Trump And His Supporters Explained

Pardon me?
Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into President Trump's business transactions as part of the ongoing probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russians who sought to influence the 2016 election, according to a Thursday report in Bloomberg.

The news comes a day after Trump told The New York Times that Mueller would cross a line if he expanded the probe to his business ties.

Mueller is the special counsel appointed by the Justice Department to investigate Russian election meddling and alleged collusion by members of the Trump campaign.

Bloomberg reports the counsel is probing purchases from Russian buyers at Trump properties, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, a SoHo development involving Russian associates and Trump's 2008 sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch.
"Those transactions are in my view well beyond the mandate of the special counsel," Trump’s lawyer John Dowd said in a statement to Bloomberg.

Dowd called the investigation into Trump's finances "unrelated to the election of 2016 or any alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and most importantly ... well beyond any Statute of Limitation imposed by the United States Code."

The Times separately reported on Wednesday the president’s ties to Deutsche Bank were also facing scrutiny.
His JOB is to find out how the Russians hacked into the DNC............and influenced elections...................

The new witch hunt is purely POLITICAL...............and nothing more.....................

It's end game goal........................Attempt to trap Trump on another charge.................since they have been unable to find proof on the 1st............That came straight from Comey under oath...............who openly admitted going public with information when he refused to go public and simply say Trump is not under investigation...................

According to his own testimony he was NEVER ORDERED to end the investigations.......he was NEVER ordered to go public and say Trump is not under investigation.

A suggestion is NOT AN ORDER.......................the witch hunt continues.


That's a great shot of Hillary and her Dem followers.
President Trump has reportedly asked his lawyers about the possibility of pardons for himself, his family and his inner circle as the investigation into his relationship with Russia deepens.

Trump’s legal team, which has experienced a shake up, has been speaking among themselves about the president’s power to pardon, according to The Washington Post (paywall).

The potential pardons are reportedly just an option and not seriously being considered at the moment.

“This is not in the context of, ‘I can’t wait to pardon myself,’ ” a close adviser told the paper.

Meanwhile, Trump’s longtime lawyer Marc Kasowitz, has taken a smaller roll for the team working for him in the Russia probe, CNN

"Sources" other words "we can't find anyone to go on record".


no, nutter butter.

funny how "sources" didn't 't trouble rightqingnut pond scum when we were talking about emails. :cuckoo:

The FBI clearly stated Hillary and her team broke the law in regards to email.
Most of us conservatives do hate the elected Republicans and the GOP establishment. We hate them less then Democrats, but we still hate them.

They can't get their act together and fix budget issues and pass legislation. At least the Dems all vote together for their bullshit Marxist Agenda.

you aren't a "conservative". conservatives are thoughtful and contemplative and want change to come slowly. conservatives aren't reactionary insane radical rightwingnut loons.

what will be interesting to see is if McCain preserves his legacy by taking a stand while he still can. if he does, I think Graham and a few other republicans would support him.

John McStain is the biggest RINO in Republican history. He's a moderate and in some cases outright liberal shitbag, he has never stood for conservative values. Conservatives in Arizona have always hated him.

again, he's a real republican. you wackos are the RINO's who hijacked what used to be a respectable party.

you can pretend whatever you want. normal people know better.

Of course, "Real Republican's" bend over backwards to give Dems whatever they want. Your definition of a "real republican" is patently stupid...but hey, so are you.

no, moron. real republicans are smarter than you.

you're the ones who hijacked a perfectly honorable political party and turned it into an embarrassment. if respect for our constitution and our form of government is "bend[ing] over backwards" then you would probably be happier living in Russia with your boy Vladimir.

His JOB is to find out how the Russians hacked into the DNC............and influenced elections...................

The new witch hunt is purely POLITICAL...............and nothing more.....................

It's end game goal........................Attempt to trap Trump on another charge.................since they have been unable to find proof on the 1st............That came straight from Comey under oath...............who openly admitted going public with information when he refused to go public and simply say Trump is not under investigation...................

According to his own testimony he was NEVER ORDERED to end the investigations.......he was NEVER ordered to go public and say Trump is not under investigation.

A suggestion is NOT AN ORDER.......................the witch hunt continues.


That's a great shot of Hillary and her Dem followers.
President Trump has reportedly asked his lawyers about the possibility of pardons for himself, his family and his inner circle as the investigation into his relationship with Russia deepens.

Trump’s legal team, which has experienced a shake up, has been speaking among themselves about the president’s power to pardon, according to The Washington Post (paywall).

The potential pardons are reportedly just an option and not seriously being considered at the moment.

“This is not in the context of, ‘I can’t wait to pardon myself,’ ” a close adviser told the paper.

Meanwhile, Trump’s longtime lawyer Marc Kasowitz, has taken a smaller roll for the team working for him in the Russia probe, CNN

"Sources" other words "we can't find anyone to go on record".


no, nutter butter.

funny how "sources" didn't 't trouble rightqingnut pond scum when we were talking about emails. :cuckoo:

The FBI clearly stated Hillary and her team broke the law in regards to email.

the FBI did no such thing you insane twit.
One silver lining of the lunacy of Trump is that it has introduced me to several sane conservative pundits. Among them, Rick Wilson.

