Trump/America Wins Again: USA Withdrawing from WHO!!!

We sure are doing a great job from isolating ourselves from the rest of the planet.

So who takes up the mantle of "Leader of the Free World"? Germany? Great Britain?
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Little wonder Trump's approvals are in the gutter. He wants to play politics.
Trump can’t support anyone who disagrees with him, which except for shrinking crowd of supporters , is everyone.
Sounds like BLM and the democrats who actively shame and punish anyone for not towing their line.

Fuck off with that bullshit.
In an administration that has lurched from bad decision to worse, this might be the absolute worst decision. Pandemic? Well, then, let's withdraw from the world organization that was created to deal with that sort of thing, because they're not perfect. That's not throwing out the baby with the bathwater, that's throwing out the bathtub, too. Incredibly stupid.

I learned that the leader of WHO previously said in a book that Rump was unstable and should NOT be trusted with the Nuclear Arsenal. She also said He was unfit to be President. The Removal of the US from WHO is just another fit of rage by Rump, nothing more, and has nothing to do with what is good for the United States of America. All Rump did was to verify She was right. It's all about Rump.
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Little wonder Trump's approvals are in the gutter. He wants to play politics.

Withdrawing from the WHO during a worldwide pandemic is pretty stupid.
/——/ Why? Is WHO on the streets of America treating folks with the Chink Flu?

Do you want them to? I doubt it given your hatred of all things....well all things period.
/——/ The question was why withdraw from WHO during a pandemic. I’m asking what are they doing to stop it?

Because the leader of WHO slighted Rump. Forget what's good for America, it's all about Rump.
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Little wonder Trump's approvals are in the gutter. He wants to play politics.

Withdrawing from the WHO during a worldwide pandemic is pretty stupid.
/——/ Why? Is WHO on the streets of America treating folks with the Chink Flu?
WHO made sure that in the US was able to start to develop testing kits in January. WHO decides what strains of flu are included in the flu shots. WHO issues warnings of dangerous viruses before they become major problems.

Diseases don't stop at borders and by withdrawing the US doesn't just lose decision power on what is deemed priority it also loses the information that allows countries to prepare for a crisis.
/——/ We can do all that on our own. WHO is just another waste of time and money.
Of course it’s just a waste of money when it isn’t going into Trump’s pocket.
In an administration that has lurched from bad decision to worse, this might be the absolute worst decision. Pandemic? Well, then, let's withdraw from the world organization that was created to deal with that sort of thing, because they're not perfect. That's not throwing out the baby with the bathwater, that's throwing out the bathtub, too. Incredibly stupid.

I learned that the leader of WHO previously said in a book that Rump was unstable and should NOT be trusted with the Nuclear Arsenal. She also said He was unfit to be President. The Removal of the US from WHO is just another fit of rage by Rump, nothing more, and has nothing to do with what is good for the United States of America. All Rump did was to verify She was right. It's all about Rump.

LEADER OF WHO: Trump, you're unstable and unfit to be president. Now give me money!
This is good for WHO.
They are getting rid of the most disease-ridden country in their group.
It's like a health insurance company dropping it's sickest members.
now trump merely needs to withdraw from the pandemic. WINNING!
This is good for WHO.
They are getting rid of the most disease-ridden country in their group.
It's like a health insurance company dropping it's sickest members.

The WHO is one of the most diseased corrupted orgs who bow to China. Theyre worthless like the UN. Globalists love them though.
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Little wonder Trump's approvals are in the gutter. He wants to play politics.

Withdrawing from the WHO during a worldwide pandemic is pretty stupid.
/——/ Why? Is WHO on the streets of America treating folks with the Chink Flu?
WHO made sure that in the US was able to start to develop testing kits in January. WHO decides what strains of flu are included in the flu shots. WHO issues warnings of dangerous viruses before they become major problems.

Diseases don't stop at borders and by withdrawing the US doesn't just lose decision power on what is deemed priority it also loses the information that allows countries to prepare for a crisis.
/——/ We can do all that on our own. WHO is just another waste of time and money.
Of course it’s just a waste of money when it isn’t going into Trump’s pocket.
/----/ You're trying to convince us that a 70-year-old billionaire would take all this shytstorm you libtards heap on him nonstop, just so he could make a few more dollars? He could have made more money staying out of the office and just running his businesses. BTW - the president donating his salary to charity flies in the face of your idiotic theory.
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Donations to WHO will make up most of the money lost and when voters boot the clown out office, American will once again support world health.
Just like some delirious posters here were saying that illegals and uninsured poor should not get treatment but thrown out into the. streets. We are only as healthy as those around us with highly contagious diseases. With world travel being the norm, that’s everyone

Who said that?

