Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.

Pay CLOSE attention to who among ”the libs” celebrates and who doesn't. There will be more of the latter.

Mac won't be celebrating and neither will I. Most normal people won't.

You are projecting. You know yourself.

You're a liar. All of you libtard clowns have been wishing every bad thing on Trump for four years. Today is your grand celebration. Happiest day of your life.

I'm just curious. Why should anyone care for the health of someone that didn't give the health of many others a second thought?

Trump held an indoor fundraiser with supporters even after White House officials knew Hope Hicks had tested positive for COVID-19

Trump knew a close associate that he had been around had tested positive but he went ahead and risked others getting it. Will the next headlines be the number at this fundraiser that comes down with the virus?
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.

Pay CLOSE attention to who among ”the libs” celebrates and who doesn't. There will be more of the latter.

Mac won't be celebrating and neither will I. Most normal people won't.

You are projecting. You know yourself.

You're a liar. All of you libtard clowns have been wishing every bad thing on Trump for four years. Today is your grand celebration. Happiest day of your life.

Wrong. You expose yourself.

Just go about your celebration. You got what you wanted. You and G.T. can prance and dance all day.

Wrong again. This is not happy news.

Just own your happy dance like a man for once in your soy boy life. You all got what you wanted. You know it and we know it.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.

Pay CLOSE attention to who among ”the libs” celebrates and who doesn't. There will be more of the latter.

Mac won't be celebrating and neither will I. Most normal people won't.

You are projecting. You know yourself.

You're a liar. All of you libtard clowns have been wishing every bad thing on Trump for four years. Today is your grand celebration. Happiest day of your life.

Wrong. You expose yourself.

Just go about your celebration. You got what you wanted. You and G.T. can prance and dance all day.

Wrong again. This is not happy news.

This isn't surprising news. That seems to be more appropriate.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.

Pay CLOSE attention to who among ”the libs” celebrates and who doesn't. There will be more of the latter.

Mac won't be celebrating and neither will I. Most normal people won't.

You are projecting. You know yourself.

You're a liar. All of you libtard clowns have been wishing every bad thing on Trump for four years. Today is your grand celebration. Happiest day of your life.

Wrong. You expose yourself.

Just go about your celebration. You got what you wanted. You and G.T. can prance and dance all day.

Wrong again. This is not happy news.

Just own your happy dance like a man for once in your soy boy life. You all got what you wanted. You know it and we know it.
It's Karma ,,,It is what it is ,,,,I'm praying
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.

Pay CLOSE attention to who among ”the libs” celebrates and who doesn't. There will be more of the latter.

Mac won't be celebrating and neither will I. Most normal people won't.

You are projecting. You know yourself.

You're a liar. All of you libtard clowns have been wishing every bad thing on Trump for four years. Today is your grand celebration. Happiest day of your life.

Wrong. You expose yourself.

Just go about your celebration. You got what you wanted. You and G.T. can prance and dance all day.

Wrong again. This is not happy news.

Just own your happy dance like a man for once in your soy boy life. You all got what you wanted. You know it and we know it.

This is a message board where we are anonymous and the method use to communicate is typing.

Why would I refrain from celebrating if that is what I really wanted to do? What is stopping me from posting dancing emojis?

Take a shot at those questions.
QUESTION,,,How can you sleep after thinking it's funny Trump has covid
ANSWER Like a baby
...You have never had any goodwill towards Trump and you can't get away with feigning it today. Just own it like a man.
I will not engage in your idiotic gainsay banter on this particular thread.

You are entirely correct in observing that I have zero goodwill for your boy in our day-to-day national public life.

But he and his wife have contracted a dangerous, unpredictable disease, he is old and overweight, and at great risk, and he has a child who needs a father.

That causes me - and a great many other folks possessing a respectable ethos - to put the gloves back on for the duration, and to wish him and his lady-wife good luck.

Your inability to perceive or understand such distinctions is a limitation on your own abilities, and not that of others, or myself.

Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, junior... you're borin'-the-hell outta me.

