trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Yes, Trump is worried, about twitter, ha, ha, ha. Trump earned billions, without twitter. Trump is a TV star, without twitter. Trump bought the Miss America pageant. Trump marries the most beautiful model in the World. Trump, is the American dream. Trump will sleep tonight, without giving one thought in regards to the irrelevant twitter.
And he loves having morons like you.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

How in the hell did this man get elected President, and why hasn't someone staged an intervention?

#Sharpiegate trends as people mock Trump for showing Hurricane Dorian path map altered with pen
He is an absolute embarrassment and a stone cold idiot. I can't believe we've sunk this low.
He has mastered the art of trolling his haters. You are a perfect example. :aargh:
You are an even bigger idiot than he is.

You are so right!

You have proven yourself to be a master-de-baiter right here on our own little usmb board.
How witty, a masturbator, coming from the demoRATS who are full of pedophiles and rapist. Epstein, wiener, Weinstein. Of course the first thing out of your sick mind is perverted.
I wonder how long he can stand this mockery before he goes over the edge? It seems that every time Trump is mocked, he loses it just a bit more each time.

He's clearly digging in, tweeting furiously he was right all along. The map he held up was like 4 or 5 days old, and someone altered it with a Sharpie. I don't know what's worse, Trump doubling down or his cultists trying to run interference for him.
Try one or two days, Moron. Gee, you don't even lie well.

Poor boobtoob.... can't even count to 3. He thinks potato comes after 2. :badgrin:
I would disagree. The ability to admit one's mistakes and learn from them is vital to a leader being able to make good decisions. Trump cannot do this, and it should not be ignored.

Let's turn off the noise of the 50 some-odd pages of juvenile taunting I missed since yesterday and look at WHERE "admitting mistakes" is a problem...

There are ANCHORS on major networks asserting that Alabama was NEVER IN THE PATH and that Trump made it up... There are also journalists claiming that the whole map he used was a fraud...

It's a mini-example of how hard it is to find the folks "that can't admit mistakes"...

But it's not really THAT hard.. Virtually 85% of the folks in this thread -- ALL of them "party animals" REFUSE "to admit mistakes"...

It's just hard to tell which of the completely BOGUS allegations Trump was TRYING to respond to.. His mistake is prolonging the dumpster fire... If he was responding to the allegation that Alabama was NEVER in the officially projected path -- he's correct to point that out..

But mainly, trying to re-infuse any integrity into the media or getting the deranged to stop wildly striking out and nailing themselves to the walls is a fool's errand.. And in that way -- Trump is a bit of fool..

He doesn't need to address the deranged. He needs to do his job and let the opposition completely BBQ themselves like they did LAST NIGHT with that scarier and crazier than hell "Climate Change Summit"...

The amount of real science or policy that came of that wouldn't fill a single commercial spot.. And the apologizing for "not admitting mistakes" from THAT major self-annihilation would take YEARS to unwind...

That was a long winded way to say "well they do it too....".

I have already addressed that juvenile way of thinking

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So then shitstain, that other map WASN'T an official NOAA map as you claimed? Just as your aerial picture WASN'T an actual map of the full crowd taken DURING the Trump inauguration? Any more faux photos or claims you'd like to share?

It was an adulterated map warning of weather conditions presented as an official publication. An offence against US Code, I believe.
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

No you haven't moved on, given the bitching you and your other idiots do on a daily basis about Trump while you fellate Barry and Michael. By the way, if a sharpie triggers you this much snowflake, I suggest you seek counseling. Your constant stream of bullshit and lies about Trump on a daily basis is just getting old. We know Trump is in the White House. YOU loons keep crying about Russia and Hillary won the popular vote so STFU.

You seem deranged

It is Trump telling the Bullshit and lies
So then shitstain, that other map WASN'T an official NOAA map as you claimed? Just as your aerial picture WASN'T an actual map of the full crowd taken DURING the Trump inauguration? Any more faux photos or claims you'd like to share?

It was an adulterated map warning of weather conditions presented as an official publication. An offence against US Code, I believe.

Since he did it after the fact, probably isn’t a crime
Just reveals his character
No, I mean she knows absolutely nothing about layering in Adobe Acrobat.

You mean she doesn’t know anything? Double down on your grammar mistake. You are a foreign troll.
You know less about grammar.

You’re either a foreign troll or an uneducated buffoon. Pick one.

Ed's a soy boy...and spews leftist crap.

Also faps to an Ear's pic nightly.

Right Ed? Lol fckn clown
But he knows infinitely more about layers than you do!

Ed is either a foreign troll or an illiterate buffoon. He doubled down on his stupidity and it is on record.
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So then shitstain, that other map WASN'T an official NOAA map as you claimed? Just as your aerial picture WASN'T an actual map of the full crowd taken DURING the Trump inauguration? Any more faux photos or claims you'd like to share?

It was an adulterated map warning of weather conditions presented as an official publication. An offence against US Code, I believe.

Since he did it after the fact, probably isn’t a crime
Just reveals his character
I don't see any time constraints in the code, I'd say it was published...

“Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United States Signal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.”
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

Don't you have some muffins burning in oven or other important things to do??? This is just obsessive blaming..

There WERE DOZENS of trajectory maps that CHANGED day to day.. And YES there WERE ACTUAL REAL MODEL tracks pointing the storm across Florida, entering the Gulf and possibly entering Alabama thru the panhandle...

