Trump administration to propose rule that would cut 3.1 million people from food stamp program


Here is the deal........Get rid of the corporate bail outs and I no longer support bail outs for the people. As long as we are going to give corporations billions, I'm going to argue for the people to get a little back.

You mean like the billions that Obama gave to corporations?

How about stopping all bailouts, welfare, grants, entitlements and subsidizes? For everybody? The government should never be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. Wouldn't you agree?
/——/ Liberals are against corporate welfare except when they aren’t.
You mean like the billions that Obama gave to corporations?


How about stopping all bailouts, welfare, grants, entitlements and subsidizes? For everybody? The government should never be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. Wouldn't you agree?

That's fine with me, but I'm not starting with the poor. End the subsidies for wall street and I'll support ending the rest.

Then join me. I am a real Conservative. No transfer of money to either the rich or poor. No money for Illegals and no money for farmers. No money for Democrat voting Negroes and no money for Wall Street. No foreign aid and no subsiding Solyndra or GM.

You can get this done?

I'll have to scream louder to get it done.

At least I have you on my side now. The two of us can make it happen if we work hard enough.

I have enlisted you on my side today. What are you going to do today to further our agenda?

I have long held the positions I hold now. I was the official photographer for the Libertarian party state convention. Met and took Gary Johnson's picture.

I didn't vote for him after he picked William Weld.
/——/ Your camera of choice?
Why should I have to pay the farmers?

You shouldn't.

There should be no welfare, subsidies, grants, entitlements or bailouts. Not for anybody.

The difference is that the farmers usually work their asses off for their subsidies while the Democrat voting welfare queens that don't do jackshit.

We pay them to not work. Corporate farming gets huge subsidies. With that being the case, I am suppose to get upset that we make sure the poor can eat?

If you don't like subsidies then join me in advocating that all subsidies, welfare, bailouts, entitlements and grants be stopped.

Nobody gets money made by other people. No more transferring money from the people that earned it to the people that didn't earn it.

That is fair, isn't it?

It isn't going to happen. To do that we would have to shut down the Federal Reserve and until some outside source makes it irrelevant that is never going to happen so I will continue to advocate for the poor.

One day it will happen.
The problem is, you are NOT advocating for the poor. You are enabling their dependency.

Exactly what is happening with the farmers. We are enabling their dependency when they are not smart enough to run their business without running it into the ground.
The people who needed food stamps in 2016, haven't changed. The bottom 40% didn't get a raise, or a much of a tax cut. They got tariffs on almost everything they buy, and a lot of them lost their health insurance.

The economy is strong, but doing little to bolster President Trump's support, survey says

If the rising tide doesn't lift all boats, the ones who get swamped will not be voting Trump in 2020.

What tariffs impact the poor?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

More BS from the financial know-it-alls completely speculating!

If you don't want an answer, don't ask the question. Remain in the dark.

You didn't answer the question! Neither did the other poster!

Are you incapable of answering your own damn questions? Good Lord, man, google the question. Thousands of answers answers in a second.
You mean like the billions that Obama gave to corporations?


How about stopping all bailouts, welfare, grants, entitlements and subsidizes? For everybody? The government should never be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. Wouldn't you agree?

That's fine with me, but I'm not starting with the poor. End the subsidies for wall street and I'll support ending the rest.

Then join me. I am a real Conservative. No transfer of money to either the rich or poor. No money for Illegals and no money for farmers. No money for Democrat voting Negroes and no money for Wall Street. No foreign aid and no subsiding Solyndra or GM.

You can get this done?

I'll have to scream louder to get it done.

At least I have you on my side now. The two of us can make it happen if we work hard enough.

I have enlisted you on my side today. What are you going to do today to further our agenda?

I have long held the positions I hold now. I was the official photographer for the Libertarian party state convention. Met and took Gary Johnson's picture.

I didn't vote for him after he picked William Weld.

Good. We vote Libertarian. Great start.
Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.

