Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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He admitted to downplaying it and said it was his intent, are you saying not to believe his own words?

Remember the toilet paper and disinfectant shortages the day after covid was announced?

There's a reason the government doesn't want it's people to panic.

Understand now?

That shortage didn't happen the day after Covid was announce. It happened well after it was announced.

I edited your comment.

I'm referring to shortages in grocery stores.

And so was I. Your time line is a bit off.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

He was a racist. He didn't stop flights. He stopped Chinese nationals from entering the country. What he should have done was tell everyone in China, American and Chinese alike, to shelter in place.

The ironic thing is the rest of the world has America on Travel Bans because we've failed so badly at controlling this.

Oh so it was okay for flights to come in because the Dems and you call him a racist??

Not very smart.

No one can control a pandemic despite what you believe and every country should have closed their borders. You want to blame someone. Blame the Chinese who released this virus into the world.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.
I think it's easy for a person to underestimate the thickness of those bubble walls.

There is so much they're not told, and there is so much of what they ARE told that is simply distorted.

I don't know how to communicate with someone like that. It's challenging enough in person, but online it's essentially impossible.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"
And let that be his last words
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

He didn't down play anything. I'd say you Dems downplayed it.

They predicted. 3.2 million deaths for the US. 200,000 is a long way from that thank God.

Nothing scares Trump. He and the FL will make out just fine even though YOU hope they don't.

He admitted to downplaying it and said it was his intent, are you saying not to believe his own words?

All Governments downplay things like a pandemic. That's what Government does.

But Trump had the masks, ventilators and anything else that would be needed ready to go and he sure didn't call it a hoax. He listened to Fauci and the CDC and took it all quite seriously.

You just said he didn't do it and all governments don't downplay you dummytard so which one is it, either he did, or didn't any rate you support his inaction
I wish the President and his family well

This is a potentially fatal disease for a man his age. He needs to take care of himself
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"
I agree.

With the assistance of the very best medicine and 24-hour care the world has ever offered, he may be fine in a few days.

Then he and his sheep will declare him Superman, and ignore all the death and long-term health damage this virus has caused.

What an ugly, ignorant time.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"
And let that be his last words

Put your money where your mouth is......

If he dies, I'll stay off this forum for a month....otherwise

YOU stay off the forum for a month......

Agree or you're a coward.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
It really isn't a big deal. The media of course wants you to believe it is, but it isn't.
I would venture a guess that the majority of us have had or have the virus already.
No problem gramps It's a hoax That's what the AH you support said
The outrage was 100% fake.

The ACTIONS of all the leftists prove it was fake. From Pelosi saying come to China Town to the idiot in New York claiming the subway was safe.
Then when y'all saw an opportunity to turn it into a political weapon you pretended your past statements and actions never occurred.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
It really isn't a big deal. The media of course wants you to believe it is, but it isn't.
I would venture a guess that the majority of us have had or have the virus already.

I agree. From what I've been reading many people have had it and never knew it. Some people aren't affected by it at all. Kids and young people especially.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.
It really isn't a big deal. The media of course wants you to believe it is, but it isn't.
I would venture a guess that the majority of us have had or have the virus already.
No problem gramps It's a hoax That's what the AH you support said
The outrage was 100% fake.

The ACTIONS of all the leftists prove it was fake. From Pelosi saying come to China Town to the idiot in New York claiming the subway was safe.
Then when y'all saw an opportunity to turn it into a political weapon you pretended your past statements and actions never occurred.

Yup. I've mentioned Pelousy many times on this board dong exactly that and none of the lefty loons address it at all. They don't want to admit the leaders on the left are bat shit crazy.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"

And then ride off into the sunset being hogtied to his gold trimmed golf cart.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"
I agree.

With the assistance of the very best medicine and 24-hour care the world has ever offered, he may be fine in a few days.

Then he and his sheep will declare him Superman, and ignore all the death and long-term health damage this virus has caused.

What an ugly, ignorant time.

Many over estimate this virus.
I see people nearly hysterical over it daily. (Yeah, unfortunately I'm in a democrat area)

Keep in mind the ACTUAL death rate. It's very low for covid19.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"

And then ride off into the sunset being hogtied to his gold trimmed golf cart.

Truth be told, even though it's no big deal, his popularity will likely increase after he "Survives" this "deadly ravaging disease"

I expect Biden's team to recommend he "catch the virus" soon after Trumps ratings go up over it
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"
And let that be his last words

Put your money where your mouth is......

If he dies, I'll stay off this forum for a month....otherwise

YOU stay off the forum for a month......

Agree or you're a coward.
Be careful what you wish for Last time I wished they got the wrong Trump
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