Trump Aides Urged To Get Guns

Cons give it up, you love to sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk into Wendy's and feel powerful because women with children feel threatened.

Riiiiiiiiiiiight. I think you're a little unhinged.
Cons give it up, you love to sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk into Wendy's and feel powerful because women with children feel threatened.

Riiiiiiiiiiiight. I think you're a little unhinged.
It's no different than wearing a samurai sword around, or a big spiked club, or a bow and arrow. It's freakish. It only doesn't appear so because we all grew up in a freakish gun culture.
And where are all the cons that said proudly, "I came unarmed, this time" to various protests and rallies.

Cons give it up, you love to sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk into Wendy's and feel powerful because women with children feel threatened. You love that feeling of power. But one has to notice you NEVER sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk down a street in Compton, or Chicago, or Miami. You cowards just like it when you get to threaten the weak people in the population. You are uber butthurt when the strong people in the population who are carrying their own guns get in your face and dare you to use yours.

And now you think you're going to point your boney finger at others and vilify them of 'inciting violence' or 'making me uncomfortable in a restaurant'.

Welcome to the world you've created. Now suck it up and tuck your tail between your legs.
Buy more guns and ammo, this country is not armed enough

More Guns or More Gun Regulations didn't lower the Violent Gun Crime in major cities since 1993. Yes, they lowered but it had nothing to do with guns. It had to do with Mayors putting together Community Action Committees that worked with both the Police Force and Community and cleaning up the police force. I saw it done in Denver, read about it happening in NYC. It works. More guns have made absolutely no difference except make more people nervous with the Open Carry BS. You want to buy more guns, go buy them. But don'e demand that the rest of us do the same. I would rather work with the community to lower crime clean across the board and that includes gun crimes.
Urged by whom? The intro makes it look as though the Trump staffers were encouraged to "get a gun" by the administration but this is false. It falls in the category of fake news by the Washington Examiner's Paul Bedard based on a single sentence by somebody named John Lott, president of something called the "crime prevention research center" that has no official status. The op-ed is clearly written to gin up emotions
I remember John Lott. He's a goofy guy that believes there is no such thing as 'enough' guns around the house.
And where are all the cons that said proudly, "I came unarmed, this time" to various protests and rallies.

Cons give it up, you love to sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk into Wendy's and feel powerful because women with children feel threatened. You love that feeling of power. But one has to notice you NEVER sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk down a street in Compton, or Chicago, or Miami. You cowards just like it when you get to threaten the weak people in the population. You are uber butthurt when the strong people in the population who are carrying their own guns get in your face and dare you to use yours.

And now you think you're going to point your boney finger at others and vilify them of 'inciting violence' or 'making me uncomfortable in a restaurant'.

Welcome to the world you've created. Now suck it up and tuck your tail between your legs.
Buy more guns and ammo, this country is not armed enough

More Guns or More Gun Regulations didn't lower the Violent Gun Crime in major cities since 1993. Yes, they lowered but it had nothing to do with guns. It had to do with Mayors putting together Community Action Committees that worked with both the Police Force and Community and cleaning up the police force. I saw it done in Denver, read about it happening in NYC. It works. More guns have made absolutely no difference except make more people nervous with the Open Carry BS. You want to buy more guns, go buy them. But don'e demand that the rest of us do the same. I would rather work with the community to lower crime clean across the board and that includes gun crimes.
Na, an legally armed population is a safe community

Reform of the firearms laws of the District of Columbia is necessary and definitely doable. Congress has the absolute right to rule over the district- its in the Constitution. Any popularly elected DC government is strictly advisory.

The Congress shall have Power To… exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States

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