trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Yes, Trump is worried, about twitter, ha, ha, ha. Trump earned billions, without twitter. Trump is a TV star, without twitter. Trump bought the Miss America pageant. Trump marries the most beautiful model in the World. Trump, is the American dream. Trump will sleep tonight, without giving one thought in regards to the irrelevant twitter.
Next time Donny and his wife walk up the stairs to AF1, tell me who has the biggest ass.

Donnie...but he IS the ass so it's an unfair comparison.
LOL... You somewhat figured it out. The answer is, SHE does...HIM!
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.

Shit dude, Hillary has been out of politics for over 2 years now, why in the hell do you conservatives see a need to keep bringing her up?
Because they’ve got nothing else.

They can’t defend the idiot Trump, so they resort to attacking Clinton.

Trump could say Dorian is still heading for Alabama, and conservatives would argue that he has a point. Remember how many still argue that Mexico is paying for the wall, and that other countries are paying for the tariff taxes Trump has imposed on them.
So was NOAA's when two years ago they forecast Harvey to be nothing but a Cat 1 hurricane in the Gulf, or when they told, I think it was Houstons to evacuate in an earlier hurricane (Andrew?) all for nothing, and far more died on the highway stuck in unmoving traffic run out of gas in 100° heat than would have been saved had the hurricane hit.

NOAA corrects their predictions when they get updated information

Our President refused to correct himself and even staged an event to present a doctored weather map
Show us the video of Trump refusing to correct the info.

A video and numerous tweets where he continued to present misinformation about Alabama when he had been informed otherwise

Presented throughout this thread


Check the date on this forecast...

View attachment 277638

Now, check the date on the "altered" image shown by Trump.

View attachment 277639
Flaming imbecile .... had trump said days earlier that Dorian could hit Alabama, he would have been right. But saying it after the storm changed direction and was projected to go up the coast, he was wrong.

And because he's a man-child with the temperament of a 4 year old, he can't bring himself to admit he was wrong. And because he won't admit he's wrong and his followers are a bunch of fluffers, y'all are defending him for being wrong and then lying about being wrong.

Flaming Hemorrhoid .... Trump said the storm WAS going to change direction and head up the coast! Can't you even fucking hear right you idiot? But because you are a boy child with the brain of a carrot, you can never admit you are wrong! But because all you never-trumptsers can never admit your pathetic desperation, you all are trying to attack him on one more nothing burger then lying about being wrong,

Geesh, had you pathetic dumpsters been 1/1000th as critical of your own candidates, we might not have had the worst president in US history followed by the worst most corrupt lying falling coughing stealing candidate in history!
NOAA corrects their predictions when they get updated information

Our President refused to correct himself and even staged an event to present a doctored weather map
Show us the video of Trump refusing to correct the info.

A video and numerous tweets where he continued to present misinformation about Alabama when he had been informed otherwise

Presented throughout this thread


Check the date on this forecast...

View attachment 277638

Now, check the date on the "altered" image shown by Trump.

View attachment 277639
Flaming imbecile .... had trump said days earlier that Dorian could hit Alabama, he would have been right. But saying it after the storm changed direction and was projected to go up the coast, he was wrong.

And because he's a man-child with the temperament of a 4 year old, he can't bring himself to admit he was wrong. And because he won't admit he's wrong and his followers are a bunch of fluffers, y'all are defending him for being wrong and then lying about being wrong.

Flaming Hemorrhoid .... Trump said the storm WAS going to change direction and head up the coast! Can't you even fucking hear right you idiot? But because you are a boy child with the brain of a carrot, you can never admit you are wrong! But because all you never-trumptsers can never admit your pathetic desperation, you all are trying to attack him on one more nothing burger then lying about being wrong,

Geesh, had you pathetic dumpsters been 1/1000th as critical of your own candidates, we might not have had the worst president in US history followed by the worst most corrupt lying falling coughing stealing candidate in history!
"Trump said the storm WAS going to change direction and head up the coast!"


Fucking retard, Alabama's not on the coast....

I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.

Shit dude, Hillary has been out of politics for over 2 years now, why in the hell do you conservatives see a need to keep bringing her up?
Because without Trump we'd be dealing with that piece of human filth. I'm not a Trump fan, but at least he's not Hillary Clinton. Human filth.
"Trump said the storm WAS going to change direction and head up the coast!"


Fucking retard, Alabama's not on the coast....

Yes, that may have been his Main and Biggest/STUPIDEST error.

He may be proud of showing that (Fraudulent) Map with the early forecasts showing it going across Florida..
because when he made his Sunday morning utterance and the direction was clearly up the Atlantic Coast....
His real (and even more embarrassing) error may have been the Blindingly STUPID assumption that Alabama was a Southeastern Atlantic state!

You have to realize just how Stupid Trump is.
He does!
He blocked all his school records and test results from view.
The guy has the knowledge of half a GED.

If he thought Alabama was on the Atlantic coast (near Ga and the Carolinas) his statement would have made more sense.. at least for someone THAT ignorant.
Most people just can't imagine how dumb he is.
Further proved by the goofy FRAUD of a Doctored map that only a 70 IQ con man would try.
UNFIT for office.

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Let's not forget that the entire premise of this thread was based on another Leftard Lie: that Trump altered a weather map with a Sharpie. 660 posts later and they have totally failed to prove it was even a Sharpie much less that Trump was even the one who actually drew the line, much less that anyone but them even noticed or cared and the entire thing is a total nothing burger anyway with absolutely no teeth with not even one Alabaman produced on record who so much as even saw the video or bought an extra water bottle because of it!


Draw a line on a map: they care.
Have some dumb illegal drown trying to sneak into the country in the middle of the night: they care.
But have Americans die in a savage raid in Benghazi that was ignored then covered up and they are totally good with it!
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Obviously your "computer forensics" are FAKE. And if you knew anything about Adobe Acrobat, for any text document it opens it creates random layers, so you know nothing about layers either.

You “know nothing”? You mean you don’t know anything? Another foreign troll. Amazing.
No, I mean she knows absolutely nothing about layering in Adobe Acrobat.

You mean she doesn’t know anything? Double down on your grammar mistake. You are a foreign troll.
You know less about grammar.

You’re either a foreign troll or an uneducated buffoon. Pick one.
You “know nothing”? You mean you don’t know anything? Another foreign troll. Amazing.
No, I mean she knows absolutely nothing about layering in Adobe Acrobat.

You mean she doesn’t know anything? Double down on your grammar mistake. You are a foreign troll.
You know less about grammar.

You’re either a foreign troll or an uneducated buffoon. Pick one.

Ed's a soy boy...and spews leftist crap.

Also faps to an Ear's pic nightly.

Right Ed? Lol fckn clown
But he knows infinitely more about layers than you do!
67 pages of pure liberal bullshit. The earlier computer models predicted what Trump wrote.....luckily the storm changed direction.


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