Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Trump’s COVID-19 diagnoses is the consequence of a WH engaged in reckless, irresponsible behavior during a pandemic – where the wearing of masks was shunned, social distancing not practiced, and the health and safety guidelines ignored.

As a result of this administration’s willful ignorance and utter incompetence, the president has been hospitalized, other WH staff have been likewise infected, and scores of other individuals have been placed at needless risk.

Indeed, we continue to receive reports of individuals who have come into contact with Trump being infected with COVID-19.

This administration is clearly incapable of sound, responsible governance.

trump has flouted his own CDC guidelines from the beginning. It really wasn't a matter of if he got the virus but when.

It was extremely irresponsible. He has put our whole government in jeopardy.

No responsible president who actually cares about our nation would be so irresponsible and reckless.

He has had his super spreader events for months. Which has caused a trail of outbreaks where ever he goes. Now it's come back to him and is now infecting people in our government.

He has put our nation in serious jeopardy.
Read the link. Do not stare at it. Your moronic, idiot, liar, weak leader has not said a single word against Putin, a weakling licking Putin boots. Dude what is wrong with you?
Biden will be the president that will restore decency, respect and be the leader again of the free world.
Biden talking tough from his basement is supposed to intimidate the russians?

I dont think so

the left, including the Deep State and democrat party have yet to show any actionable russian interference in the 2016 election

hillary was a bad candidate and the worst the russians might have done is tell the truth about her by buying ads on FaceBook

big deal

my guess is biden is already bought and paid for by china and russian and he is no threat to them at all
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The way it now plays out: RNC is actually led by stupid people! Mostly, they likely live in the locker room where the Trumped-Up relayed all the locker room comments: To the public.

The good news apparent is that the Locker Room only allows for about two dozen people at a time to have any influence, during any week.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30: Itself is often cited as pastoral source material(?)!)
Trump’s COVID-19 diagnoses is the consequence of a WH engaged in reckless, irresponsible behavior during a pandemic – where the wearing of masks was shunned, social distancing not practiced, and the health and safety guidelines ignored.

As a result of this administration’s willful ignorance and utter incompetence, the president has been hospitalized, other WH staff have been likewise infected, and scores of other individuals have been placed at needless risk.

Indeed, we continue to receive reports of individuals who have come into contact with Trump being infected with COVID-19.

This administration is clearly incapable of sound, responsible governance.
What facts are you talking about? When did he contract it? Let me guess you have an "Anonymous" virus source......what did COVID tell you?
Trump’s COVID-19 diagnoses is the consequence of a WH engaged in reckless, irresponsible behavior during a pandemic – where the wearing of masks was shunned, social distancing not practiced, and the health and safety guidelines ignored.

As a result of this administration’s willful ignorance and utter incompetence, the president has been hospitalized, other WH staff have been likewise infected, and scores of other individuals have been placed at needless risk.

Indeed, we continue to receive reports of individuals who have come into contact with Trump being infected with COVID-19.

This administration is clearly incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Let's be clear of the facts and your first paragraph is all feelings. Typical leftist.
Biden warned the Russians of any interferences.
Biden “warned the russians?”

dont make me laugh

biden is a meaningless figurehead who scares no one

Read the link. Do not stare at it. Your moronic, idiot, liar, weak leader has not said a single word against Putin, a weakling licking Putin boots. Dude what is wrong with you?
Biden will be the president that will restore decency, respect and be the leader again of the free world.
Can you quote Hillary saying anything against Putin while she was in office? Obama?

Oh my goodness Bri where have you been? Here is a link Hillary blasting Putin. Obama shoved a crippling economic sanctions against Putin after Crimea invasion, 2016 punishment......... expelled 35 Russians intelligence out of the country, shut down Russian’s residence.

Clinton accuses Putin of acting on 'personal beef' in directing email hack | Hillary Clinton | The Guardian

WASHINGTON — President Obama struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services.

The administration also penalized four top officers of one of those services, the powerful military intelligence unit known as the G.R.U.

