trump Alters Map With Sharpie

This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

What a douche

There may be a day when he is not a total embarrassment. Today wasn’t that day. Tomorrow isn’t looking good either
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

He got nominated because he's entertaining. Nothing more, nothing less. He made jokes about how bad things are in Washington. And then when he was elected, he made things much, much worse, and no one is laughing any more.

That right there is what ya call your basic whole lot of wrong in a short amount of post.
So Trump used out of date obsolete reports to make official pronouncements...

What happens when he does that concerning matters of war and peace?
I would disagree. The ability to admit one's mistakes and learn from them is vital to a leader being able to make good decisions. Trump cannot do this, and it should not be ignored.

Let's turn off the noise of the 50 some-odd pages of juvenile taunting I missed since yesterday and look at WHERE "admitting mistakes" is a problem...

There are ANCHORS on major networks asserting that Alabama was NEVER IN THE PATH and that Trump made it up... There are also journalists claiming that the whole map he used was a fraud...

It's a mini-example of how hard it is to find the folks "that can't admit mistakes"...

But it's not really THAT hard.. Virtually 85% of the folks in this thread -- ALL of them "party animals" REFUSE "to admit mistakes"...

It's just hard to tell which of the completely BOGUS allegations Trump was TRYING to respond to.. His mistake is prolonging the dumpster fire... If he was responding to the allegation that Alabama was NEVER in the officially projected path -- he's correct to point that out..

But mainly, trying to re-infuse any integrity into the media or getting the deranged to stop wildly striking out and nailing themselves to the walls is a fool's errand.. And in that way -- Trump is a bit of fool..

He doesn't need to address the deranged. He needs to do his job and let the opposition completely BBQ themselves like they did LAST NIGHT with that scarier and crazier than hell "Climate Change Summit"...

The amount of real science or policy that came of that wouldn't fill a single commercial spot.. And the apologizing for "not admitting mistakes" from THAT major self-annihilation would take YEARS to unwind...

Networks routinely admit an error

Our Presidents, childlike refusal to do so only makes matters worse. His attempt to provide a poorly doctored weather map made him a target for the derision you see in this thread

Please list the "errors" CNN and MSDNC have made since Trump was elected president that went in HIS FAVOR. You know.....meaning those two useless rags of trash accidentally made Trump look GOOD and were wrong about it.

I'm waiting.

When a network consistently errors in only one direction its no longer considered error, it's considered bias.
So Trump used out of date obsolete reports to make official pronouncements...

What happens when he does that concerning matters of war and peace?

Oh no!

Sure to happen and sooo scary!
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

Don't you have some muffins burning in oven or other important things to do??? This is just obsessive blaming..

There WERE DOZENS of trajectory maps that CHANGED day to day.. And YES there WERE ACTUAL REAL MODEL tracks pointing the storm across Florida, entering the Gulf and possibly entering Alabama thru the panhandle...

If you look at the ORIGIN of that track -- it was DAYS BEFORE it even hit the Bahamas.. But -- it's probably real... That was the 1st guess at a tracking cone..

It's just stone stupid to press this as an issue.. EVEN WORSE to ASSUME it's a forgery... But that's the sewer level and obsession you TDS sufferers have descended into..
Just wanted to see what amoral SCUM Bag would defend Prez FRAUD.

We have him.
A senior Mod ahole whose an off the cliff Partisan.

His claim of course was Sunday AM on a Weekend he Canceled Poland for to watch and be Briefed on the Hurricane.... at first at Camp David on Friday.

But quickly turned to another Golfing Weekend a t a Trumpov course in Va..
The Hurricane Track was Nowhere Near Alabama at the time he made the claim nor for Days previous.

Worse than his Ignoring days of Forecasts (or possibly - hark - thinking Alabama was an Atlantic Coast Southern State!!......)

He/staff then [Fraudulently Altered a National Weather Service Map
with a Black Marker to defend from the embarrassment.

