Trump Already A Winner. Wants to End Illegal War In Syria

The Professor

Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2011
The US involvement in Syria has resulted in the destruction of an entire nation and is pushing our country perilously close to a war with Russia. According to the link below, Trump wants to end the illegal Obama/Clinton war in Syria. Here are excerpts from that link:

US President-elect Donald Trump has confirmed that he will most likely abandon the Obama administration policy on Syria to seek a possible rapprochement with Russia on the issue of Assad.

“I’ve had an opposite view of many people regarding Syria,” the 70-year-old Republican told the Wall Street Journal in his first interview since the election.

From the start of the Syrian war, Barack Obama’s foreign policy has been focused on the support and training of the so-called “moderate” rebel groups who were supposed to defeat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, and survive to eventually overthrow Assad. That approach became deadlocked this year when Washington failed to honor its obligations under an agreement with Moscow to separate their moderate rebel forces from internationally-recognized terrorists.

Trump, on the other hand, said on Friday that the US should be focused on fighting Islamic State, instead of pursuing regime change in Syria.

“My attitude was you’re fighting Syria, Syria is fighting ISIS, and you have to get rid of ISIS. Russia is now totally aligned with Syria, and now you have Iran, which is becoming powerful, because of us, is aligned with Syria... Now we’re backing rebels against Syria, and we have no idea who these people are.”

Trump warns that by attacking Assad, US will ‘end up fighting Russia’

Hillary, on the other hand is responsible for the illegal wars in Libya and Syria, wars that have killed and maimed our men and women in service, caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children and displaced countless others and is bringing us closer and closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia.

Hillary Clinton strongly advocates establishing a no-fly zone in Syria and as President she would have been able to declare one. For those of you who do not know what a no-fly zone is, let me explain. To establish a no-fly zone one country (the United States) issues an order that no other country (such as Russia) can use air power in a particular combat zone. Those planes that enter a no-fly zone can be shot down. This is a possible doomsday scenario and it is one Hillary Clinton publicly embraces. Hillary attempted to downplay her dangerous position by suggesting she can negotiate a no-fly zone with Russia, but she is being disingenuous. Hillary's stated goal was to protect U.S.-backed terrorists from from air attacks by Russian-backed Assad forces (see first link below) and Hillary knows there is no way Russia was going to let that happen. Russia would agree to end military activity as long as US-backed forces do the same; however, Hillary would have insisted on pursuing the war and she would have unilaterally imposed a no-fly zone.

Hillary is actually going against Obama on this issue and is also disregarding the advice of military leaders such as Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who has stated implementing a no-fly zone would cause war with Russia (see second link below).

Clinton Differs With Administration on Syria No-Fly Zone, Arming the Kurds

Hillary Promises A Syria No-Fly To Save Lives, Top General Says It Would Lead To War With Russia

It's a good thing that Trump will be president instead Clinton.
Wasn't too long ago that he was screaming about bombing the shit out of it. The Donald is bipolar!
Wasn't too long ago that he was screaming about bombing the shit out of it. The Donald is bipolar!

I don't recall trump ever saying we should bomb the hell out of Syria. At any rate, his present plan is better than what Hilary had in mind.
Pretty sure the qualifier on Trump's statement was >>If we have to go to war,<< then... "we're going to fucking win!" I happen to agree.

I too wonder, why are we in Syria? Does anyone know what specific American interest is in Syria? I mean we say it's to fight ISIS, but Russia and Assad are fighting ISIS so why are we there fighting them? I've never honestly understood why - other than the conclusion that they Obama UN want a war with Russia for some stupid reason.
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?
Simple, you do what Obama should have done years ago. You stop all the counter productive anti Putin and anti Russian rhetoric that Clinton and Obama have been spewing, and you sit down with Putin to discuss what he considers Russia's essential needs in that region, and then you do some horse trading.

Russia wants to keep permanent military bases in Syria and as long as Assad is in power, he will, but he has every reason to believe that if Assad is displaced by a western backed group of rebels, the new Syrian government will try to throw him out. Trump can and Obama should have agree that the US will insist the new Syrian government continue Russia's long term leases on the land its bases occupy if Russia drops its support of Assad and helps the US stabilize Syria after he leaves.

Problem solved.
Pretty sure the qualifier on Trump's statement was >>If we have to go to war,<< then... "we're going to fucking win!" I happen to agree.

I too wonder, why are we in Syria? Does anyone know what specific American interest is in Syria? I mean we say it's to fight ISIS, but Russia and Assad are fighting ISIS so why are we there fighting them? I've never honestly understood why - other than the conclusion that they Obama UN want a war with Russia for some stupid reason.
You're trying to make sense of Obama's foreign policy? Good luck.
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?