I had a look of glee when I read that he has COVID, I mean he did perpetuate his own infection by throwing caution to the wind and downplaying it so that the USA wouldn't go into a frenzy and panic right?
Did you have the same glee reaction to this?
And hes a LEFTIST DOCTOR! How the hell did that happen?
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President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

I’m not surprised at all. It’s just a matter of time. Trump running around so irresponsible, arrogant and recklessly with no regards of human being.
I don’t think he will get much sympathy from his cruelty against his fellow Americans like when Hillary was recovering from pneumonia or when Romney tested positive with Coronavirus. He was glad Romney was tested +.

The least MINIMUM he can do is encourage people to wear mask NOT discourage. Not mocking Biden wearing mask. Look at his rallies does he care?

Coronavirus is deadly and is not a joke that you can just ignore.
Even though you do not believe it, Trump has acted like a leader. Progs have acted like jailers. Joe is a jailer who has been in solitary confinement. You Progs are on the Soviet way to living. we will be ratting each other out soon enough.
Trump acted like a leader? Trump is a total joke, clown, a liar, attacked his fellow Americans the democrats.

Trump showed lack of leadership, the most, disgusting, dishonest, racist pig, corrupted president ever. Total embarrassment.
So telling the president of the United States to "shut up" is acting like a leader? Calling him a clown?
I’m disappointed that Biden didn’t call Trump ignorant and racist pig.
Biden told Trump to shut up, clown and liar is the sad real truth. Biden displayed a presidential behavior compared to Trump unhinged 10 yo boy. He even criticized Biden for wearing a mask. How stupid can that be?
Well, now we know that you're an ignorant pig. Fo you morons have an arguments other than personal attacks?
MEEEEE? Look who is this bastard talking? I attacked Trump but I didn’t attacked you. Dude Trump proved himself around the world that he is ignorant racist pig.
Trump’s COVID-19 diagnoses is the consequence of a WH engaged in reckless, irresponsible behavior during a pandemic – where the wearing of masks was shunned, social distancing not practiced, and the health and safety guidelines ignored.

As a result of this administration’s willful ignorance and utter incompetence, the president has been hospitalized, other WH staff have been likewise infected, and scores of other individuals have been placed at needless risk.

Indeed, we continue to receive reports of individuals who have come into contact with Trump being infected with COVID-19.

This administration is clearly incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Likely the CCP working with the DNC bioterror attack
There was no way to predict how much damage and chaos one person could inflict on a country.

And again, going back to Europe about 90 years ago provides a guidepost.

One person, enabled by millions, can be a profound disaster.

Leave Obama out of this.
No, I was talking about the object of your adoration, Donald Trump.

I just assumed you folks had enough intellect to know that.

My apologies for overestimating you folks. Again.
Biden warned the Russians of any interferences.
Biden “warned the russians?”

dont make me laugh

biden is a meaningless figurehead who scares no one

Read the link. Do not stare at it. Your moronic, idiot, liar, weak leader has not said a single word against Putin, a weakling licking Putin boots. Dude what is wrong with you?
Biden will be the president that will restore decency, respect and be the leader again of the free world.
Can you quote Hillary saying anything against Putin while she was in office? Obama?

Oh my goodness Bri where have you been? Here is a link Hillary blasting Putin. Obama shoved a crippling economic sanctions against Putin after Crimea invasion, 2016 punishment......... expelled 35 Russians intelligence out of the country, shut down Russian’s residence.

Clinton accuses Putin of acting on 'personal beef' in directing email hack | Hillary Clinton | The Guardian

WASHINGTON — President Obama struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services.

The administration also penalized four top officers of one of those services, the powerful military intelligence unit known as the G.R.U.

Do you think the russians were reading all of hillarys email communications including classified documents when she was sec of state?

And do you admit that obama allowed it to happen?
Wasn't hydroxychloroquine supposed to have prevented this?

So much for that legend.
Do you ever have an honest moment.

It doesnt eliminate the possibility of ever getting the disease, but MANY think it greatly reduces the symptoms.

I know your praying to Satan for his death, but that is HIGHLY UNLIKELY. 9 out of ten his age recover

Other blob supporters disagree with you:

bripat9643 and skye weren't lying, were they?
Yes most do recover but for older folks they have a lot more long term effects and recovery time can be much longer. Trump should milk this for all it's worth and drop all the macho bullshit. He might lose some votes from those that think he's the most fearless wonder of our time but he will also pickup some sympathy votes. Also, while sick, it will be hard for Biden to attack him. Biden will have concentrate on what his plans are if he wins. A lot of people are interested in what he would do other than not be Trump.
And Biden pulled all of his negative Trump/covid response ads today, is not going to run them.

