trump Alters Map With Sharpie

I would disagree. The ability to admit one's mistakes and learn from them is vital to a leader being able to make good decisions. Trump cannot do this, and it should not be ignored.

Let's turn off the noise of the 50 some-odd pages of juvenile taunting I missed since yesterday and look at WHERE "admitting mistakes" is a problem...

There are ANCHORS on major networks asserting that Alabama was NEVER IN THE PATH and that Trump made it up... There are also journalists claiming that the whole map he used was a fraud...

It's a mini-example of how hard it is to find the folks "that can't admit mistakes"...

But it's not really THAT hard.. Virtually 85% of the folks in this thread -- ALL of them "party animals" REFUSE "to admit mistakes"...

It's just hard to tell which of the completely BOGUS allegations Trump was TRYING to respond to.. His mistake is prolonging the dumpster fire... If he was responding to the allegation that Alabama was NEVER in the officially projected path -- he's correct to point that out..

But mainly, trying to re-infuse any integrity into the media or getting the deranged to stop wildly striking out and nailing themselves to the walls is a fool's errand.. And in that way -- Trump is a bit of fool..

He doesn't need to address the deranged. He needs to do his job and let the opposition completely BBQ themselves like they did LAST NIGHT with that scarier and crazier than hell "Climate Change Summit"...

The amount of real science or policy that came of that wouldn't fill a single commercial spot.. And the apologizing for "not admitting mistakes" from THAT major self-annihilation would take YEARS to unwind...

Networks routinely admit an error

Our Presidents, childlike refusal to do so only makes matters worse. His attempt to provide a poorly doctored weather map made him a target for the derision you see in this thread
If y'all are off on Birth Certificates, it might be time to close this... Couldn't figure out how THIS topic could sustain discussion for 64 pages...

Ignore it

Just Conservatives trying to derail the thread
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

SAD is illegals pouring over the border. Sad is not being able to kick the kids out of here. Sad is not being able to punish the fake asylum requestors or the parents who desert their kids to get over the border. The sharpie is nothing-get over it

Sad is you assfucks not caring that Trump lies to you.
He won the 2016 election because he tells the truth.

Saying Alabama was at risk from Dorian was fake news.


Now the forum sees with all the crying you do about fake news, turns out you really don't care about it.

View attachment 277629
Dumbfuck, the hurricane was no threat to Alabama. The National Weather Service even responded to Trump's fake news....


Roll Tide
It rolled so much Trump got caught lying about it.

LMAO you didn’t understand the interference because you’re a foreign moron. Love it. Exposed by me again! I own You.

Networks routinely admit an error

You mean mistakes like hiring all the high paid govt criminals who were directing an inside attack on our elections and political system to protect their own asses? And fueled the "agent of Putin" and traitor fest that killed politics in America for 2 fucking years???

Get real and ADMIT THAT MISTAKE you just made....
Even you own screen shot shows Trump holding the altered map! Fuck, you truly are this stupid...all this time I thought it was an act.

At least Trump is smart enough to know there aren't 60 states in the USA, shithead! :1peleas:

And knows that you don't wipe a HDD with a cloth! :dance:

Yes he is, too bad he is not smart enough to admit when he made a mistake, fuck even Obama could do that.

I never once heard Obama apologize for marrying Michelle, ignoring Black crime in Chicago, accepting a Nobel prize he did not deserve, apologize for lying about Obamacare, or ignoring ISIS for two years much less wiretapping and undermining Trump! Much less that he doesn't even know the number of states in the country!
What a bizarre bunch of claims. Why would apologize for marrying Michelle?
What is bizarre about taking a Nobel peace prize for nothing? Then contributing to the death of millions?
What is bizarre about apologizing for lying to the nation about keeping your doctor? Saving $2500? About a video causing Benghazi they knew didn't exist?
What is bizarre about apologizing for dismissing a terror organization as JV for years until it has done trillions in damage and untold damage to multiple countries still being felt today?

Yet you have the NERVE to demand Trump "apologize" for there being some kind of mark on a map that might have simply been put there by someone in an earlier discussion that he never even mentioned or made reference to much less claimed anything?


What are you talking about? I haven’t demanded anything.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

How in the hell did this man get elected President, and why hasn't someone staged an intervention?

#Sharpiegate trends as people mock Trump for showing Hurricane Dorian path map altered with pen
He is an absolute embarrassment and a stone cold idiot. I can't believe we've sunk this low.
Really? For posting a map the supposed people that can predict our climate down to a tenth of a degree over the next ten years put up?
i argued birthers way back, and realized what a waste of time it is...let me know when you have actually seen it ok?

Oh and maybe how you gotCongress and tbe courts and tbe nefia and all the peopke inHawaii's records to keep a secret without leaking for dollars.

Birfers and trufers...same channel.

I challenged you. How is a 60s document created using 80s tech?

Save your crap and explain. By now you must realize won't I post until I'm confifent
You keep dodging. Have you examined it? How do you know it was created that way?

You're dodging not me. The fact is your boy released a document that was a fraud.

Again .... it was created by tech that wasn't available until 20 years after the fact

Explain or stop. Simple
You are basing your claim on a faulty premise that you cant or wont prove. I am not going to.

No, computer forensics is real. His fraud was created using Adobe and the layering proves it. It's readibly on the net and I've talked to my husband's firm IT mgr.

Seven layers using Adobe. Do you know what layering is? No and until you do bow out

I know what layering is and I call bs on that.
The left would like you to know the experts on glowbull warming that know everything about the weather and are going to need all of your income to save the planet and take all your stuff away. Made up a map Trump reposted which was wrong.

