you read the article where it said it is simply against the rules of the House and not a law that can be prosecuted for?

You said he should have been...

I did. Because I thought discovery would be interesting.

it is simply against the rules of the House and not a law that can be prosecuted for

Talk to mammoth who complained he wasn't prosecuted.

How ironic that you lied about me lying about, "You lie"
Bet you defend the congress critters who were getting yelled at in the 2009 and 2017 town halls, yeah?

Poor little fakey, running to deflection, how regressive of you..
Yeah, I knew you would back down. You such a hypocrite. :lol:

You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And we had those who screamed at the congress critter arrested at the town hall in 2009. Thank you for agreeing. Public meetings should be conduct appropriately by officials and attendees.
Poor little fakey, running to deflection, how regressive of you..
Yeah, I knew you would back down. You such a hypocrite. :lol:

You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And we had those who screamed at the congress critter arrested at the town hall in 2009. Thank you for agreeing. Public meetings should be conduct appropriately by officials and attendees.

So you agree that this bitch, who went to the hearing, with the intention of disrupting it, should have been arrested for disorderly conduct?

A since you want to bring up town halls, what have you been saying about these organized protests by regressives with their little preprinted cards and loud mouths trying to shut people down?

Yeah, I knew you would back down. You such a hypocrite. :lol:

You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And we had those who screamed at the congress critter arrested at the town hall in 2009. Thank you for agreeing. Public meetings should be conduct appropriately by officials and attendees.

So you agree that this bitch, who went to the hearing, with the intention of disrupting it, should have been arrested for disorderly conduct?

A since you want to bring up town halls, what have you been saying about these organized protests by regressives with their little preprinted cards and loud mouths trying to shut people down?.
More importantly, since you know I believe in reasoned behavior at town halls and government meetings, is that you think it is all right for you types to yell but not those with whom you disagree. Right?
Yeah, I knew you would back down. You such a hypocrite. :lol:

You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And we had those who screamed at the congress critter arrested at the town hall in 2009. Thank you for agreeing. Public meetings should be conduct appropriately by officials and attendees.

So you agree that this bitch, who went to the hearing, with the intention of disrupting it, should have been arrested for disorderly conduct?

A since you want to bring up town halls, what have you been saying about these organized protests by regressives with their little preprinted cards and loud mouths trying to shut people down?

She laughed and is being prosecuted. The rest is blind hate, hater dupe.
Last edited:
You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And we had those who screamed at the congress critter arrested at the town hall in 2009. Thank you for agreeing. Public meetings should be conduct appropriately by officials and attendees.

So you agree that this bitch, who went to the hearing, with the intention of disrupting it, should have been arrested for disorderly conduct?

A since you want to bring up town halls, what have you been saying about these organized protests by regressives with their little preprinted cards and loud mouths trying to shut people down?.
More importantly, since you know I believe in reasoned behavior at town halls and government meetings, is that you think it is all right for you types to yell but not those with whom you disagree. Right?

No fakey, unlike the left, I think anyone being disorderly should pay the price. If they do it with premeditation like the bitch in the OP and these organized leftist pukes, they should get the max.

I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And we had those who screamed at the congress critter arrested at the town hall in 2009. Thank you for agreeing. Public meetings should be conduct appropriately by officials and attendees.

So you agree that this bitch, who went to the hearing, with the intention of disrupting it, should have been arrested for disorderly conduct?

A since you want to bring up town halls, what have you been saying about these organized protests by regressives with their little preprinted cards and loud mouths trying to shut people down?.
More importantly, since you know I believe in reasoned behavior at town halls and government meetings, is that you think it is all right for you types to yell but not those with whom you disagree. Right?

No fakey, unlike the left, I think anyone being disorderly should pay the price. If they do it with premeditation like the bitch in the OP and these organized leftist pukes, they should get the max.

You have no evidence or proof of any of that. I don't give a shytte about town halls or your hateful brainwashing, or Sessions's. THE LAW.
You got anything on topic there fakey? What happened to:

"Decorum in government hearings should be followed."
I made the connection above with the women confronting Sessions and you people confronting congress critters you did not like in 2009 during the town halls.

One of the difs between you and me is I make rock solid comparisons that hurt while you make fallacies of false equivalency that make every


You might have a point if she were thrown out of the hearing because of her response to something Sessions said, that's not the case. Her response was to something a congressmen said IN THE HEARING. Now run along and keep trying to keep events straight in your little scrambled pea brain.

And we had those who screamed at the congress critter arrested at the town hall in 2009. Thank you for agreeing. Public meetings should be conduct appropriately by officials and attendees.

So you agree that this bitch, who went to the hearing, with the intention of disrupting it, should have been arrested for disorderly conduct?

A since you want to bring up town halls, what have you been saying about these organized protests by regressives with their little preprinted cards and loud mouths trying to shut people down?

She laughed and is being prosecuted. The rest is blind hate, hater dupe.

Go back and read her statement dupe, I know you have a learning deficit, but DAMN. She went there with the intent to "dissent" as she put it, now she gets to pay the price for her premeditated conduct. Deal with it.

The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.

You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech,

Obama should have. Discovery would have been interesting.

Sorry but that is total bullshit...

Obama later accepted Wilson's apology. "I'm a big believer that we all make mistakes", he said. "He apologized quickly and without equivocation and I'm appreciative of that."[

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