A better question is: Why in the hell is the US in Syria to begin with and why are we arming terrorists to help overthrow the duly elected government of Syria. Russia is there only because the US backed terrorists are trying to take over the country. Russia is there at the invitation of Assad so they have some type of legitimacy. We have none. Is Assad a threat to the United States? I don't think so. By what authority are we in Syria?

All we have to do is stop supporting the terrorists. Russia and Assad will deal with ISIS.
I thought he was going nuke Syria? now he wants to pull out completely? whats he going to say next week? maybe we should bomb Australia just to be safe?

To be honest, I would be amazed if he could point Syria out on a map
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?

A better question is: Why in the hell is the US in Syria to begin with and why are we arming terrorists to help overthrow the duly elected government of Syria. Russia is there only because the US backed terrorists are trying to take over the country. Russia is there at the invitation of Assad so they have some type of legitimacy. We have none. Is Assad a threat to the United States? I don't think so. By what authority are we in Syria?

All we have to do is stop supporting the terrorists. Russia and Assad will deal with ISIS.
Good post.
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?

A better question is: Why in the hell is the US in Syria to begin with and why are we arming terrorists to help overthrow the duly elected government of Syria. Russia is there only because the US backed terrorists are trying to take over the country. Russia is there at the invitation of Assad so they have some type of legitimacy. We have none. Is Assad a threat to the United States? I don't think so. By what authority are we in Syria?

All we have to do is stop supporting the terrorists. Russia and Assad will deal with ISIS.
a better question.... why are we in Iraq?
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?

A better question is: Why in the hell is the US in Syria to begin with and why are we arming terrorists to help overthrow the duly elected government of Syria. Russia is there only because the US backed terrorists are trying to take over the country. Russia is there at the invitation of Assad so they have some type of legitimacy. We have none. Is Assad a threat to the United States? I don't think so. By what authority are we in Syria?

All we have to do is stop supporting the terrorists. Russia and Assad will deal with ISIS.
a better question.... why are we in Iraq?
Because Obama didn't keep his promise?
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?

A better question is: Why in the hell is the US in Syria to begin with and why are we arming terrorists to help overthrow the duly elected government of Syria. Russia is there only because the US backed terrorists are trying to take over the country. Russia is there at the invitation of Assad so they have some type of legitimacy. We have none. Is Assad a threat to the United States? I don't think so. By what authority are we in Syria?

All we have to do is stop supporting the terrorists. Russia and Assad will deal with ISIS.
a better question.... why are we in Iraq?
Because neocons like Hillary Clinton authorized the president to go there.
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?

A better question is: Why in the hell is the US in Syria to begin with and why are we arming terrorists to help overthrow the duly elected government of Syria. Russia is there only because the US backed terrorists are trying to take over the country. Russia is there at the invitation of Assad so they have some type of legitimacy. We have none. Is Assad a threat to the United States? I don't think so. By what authority are we in Syria?

All we have to do is stop supporting the terrorists. Russia and Assad will deal with ISIS.
a better question.... why are we in Iraq?
Because neocons like Hillary Clinton authorized the president to go there.
So your not sure why we are in Iraq you just know the democrats must be to blame lol
I thought he was going nuke Syria? now he wants to pull out completely? whats he going to say next week? maybe we should bomb Australia just to be safe?

To be honest, I would be amazed if he could point Syria out on a map really need to pay attention....fools like you are dragging this country down...
I thought he was going nuke Syria? now he wants to pull out completely? whats he going to say next week? maybe we should bomb Australia just to be safe?

To be honest, I would be amazed if he could point Syria out on a map really need to pay attention....fools like you are dragging this country down...
So your saying Trump wont nuke Australia? you promise?
How the hell do you end something that is 99% between Assad, Isis and russia?

Because ISIS is funded by the CIA, Saudi intel, the Mossad, Qatar ( with help from MI5 and MI6) using Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to these (snicker) "freedom fighters". Barrypuppet wants to put in place a "no fly zone"....seriously, anyone that has been paying even the slightest bit of attention knows that USA.INC has been using ISIS to wage a proxy war to keep Russia and Syria from putting in a pipeline that threatens their control over a resource that they believe is their divine right to own. The stupidity of the left never fails to amuse me.......
I thought he was going nuke Syria? now he wants to pull out completely? whats he going to say next week? maybe we should bomb Australia just to be safe?

To be honest, I would be amazed if he could point Syria out on a map really need to pay attention....fools like you are dragging this country down...
So your saying Trump wont nuke Australia? you promise?

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