He nailed it here, Trombies. Read about yourselves.

When Will Republicans Learn That Donald Trump Hates Them?

Yeah, I'll bet you didn't listen to him when he talked about Obama's lies and failed policies did you asshole?

Didn't know who he was.

How about lunch next week, Pred. I'll be in O'town on Friday. You pick the place. My treat.
That's a great shot of Hillary and her Dem followers.
President Trump has reportedly asked his lawyers about the possibility of pardons for himself, his family and his inner circle as the investigation into his relationship with Russia deepens.

Trump’s legal team, which has experienced a shake up, has been speaking among themselves about the president’s power to pardon, according to The Washington Post (paywall).

The potential pardons are reportedly just an option and not seriously being considered at the moment.

“This is not in the context of, ‘I can’t wait to pardon myself,’ ” a close adviser told the paper.

Meanwhile, Trump’s longtime lawyer Marc Kasowitz, has taken a smaller roll for the team working for him in the Russia probe, CNN

"Sources" other words "we can't find anyone to go on record".


no, nutter butter.

funny how "sources" didn't 't trouble rightqingnut pond scum when we were talking about emails. :cuckoo:

The FBI clearly stated Hillary and her team broke the law in regards to email.

the FBI did no such thing you insane twit.

Comey most certainly did:

Here are highlights of what Comey said:

  • “Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
  • Clinton’s emails included seven message chains with information classified as top secret.
  • None of these emails should have been on any kind of unclassified system.”
  • “The security culture of the State Department …was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government.”
  • Comey acknowledged that the FBI did not normally make public its recommendations to prosecutors as to whether to bring criminal charges. He added: “In this case, given the importance of the matter, I think unusual transparency is in order.”
  • “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
  • “I know there will be intense public debate in the wake of this recommendation, as there was throughout this investigation.”
Here's what James Comey said about Hillary Clinton's emails back in July

The evidence was there, as stated by the FBI and Comey, yet Lynch wouldn't let him recommend pressing charges because she was a corrupt DNC crony.

His eventual finding was the Hillary broke the law, but because she was ignorant and stupid, she didn't have "intent" to break the law.

Lamest excuse to not prosecute someone for committing a crime. She got off solely by political means, thanks to the Obama stooges in charge of the FBI and DOJ.

Not to mention, Hillary herself apologized for the email server:

“As I look back at it now, even though it was allowed, I should have used two accounts. That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility,” Clinton said in an interview with ABC News.

Hillary Clinton apologizes for e-mail system: ‘I take responsibility’

Care to keep claiming no law was broken, twit?
Pardon me?
Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into President Trump's business transactions as part of the ongoing probe into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russians who sought to influence the 2016 election, according to a Thursday report in Bloomberg.

The news comes a day after Trump told The New York Times that Mueller would cross a line if he expanded the probe to his business ties.

Mueller is the special counsel appointed by the Justice Department to investigate Russian election meddling and alleged collusion by members of the Trump campaign.

Bloomberg reports the counsel is probing purchases from Russian buyers at Trump properties, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, a SoHo development involving Russian associates and Trump's 2008 sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch.
"Those transactions are in my view well beyond the mandate of the special counsel," Trump’s lawyer John Dowd said in a statement to Bloomberg.

Dowd called the investigation into Trump's finances "unrelated to the election of 2016 or any alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia and most importantly ... well beyond any Statute of Limitation imposed by the United States Code."

The Times separately reported on Wednesday the president’s ties to Deutsche Bank were also facing scrutiny.
His JOB is to find out how the Russians hacked into the DNC............and influenced elections...................

The new witch hunt is purely POLITICAL...............and nothing more.....................

It's end game goal........................Attempt to trap Trump on another charge.................since they have been unable to find proof on the 1st............That came straight from Comey under oath...............who openly admitted going public with information when he refused to go public and simply say Trump is not under investigation...................

According to his own testimony he was NEVER ORDERED to end the investigations.......he was NEVER ordered to go public and say Trump is not under investigation.

A suggestion is NOT AN ORDER.......................the witch hunt continues.


That's a great shot of Hillary and her Dem followers.
President Trump has reportedly asked his lawyers about the possibility of pardons for himself, his family and his inner circle as the investigation into his relationship with Russia deepens.

Trump’s legal team, which has experienced a shake up, has been speaking among themselves about the president’s power to pardon, according to The Washington Post (paywall).

The potential pardons are reportedly just an option and not seriously being considered at the moment.

“This is not in the context of, ‘I can’t wait to pardon myself,’ ” a close adviser told the paper.

Meanwhile, Trump’s longtime lawyer Marc Kasowitz, has taken a smaller roll for the team working for him in the Russia probe, CNN
CNN. Fake news.
you wish
No, I wish CNN actually reported the news.
Most of us conservatives do hate the elected Republicans and the GOP establishment. We hate them less then Democrats, but we still hate them.

