trump Alters Map With Sharpie

I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.

Lol well the Russian shit went south
I think it's pathetic that there's 422 posts on 43 pages about this.

It's pathetic that the far right radical extremists just can't let it go. They can't just slink away in shame. They keep going on and on trying to either justify the lie, blame it on Obama or a Clinton or to try rationalize that trump didn't lie at all.

Even though the facts prove otherwise.

The fantasy you far right radical extremists live in isn't reality.

You far right radical extremists really need to get lives. Here in the real world where sane people live.
On what side is the the pathetic twierp who started TWO FUCKING THREADS about this nothingburger in two days?!?

Pathetic you say??...Get lives you say??....Let it go you say??

Holy fucking irony, Batman!

And yet, Trump, after five days keeps stoking lies and nonsense, just to keep his lie going. And this is a "nothinburger?" Dude, Trump is mentally unfit because his narcissism is a priority, and the truth be damned. This is your fearless piece of shit leader who, is himself a "nothinburger." He's a zero. A big fat liar and he is worth teats. Stop defending the worst human being this country has ever seen as a leader. You Trump fools keep digging your own grave supporting this worthless piece of shit.


As always, "nothing" from you. This is what the video explains so clearly. It's not just to show how pathetic Trump is, but your response tells us how pathetic and childish his base is.
Yes, Trump is worried, about twitter, ha, ha, ha. Trump earned billions, without twitter. Trump is a TV star, without twitter. Trump bought the Miss America pageant. Trump marries the most beautiful model in the World. Trump, is the American dream. Trump will sleep tonight, without giving one thought in regards to the irrelevant twitter.
And he loves having morons like you.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

How in the hell did this man get elected President, and why hasn't someone staged an intervention?

#Sharpiegate trends as people mock Trump for showing Hurricane Dorian path map altered with pen
He is an absolute embarrassment and a stone cold idiot. I can't believe we've sunk this low.
He has mastered the art of trolling his haters. You are a perfect example. :aargh:
You are an even bigger idiot than he is.

You are so right!

You have proven yourself to be a master-de-baiter right here on our own little usmb board.
Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

My FATHER would have scoffed at you. But you know trying so hard to be among a man amongst men.

Now paper pushing boy how does a 60s document be created usin
Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

Hush soy boy.

Little man. How's that you pencil pushing dweeb? And that's all you were ya know.

Now explain how a 60s document was created on 80s software. If you can't stfu

Paper pushing fag

Your daddy would have had zero effect on my life in the Navy. And, like I thought, you still can't refute anything, nor do you have any proof other than a story some IT dude told you, so again, all you got is insults. Like I said, I'm not surprised, I've come to expect that from you. And, if your daddy was a decent MCPO, he would be pissed that his little princess is using his service to denigrate another serviceman. BTW, I've got 3 Navy Achievement Medals, all awarded by Admirals for being as shit hot at my job as I was, how many does your daddy have?

You never served in the USN...if you did you did you'd know about USN Chiefs you fcking fraud. I knew it.
Do Navy Chiefs use Sharpies to alter documents or do they have too much integrity to do that?

No fag, they'd mock you.

Now run along before you get hurt and whine
Now that isn't very christian like language, is it?

You better bring the heavy duty knee pads with you again to the confessional.

It looks like this time you're gonna have to blow the whole rectory, and no, begging the padre to eat pussy at the convent again instead isn't going to work this time.
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.

Lol well the Russian shit went south
Not at all. It's part of the impeachment/ jail time package for Trump to go along with the campaign finance crimes.
Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

My FATHER would have scoffed at you. But you know trying so hard to be among a man amongst men.

Now paper pushing boy how does a 60s document be created usin
Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

Hush soy boy.

Little man. How's that you pencil pushing dweeb? And that's all you were ya know.

Now explain how a 60s document was created on 80s software. If you can't stfu

Paper pushing fag

Your daddy would have had zero effect on my life in the Navy. And, like I thought, you still can't refute anything, nor do you have any proof other than a story some IT dude told you, so again, all you got is insults. Like I said, I'm not surprised, I've come to expect that from you. And, if your daddy was a decent MCPO, he would be pissed that his little princess is using his service to denigrate another serviceman. BTW, I've got 3 Navy Achievement Medals, all awarded by Admirals for being as shit hot at my job as I was, how many does your daddy have?

You never served in the USN...if you did you did you'd know about USN Chiefs you fcking fraud. I knew it.
Do Navy Chiefs use Sharpies to alter documents or do they have too much integrity to do that?

No fag, they'd mock you.

Now run along before you get hurt and whine

Any member of our military would be appalled at the child like lies of the President
Someone in the military would never get away with such an act
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.
Which one? The life with a sane president like Obama, or the life with a narcissist,mentally disturbed Trump, who lies with every sentence?
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.
All predicated by a President unwilling to admit an error
I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...
He won the 2016 election because he tells the truth.

Saying Alabama was at risk from Dorian was fake news.


Now the forum sees with all the crying you do about fake news, turns out you really don't care about it.

View attachment 277629
Dumbfuck, the hurricane was no threat to Alabama. The National Weather Service even responded to Trump's fake news....


Roll Tide
It rolled so much Trump got caught lying about it.
His information was inaccurate.
So was NOAA's when two years ago they forecast Harvey to be nothing but a Cat 1 hurricane in the Gulf, or when they told, I think it was Houstons to evacuate in an earlier hurricane (Andrew?) all for nothing, and far more died on the highway stuck in unmoving traffic run out of gas in 100° heat than would have been saved had the hurricane hit.

NOAA corrects their predictions when they get updated information

Our President refused to correct himself and even staged an event to present a doctored weather map
Show us the video of Trump refusing to correct the info.

A video and numerous tweets where he continued to present misinformation about Alabama when he had been informed otherwise

Presented throughout this thread


Check the date on this forecast...

View attachment 277638

Now, check the date on the "altered" image shown by Trump.

View attachment 277639
Flaming imbecile .... had trump said days earlier that Dorian could hit Alabama, he would have been right. But saying it after the storm changed direction and was projected to go up the coast, he was wrong.

And because he's a man-child with the temperament of a 4 year old, he can't bring himself to admit he was wrong. And because he won't admit he's wrong and his followers are a bunch of fluffers, y'all are defending him for being wrong and then lying about being wrong.
Yes, Trump is worried, about twitter, ha, ha, ha. Trump earned billions, without twitter. Trump is a TV star, without twitter. Trump bought the Miss America pageant. Trump marries the most beautiful model in the World. Trump, is the American dream. Trump will sleep tonight, without giving one thought in regards to the irrelevant twitter.

Bullshit. Trump stays up all night worrying about what to tweet about Rosie O'Donnell..

All this mocking because Trump is unwilling to admit he was wrong

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