Only an ASSHOLE and BLIND 100% Partisan would defend him.

Trump Showed Off A Fake Hurricane Dorian Forecast Map To Support His False Claim It Would Hit Alabama
Asked why the map appeared to be altered with a Sharpie, Trump told reporters, “I don’t know.”

"...About 20 minutes after Trump’s tweet Sunday, the National Weather Service office in Birmingham took the unusual step of tweeting that “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian.”

Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, No impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east. #alwx
11:11 AM - Sep 1, 2019

James Spann, a renowned broadcast meteorologist in Alabama, also hit back at the president’s False claim, tweeting, “Alabama will Not be impacted by Dorian in any way.”

“I have zero interest in politics. Dorian will not affect Alabama in any way. That is not a political statement,” Spann said in a tweet.

Trump’s tweet was later fact-checked by Jonathan Karl on ABC World News, prompting the president to lash out at the reporter, calling it a “phony hurricane report by [a] lightweight reporter.” Trump went on to claim — without citing any sources and contrary to his own government’s forecast — that “under certain original scenarios, it was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some ‘hurt.’”.​



Networks routinely admit an error

You mean mistakes like hiring all the high paid govt criminals who were directing an inside attack on our elections and political system to protect their own asses? And fueled the "agent of Putin" and traitor fest that killed politics in America for 2 fucking years???

Get real and ADMIT THAT MISTAKE you just made....
No idea WTF you are talking about

No wonder you're so badly informed.. 12 or more high level FBI fired, demoted, under investigation.. MOST of them NOW WORKING at the leftist media outlets.. And you have NO CLUE that these folks LIED to you CONSTANTLY about the agent of Putin thingy for 2 years...

At the SAME TIME -- you have no concept of how these same folks abused the most dangerous intel system in the world to sabotage an election they did not approve of...

YOU --- simply don't matter... BECAUSE you're programmed by deranged morons....
The left would like you to know the experts on glowbull warming that know everything about the weather and are going to need all of your income to save the planet and take all your stuff away. Made up a map Trump reposted which was wrong.

And Trump is an idiot for doing that. Not the ones that know fucking everything and will be running your life we’re wrong. Hell no, fucking Trump.
How, some Deplorable dickhead from Missouri on a message board should be believed about his conspiracy theories about climate change.

Couldn't make this shit up.
Hilarious. The pathetic Trumpstettes are now back into birther mode. It's absolutely beautiful. Yes that certainly proves
Trump is not a JOKE. Well played. LOL

Like I said. Trump's sharpie. OR his phony birther racist shit. Or the going on over the Central Park Five even after it's PROVEN they were innocent. Or Trump's phony school for real estate agents (which he paid off the plaintiffs' law suit btw) Nothing New. Trump will just trot out some other pathetically false narrative tomorrow, and the Trumpstettes will fall over themselves in saying "oh, he's such a great business man, the world cowers."

Don't even start your Central Park 5 were innocent bullshit. Anybody in New York knows they got let out by a corrupt mayor and that the forensics showed that one guy could not have committed that rape. Never mind the other crimes those hoodlums were committing that entire night. As of your birther rants, explain Obama putting on his own book sleeve that he was Kenyan and letting to ride for years, right up until he wanted to run for President. But you leftists will trot out more bullshit tomorrow and lemmings like you will gobble it down without question.
Central Park 5 were not only innocent but received millions in compensation.
There was no evidence of any one of them at the scene. No DNA, no blood, no hairs. No evidence of the victim on their clothes
Plus, the guy who actually did it confessed and his DNA was found at the scene

If not for the hysteria which was stoked by Trump. They never would have been convicted

Trump had nothing to do with those hoodlums getting convicted you loon. Witnesses SAW them (and they admitted to a night of) wilding in that park. De Pitzio didn't want any investigation to interfere with his anti-cop bullshit so he declared the case shut and formed over millions in taxpayer money.
No witnesses identified them
Trump demanded the death penalty
And that's what they should have gotten.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

Don't you have some muffins burning in oven or other important things to do??? This is just obsessive blaming..

