Trump: And I will not let him turn the USA into a crime filled, disease ridden dumping ground

Or at least crime reporting is down

Why bother when the soft on crime george soros flunky DA is going to turn them loose tomorrow anyway?
Police no longer able to pull cars over on interstates with both tail lights out and/or one head light out. Called Deescalation Policy . Endangers responsible car operators lives but oh my no there is that responsibility thing again.
But enough about Mar-A-Lago....

In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted. The irony here is thick.

Well, all of that happened in most every country with riots, lockdowns, crime on the rise and so on. In the grand scheme of things america faired a lot better than most countries

But I digress. You're doing nothing more than creating your own narrative from absolutely nothing at all in order to once again make a "I hate trump" thread that is based on absolutely nothing at all and it's sole purpose is to try and piss off people because you enjoy spreading hate and anger.

This study for instance showed a decrease in crime during the pandemic.

And goes on to explain the concept of increased crime was all reported by news outlets. "The earliest reports on crime during the height of the pandemic came from media outlets that conducted surface-level data analyses on their own. One research review published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice".

News outlets overplayed crime in an attempt to get viewers.

BLM and antifa and rioters were the cause of most crime, but when crime in general is down 22% but they cause are causing 15% of the crime then crime is still down.

Comparing crime rate statistics from 2019 (when trump was still president) to 2023 (when Biden was president) every category has gone up, except rape. Rape saw a decline between 2019 and 2023. But all the others have increased.

Bidens open border has raised non citizen based crime by huge amounts in all categories across the board compared to 2019 when trump was president.

Remember...Biden SUED to end Trump's Remain in Mexico policy...

Biden quickly auctioned off the unused materials for Trump's wall that had been purchased with taxpayer dollars but not yet erected, selling them at scrap prices to be certain they were not placed on the border.

Biden SUED Arizona to force the state to remove barriers placed to stop illegal aliens from crossing the border our country.

Biden SUED Texas to force them to remove barriers on the border placed to stem the flow of illegal aliens into Texas.

This border invasion was no was planned from day one of Biden's Presidency.

And the Biden Administration took proactive, intentional actions to facilitate illegal immigration into the United States.

Those are undisputable facts.
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Don't Taz Me needs to be repeated: In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted.

The Orange Grifter has locked tens of millions into a national mass delusion psychosis. It may need to be excised the old American away.
Don't Taz Me needs to be repeated: In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted.

The Orange Grifter has locked tens of millions into a national mass delusion psychosis. It may need to be excised the old American away.
Another newby sock
But enough about Mar-A-Lago....

In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted. The irony here is thick.

/——/ Stop with your bullshyt. Trump didn’t hide anywhere, and didn’t create Covid. Crime surged in democRAT run cities. But you’ll lash out more as Trump surges in the polls.
Remember...Biden SUED to end Trump's Remain in Mexico policy...

Biden quickly auctioned off the unused materials for Trump's wall that had been purchased with taxpayer dollars but not yet erected, selling them at scrap prices to be certain they were not placed on the border.

Biden SUED Arizona to force the state to remove barriers placed to stop illegal aliens from crossing the border our country.

Biden SUED Texas to force them to remove barriers on the border placed to stem the flow of illegal aliens into Texas.

This border invasion was no was planned from day one of Biden's Presidency.

And the Biden Administration took proactive, intentional actions to facilitate illegal immigration into the United States.

Those are undisputable facts.
The only question is why libs want to soil America with more poverty, disease and crime than we already have?

The migrants contribute nothing
But enough about Mar-A-Lago....

In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted. The irony here is thick.

He wants your Illegal Aliens gone...

So do vast legions of your fellow countrymen...

Including large numbers of formerly Dem-loyal voters in Northern Blue Sanctuary Cities...

YOUR problem now is to prevent his very attractive Secure Border and Deport-Illegals agenda from materializing... :auiqs.jpg:
But enough about Mar-A-Lago....

In Trump's last year in office the entire country shut down for a virus, crime skyrocketed, and riots raged across the country for months while he hid in the White House and tweeted. The irony here is thick.
You cut off the rest of the quote:
Trump: And I will not let him turn the usa into a crime filled, disease ridden dumping ground, You know, people with terrible, terrible disease that is easily caught. Unless there is a Senate bill that will do just that but might deprive me of a campaign promise, in that case I will let him turn the usa into a crime filled, disease ridden dumping ground.
He wants your Illegal Aliens gone...

So do vast legions of your fellow countrymen...

Including large numbers of formerly Dem-loyal voters in Northern Blue Sanctuary Cities...

YOUR problem now is to prevent his very attractive Secure Border and Deport-Illegals agenda from materializing... :auiqs.jpg:
DTMB no longer cares about issues.

That is all unimportant now.

He didn't get his way in the Republican Primary so now he is throwing a temper tantrum.

Sunk cost in defeating President Trump.
Self proclaimed “Libertarians” who have only ever posted Trump bashing posts crack me up.

You would figure somewhere along the way, a libertarian would discuss libertarianism.

Not everyone. Some Libertarians are just run of the mill TDS liberals.

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