Zone1 Trump : "and Mr Putin: If you don’t make a deal, we’re gonna give them a lot. We’re gonna give more than they ever got.”


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018

Months after claiming he could end Russia’s war on Ukraine in 24 hours, former president Donald Trump has finally offered an explanation for why he thinks it’d be so simple for him.

Mr Trump was asked for his specific plan to bring the war to an end in an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” over the weekend.

His asserted that it would boil down to his established relationships with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I know Zelensky very well, I know Putin very well—even better—and I had a very good relationship with both of them,” he said.

He said he would tell Mr Zelensky: “No more, you gotta make a deal,” and Mr Putin: “If you don’t make a deal, we’re gonna give them a lot. We’re gonna give more than they ever got.”


Mr Trump also called Mr Zelensky “very honourable” because “when they asked him about the perfect phone call I made…he said he didn’t even know what they were talking about.”

This “perfect phone call” was the 25 July 2019 call between Mr Trump and Mr Zelensky, in which the US president offered a “quid pro quo” agreement to pressure his Ukrainian counterpart into pushing baseless conspiracies about his Democratic 2020 rival, Joe Biden, in exchange for US aid, according to a whistleblower complaint.

This exchange eventually led to the former president’s abuse of power violation resulting in his first impeachment.

Mr Trump has long insisted that he would be the best person to help bring the war in Ukraine to an end.

“If I were president, and I say this, I will end that war in one day, it would take 24 hours,” Mr Trump said in a May interview.

“I know Zelensky well, I know Putin well. I would get that ended in a period of 24 hours. It would be easy, that deal would be easy.”
i know very well that i've got only 1 out of 8+ billion of a voice here, but i like this plan.
Putin and his comerades only respect superior strength (much like the Chinese and the Muslims, by the way, and even ourselves - such 'enforced respect' seems a constant on this planet even).

i'm being serious : let's amend the NATO charter (if possible, of course) to let countries join *while* at war with another nation.
i really see no good reason for the opposite to be the law.

and let's support Ukraine with troops.
blitzkrieg has at least one advantage : a quick stabilization of the streets and fields.
i think Europe, if Trump gets elected and attempts to put anything like discussed in this post of mine into practice,
should fully support the war effort in Ukraine as well with more funds spent, an approval for that NATO charter amendment i just proposed in this post, and European boots driving the Russians out of Ukraine.
in matters of war, half-comitted support is often seen by the receiving side as a form of betrayal. that's really not how you want to embrace millions of people into your country unions.
the US freed Europe from the Nazis. now the EU + US + their allies should donate money time, and effort to combat the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance (China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, etc) on all fronts they open.
because in all of my years of online peace activism (with a sometimes hawkish stance, admitted), i've never discovered any of the oppressed in that MEA have a solid foundation for their complaints about the west.

and recently i came to terms with the fact that both Biden and Trump are incredibly right on this after all. the people of Eastern Europe, when offered a well-informed choice about joining the EU and NATO, chose the EU and NATO.
if that means Russia's sphere of influence towards the south-west retreats to their national borders rather than that of their attempt to restart the USSR under a new name (Russian Federation, if i'm not mistaken),
then so be it.
they can expand towards China. police it against muslim extremism and other serious crime too, please. we do that in other places around the world then.

if we're going to take the Black Sea, let's do it with decisive force.
but in my opinion, not in this half-motivated way we've been seeing during -mark my words- what will be known as the starting years of the Ukrainian war.
we can count on our own conspiracy communities (and media industries), and our constitutional right to end the reign of any government that betrays the people in some way, to keep our governments honest enough for an actually sane, kind international order to be established.
Well intentioned and I genuinely applaud your effort, OP . But your very first premiss -- that Russia only respects superior strength is , charitably , misleading and wrong . That has already been the US philosophy and practise from 1945 , say . And China from around 1970 , say .Do you expect them to be given exclusive single or joint bragging rights over Russia which is presently the mightiest military force , or , alternatively for a party to throw in the towel ? Thereafter your remainder is a mixture of pious hope and prayer .And you will be lucky to amend the NATO charter because all parties are close to bankruptcy now and without reserve strengths . Perhaps you need to re- examine the base points of your submission and first assess them in practical terms with sensible forecasts of their likely success .But a good Discussion Topic , imo .
Not sure if there is a deal to be made here, to be honest.