There WERE DOZENS of trajectory maps that CHANGED day to day.. And YES there WERE ACTUAL REAL MODEL tracks pointing the storm across Florida, entering the Gulf and possibly entering Alabama thru the panhandle...

If you look at the ORIGIN of that track -- it was DAYS BEFORE it even hit the Bahamas.. But -- it's probably real... That was the 1st guess at a tracking cone..

It's just stone stupid to press this as an issue.. EVEN WORSE to ASSUME it's a forgery... But that's the sewer level and obsession you TDS sufferers have descended into..
Just wanted to see what amoral SCUM Bag would defend Prez FRAUD.

We have him.
A senior Mod ahole whose an off the cliff Partisan.

His claim of course was Sunday AM on a Weekend he Canceled Poland for to watch and be Briefed on the Hurricane.... at first at Camp David on Friday.

But quickly turned to another Golfing Weekend a t a Trumpov course in Va..
The Hurricane Track was Nowhere Near Alabama at the time he made the claim nor for Days previous.

Worse than his Ignoring days of Forecasts (or possibly - hark - thinking Alabama was an Atlantic Coast Southern State!!......)

He/staff then [Fraudulently Altered a National Weather Service Map
with a Black Marker to defend from the embarrassment.

Only an ASSHOLE and BLIND 100% Partisan would defend him.

Trump Showed Off A Fake Hurricane Dorian Forecast Map To Support His False Claim It Would Hit Alabama
Asked why the map appeared to be altered with a Sharpie, Trump told reporters, “I don’t know.”

"...About 20 minutes after Trump’s tweet Sunday, the National Weather Service office in Birmingham took the unusual step of tweeting that “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian.”

Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, No impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east. #alwx
11:11 AM - Sep 1, 2019

James Spann, a renowned broadcast meteorologist in Alabama, also hit back at the president’s False claim, tweeting, “Alabama will Not be impacted by Dorian in any way.”

“I have zero interest in politics. Dorian will not affect Alabama in any way. That is not a political statement,” Spann said in a tweet.

Trump’s tweet was later fact-checked by Jonathan Karl on ABC World News, prompting the president to lash out at the reporter, calling it a “phony hurricane report by [a] lightweight reporter.” Trump went on to claim — without citing any sources and contrary to his own government’s forecast — that “under certain original scenarios, it was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some ‘hurt.’”.​



Forecasted paths are notorious vapor-ware.. On LATE THURS of that week, ALL of the projections were still for the storm to run through Florida into the Gulf.. Trump took off for Labor Day.. Made an IMPROMPTU speech and recalled the states from the Thurs map.. The one he showed was from Wednesday..

NO harm was done. People living in hurricane country are glued to the most recent forecasts.. YOU being as unhinged as you are GLUED to a setting of raving demented...
I wish this were funny. The constant, absurd lying, over the most trivial shit, is a political strategy to seed as much confusion and doubt as possible. That's how populists and fascists gain power.
So Trump used out of date obsolete reports to make official pronouncements...

What happens when he does that concerning matters of war and peace?

Oh no!

Sure to happen and sooo scary!
You think it's inconceivable for Trump to lie about matters of war and peace?

This says you're wrong

I think it's ridiculous to get so wound up I have to make shit up to be frightened about.
Yes, Trump is worried, about twitter, ha, ha, ha. Trump earned billions, without twitter. Trump is a TV star, without twitter. Trump bought the Miss America pageant. Trump marries the most beautiful model in the World. Trump, is the American dream. Trump will sleep tonight, without giving one thought in regards to the irrelevant twitter.
Next time Donny and his wife walk up the stairs to AF1, tell me who has the biggest ass.

Donnie...but he IS the ass so it's an unfair comparison.

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