Trump and Coal Mining and the stupidity of it all.....

While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?
You bitching about this is rather ironic.

Bernie and Cankles promise all sorts of shit...a lot of it they claim will be FREE.

Never believe a word a politician matter the political party.
The French are 70% nuclear. You are an uniformed loudmouth on the internet.

For anyone interested in truth this is a great video on nuclear power. Many leaders in the anti-nuke movement changed their minds after examining the facts with cooler heads. The host goes around the world with a Geiger counter revealing some surprising results. The plants can be built safely, have been and with nothing but hysteria and ignorance from the left.

From a Stanford U. study

Nuclear materials generate high level waste that is extremely hazardous and capable of harming living organisms and the environment. While low and intermediate level radioactive wastes are being appropriately disposed, high level radioactive waste is still stored at temporary locations awaiting disposal at permanent facilities. And still, there are no permanent facilities, even though approximately 270,000 metric tons of high level radioactive waste has accumulated in 30 countries and an additional 9,000 metric tons are being added annually. Despite being in the title of this paper, high level nuclear waste "disposal" is a misnomer. Even the strongest promoters of nuclear energy will not claim that ultimate disposal methods are yet achievable. Any idea conceived will have to solve problems regarding storage, guardianship, and management of the waste. [5] Without a known solution to the nuclear energy waste problem, and with continued electricity production from reactors, high level waste will continue to build up around the world. And as debates over this controversial issue continue, the waste will patiently decay as its gets passed from generation to generation for hundreds of thousands of years.

Storage and 'Disposal' of Nuclear Waste
The French are 70% nuclear. You are an uniformed loudmouth on the internet.

For anyone interested in truth this is a great video on nuclear power. Many leaders in the anti-nuke movement changed their minds after examining the facts with cooler heads. The host goes around the world with a Geiger counter revealing some surprising results. The plants can be built safely, have been and with nothing but hysteria and ignorance from the left.

From a Stanford U. study

Nuclear materials generate high level waste that is extremely hazardous and capable of harming living organisms and the environment. While low and intermediate level radioactive wastes are being appropriately disposed, high level radioactive waste is still stored at temporary locations awaiting disposal at permanent facilities. And still, there are no permanent facilities, even though approximately 270,000 metric tons of high level radioactive waste has accumulated in 30 countries and an additional 9,000 metric tons are being added annually. Despite being in the title of this paper, high level nuclear waste "disposal" is a misnomer. Even the strongest promoters of nuclear energy will not claim that ultimate disposal methods are yet achievable. Any idea conceived will have to solve problems regarding storage, guardianship, and management of the waste. [5] Without a known solution to the nuclear energy waste problem, and with continued electricity production from reactors, high level waste will continue to build up around the world. And as debates over this controversial issue continue, the waste will patiently decay as its gets passed from generation to generation for hundreds of thousands of years.

Storage and 'Disposal' of Nuclear Waste
In a hundred thousand years we'll have better technology for energy and disposal. Watch the video I posted instead of protecting your beliefs.
In a hundred thousand years we'll have better technology for energy and disposal. Watch the video I posted instead of protecting your beliefs.

So, you're volunteering to store that "safe" waste in your backyard???

BTW, moron....this thread is about Trump lying about MORE coal jobs......Start your own thread about how safe nuclear waste may be.
So, if EVEN the clueless right wingers on here agree that the coal miners jobs are NOT coming back, which of these idiots is willing to openly state that Trump lied ???
While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?
------------------------ thanks fer the news Nat , now lets elect the Trump and start mining and burning that coal ehh . Go Trump !!
The republican electorate has selected a twelve year old bully as their presidential candidate. And you thought they were about family values, service to the nation, and paying your fair share. You thought wrong, draft dodger Donald is a fascinating example of just how empty the republican party is today. They made this man possible and now the sane ones among them shake their heads. I addressed this nonsense yesterday, see link. Trump is just another drug, another mouthpiece, for those who refuse to think.

Welfare recipients for Trump

"The American Republic stands threatened by the first overtly anti-democratic leader of a large party in its modern history—an authoritarian with no grasp of history, no impulse control, and no apparent barriers on his will to power. The right thing to do, for everyone who believes in liberal democracy, is to gather around and work to defeat him on Election Day. Instead, we seem to be either engaged in parochial feuding or caught by habits of tribal hatred so ingrained that they have become impossible to escape even at moments of maximum danger. Bernie Sanders wouldn’t mind bringing down the Democratic Party to prevent it from surrendering to corporate forces — and yet he may be increasing the possibility of rule -by- billionaire." The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump - The New Yorker

"When a faithfully married black president who was the son of a single-mother, the first black editor of Harvard Law review and a professor of constitutional law is considered unintelligent, immoral, and anti-American by the right while a xenophobic, misogynistic, "serially philandering", trust fund kid who quotes from the National Enquirer, peddles conspiracy theories, routinely calls women ugly and fat, calls McCain a loser for having been a prisoner of war, and who has advocated torture and the bombing of women and children has captured the hearts of a majority of Republicans. This is white supremacy folks. Plain and simple." Adam Gelvan
While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?

There is no need to close coal mines and toss people out of a job. When a mine runs out of ore, it will die a natural death, and the people who work there know well ahead of time and are ready and prepared to find another job. I know, because I worked in mines that closed down due to nothing left to mine for or no demand for the product.

It is the cold and cruel liberal decision that coal is bad that makes the sudden and totally unwarranted and unjustified persecution of the coal industry so despicable. It is dressed in the phony cloth of preserving Earth. It is driven by false prophets like Obama and Clinton (both) and the phoniest son of a bitch who should be Gore-d in his fat belly under the hundreds of electric lights kept lit by coal-produced electricity in his Florida home, which, according to his predictions, should be under water by now.

Leave coal and coal miners alone!
There is no need to close coal mines and toss people out of a job. When a mine runs out of ore, it will die a natural death, and the people who work there know well ahead of time and are ready and prepared to find another job. I know, because I worked in mines that closed down due to nothing left to mine for or no demand for the product.

So, you're admitting that Trump LIED and PANDERED to these coal miners?
There is no need to close coal mines and toss people out of a job. When a mine runs out of ore, it will die a natural death, and the people who work there know well ahead of time and are ready and prepared to find another job. I know, because I worked in mines that closed down due to nothing left to mine for or no demand for the product.

So, you're admitting that Trump LIED and PANDERED to these coal miners?

You are an incurably illiterate, idiotic, insolent, incoherent imbecilic ignoramus.

I will put coal in your stocking next Christmas.
You are an incurably illiterate, idiotic, insolent, incoherent imbecilic ignoramus.

What ?????

Well, after that "erudite" response...please don't forget to flush and thoroughly wash your hands.
It is the cold and cruel liberal decision that coal is bad that makes the sudden and totally unwarranted and unjustified persecution of the coal industry so despicable.

True....Spewing those tons and tons of coal dust into the atmosphere makes for prettier sunsets.....

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