Well, it sure has worked for tens of millions individuals for the last 100 years (at least). For those that feel they deserve a promotion because they show up every day, better hold out for that $15/hour job that may come along one of these days.

If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It doesn't help. The poor red states only pay $7.25 per hour. And they have to be forced to do that.

Listen, dumbass! I just happen to live in one of those so-called poor states. McDonald's starts at $11.00 an hour for high school kids. STFU until you grown a brain!
You Alabama folk eat a lot of McDonalds do you? Enough to keep every low-skilled, low-educated worker employed at $11 per hour?

No you don't. Dotard.

Here is the deal........Get rid of the corporate bail outs and I no longer support bail outs for the people. As long as we are going to give corporations billions, I'm going to argue for the people to get a little back.

You mean like the billions that Obama gave to corporations?

How about stopping all bailouts, welfare, grants, entitlements and subsidizes? For everybody? The government should never be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. Wouldn't you agree?
/——/ Liberals are against corporate welfare except when they aren’t.

I am a Libertarian that is against all welfare all the time. Both rich and poor. Both domestic and foreign.
You shouldn't.

There should be no welfare, subsidies, grants, entitlements or bailouts. Not for anybody.

The difference is that the farmers usually work their asses off for their subsidies while the Democrat voting welfare queens that don't do jackshit.

We pay them to not work. Corporate farming gets huge subsidies. With that being the case, I am suppose to get upset that we make sure the poor can eat?

If you don't like subsidies then join me in advocating that all subsidies, welfare, bailouts, entitlements and grants be stopped.

Nobody gets money made by other people. No more transferring money from the people that earned it to the people that didn't earn it.

That is fair, isn't it?

It isn't going to happen. To do that we would have to shut down the Federal Reserve and until some outside source makes it irrelevant that is never going to happen so I will continue to advocate for the poor.

One day it will happen.
The problem is, you are NOT advocating for the poor. You are enabling their dependency.

Exactly what is happening with the farmers. We are enabling their dependency when they are not smart enough to run their business without running it into the ground.
/—-/ Stop paying farmers not to grow crops.
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More BS from the financial know-it-alls completely speculating!

If you don't want an answer, don't ask the question. Remain in the dark.

You didn't answer the question! Neither did the other poster!

Are you incapable of answering your own damn questions? Good Lord, man, google the question. Thousands of answers answers in a second.

Why do I need Google when I have morons like you to lie to me?

Exactly what is happening with the farmers. We are enabling their dependency when they are not smart enough to run their business without running it into the ground.

Not that I support it but the theory behind farm subsides is that a stable food supply is a good thing for the country and so therefore it should be profitable for farmers in good times and bad.

The theory behind giving food stamps and other welfare is that it will produce a class of entitlement Democrat voters.

Here is the deal........Get rid of the corporate bail outs and I no longer support bail outs for the people. As long as we are going to give corporations billions, I'm going to argue for the people to get a little back.

You mean like the billions that Obama gave to corporations?

How about stopping all bailouts, welfare, grants, entitlements and subsidizes? For everybody? The government should never be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. Wouldn't you agree?
/——/ Liberals are against corporate welfare except when they aren’t.

Some of us think rich people are the problem. And the folks who keep voting for them.
Well, it sure has worked for tens of millions individuals for the last 100 years (at least). For those that feel they deserve a promotion because they show up every day, better hold out for that $15/hour job that may come along one of these days.

If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It doesn't help. The poor red states only pay $7.25 per hour. And they have to be forced to do that.

Listen, dumbass! I just happen to live in one of those so-called poor states. McDonald's starts at $11.00 an hour for high school kids. STFU until you grown a brain!
You Alabama folk eat a lot of McDonalds do you? Enough to keep every low-skilled, low-educated worker employed at $11 per hour?

No you don't. Dotard.

Where did I say anything about Alabama, dumbass? Can you fucking read a simple sentence? What I said is 100% true, so STFU!

Here is the deal........Get rid of the corporate bail outs and I no longer support bail outs for the people. As long as we are going to give corporations billions, I'm going to argue for the people to get a little back.