If you look at the ORIGIN of that track -- it was DAYS BEFORE it even hit the Bahamas.. But -- it's probably real... That was the 1st guess at a tracking cone..

It's just stone stupid to press this as an issue.. EVEN WORSE to ASSUME it's a forgery... But that's the sewer level and obsession you TDS sufferers have descended into..
Just wanted to see what amoral SCUM Bag would defend Prez FRAUD.

We have him.
A senior Mod ahole whose an off the cliff Partisan.

His claim of course was Sunday AM on a Weekend he Canceled Poland for to watch and be Briefed on the Hurricane.... at first at Camp David on Friday.

But quickly turned to another Golfing Weekend a t a Trumpov course in Va..
The Hurricane Track was Nowhere Near Alabama at the time he made the claim nor for Days previous.

Worse than his Ignoring days of Forecasts (or possibly - hark - thinking Alabama was an Atlantic Coast Southern State!!......)

He/staff then [Fraudulently Altered a National Weather Service Map
with a Black Marker to defend from the embarrassment.

Only an ASSHOLE and BLIND 100% Partisan would defend him.

Trump Showed Off A Fake Hurricane Dorian Forecast Map To Support His False Claim It Would Hit Alabama
Asked why the map appeared to be altered with a Sharpie, Trump told reporters, “I don’t know.”

"...About 20 minutes after Trump’s tweet Sunday, the National Weather Service office in Birmingham took the unusual step of tweeting that “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian.”

Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, No impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east. #alwx
11:11 AM - Sep 1, 2019

James Spann, a renowned broadcast meteorologist in Alabama, also hit back at the president’s False claim, tweeting, “Alabama will Not be impacted by Dorian in any way.”

“I have zero interest in politics. Dorian will not affect Alabama in any way. That is not a political statement,” Spann said in a tweet.

Trump’s tweet was later fact-checked by Jonathan Karl on ABC World News, prompting the president to lash out at the reporter, calling it a “phony hurricane report by [a] lightweight reporter.” Trump went on to claim — without citing any sources and contrary to his own government’s forecast — that “under certain original scenarios, it was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some ‘hurt.’”.​



Forecasted paths are notorious vapor-ware.. On LATE THURS of that week, ALL of the projections were still for the storm to run through Florida into the Gulf.. Trump took off for Labor Day.. Made an IMPROMPTU speech and recalled the states from the Thurs map.. The one he showed was from Wednesday..

NO harm was done. People living in hurricane country are glued to the most recent forecasts.. YOU being as unhinged as you are GLUED to a setting of raving demented...

Why are you defending the indefensible?

Trump made his claims on Sunday. If he presented information from Thursday he was wrong and had a responsibility to correct his error and apologize for any confusion he may have caused

That is what responsible adults do. Instead, he has prolonged a minor mistake for five days and opened himself up to well deserved mocking
‘What I said was accurate!’: Trump stays fixated on his Alabama error as hurricane pounds the Carolinas

Tim O’Brien, a Trump biographer and executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion, said the Alabama claims underscore the president’s belief that admitting error is a sign of weakness.

“He’s doubling down on the worst sides of his troubled personality — to never admit an error and to continue obsessing about it, and emphasizing it, when it doesn’t serve him well to do so,” he said. “He doesn’t move along because he is incapable of moving along.”
This is the essential Trump

Tying up his administration in defending a mistaken pronouncement

We DID have the biggest crowd ever
I DID win the popular vote
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. Peo don't care
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

SAD is illegals pouring over the border. Sad is not being able to kick the kids out of here. Sad is not being able to punish the fake asylum requestors or the parents who desert their kids to get over the border. The sharpie is nothing-get over it

Sad is you assfucks not caring that Trump lies to you.

You are probably lying to me and I don't care. Then again, he put money in my pocket with a tax cut and you didn't.
It is a violation of federal law to falsify a National Weather Service forecast and pass it off as official, as President Trump did here.

18 U.S. Code § 2074



This guy is such a fucker. Who could be so stupid to follow this idiot who lies about everything constantly?

I heard that even among farmers when he was voted in 60% supported him and now that he’s ruining their lives and ruining their livelihoods 67% wants to vote for him.
Reminds me of Gerald Ford and his charts-salemen have to sell harder, customers have to buy smarter
Yes, Trump is worried, about twitter, ha, ha, ha. Trump earned billions, without twitter. Trump is a TV star, without twitter. Trump bought the Miss America pageant. Trump marries the most beautiful model in the World. Trump, is the American dream. Trump will sleep tonight, without giving one thought in regards to the irrelevant twitter.
And he loves having morons like you.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

How in the hell did this man get elected President, and why hasn't someone staged an intervention?

#Sharpiegate trends as people mock Trump for showing Hurricane Dorian path map altered with pen
He is an absolute embarrassment and a stone cold idiot. I can't believe we've sunk this low.
He has mastered the art of trolling his haters. You are a perfect example. :aargh:
You are an even bigger idiot than he is.

You are so right!

You have proven yourself to be a master-de-baiter right here on our own little usmb board.
How witty, a masturbator, coming from the demoRATS who are full of pedophiles and rapist. Epstein, wiener, Weinstein. Of course the first thing out of your sick mind is perverted.
Wow, Epstein Weiner and Weinstein? Two of the three are very close friends to Donald Trump and Weiner has been out of office forever.
You’re not making a very good argument.

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