Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Neighbors Face Consequences

Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attecking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p

Obama never threatened anyone with big consequences.
I live in an area where everyone has acreage, where people value their privacy and have shrubbery or fences built to keep it private. Am I going to be held to account? because there is no way I am going to know what they are doing and some of these people I call friends.
Are any of those neighbors brown? If so you can install security cameras to hide in their bushes and use the footage to report to the government.

LOL, they call those people peeping toms and I think it's against the law.
Not if Trump gets elected :laugh:
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'

Yep, Adolf Trump is completely unhinged. Hitler in the making...


Donald Trump Delivers Terrifying Post-Orlando Speech...

Doubles Down On Muslim Ban...

'I Don't Want Them In Our Country'...

Fearmongers On Refugee Crisis...

'Radical Islam Is Coming To Our Shores'...

Suggests Arresting People Who Don’t Report Suspicious Neighbors...

Earlier: Says Obama May Be Sympathetic To Islamic Terrorism...

Calls On President To Resign...

Peddles Discredited 'Good Guy With A Gun' Myth...

Revokes Washington Post Press Credentials For Reporting The News...

Chait: Trump Is 'The Fearmonger Republicans Have Been Waiting For'...
This moment of radical, partisan, ranting hatred has been brought to you by the Democrats - the same one who brought you this latest terrorist attack. (He was a Democrat.) You can find Lakhota at the front of the next Anti-trump protest throwing eggs at women and chasing down and beating kids. :p
It should be noted that after the San Bernadino shooting president Hussein's A.G. threatened to use the vast resources of the federal government against anyone who dared to insult a Muslem.
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attecking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p
See something, say something, is far different from stating that those who knew somebody that commits a violent crime would be held legally accountable for not knowing what that person had in mind.
"ow we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to."

I would say that if your friends are the same kind of people who committed this atrocity then I would say you have a totally different kind of problem asshole!
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attecking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p

Obama never threatened anyone with big consequences.
I beg to differ...remember when he sent his AG, Lynch, to threaten citizens if they exercised their 1st Amendment rights after the last terrorist attack?!
Omar's wife in Orlando was with him while he was scouting the Disney World location and said nothing.

Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attecking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p

Obama never threatened anyone with big consequences.
I beg to differ...remember when he sent his AG, Lynch, to threaten citizens if they exercised their 1st Amendment rights after the last terrorist attack?!

No, you have a cite?
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attecking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p
See something, say something, is far different from stating that those who knew somebody that commits a violent crime would be held legally accountable for not knowing what that person had in mind.
In this last case Gilroy heard this ass repeatedly say he was going to kill people, and he said nothing....and 50 people died. I partly feel he is to blame, too. Of coure the FBI were drawn to this guy twice and failed to stop his terrorist attack...
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attecking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p

Obama never threatened anyone with big consequences.
I beg to differ...remember when he sent his AG, Lynch, to threaten citizens if they exercised their 1st Amendment rights after the last terrorist attack?!

No, you have a cite?
No, I don't have a CITE.

And liberal selective memory is a bitch. You guys should hold a telethon. :p
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attecking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p

Obama never threatened anyone with big consequences.
I beg to differ...remember when he sent his AG, Lynch, to threaten citizens if they exercised their 1st Amendment rights after the last terrorist attack?!

No, you have a cite?
No, I don't have a CITE.

And liberal selective memory is a bitch. You guys should hold a telethon. :p
Oh! so it may be made up in your head? I see.
I wish I could say that the people supporting Trump do not recognize the historical parallels of his rhetoric, but I think they damned well do recognize it, and don't give a damn.

Obama went further by creating his Nazi AttackWatch website and wanted people to squeal on their family and friends who criticized Obama or Obamacare. And people did it. No telling what was done with the names.

If you witness something suspicious or an actual crime, you should report it. There would be no way to charge people with not reporting something because you can't prove what they see or hear.

People did come out after the San Bernardino shootings and said they thought something was suspicious and likely would have come forward, but feared they'd be attacked for being Islamophobic. That is the left not wanting people to speak out, especially against Muslims.

So, those people admittedly knew something was wrong and did nothing out of fear.

In cases where people think they see something suspicious, they can't be sure if anyone is in danger or not. While I think you should report things, some might fear what their neighbors might do if they find out it was them who called police.

No one should be fined for not reporting something that may or may not mean anything. People can't be sure all the time. Those who witness something or know that someone is planning something really should come forward.

Does anyone here disagree with good Samaritan laws that state you must help someone in trouble if you are not in danger for doing so?
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Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attacking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p
Gilroy did say something. He went tovhis employer and was told that no action would be taken against a muslim. It got so bad, Gilroy had to quit.
I wish I could say that the people supporting Trump do not recognize the historical parallels of his rhetoric, but I think they damned well do recognize it, and don't give a damn.

Obama went further by creating his Nazi AttackWatch website and wanted people to squeal on their family and friends who criticized Obama or Obamacare. And people did it. No telling what was done with the names.

If you witness something suspicious or an actual crime, you should report it. There would be no way to charge people with not reporting something because you can't prove what they see or hear.

People did come out after the San Bernardino shootings and said they thought something was suspicious and likely would have come forward, but feared they'd be attacked for being Islamophobic. That is the left not wanting people to speak out, especially against Muslims.

So, those people admittedly knew something was wrong and did nothing out of fear.

In cases where people think they see something suspicious, they can't be sure if anyone is in danger or not. While I think you should report things, some might fear what their neighbors might do if they find out it was them who called police.

No one should be fined for not reporting something that may or may not mean anything. People can't be sure all the time. Those who witness something or know that someone is planning something really should come forward.

Does anyone here disagree with good Samaritan laws that state you must help someone in trouble if you are not in danger for doing so?
That's not what Good Samaritan laws do. There is no law anywhere that you must render aid. Good Samaritan laws prohibit civil liability if you are acting in good faith while rendering aid. If you help someone in an emergency they can't sue you if you cause or worsen an injury.
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attacking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p
Gilroy did say something. He went tovhis employer and was told that no action would be taken against a muslim. It got so bad, Gilroy had to quit.
My comments were paraphrased from his interview (link provided earlier). In that interview, again, he expressed guilt for not doing enough / reporting him to the authorities. Screw reporting him to the boss - the FBI or cops should have been called.
Boy, this guy is sounding more and more like a fascist, now we face big consequences if we don't rat on our friends or make it our business to know what they're up to. What if our friends are up to no good and we had no idea that something was going on? Are they going to take us out to the barn and shoot us as an example?

"Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously.

“In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” Trump said during a speech in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.”

A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice'


You call Trump 'fascist' for bringing back up Obama's original 'See something, SAY Something' program. That's funny, right there.

The fact, especially in this case, is they were / are both right. His co-worker / 'friend' Gilroy stated he was always talking about killing someone, committing acts like this and that it was no surprise to him that he did this. He went on to say he feels guilty about NOT turning him in and doing more.

But your attacking Trump as a 'fascist' for calling for the same thing Obama did is 'priceless'. :p
Gilroy did say something. He went tovhis employer and was told that no action would be taken against a muslim. It got so bad, Gilroy had to quit.
My comments were paraphrased from his interview (link provided earlier). In that interview, again, he expressed guilt for not doing enough / reporting him to the authorities. Screw reporting him to the boss - the FBI or cops should have been called.

I won't disagree with you there, especially with his back history, he should have called.

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