Any deal that doesn't involve a return to the 2014 borders would be unacceptable to the Ukraine. Any deal that does would be unacceptable to the Russians.
What you rubes don't understand is that my post is far more about you than it is about him.
I don't particular care for Trump but telling Russia if they don't come to the table and end this shit we are going to give more arms to the Ukraine is pretty much what you loons want, but Trump suggesting it makes you all lose your fucking minds. Your a partisan hack.
I don't particular care for Trump but telling Russia if they don't come to the table and end this shit we are going to give more arms to the Ukraine is pretty much what you loons want, but Trump suggesting it makes you all lose your fucking minds. Your a partisan hack.
"Partisan hack" means "doesn't bend over for the Orange High Hard One™"

Because it can't be about where I stand on the actual issues: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?
"Partisan hack" means "doesn't bend over for the Orange High Hard One™"

Because it can't be about where I stand on the actual issues: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?
Partisan hack means you accuse one side of shit you constantly ignore from another. Trump is threatening to send more arms to the Ukraine, and your bitching about him sounding like a 10 year old. Biden babbles bullshit and sends arms and you applaud it. Partisan hack.
I don't particular care for Trump but telling Russia if they don't come to the table and end this shit we are going to give more arms to the Ukraine is pretty much what you loons want, but Trump suggesting it makes you all lose your fucking minds. Your a partisan hack.

Want? I wanted us to mind our own business.

Do you want a president to continue to get us further and further in debt over Ukraine?

i know very well that i've got only 1 out of 8+ billion of a voice here, but i like this plan.
Putin and his comerades only respect superior strength (much like the Chinese and the Muslims, by the way, and even ourselves - such 'enforced respect' seems a constant on this planet even).

i'm being serious : let's amend the NATO charter (if possible, of course) to let countries join *while* at war with another nation.
i really see no good reason for the opposite to be the law.

and let's support Ukraine with troops.
blitzkrieg has at least one advantage : a quick stabilization of the streets and fields.
i think Europe, if Trump gets elected and attempts to put anything like discussed in this post of mine into practice,
should fully support the war effort in Ukraine as well with more funds spent, an approval for that NATO charter amendment i just proposed in this post, and European boots driving the Russians out of Ukraine.
in matters of war, half-comitted support is often seen by the receiving side as a form of betrayal. that's really not how you want to embrace millions of people into your country unions.
the US freed Europe from the Nazis. now the EU + US + their allies should donate money time, and effort to combat the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance (China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, etc) on all fronts they open.
because in all of my years of online peace activism (with a sometimes hawkish stance, admitted), i've never discovered any of the oppressed in that MEA have a solid foundation for their complaints about the west.

and recently i came to terms with the fact that both Biden and Trump are incredibly right on this after all. the people of Eastern Europe, when offered a well-informed choice about joining the EU and NATO, chose the EU and NATO.
if that means Russia's sphere of influence towards the south-west retreats to their national borders rather than that of their attempt to restart the USSR under a new name (Russian Federation, if i'm not mistaken),
then so be it.
they can expand towards China. police it against muslim extremism and other serious crime too, please. we do that in other places around the world then.

if we're going to take the Black Sea, let's do it with decisive force.
but in my opinion, not in this half-motivated way we've been seeing during -mark my words- what will be known as the starting years of the Ukrainian war.
we can count on our own conspiracy communities (and media industries), and our constitutional right to end the reign of any government that betrays the people in some way, to keep our governments honest enough for an actually sane, kind international order to be established.
I have an issue with Countries who are at war joining NATO you know that Uncle Sugar will be funding the majority of that kind of shit.

China is not going to stand for sharing more of a border with Russia than they already have especially if Russia is taking that area by force.
Want? I wanted us to mind our own business.

Do you want a president to continue to get us further and further in debt over Ukraine?
Tell the loons that anyone who suggested we stay out of it was labeled a Putin lover and wanted Russia to kill Ukrainian puppies.
Gee Trump is saying that Putin respects him so much. Yet when Trump had a private meeting with Putin, he never told us what they talked about. You would think that he would be bragging about that meeting and about what they talked about. "Your so manly, no your so manly". It still remains a secret. As much as Trump likes to brag this seems odd.

where are the records and if trump did not manage to hide them Biden needs to declassify and release the right way.

Trump praises Putin when Russia invaded Ukraine;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZANMT0NVSTEwMkJfMQRzZWMDc2M-/RV=2/RE=1690414061/RO=10/RU=

“The problem is not that Putin is smart, which, of course, he’s smart,” Trump said. “The problem is that our leaders are dumb… and so far, allowed him to get away with this travesty and assault on humanity.”

Only Trump can praise a person and them blame others who had nothing to do with the invasion.
Boil the Russian frog slowly, so that it doesn't go nuclear.

