Trump and Coal Mining and the stupidity of it all.....

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy

Call it a one-two punch against coal. As global demand for U.S. coal exports continues to sag, domestic demand at power plants has been sliding as well.

For the first time ever, natural gas trumped
[an ironic choice of terms..LOL] coal as the top source of electric power generation in the U.S. In April, roughly 31 percent of electric power generation came from natural gas, whereas coal accounted for 30 percent, according to a recent SNL Energy report. It's a dramatic difference from April 2010, when coal accounted for 44 percent of the mix and natural gas just 22 percent.

Transition away from this energy source is 'stunning'
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While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?
Today's republicans vote for anyone who tells them what they want to hear, because their reality sucks. The gop establishment's been doing that since 1988. Trump noticed. He's an outsider who is preaching the same old clap trap with one exception, immigration. On for policy he's either an isolationist or hawk, depending on the audience.
While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?
Maybe the handouts Obama gave to his contributors would have been better spent on solutions instead of lining the pockets of greedy lazy democrats.
You're going to sit there and try to sell Obama and now Hillary Clinton haven't and will continue a war on coal? If you do you're dumber than I originally thought.

Coal should be gotten rid of. We can hardly even eat fish thanks to the pollution. Long term it is only going to get worse. And they are aweful jobs.
Maybe the handouts Obama gave to his contributors would have been better spent on solutions instead of lining the pockets of greedy lazy democrats. who could argue against this well-though-out and carefully researched accusation by a right winger...Well, well done and impressive.

(these morons just keep on coming.......Hey, nitwit, is this thread about Obama?)
Repubs are energy policy idiots. Remember how they were all pro oil? Now the Saudis just destroyed that. Great idea guys. Focus on something we can't do very well. Genius.
Donnie will bring back coal jobs as soon as he lowers the price of natural gas.
While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?
Coal/oil/gas is the heart and soul of energy in this country... Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)
Use what we have for fossil fuels till we run out, then cross that bridge when we get there.
This is not Star Trek, things cost money here in the real world. Expecting everyone to pay for pie in the sky is fucking stupid. Now go hide…
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)

Yes let's continue with oil when the Saudis can run us out of business whenever they want. Let's keep using coal while it poisons our food and environment. We don't want to be the leader in the future of energy.
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)
Use what we have for fossil fuels till we run out, then cross that bridge when we get there.
This is not Star Trek, things cost money here in the real world. Expecting everyone to pay for pie in the sky is fucking stupid. Now go hide…

Great planning. Use it all up and then come up with a plan. Genius.
While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?

The future of the coal industry is only moribund because GreenieStatistProgs have used the bludgeon of Big Government to destroy it.
How could the left claim that the loss of jobs in the coal industry wasn't caused by democrat policies when we know that Obama intended to "wean America off fossil fuel" (how did that work out?) and his policies caused the demise of the coal industry. Didn't the low information left understand what Hillary was saying when she vowed to put coal miners out of work and shut down the mines? The rest of the freaking world is gobbling up fossil fuel and Barry Hussein seems to think that gigantic toxic batteries and migratory bird killing machines are the future.
The real problem is that right wing states would all be third world if they didn't have money coming out of the ground.
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)

Yes let's continue with oil when the Saudis can run us out of business whenever they want. Let's keep using coal while it poisons our food and environment. We don't want to be the leader in the future of energy.
The future of energy is not what "green" people say it is - "green" people are the greediest people on the planet, all control freaks.
You fuck nuts just continue playing with your little science experiments, and pay for it yourself don't expect anyone else to.
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)
Use what we have for fossil fuels till we run out, then cross that bridge when we get there.
This is not Star Trek, things cost money here in the real world. Expecting everyone to pay for pie in the sky is fucking stupid. Now go hide…

Great planning. Use it all up and then come up with a plan. Genius.
Well there's a few hundred more years of fossil fuels left to burn… Drill baby drill
The future of the coal industry is only moribund because GreenieStatistProgs have used the bludgeon of Big Government to destroy it.

You're "correct"....Its not because Kentucky and W. Virginia mines have run of out coal and its not because natural gas is cheaper and cleaner......It HAS to be because of the "Greenies"......

I'll let other posters judge your level of acumen.
The materials for this renewable energy experiment are the most toxic on the planet... Progressive watch far too much Star Trek. LOL

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