They can't get their act together and fix budget issues and pass legislation. At least the Dems all vote together for their bullshit Marxist Agenda.

you aren't a "conservative". conservatives are thoughtful and contemplative and want change to come slowly. conservatives aren't reactionary insane radical rightwingnut loons.

what will be interesting to see is if McCain preserves his legacy by taking a stand while he still can. if he does, I think Graham and a few other republicans would support him.

John McStain is the biggest RINO in Republican history. He's a moderate and in some cases outright liberal shitbag, he has never stood for conservative values. Conservatives in Arizona have always hated him.

again, he's a real republican. you wackos are the RINO's who hijacked what used to be a respectable party.

you can pretend whatever you want. normal people know better.

Of course, "Real Republican's" bend over backwards to give Dems whatever they want. Your definition of a "real republican" is patently stupid...but hey, so are you.

no, moron. real republicans are smarter than you.

you're the ones who hijacked a perfectly honorable political party and turned it into an embarrassment. if respect for our constitution and our form of government is "bend[ing] over backwards" then you would probably be happier living in Russia with your boy Vladimir.

When did you and the rest of the snowflakes ever respect our Constitution? Did those brownshirt illegal alien thugs waiting outside of Trump rallies to assault his supporters respect our Constitution? How about those ANTIFA Brownshirts who assaulted people at Berkeley who wanted to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say?

The left has been waging a non-stop war on the Constitution since the says of Teddy Roosevelt.
Most of us conservatives do hate the elected Republicans and the GOP establishment. We hate them less then Democrats, but we still hate them.

They can't get their act together and fix budget issues and pass legislation. At least the Dems all vote together for their bullshit Marxist Agenda.

you aren't a "conservative". conservatives are thoughtful and contemplative and want change to come slowly. conservatives aren't reactionary insane radical rightwingnut loons.

what will be interesting to see is if McCain preserves his legacy by taking a stand while he still can. if he does, I think Graham and a few other republicans would support him.

John McStain is the biggest RINO in Republican history. He's a moderate and in some cases outright liberal shitbag, he has never stood for conservative values. Conservatives in Arizona have always hated him.

again, he's a real republican. you wackos are the RINO's who hijacked what used to be a respectable party.

you can pretend whatever you want. normal people know better.

Of course, "Real Republican's" bend over backwards to give Dems whatever they want. Your definition of a "real republican" is patently stupid...but hey, so are you.

no, moron. real republicans are smarter than you.

you're the ones who hijacked a perfectly honorable political party and turned it into an embarrassment. if respect for our constitution and our form of government is "bend[ing] over backwards" then you would probably be happier living in Russia with your boy Vladimir.


LOL, honey you're a hoot. Stupid, but a hoot none the less. You like a Republican Party that bends over and takes it in the ass every time you want something, if they do that, you love them.

I am neither Repub nor Dem, there is no real difference between them. I am a Constitutionally grounded American and I've learned that our electoral process is a farce.
Most of us conservatives do hate the elected Republicans and the GOP establishment. We hate them less then Democrats, but we still hate them.

They can't get their act together and fix budget issues and pass legislation. At least the Dems all vote together for their bullshit Marxist Agenda.

you aren't a "conservative". conservatives are thoughtful and contemplative and want change to come slowly. conservatives aren't reactionary insane radical rightwingnut loons.

what will be interesting to see is if McCain preserves his legacy by taking a stand while he still can. if he does, I think Graham and a few other republicans would support him.

John McStain is the biggest RINO in Republican history. He's a moderate and in some cases outright liberal shitbag, he has never stood for conservative values. Conservatives in Arizona have always hated him.

again, he's a real republican. you wackos are the RINO's who hijacked what used to be a respectable party.

you can pretend whatever you want. normal people know better.

Of course, "Real Republican's" bend over backwards to give Dems whatever they want. Your definition of a "real republican" is patently stupid...but hey, so are you.

no, moron. real republicans are smarter than you.

you're the ones who hijacked a perfectly honorable political party and turned it into an embarrassment. if respect for our constitution and our form of government is "bend[ing] over backwards" then you would probably be happier living in Russia with your boy Vladimir.

I'd rather live under Putin in Russia than under the Jews here.
you aren't a "conservative". conservatives are thoughtful and contemplative and want change to come slowly. conservatives aren't reactionary insane radical rightwingnut loons.

what will be interesting to see is if McCain preserves his legacy by taking a stand while he still can. if he does, I think Graham and a few other republicans would support him.

John McStain is the biggest RINO in Republican history. He's a moderate and in some cases outright liberal shitbag, he has never stood for conservative values. Conservatives in Arizona have always hated him.

again, he's a real republican. you wackos are the RINO's who hijacked what used to be a respectable party.

you can pretend whatever you want. normal people know better.

Of course, "Real Republican's" bend over backwards to give Dems whatever they want. Your definition of a "real republican" is patently stupid...but hey, so are you.

no, moron. real republicans are smarter than you.

you're the ones who hijacked a perfectly honorable political party and turned it into an embarrassment. if respect for our constitution and our form of government is "bend[ing] over backwards" then you would probably be happier living in Russia with your boy Vladimir.

I'd rather live under Putin in Russia than under the Jews here.

Yep. That's the point of the thread.

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