You mean like the billions that Obama gave to corporations?

How about stopping all bailouts, welfare, grants, entitlements and subsidizes? For everybody? The government should never be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. Wouldn't you agree?
/——/ Liberals are against corporate welfare except when they aren’t.

Some of us think rich people are the problem. And the folks who keep voting for them.

The rich never stole any money from me that I know of.

However, the poor welfare class votes in Democrats and weak minded Republicans that take my money trough taxation.
If it worked, there wouldn't be so many on public assistance of some sort.

Again, you once could get a good paying factory job. You didn't have to get "promoted" to just get by. Sadly $15 an hour will not even do that in some places.

It doesn't help. The poor red states only pay $7.25 per hour. And they have to be forced to do that.

Listen, dumbass! I just happen to live in one of those so-called poor states. McDonald's starts at $11.00 an hour for high school kids. STFU until you grown a brain!
You Alabama folk eat a lot of McDonalds do you? Enough to keep every low-skilled, low-educated worker employed at $11 per hour?

No you don't. Dotard.

Where did I say anything about Alabama, dumbass? Can you fucking read a simple sentence? What I said is 100% true, so STFU!

I got you confused with the Alabama poster. I have my very own dotard moments. So does your state eat a lot of McDonald's?
Less than 10% of the food stamp roles will be affected.

Is that a guess on your part on are you too lazy to provide PROOF??? Personal opinions are so easy to prove...IF you are right!

So in other words, your are either too lazy to look up the number of people on food stamps or are too incapable of seeing that 3.1 million number in the thread title is less than 10% of that number as I stated.

Here is the deal........Get rid of the corporate bail outs and I no longer support bail outs for the people. As long as we are going to give corporations billions, I'm going to argue for the people to get a little back.

You mean like the billions that Obama gave to corporations?

How about stopping all bailouts, welfare, grants, entitlements and subsidizes? For everybody? The government should never be in the business of taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to somebody that didn't earn it. Wouldn't you agree?
/——/ Liberals are against corporate welfare except when they aren’t.

Here we are again. What makes me a "liberal"? That I disagreed with Obama's corporate give aways? That I am pro-life? That I support the 2nd Amendment? That I believe we need a balanced budget Amendment?

What is it exactly?

If you support Trump's give aways can I assume you supported Obama's also?

That's fine with me, but I'm not starting with the poor. End the subsidies for wall street and I'll support ending the rest.

Then join me. I am a real Conservative. No transfer of money to either the rich or poor. No money for Illegals and no money for farmers. No money for Democrat voting Negroes and no money for Wall Street. No foreign aid and no subsiding Solyndra or GM.

You can get this done?

I'll have to scream louder to get it done.

At least I have you on my side now. The two of us can make it happen if we work hard enough.

I have enlisted you on my side today. What are you going to do today to further our agenda?

I have long held the positions I hold now. I was the official photographer for the Libertarian party state convention. Met and took Gary Johnson's picture.

I didn't vote for him after he picked William Weld.
/——/ Your camera of choice?

Nikon D7100.
Then join me. I am a real Conservative. No transfer of money to either the rich or poor. No money for Illegals and no money for farmers. No money for Democrat voting Negroes and no money for Wall Street. No foreign aid and no subsiding Solyndra or GM.

You can get this done?

I'll have to scream louder to get it done.

At least I have you on my side now. The two of us can make it happen if we work hard enough.

I have enlisted you on my side today. What are you going to do today to further our agenda?

I have long held the positions I hold now. I was the official photographer for the Libertarian party state convention. Met and took Gary Johnson's picture.

I didn't vote for him after he picked William Weld.
/——/ Your camera of choice?

Nikon D7100.
/—-/ I love Nikons and the old lens still work. but since I’m not a professional photographer I buy them used - 3 generations behind. I’m an old film photographer. I gave my 15 yr old niece my D 50 and taught her the basics and she is hooked. Sorry for being off topic.

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