And Trump is an idiot for doing that. Not the ones that know fucking everything and will be running your life we’re wrong. Hell no, fucking Trump.
‘What I said was accurate!’: Trump stays fixated on his Alabama error as hurricane pounds the Carolinas

Tim O’Brien, a Trump biographer and executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion, said the Alabama claims underscore the president’s belief that admitting error is a sign of weakness.

“He’s doubling down on the worst sides of his troubled personality — to never admit an error and to continue obsessing about it, and emphasizing it, when it doesn’t serve him well to do so,” he said. “He doesn’t move along because he is incapable of moving along.”
Hilarious. The pathetic Trumpstettes are now back into birther mode. It's absolutely beautiful. Yes that certainly proves
Trump is not a JOKE. Well played. LOL

Like I said. Trump's sharpie. OR his phony birther racist shit. Or the going on over the Central Park Five even after it's PROVEN they were innocent. Or Trump's phony school for real estate agents (which he paid off the plaintiffs' law suit btw) Nothing New. Trump will just trot out some other pathetically false narrative tomorrow, and the Trumpstettes will fall over themselves in saying "oh, he's such a great business man, the world cowers."

Don't even start your Central Park 5 were innocent bullshit. Anybody in New York knows they got let out by a corrupt mayor and that the forensics showed that one guy could not have committed that rape. Never mind the other crimes those hoodlums were committing that entire night. As of your birther rants, explain Obama putting on his own book sleeve that he was Kenyan and letting to ride for years, right up until he wanted to run for President. But you leftists will trot out more bullshit tomorrow and lemmings like you will gobble it down without question.
Central Park 5 were not only innocent but received millions in compensation.
There was no evidence of any one of them at the scene. No DNA, no blood, no hairs. No evidence of the victim on their clothes
Plus, the guy who actually did it confessed and his DNA was found at the scene

If not for the hysteria which was stoked by Trump. They never would have been convicted

Trump had nothing to do with those hoodlums getting convicted you loon. Witnesses SAW them (and they admitted to a night of) wilding in that park. De Pitzio didn't want any investigation to interfere with his anti-cop bullshit so he declared the case shut and formed over millions in taxpayer money.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

How in the hell did this man get elected President, and why hasn't someone staged an intervention?

#Sharpiegate trends as people mock Trump for showing Hurricane Dorian path map altered with pen
He is an absolute embarrassment and a stone cold idiot. I can't believe we've sunk this low.
Really? For posting a map the supposed people that can predict our climate down to a tenth of a degree over the next ten years put up?

He was OK till he thought he needed to doctor the map
Kind of childish

Networks routinely admit an error

You mean mistakes like hiring all the high paid govt criminals who were directing an inside attack on our elections and political system to protect their own asses? And fueled the "agent of Putin" and traitor fest that killed politics in America for 2 fucking years???

Get real and ADMIT THAT MISTAKE you just made....
No idea WTF you are talking about
Hilarious. The pathetic Trumpstettes are now back into birther mode. It's absolutely beautiful. Yes that certainly proves
Trump is not a JOKE. Well played. LOL

Like I said. Trump's sharpie. OR his phony birther racist shit. Or the going on over the Central Park Five even after it's PROVEN they were innocent. Or Trump's phony school for real estate agents (which he paid off the plaintiffs' law suit btw) Nothing New. Trump will just trot out some other pathetically false narrative tomorrow, and the Trumpstettes will fall over themselves in saying "oh, he's such a great business man, the world cowers."

Don't even start your Central Park 5 were innocent bullshit. Anybody in New York knows they got let out by a corrupt mayor and that the forensics showed that one guy could not have committed that rape. Never mind the other crimes those hoodlums were committing that entire night. As of your birther rants, explain Obama putting on his own book sleeve that he was Kenyan and letting to ride for years, right up until he wanted to run for President. But you leftists will trot out more bullshit tomorrow and lemmings like you will gobble it down without question.
Central Park 5 were not only innocent but received millions in compensation.
There was no evidence of any one of them at the scene. No DNA, no blood, no hairs. No evidence of the victim on their clothes
Plus, the guy who actually did it confessed and his DNA was found at the scene

If not for the hysteria which was stoked by Trump. They never would have been convicted

Trump had nothing to do with those hoodlums getting convicted you loon. Witnesses SAW them (and they admitted to a night of) wilding in that park. De Pitzio didn't want any investigation to interfere with his anti-cop bullshit so he declared the case shut and formed over millions in taxpayer money.
No witnesses identified them
Trump demanded the death penalty
Waiting Obamabots.

How is a 1960 document released that was created on 1980 tech

Save you the BS and answer

Simple really

How about you post a link that proves it was fake, or get back to the discussion the rest of us are having about Trump and his sharpie moment trying to say his tweet was correct.

Yanno...................the rest of us have moved on and know that Obama is no longer in the WH, and that Hillary is finished politically. It's you conservatives who don't want to discuss the current spate of bullshit that Trump is spewing, because every time it's brought up, you guys scream about Hillary and Obama. We know that Trump is in the WH, and Hillary isn't. Apparently, you don't.

No you haven't moved on, given the bitching you and your other idiots do on a daily basis about Trump while you fellate Barry and Michael. By the way, if a sharpie triggers you this much snowflake, I suggest you seek counseling. Your constant stream of bullshit and lies about Trump on a daily basis is just getting old. We know Trump is in the White House. YOU loons keep crying about Russia and Hillary won the popular vote so STFU.
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

He got nominated because he's entertaining. Nothing more, nothing less. He made jokes about how bad things are in Washington. And then when he was elected, he made things much, much worse, and no one is laughing any more.

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