Former Vice President Biden is showing himself to be a class act. He showing respect of an individual who insulted his son and still he shows respect to that person.

45 would never have done that, but 45 is an asshole and Biden is NOT!!!
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.
Only in your dreams... This is a VIRUS, a micro organism that lives in the air and in water vapor.. Tell me how you think your going to stop it and control it... I'll wait..
Social distance
in a light breeze this virus, in its dry state, can float 900 feet or in a dry room float for upwards of 90 minuets and be reintroduced into the air by walking through the room.

You people do not understand how this virus can propagate.
I see you’re back to making things up.
And you are still ignorant of differing modes of transmission... Keep spinning...
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.
Only in your dreams... This is a VIRUS, a micro organism that lives in the air and in water vapor.. Tell me how you think your going to stop it and control it... I'll wait..
Social distance
in a light breeze this virus, in its dry state, can float 900 feet or in a dry room float for upwards of 90 minuets and be reintroduced into the air by walking through the room.

You people do not understand how this virus can propagate.
I see you’re back to making things up.
And you are still ignorant of differing modes of transmission... Keep spinning...
I’d ask you for data to back up your claims but we both know you aren’t ever going to do that.

You’re a liar and deserve to be called out for it.
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, he announced on Twitter early Friday.

"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!" he tweeted.

Trump, first lady Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

I wonder how many others are also infected? MSNBC listed 20 people earlier who had been in close proximity to Hope Hicks. Trump and Melania are among the lucky ones who actually have a full-time doctor and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the White House - plus Walter Reed Army Medical Center if needed.

I’m not surprised at all. It’s just a matter of time. Trump running around so irresponsible, arrogant and recklessly with no regards of human being.
I don’t think he will get much sympathy from his cruelty against his fellow Americans like when Hillary was recovering from pneumonia or when Romney tested positive with Coronavirus. He was glad Romney was tested +.

The least MINIMUM he can do is encourage people to wear mask NOT discourage. Not mocking Biden wearing mask. Look at his rallies does he care?

Coronavirus is deadly and is not a joke that you can just ignore.
Even though you do not believe it, Trump has acted like a leader. Progs have acted like jailers. Joe is a jailer who has been in solitary confinement. You Progs are on the Soviet way to living. we will be ratting each other out soon enough.
Trump acted like a leader? Trump is a total joke, clown, a liar, attacked his fellow Americans the democrats.

Trump showed lack of leadership, the most, disgusting, dishonest, racist pig, corrupted president ever. Total embarrassment.
So telling the president of the United States to "shut up" is acting like a leader? Calling him a clown?
I’m disappointed that Biden didn’t call Trump ignorant and racist pig.
Biden told Trump to shut up, clown and liar is the sad real truth. Biden displayed a presidential behavior compared to Trump unhinged 10 yo boy. He even criticized Biden for wearing a mask. How stupid can that be?
Well, now we know that you're an ignorant pig. Fo you morons have an arguments other than personal attacks?
MEEEEE? Look who is this bastard talking? I attacked Trump but I didn’t attacked you. Dude Trump proved himself around the world that he is ignorant racist pig.

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The comments in places like this and social media need to be made into ads.

The left needs to be exposed

At least the Biden puppet masters have enough sense to tread lightly lest they alienate NORMAL Americans.

Freak leftists are our best recruiters for the Republican Party
The comments in places like this and social media need to be made into ads.

The left needs to be exposed

At least the Biden puppet masters have enough sense to tread lightly lest they alienate NORMAL Americans.

Freak leftists are our best recruiters for the Republican Party
Instead of calling Biden a puppet why don’t you give him proper credit for how he has reacted to the situation?

If all you’ve got is putting a spotlight on the wingnut tards then you got issues. I saw Hannity and Ingrham focus a large part of their shows on these nuts and all I could think is “why are these people propping up twitter trolls to an audience of millions” makes them just as bad playing politics that way IMO.
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