trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Someone gave the President the old and altered map. They did it intending just the result that occurred.

Find out who did it and prosecute them.
For someone with a lot of bucks, it's funny how none ever stop at his desk.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

How in the hell did this man get elected President, and why hasn't someone staged an intervention?

#Sharpiegate trends as people mock Trump for showing Hurricane Dorian path map altered with pen
He is an absolute embarrassment and a stone cold idiot. I can't believe we've sunk this low.
He has mastered the art of trolling his haters. You are a perfect example. :aargh:

Trump is getting trolled for getting caught in a childish lie
He should have been honest about the mistake from the beginning in my opinion. He was basing his information on an old forecast track and simply made a mistake, we all make mistakes. I would assume that his staff was giving him updated information, but maybe not, it's hard to know. Nonetheless he is only making it worse for himself right now unfortunately.
He should have been honest about the mistake from the beginning in my opinion. He was basing his information on an old forecast track and simply made a mistake, we all make mistakes. I would assume that his staff was giving him updated information, but maybe not, it's hard to know. Nonetheless he is only making it worse for himself right now unfortunately.
He is his own worst enemy

With any other president, it would have been over in twenty minutes
Yes, Trump is worried, about twitter, ha, ha, ha. Trump earned billions, without twitter. Trump is a TV star, without twitter. Trump bought the Miss America pageant. Trump marries the most beautiful model in the World. Trump, is the American dream. Trump will sleep tonight, without giving one thought in regards to the irrelevant twitter.
Next time Donny and his wife walk up the stairs to AF1, tell me who has the biggest ass.
He should have been honest about the mistake from the beginning in my opinion. He was basing his information on an old forecast track and simply made a mistake, we all make mistakes. I would assume that his staff was giving him updated information, but maybe not, it's hard to know. Nonetheless he is only making it worse for himself right now unfortunately.
He is his own worst enemy

With any other president, it would have been over in twenty minutes

Humility is a trait often forgotten about but in my opinion is vital for a leader to have.
He should have been honest about the mistake from the beginning in my opinion. He was basing his information on an old forecast track and simply made a mistake, we all make mistakes. I would assume that his staff was giving him updated information, but maybe not, it's hard to know. Nonetheless he is only making it worse for himself right now unfortunately.
He is his own worst enemy

With any other president, it would have been over in twenty minutes

Humility is a trait often forgotten about but in my opinion is vital for a leader to have.
He looks at humility as weakness

But he never hesitates to show weakness in character
I would disagree. The ability to admit one's mistakes and learn from them is vital to a leader being able to make good decisions. Trump cannot do this, and it should not be ignored.

Let's turn off the noise of the 50 some-odd pages of juvenile taunting I missed since yesterday and look at WHERE "admitting mistakes" is a problem...

There are ANCHORS on major networks asserting that Alabama was NEVER IN THE PATH and that Trump made it up... There are also journalists claiming that the whole map he used was a fraud...

It's a mini-example of how hard it is to find the folks "that can't admit mistakes"...

But it's not really THAT hard.. Virtually 85% of the folks in this thread -- ALL of them "party animals" REFUSE "to admit mistakes"...

It's just hard to tell which of the completely BOGUS allegations Trump was TRYING to respond to.. His mistake is prolonging the dumpster fire... If he was responding to the allegation that Alabama was NEVER in the officially projected path -- he's correct to point that out..

But mainly, trying to re-infuse any integrity into the media or getting the deranged to stop wildly striking out and nailing themselves to the walls is a fool's errand.. And in that way -- Trump is a bit of fool..

He doesn't need to address the deranged. He needs to do his job and let the opposition completely BBQ themselves like they did LAST NIGHT with that scarier and crazier than hell "Climate Change Summit"...

The amount of real science or policy that came of that wouldn't fill a single commercial spot.. And the apologizing for "not admitting mistakes" from THAT major self-annihilation would take YEARS to unwind...
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really
Holyfuck, you Birthers are brain-dead. The PDF he had posted was created in 2011 by scanning in his birth records. If you had even an once of intelligence you'd know that creating a PDF can generate layers. Why, you're too stupid to ask? Because both Photoshop and PDF format were created by the same company, Adobe. It's with layers in a PDF document that enable you to search a graphic image. I don't think the collective IQ of all Birthers summed up reaches triple digits.

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