It's illegal to deny medical to anyone in this country.
And besides you only have a less than 1% chance of dying.
Oh and dont worry,the destitute aren't world travelers.
Neither are the non-destitute.
No need to renew your passport if you're American.

First of all I have no desire to visit the UK.
Second you act like the virus is never going to end.
Fuken drama queen....
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Donations to WHO will make up most of the money lost and when voters boot the clown out office, American will once again support world health.
Just like some delirious posters here were saying that illegals and uninsured poor should not get treatment but thrown out into the. streets. We are only as healthy as those around us with highly contagious diseases. With world travel being the norm, that’s everyone

Who said that?

It's illegal to deny medical to anyone in this country.
And besides you only have a less than 1% chance of dying.
Oh and dont worry,the destitute aren't world travelers.
Wrong. You don’t know the difference between emergency care and long term care do you ? Thought so.

I'm an expert on it.Trust me.
Like the money stolen from the military to build a shport fence.m.
I am sure that makes sense in Ebonics or whatever your native language is.
It’s Trumpism of 35 words or less.

aww ...let me we have one of "them" :puke: one of the communists ....

View attachment 360805
Let me puke while I clean up pigeon shit from a maga hat wearing pigeon.
Like the money stolen from the military to build a shport fence.m.
I am sure that makes sense in Ebonics or whatever your native language is.
It’s Trumpism of 35 words or less.

aww ...let me we have one of "them" :puke: one of the communists ....

View attachment 360805
Let me puke while I clean up the pigeon shit.
View attachment 360829
Now swallow dipshit.
Your MAGA hat is way too tight You can swallow your own pigeon shit.
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Donations to WHO will make up most of the money lost and when voters boot the clown out office, American will once again support world health.
Just like some delirious posters here were saying that illegals and uninsured poor should not get treatment but thrown out into the. streets. We are only as healthy as those around us with highly contagious diseases. With world travel being the norm, that’s everyone

Who said that?

It's illegal to deny medical to anyone in this country.
And besides you only have a less than 1% chance of dying.
Oh and dont worry,the destitute aren't world travelers.
Neither are the non-destitute.
No need to renew your passport if you're American.

First of all I have no desire to visit the UK.
Second you act like the virus is never going to end.
Fuken drama queen....
Well, you’ll be happy to know they don‘t want Bumper Humpers. Now, Russia could welcome you with open pee beds.
China owns them, let China pay their way.
Like the money stolen from the military to build a shport fence.m.
I am sure that makes sense in Ebonics or whatever your native language is.
It’s Trumpism of 35 words or less.

Once more in English please.
I dont have the ignoramus decoder ring.
Peculiar, it seems they make them in your size for all Trump Humpers.

Are you a bot?
Because none of your statements make sense.
Are you a butt head ?
Excellent! It was money down the drain!

Donations to WHO will make up most of the money lost and when voters boot the clown out office, American will once again support world health.
Just like some delirious posters here were saying that illegals and uninsured poor should not get treatment but thrown out into the. streets. We are only as healthy as those around us with highly contagious diseases. With world travel being the norm, that’s everyone

Who said that?

It's illegal to deny medical to anyone in this country.
And besides you only have a less than 1% chance of dying.
Oh and dont worry,the destitute aren't world travelers.
Neither are the non-destitute.
No need to renew your passport if you're American.

First of all I have no desire to visit the UK.
Second you act like the virus is never going to end.
Fuken drama queen....
Well, you’ll be happy to know they don‘t want Bumper Humpers. Now, Russia could welcome you with open pee beds.

Do you have some sort of mental deficiency?
Nothing you say makes sense nor does it have anything to do with the posts your responding to.
China owns them, let China pay their way.
Like the money stolen from the military to build a shport fence.m.
I am sure that makes sense in Ebonics or whatever your native language is.
It’s Trumpism of 35 words or less.

Once more in English please.
I dont have the ignoramus decoder ring.
Peculiar, it seems they make them in your size for all Trump Humpers.

Are you a bot?
Because none of your statements make sense.
Are you a butt head ?

I rest my case.
This is good for WHO.
They are getting rid of the most disease-ridden country in their group.
It's like a health insurance company dropping it's sickest members.

The WHO is one of the most diseased corrupted orgs who bow to China. Theyre worthless like the UN. Globalists love them though.
Maybe you should pay attention.

Taiwan. Population 20 million plus, cases 447, deaths 7
the onay difference is Leadership.
Taiwan Coronavirus: 449 Cases and 7 Deaths - Worldometer

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