Trump admin prosecutes woman for laughing

From the article:
...“the laugh amounted to willful ‘disorderly and disruptive conduct’ intended to ‘impede, disrupt, and disturb the orderly conduct’ of congressional proceedings.” In court, they have tried to emphasize that the laugh was extraordinarily disruptive, with a US Capitol Police officer claiming that Fairooz laughed “very loudly” and people in the hearings turned around when they heard it.​

Assuming that's so, the woman's not being prosecuted for laughing at Jeff Sessions. She's being prosecuted for disrupting Congressional proceedings. There are many ways to do that; an inordinately obtrusive laugh is just one of them. Her disrespect for the seriousness of the proceedings -- I don't care what one thinks about the comment that inspired her to laugh, the fact of the matter is that the speaker was not telling a joke, and she should have known as much and respectfully not laughed -- she was attending is emblematic of the cultural insouciance many people these days have toward the serious individuals, institutions, discussions, activities, etc. Callous casualness has pervaded all of our society.
escort her out Prosecute?? what about the pos republican that called Obama a liar as he was speaking to congress?? was he prosecuted?

Escorting her out of the hearing is about all I'd have done, but bringing charges is within the realm of what is permitted, and it's what the Capitol police and prosecutors opted to do. That is what it is.

what about the pos republican that called Obama a liar as he was speaking to congress?? was he prosecuted?
I believe that person was a member of Congress, thus he was an individual among those being specifically addressed by the President and that gave him the right to respond to the President, not merely a member of the audience admitted to observe the proceedings, as was that woman.

Was that Congressman's interjection tasteless and rude? Yes, it was, as was that woman's laugh. The difference, however, is that he cannot be claimed to be disrupting a proceeding of which he is an integral part. She, however, can because she's merely a third party to the proceedings she was there observing. In that particular situation, third parties are not permitted to insert themselves into the proceedings in any way, shape or form.
Last edited:
The article had an update at the bottom -

Update at bottom of the story.

“She did not get convicted for laughing. It was her actions as she was being asked to leave,” the jury foreperson said. “We did not agree that she should have been removed for laughing.

From the article:
...“the laugh amounted to willful ‘disorderly and disruptive conduct’ intended to ‘impede, disrupt, and disturb the orderly conduct’ of congressional proceedings.” In court, they have tried to emphasize that the laugh was extraordinarily disruptive, with a US Capitol Police officer claiming that Fairooz laughed “very loudly” and people in the hearings turned around when they heard it.​

Assuming that's so, the woman's not being prosecuted for laughing at Jeff Sessions. She's being prosecuted for disrupting Congressional proceedings. There are many ways to do that; an inordinately obtrusive laugh is just one of them. Her disrespect for the seriousness of the proceedings -- I don't care what one thinks about the comment that inspired her to laugh, the fact of the matter is that the speaker was not telling a joke, and she should have known as much and respectfully not laughed -- she was attending is emblematic of the cultural insouciance many people these days have toward the serious individuals, institutions, discussions, activities, etc. Callous casualness has pervaded all of our society.
From the article:
...“the laugh amounted to willful ‘disorderly and disruptive conduct’ intended to ‘impede, disrupt, and disturb the orderly conduct’ of congressional proceedings.” In court, they have tried to emphasize that the laugh was extraordinarily disruptive, with a US Capitol Police officer claiming that Fairooz laughed “very loudly” and people in the hearings turned around when they heard it.​

Assuming that's so, the woman's not being prosecuted for laughing at Jeff Sessions. She's being prosecuted for disrupting Congressional proceedings. There are many ways to do that; an inordinately obtrusive laugh is just one of them. Her disrespect for the seriousness of the proceedings -- I don't care what one thinks about the comment that inspired her to laugh, the fact of the matter is that the speaker was not telling a joke, and she should have known as much and respectfully not laughed -- she was attending is emblematic of the cultural insouciance many people these days have toward the serious individuals, institutions, discussions, activities, etc. Callous casualness has pervaded all of our society.
Decorum in government hearings should be followed.

But if someone says something laughable, such as Sessions has a history of even handed openness on race, then, yes, that is laughable.

She laughed and what a congressman said about Session, you might what to know what you talking about ..............OH never seem to know what you're talking about.

Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing
Decorum in government hearings should be followed.

But if someone says something laughable, such as Sessions has a history of even handed openness on race, then, yes, that is laughable.

She laughed and what a congressman said about Session, you might what to know what you talking about ..............OH never seem to know what you're talking about.

Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

It's called law and order, get use to it.

She laughed and what a congressman said about Session, you might what to know what you talking about ..............OH never seem to know what you're talking about.

Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

It's called law and order, get use to it.

That's law in order by jack-boot thugs. Welcome to Trump's America. As a point of contrast, when protesters had an outburst during Sotomayor's confirmation hearing, they were escorted out without being charged.
Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

It's called law and order, get use to it.

