Trump admits he set President Biden up for failure with the Afghanistan withdrawal...

For 3 years. And if he keeps committing fraud -- which he is sure to do -- then it can be even longer.

Maybe the guy who is legally banned from running his own company shouldn't be hired to run the United States.
This is why democrats are corrupt. You're no longer a great American political party. I watched Trump yesterday. The people are fed up with open borders, men in women's sports, men in women's bathrooms, out of control crime, sending billions to Ukraine while our cities rot, inflation. You're out of touch.
Trump has extraordinary telepathic powers to set Joe up and cause him to stumble and mumble
Lib 101
Sea the sealion BSFilter in action?

Two direct answers to his sealion question, and he shits on both of them like a caged monkey.

Now you guys know what sealioning is. If you didn't already.
Does the left finally admit that the Afghanistan withdraw was a mistake?
The occupation of Afghanistan was the mistake Baby Bush made. That and the acclaimed nation building excuse. Negotiating the conditional withdrawal was just about the only thing I ever agreed with the Trumpyberra on. If only he'd had the balls to enforce the conditions on the Taliban, most notably the provision to have a truce with and start peace negotiation with the Afghan government before we withdrew our troops, they might have had a fighting chance. Can you explain why the Dirty Don didn't follow that provision of the agreement he'd negotiated and agreed to with the Taliban?

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