Trump admin prosecutes woman for laughing

They are not going to spend any time in "the Big House." They will receive a small fine and move on.

Maybe, maybe not? Gotta admit though, it would be hilarious seeing them marched off to the Big House. I'd laugh my ass off. Their behavior was very immature and disrespectful. And they got called out for it. They probably won't be laughing so much when those cell doors slam shut. But i will be. :lol:
There will be no jail time, anymore than the yellers got at our town hall meeting in July 2009. They were put under a police bond by the magistrate. Something similar will happen.

Uh, no. A Town Hall meeting is not a Congressional Proceeding. They could get jail time. But will they? I would lean towards thinking they won't. But if they did, i would laugh my ass off.
Uh, yes. Disruption of a public meeting, whether in a country court house or in Congress, is a violation of the law.

This does not seem to meet the standard for prosecution. This seems to be a abuse of authority. About what I would expect from thugs like Trump and Sessions.

Trump and his family do outsource their goods to China. There is no doubt about that.

They repeatedly disrupted. Their behavior was very immature and disrespectful. And now they'll have to pay the price. I used to actually respect 'Code Pink' when it was a genuine Anti-War group. But then it morphed into a hateful Democrat Anti-Republican group. I no longer respect it. They've betrayed themselves, and a worthy cause. They sold out.
She should be prosecuted, just as we handled the stupid far right who tried to disrupt our town hall meeting in 2009. They got the shock of their lives.
those fking rules.

Those "rules", as you so adorably call them, is the US Constitution.

What the hell is WRONG with you people?
yeah, I know like the one that says free speech that it seems is no longer one of the amendments of the constitution eh? Conservatives can't speak at a university, and yet here you are bragging about the constitution. you wouldn't know the constitution if you actually read it. I hope you were looking in the mirror when you wrote, "What the hell is WRONG with you people"
those fking rules.

Those "rules", as you so adorably call them, is the US Constitution.

What the hell is WRONG with you people?
yeah, I know like the one that says free speech that it seems is no longer one of the amendments of the constitution eh? Conservatives can't speak at a university, and yet here you are bragging about the constitution. you wouldn't know the constitution if you actually read it. I hope you were looking in the mirror when you wrote, "What the hell is WRONG with you people"
Seriously?? After all the discussion on free speech, you still can't comprehend the difference between a public hearing and a private institution?
'The Trump admin is going all out with its attempts to shut down free speech.'

Great - another butt-hurt 'snowflake monkeys throwing poo' thread


1. Code Pink engaging in civil disobedience to interrupt / silence speech (REAL attack on Free Speech) is not an example of TRUMP trying to shut down 'free speech'. The Leftists have shown - like the Berkley 'domestic terrorists' - that they will resort to law-breaking, riots, destruction of property, looting, and violence to shut down any opinion or idea NOT theirs.

2. Why don't we depart from your 'fantasy' OP and actually look at the facts:

At Vox, Code Pink activist claims she was convicted of disrupting Congress for ‘a bit of laughter’ - Hot Air

"In reality, she was not convicted for her momentary laughter but for her sustained outburst when she was asked to leave, an outburst which interrupted the hearing. How do we know this? Because last week HuffPost spoke to several of the jurors in the case, including the foreperson, who said this was the reason for her conviction:

She did not get convicted for laughing. It was her actions as she was being asked to leave,” the jury foreperson said…

If Fairooz hadn’t said anything on her way out, several jurors said, there would have been a different verdict.

“Ms. Fairooz’s comments as she was being escorted out caused the session to stop,” the jury foreperson said. “It disrupted the session.”


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