That's law in order by jack-boot thugs. Welcome to Trump's America. As a point of contrast, when protesters had an outburst during Sotomayor's confirmation hearing, they were escorted out without being charged.

Can you say there's a new sheriff in town?

The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.

Granted it's very difficult to keep a straight face with anyone in this administration- especially with the Ass Clown in the oval office. So you have to have a great sense of humor to get through it. Laughing helps.

I don't know why she would be sued over it, I would think that Government has a lot more important things to do.

Two who wore KKK outfits to protest Sessions were convicted as well. As far as the Code Pink protestors they were offered a plea deal but they wanted a trial to become martyrs.

They got their wish as pointed out by the DC Trawler.


"Although keep in mind that the three Code Pink cuties rejected a plea deal and demanded a trial. They wanted to be martyrs, and now they’re getting their wish. I just hope they’re allowed to wear their pussy hats in the joint."

Code Pink Activists Who Disrupted Sessions Hearing Could Get One Year In Jail
The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.

Granted it's very difficult to keep a straight face with anyone in this administration- especially with the Ass Clown in the oval office. So you have to have a great sense of humor to get through it. Laughing helps.

I don't know why she would be sued over it, I would think that Government has a lot more important things to do.


Oh not sued. Prosecuted and convicted. Could spend up to a year in jail. YAY!
The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.

Granted it's very difficult to keep a straight face with anyone in this administration- especially with the Ass Clown in the oval office. So you have to have a great sense of humor to get through it. Laughing helps.

I don't know why she would be sued over it, I would think that Government has a lot more important things to do.


Oh not sued. Prosecuted and convicted. Could spend up to a year in jail. YAY!

What law did she break?
The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech. They're literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.

A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | HuffPost
Samuel Bogash, a lawyer representing Fairooz, showed a video of the audience laughing at another part of the hearing, when Sessions joked about disagreements with his wife. But [assistant U.S. attorney Jason] Covert argued that it was appropriate for the audience to laugh when Sessions made a joke about his marriage but not when Shelby claimed Sessions had a long record of “treating all Americans equally.”

In Stalinist Amerikka, Trump-police decide whether it's appropriate for you to laugh. Laugh at the wrong time, and they haul you away. Soon, failing to laugh at approved party jokes will get you hauled away. After that, failing to applaud loudly enough and for long enough will be an OffenseAgainstTheParty.

Needless to say, almost none of the Trump-snowflakes who pretend to care about free speech will have any problems with big government prosecuting people for laughing. Most of them will be giddy with delight over it, as almost all conservatives want free speech for liberals ended.

And this type of government-endorsed free speech suppression is unique to the Republicans. You didn't see Obama prosecuting the guy who screamed "You lie!" during his speech, though Obama could have invoked the same law to do so.
Pay back for the shutting down free speech on college campuses...:boohoo:
Decorum in government hearings should be followed.

But if someone says something laughable, such as Sessions has a history of even handed openness on race, then, yes, that is laughable.

She laughed and what a congressman said about Session, you might what to know what you talking about ..............OH never seem to know what you're talking about.

Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

Still pushing your Fake News ay? They were prosecuted for breaking the law. They willingly disrupted the proceedings. They were warned, yet still continued to disrupt. And the disruption wasn't just about a few laughs. That's just Fake News distortion and spin. And they weren't prosecuted by the Trump Administration either. There's nothing unique about this prosecution. Y'all are just desperate to push your 'I hate Trump' narrative. Case Closed. Movin on...
She laughed and what a congressman said about Session, you might what to know what you talking about ..............OH never seem to know what you're talking about.

Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

Still pushing your Fake News ay? They were prosecuted for breaking the law. They willingly disrupted the proceedings. They were warned, yet still continued to disrupt. And the disruption wasn't just about a few laughs. That's just Fake News distortion and spin. And they weren't prosecuted by the Trump Administration either. There's nothing unique about this prosecution. Y'all are just desperate to push your 'I hate Trump' B.S. Case Closed. Movin on...
Of course she was prosecuted for breaking the law... for being disruptive.... by laughing.

It's being reported all over the news as I demonstrated. You're insane to think that's fake news.
It was an intentional attempt to disrupt the hearing, she admitted it herself. Don't want to be charged with disorderly conduct, don't be disorderly.

Fairooz said in a statement on Code Pink's website that it was her "responsibility as a citizen to dissent at the confirmation hearing of Senator Jeff Sessions, a man who professes anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT policies, who has voted against several civil rights measures and who jokes about the white supremacist terrorist group the Ku Klux Klan."