If you have anything intelligent to say regarding the President's condition or its likely impact (or lack thereof) in any future-modified stance on the pandemic, enlighten us.
QUESTION,,,How can you sleep after thinking it's funny Trump has covid
ANSWER Like a baby

I'm sleeping very good in my bed, I mask up and the president threw caution into the wind and got his just reward, he tried to fool America and fooled himself so it is funny.
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

The British PM was saying about the same things Rump was saying. But after he got Covid and almost died, he certainly changed his tune dramatically and changed the direction of the British Government concerning Covid.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
I'm not like you. Thank goodness.

That's right, you aren't. I won't be celebrating Trump has China virus, you'll be drunk by noon. You're happier today than you've been in four years.

Pay CLOSE attention to who among ”the libs” celebrates and who doesn't. There will be more of the latter.

Mac won't be celebrating and neither will I. Most normal people won't.

You are projecting. You know yourself.

You're a liar. All of you libtard clowns have been wishing every bad thing on Trump for four years. Today is your grand celebration. Happiest day of your life.

Wrong. You expose yourself.

Just go about your celebration. You got what you wanted. You and G.T. can prance and dance all day.

Wrong again. This is not happy news.

Just own your happy dance like a man for once in your soy boy life. You all got what you wanted. You know it and we know it.

This is a message board where we are anonymous and the method use to communicate is typing.

Why would I refrain from celebrating if that is what I really wanted to do? What is stopping me from posting dancing emojis?

Take a shot at those questions.

Just own it and quit feigning your concern. You and all the rest of the communists can declare a new holiday. The day after May day. Get a four day holiday out of it.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

Well y'all surely took Trump' s hoax statements and took it to the extreme then....

They know what they did, they know what they enabled.

You know what they say about karma.

They did what they could. You have been completely duped. I guess we could have locked everything down in Feb, much to the Democrats dismay and ruined our economy prior to knowing what was going on with COVID. Maybe we could lock it all again now to really get us into a depression If the Democrats brainiacs would have been in charge, not only would the spread have been worse because they wouldn’t have locked anything down and we would have more illegals crossing the border, but once it got bad, they would still have the country locked down.

You should be thanking Trump for his response. Democrats running this show would have put your career in jeopardy as many would have been pulling their money out of the markets. Who needs a CFP when there aren’t really any safe investment vehicles(nor capital)for the average investor.
Yes, they should have done such, south Korea and Germany....we'd have 150000 less deaths to date...
Trump was too busy downplaying it, as he has admitted.

How many people died or spread the deadly virus because they believed him and went about their business with no precautions?

Trumpsters aren't allowed to ask -- or even THINK -- that obvious question.
Bullshit. He closed travel down. And the who said not to fear it!
...You have never had any goodwill towards Trump and you can't get away with feigning it today. Just own it like a man.
I will not engage in your idiotic gainsay banter on this particular thread.

You are entirely correct in observing that I have zero goodwill for your boy in our day-to-day national public life.

But he and his wife have contracted a dangerous, unpredictable disease, he is old and overweight, and at great risk, and he has a child who needs a father.

That causes me - and a great many other folks possessing a respectable ethos - to put the gloves back on for the duration, and to wish him and his lady-wife good luck.

Your inability to perceive or understand such distinctions is a limitation on your own abilities, and not that of others, or myself.

Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff for a while, junior... you're borin'-the-hell outta me.

If you have anything intelligent to say regarding the President's condition or its likely impact (or lack thereof) in any future-modified stance on the pandemic, enlighten us.
He does have a child that needs a father He's done such a great job with the others he has
Dear nutbags,

Trump did not call the virus a hoax.

He did, however, accuse the press, the scientific community and governors who were taking action of perpetrating a hoax on the American people.

His supporters, including many who post here, took that to mean that there was no need to take extreme precautions to avoid the spread of the virus.

You fucking morons.

Yes, they should have done such, south Korea and Germany....we'd have 150000 less deaths to date...

Done what much earlier?

Remember Trump was called a xenophobe, racist, hypocrite when he shut down flights from China?
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