Trump Aides Urged To Get Guns

I agree. Liberal scum are threatening and committing violence daily.
I love James Woods comment.

on June 25, 2018 in World News
James Woods Warns After Maxine Waters Threats: ‘Get Armed and Vote; Your Life Depends On It’

“Now that a United States Congresswoman has called for harassment against Republicans and the inevitable violence that will come of it, I urge all of you to a) get armed, and b) vote. Your life literally depends on it.”

Now that a United States Congresswoman has called for harassment against Republicans and the inevitable violence that will come of it, I urge all of you to a) get armed, and b) vote. Your life literally depends on it.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 25, 2018

James Woods Warns After Maxine Waters Threats: ‘Get Armed and Vote; Your Life Depends On It’ - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site

I plan to get more ammo if we wind up moving back home. Down there...its all dems and liberals. With attitude. I didn't realize that so much until I moved up north.
I agree. Liberal scum are threatening and committing violence daily.
Like Trump didn't say he'd pay the fines/bail for beating up Hillary supporters at his rallies. Like he didn't tell cops to forget the 'watch your head' when placing in car. Like he doesn't feed you every day with angst over astronomically inflated numbers of MS 13 gangs walking over the borders and lies about how the are welcomed into the loving arms of Democrats, like he doesn't give normalcy to your hate over kneeling, fleeing homeland terror/starvation like many of our ancestors did. Like he doesn't daily show you how much he wants to be a despot like those he chooses to admire while being utterly offensive to friends, which he convinces you is a form of strength instead of the brutish troglodyte you know it to be.

And yet when he fires somebody, does he stand up like a man and face his adversary? Or does he wait until they are far from home and let them learn by grapevine, ala Comey, then bitch because Comey wasn't stranded without a ride home. Or McCabe and his pension. No! He hides out and orders his willing minions. He disgraces you and he disgraces America. Warning his admin to get guns is a situation HE CREATED, then convinces you HE is the victim. You are being played. I am convinced that when history writes this chapter of America, you, like Sgt. Schultz, will claim you 'knew nothing' of how this malicious phenomenon came to be.
And where are all the cons that said proudly, "I came unarmed, this time" to various protests and rallies.

Cons give it up, you love to sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk into Wendy's and feel powerful because women with children feel threatened. You love that feeling of power. But one has to notice you NEVER sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk down a street in Compton, or Chicago, or Miami. You cowards just like it when you get to threaten the weak people in the population. You are uber butthurt when the strong people in the population who are carrying their own guns get in your face and dare you to use yours.

And now you think you're going to point your boney finger at others and vilify them of 'inciting violence' or 'making me uncomfortable in a restaurant'.

Welcome to the world you've created. Now suck it up and tuck your tail between your legs.
I agree. Liberal scum are threatening and committing violence daily.
Like Trump didn't say he'd pay the fines/bail for beating up Hillary supporters at his rallies. Like he didn't tell cops to forget the 'watch your head' when placing in car. Like he doesn't feed you every day with angst over astronomically inflated numbers of MS 13 gangs walking over the borders and lies about how the are welcomed into the loving arms of Democrats, like he doesn't give normalcy to your hate over kneeling, fleeing homeland terror/starvation like many of our ancestors did. Like he doesn't daily show you how much he wants to be a despot like those he chooses to admire while being utterly offensive to friends, which he convinces you is a form of strength instead of the brutish troglodyte you know it to be.

And yet when he fires somebody, does he stand up like a man and face his adversary? Or does he wait until they are far from home and let them learn by grapevine, ala Comey, then bitch because Comey wasn't stranded without a ride home. Or McCabe and his pension. No! He hides out and orders his willing minions. He disgraces you and he disgraces America. Warning his admin to get guns is a situation HE CREATED, then convinces you HE is the victim. You are being played. I am convinced that when history writes this chapter of America, you, like Sgt. Schultz, will claim you 'knew nothing' of how this malicious phenomenon came to be.
All started by lying liberal scum like you.
I agree. Liberal scum are threatening and committing violence daily.
Like Trump didn't say he'd pay the fines/bail for beating up Hillary supporters at his rallies. Like he didn't tell cops to forget the 'watch your head' when placing in car. Like he doesn't feed you every day with angst over astronomically inflated numbers of MS 13 gangs walking over the borders and lies about how the are welcomed into the loving arms of Democrats, like he doesn't give normalcy to your hate over kneeling, fleeing homeland terror/starvation like many of our ancestors did. Like he doesn't daily show you how much he wants to be a despot like those he chooses to admire while being utterly offensive to friends, which he convinces you is a form of strength instead of the brutish troglodyte you know it to be.

And yet when he fires somebody, does he stand up like a man and face his adversary? Or does he wait until they are far from home and let them learn by grapevine, ala Comey, then bitch because Comey wasn't stranded without a ride home. Or McCabe and his pension. No! He hides out and orders his willing minions. He disgraces you and he disgraces America. Warning his admin to get guns is a situation HE CREATED, then convinces you HE is the victim. You are being played. I am convinced that when history writes this chapter of America, you, like Sgt. Schultz, will claim you 'knew nothing' of how this malicious phenomenon came to be.
All started by lying liberal scum like you.
Have you been staring into the sun for long periods?
And where are all the cons that said proudly, "I came unarmed, this time" to various protests and rallies.

Cons give it up, you love to sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk into Wendy's and feel powerful because women with children feel threatened. You love that feeling of power. But one has to notice you NEVER sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk down a street in Compton, or Chicago, or Miami. You cowards just like it when you get to threaten the weak people in the population. You are uber butthurt when the strong people in the population who are carrying their own guns get in your face and dare you to use yours.

And now you think you're going to point your boney finger at others and vilify them of 'inciting violence' or 'making me uncomfortable in a restaurant'.

Welcome to the world you've created. Now suck it up and tuck your tail between your legs.

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