Woman Prosecuted for Laughing at Jeff Sessions During Confirmation Hearing

Ah, a code pink asshole. I thought the thread was bullshit given who posted it and what the source was, and the fact is only made sense if you are a gullible turd.
Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

Still pushing your Fake News ay? They were prosecuted for breaking the law. They willingly disrupted the proceedings. They were warned, yet still continued to disrupt. And the disruption wasn't just about a few laughs. That's just Fake News distortion and spin. And they weren't prosecuted by the Trump Administration either. There's nothing unique about this prosecution. Y'all are just desperate to push your 'I hate Trump' B.S. Case Closed. Movin on...
Of course she was prosecuted for breaking the law... for being disruptive.... by laughing.

It's being reported all over the news as I demonstrated. You're insane to think that's fake news.

the 'opinion' that she was arrested and convicted only for laughing is fake news.

Dont' any of your links point that out?
And still, not a single Trump-snowflake is willing to say "That was wrong".

They twist. They squirm. They cry. They evade. They scream "fake news". It's not helping. They're skewered. Their DearLeader's administration is literally prosecuting a woman for laughing.
You need professional help.
Just more Democrat Fake News. Waddayagunnado, right?
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

Still pushing your Fake News ay? They were prosecuted for breaking the law. They willingly disrupted the proceedings. They were warned, yet still continued to disrupt. And the disruption wasn't just about a few laughs. That's just Fake News distortion and spin. And they weren't prosecuted by the Trump Administration either. There's nothing unique about this prosecution. Y'all are just desperate to push your 'I hate Trump' B.S. Case Closed. Movin on...
Of course she was prosecuted for breaking the law... for being disruptive.... by laughing.

It's being reported all over the news as I demonstrated. You're insane to think that's fake news.

The distortion and spin is Fake News. They weren't prosecuted over just a few laughs. They were warned, yet continued to disrupt the proceedings. They were then prosecuted for it. There's nothing unique about this. They willingly broke the law. I actually think it's pretty funny. They're gonna spend time in the Big House for acting like childish disrespectful skanks. Who's laughing now? :lmao:
They are not going to spend any time in "the Big House." They will receive a small fine and move on.
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

Still pushing your Fake News ay? They were prosecuted for breaking the law. They willingly disrupted the proceedings. They were warned, yet still continued to disrupt. And the disruption wasn't just about a few laughs. That's just Fake News distortion and spin. And they weren't prosecuted by the Trump Administration either. There's nothing unique about this prosecution. Y'all are just desperate to push your 'I hate Trump' B.S. Case Closed. Movin on...
Of course she was prosecuted for breaking the law... for being disruptive.... by laughing.

It's being reported all over the news as I demonstrated. You're insane to think that's fake news.

the 'opinion' that she was arrested and convicted only for laughing is fake news.

Dont' any of your links point that out?

Just more Fake News Bullshite. They were repeatedly warned to stop disrupting the proceedings. But they chose to continue disrupting. It wasn't just about one laugh. That is a Fake News distortion. But regardless, they behaved like disrespectful children. And now they goin to the Big House. I guess ole Trump and Sessions got the last laugh. :lol:
What's fake about it? You RWNJs are unbelievable...

Story's full of holes. Like i said, the OP and HuffPo are distorting and spinning it to fit their 'I hate Donald Trump' narrative. It's Fake News. Nothing more, nothing less.

You know you're nuts, right? :cuckoo:

Woman convicted after disrupting Sessions hearing 'by laughing' - BBC News

Code Pink activists convicted for disrupting Sessions's confirmation hearing

An activist may spend six months behind bars for laughing at Jeff Sessions

Woman who laughed, removed from Sessions confirmation convicted

'Code Pink' Activists Face Jail Time For Sessions Hearing Disruptions

Woman on trial for laughing during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing

Perspective | Arresting someone for laughing may sound funny, but it’s no joke

She laughed during Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing. She may go to jail

FACT CHECK: Woman Prosecuted for Laughing During Jeff Sessions Confirmation Hearing?

Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed During Jeff Sessions' Confirmation Hearing

Jury Convicts Woman for Laughing During Sessions Hearing


The Justice Department Is Prosecuting a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions

Activists convicted for protesting Jeff Sessions hearing

Still pushing your Fake News ay? They were prosecuted for breaking the law. They willingly disrupted the proceedings. They were warned, yet still continued to disrupt. And the disruption wasn't just about a few laughs. That's just Fake News distortion and spin. And they weren't prosecuted by the Trump Administration either. There's nothing unique about this prosecution. Y'all are just desperate to push your 'I hate Trump' B.S. Case Closed. Movin on...
Of course she was prosecuted for breaking the law... for being disruptive.... by laughing.

It's being reported all over the news as I demonstrated. You're insane to think that's fake news.

the 'opinion' that she was arrested and convicted only for laughing is fake news.

Dont' any of your links point that out?
Now you're lying. The news is reporting she was convicted on two charges, only one being related to her laughing out loud. This is not fake news.

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