Trump And Clinton Supporters Find Common Ground On Background Checks For Guns

Denying that universal background checks and no gun sales to the mentally ill and domestic abusers wouldn't save lives is nonsense.

Perhaps that might, but the lives it won't save are those taken by a man armed with a gun obtained illegally. Earth to you, Lakhota.
Denying that universal background checks and no gun sales to the mentally ill and domestic abusers wouldn't save lives is nonsense. Speed limits don't prevent all speeding, either.

Yeah, tell that to the 9 people killed in Germany by a mentally ill guy. They require mental illness check in Germany. Worked like a charm.

Are you also including the number of lives lost, due to people not being able to defend themselves, because your background checks prevented them from getting a gun for self defense? Of course not. Left-ists never really care about people being killed... only how much control they can have over the public.

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