That's the point of the _slow_ acceleration in the weapons given to Ukraine.
Ukraine, and especially Crimea, will remain juicy targets for the Russians for countless generations to come this way.

i know very well that i've got only 1 out of 8+ billion of a voice here, but i like this plan.
Putin and his comerades only respect superior strength (much like the Chinese and the Muslims, by the way, and even ourselves - such 'enforced respect' seems a constant on this planet even).

i'm being serious : let's amend the NATO charter (if possible, of course) to let countries join *while* at war with another nation.
i really see no good reason for the opposite to be the law.

and let's support Ukraine with troops.
blitzkrieg has at least one advantage : a quick stabilization of the streets and fields.
i think Europe, if Trump gets elected and attempts to put anything like discussed in this post of mine into practice,
should fully support the war effort in Ukraine as well with more funds spent, an approval for that NATO charter amendment i just proposed in this post, and European boots driving the Russians out of Ukraine.
in matters of war, half-comitted support is often seen by the receiving side as a form of betrayal. that's really not how you want to embrace millions of people into your country unions.
the US freed Europe from the Nazis. now the EU + US + their allies should donate money time, and effort to combat the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance (China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, etc) on all fronts they open.
because in all of my years of online peace activism (with a sometimes hawkish stance, admitted), i've never discovered any of the oppressed in that MEA have a solid foundation for their complaints about the west.

and recently i came to terms with the fact that both Biden and Trump are incredibly right on this after all. the people of Eastern Europe, when offered a well-informed choice about joining the EU and NATO, chose the EU and NATO.
if that means Russia's sphere of influence towards the south-west retreats to their national borders rather than that of their attempt to restart the USSR under a new name (Russian Federation, if i'm not mistaken),
then so be it.
they can expand towards China. police it against muslim extremism and other serious crime too, please. we do that in other places around the world then.

if we're going to take the Black Sea, let's do it with decisive force.
but in my opinion, not in this half-motivated way we've been seeing during -mark my words- what will be known as the starting years of the Ukrainian war.
we can count on our own conspiracy communities (and media industries), and our constitutional right to end the reign of any government that betrays the people in some way, to keep our governments honest enough for an actually sane, kind international order to be established.
I have to admit, I'm not crazy about NATO accepting new members mid-war. Even if it works out this time, it seems as if it is an invitation to abuse in the future.

I am absolutely for support for Ukraine, but boots on the ground is a big step that should not be considered without a clear exit strategy. I'm apprehensive of approaching this idea as if we're trying to fulfill video game victory conditions; it's a long and perpetual process, and lend-lease was working until our hand was forced.

I am inclined to think that we probably won't have to hold the line for too long before Russia solves the problem for us by completely imploding.
Ukraine, and especially Crimea, will remain juicy targets for the Russians for countless generations to come this way.
Correct. It is an absolute breadbasket of food, surrounds warm-water ports that Russia values over almost anything, and its wide, flat terrain can be a highway for future invaders to thunder right up to Moscow's front door.

i know very well that i've got only 1 out of 8+ billion of a voice here, but i like this plan.
Putin and his comerades only respect superior strength (much like the Chinese and the Muslims, by the way, and even ourselves - such 'enforced respect' seems a constant on this planet even).

i'm being serious : let's amend the NATO charter (if possible, of course) to let countries join *while* at war with another nation.
i really see no good reason for the opposite to be the law.

and let's support Ukraine with troops.
blitzkrieg has at least one advantage : a quick stabilization of the streets and fields.
i think Europe, if Trump gets elected and attempts to put anything like discussed in this post of mine into practice,
should fully support the war effort in Ukraine as well with more funds spent, an approval for that NATO charter amendment i just proposed in this post, and European boots driving the Russians out of Ukraine.
in matters of war, half-comitted support is often seen by the receiving side as a form of betrayal. that's really not how you want to embrace millions of people into your country unions.
the US freed Europe from the Nazis. now the EU + US + their allies should donate money time, and effort to combat the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance (China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, etc) on all fronts they open.
because in all of my years of online peace activism (with a sometimes hawkish stance, admitted), i've never discovered any of the oppressed in that MEA have a solid foundation for their complaints about the west.

and recently i came to terms with the fact that both Biden and Trump are incredibly right on this after all. the people of Eastern Europe, when offered a well-informed choice about joining the EU and NATO, chose the EU and NATO.
if that means Russia's sphere of influence towards the south-west retreats to their national borders rather than that of their attempt to restart the USSR under a new name (Russian Federation, if i'm not mistaken),
then so be it.
they can expand towards China. police it against muslim extremism and other serious crime too, please. we do that in other places around the world then.

if we're going to take the Black Sea, let's do it with decisive force.
but in my opinion, not in this half-motivated way we've been seeing during -mark my words- what will be known as the starting years of the Ukrainian war.
we can count on our own conspiracy communities (and media industries), and our constitutional right to end the reign of any government that betrays the people in some way, to keep our governments honest enough for an actually sane, kind international order to be established.

Trump is a fucking idiot

The one thing Putin was crystal clear about was Ukraine stays neutral
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