Trump and Pence may need to be removed . . .

A number of you have been placed by me on Personal Ignore in this thread for your personal attacks with nothing on OP.

The OP is correct: Trump and Pence are in political peril of being thrown out of office.

Only real pussies use ignore snowflake.
A number of you have been placed by me on Personal Ignore in this thread for your personal attacks with nothing on OP.

The OP is correct: Trump and Pence are in political peril of being thrown out of office.

No they aren't.
Oh, indeed, Mordred, they are in deep peril. Comey et al, plus the intel agencies, are combing everything everywhere all at once. Trump's elevate screaming demonstrates they are squeezing his itty bitty manhood . . . very, very hard. He will talk.

Elevated screaming? He isn't doing anything he hasn't been doing for the last two years.
The dems are going to war with wet powder. The GOP runs everything, the dems have no levers to pull or cards to play, even RINOs like McCain & Graham can't do much more than bitch and slow the Trump agenda. If Trump stays cool and plays his cards right he can throw a lot of dems in prison.

Remember this, talking to Russians is not a crime. Proving collusion is impossible due to the timelines, and there was no "interference" with the election, the Russki's simply proved that the dems were cheating both Bernie & Trump. If the Russki's wanted Trump to win all they needed to do was release the hacked classified data from H's illegal bathroom server.
We understand why all of you Trumptards are so hysterical.

Trump and Putin were going to implement your Stalinist utopia, and throw all those dirty liberals in the gulag. You'd finally get revenge on the liberals for all those thousands of times they humiliated you. Now that dream of yours is gone, and you're not taking it well.

Seriously, you've all never been this hysterical before. You ought to get some rest. DearLeader will no doubt tweet some new edicts for you party apparatchiks tomorrow, and you'll want to be well-rested for that. After all, inventing a totally new reality takes effort. And the new orders are going to be just as insane as ever, so you've got a busy day of spinning and flailing about madly ahead of you.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
You unhinged, dumb ass. You need a minimum amount of evidence of collusion before you can investigate. Otherwise, it is a fishing expedition. What's worse is that it is a politically motivated fishing expedition. Thus far there is no evidence. In fact, it is not even to the level of conjecture. The collusion allegations are pure fiction.
You don't read well, do you: "if the collusion with the Russians can be proven."

Ryan would be a far better president.
You've been talking about this for months with no proof. One good thing is, Trump is erasing Obama's legacy as you complain!

No. History will be very kind to Obama. I'm sure he's laughing his ass off as Trump runs in circles tweeting stupid remarks, and watches the vice closing down on his tiny balls.

No they'll call him one of the dumbest SOBs to occupy the office, thinking he could cause permanent change with EOs. LMAO Something even he figured out wasn't very smart.
When asked to come to a Congressional Hearing to go over the evidence the security agency making the claims declined to come. That tells me they have nothing and are merely making shit up. A clown could figure that out. What's stupider than a clown fakey? Cause whatever that ARE!
That tells me you are making up Alt Facts again. You know better than that.

Sure thing fakey. That's the problem with stupid people like you. You can't remember shit. We on the other hand do...

Intelligence officials refuse to brief House panel on Russian hacking

Intelligence officials refuse to brief House panel on Russian hacking
So they are still investigating. It is tough to dense like you, but there it is.

And yet I can write a legible sentence. Must suck to be you. Enjoy the destruction of your progressive shithole dude. You're going to get to watch it come crashing down. And I am going to love every second of it.
Says the Alt Right alt fact fake news puppet of the losing faction. Can you say, "hi, President Ryan?"

"To dense" fits you to a T, westwall. Your writing creates a dense alt fact fake news environment: thus, "to dense."

That is "too dense" Dumbshit!

Breaking Update:

Here's a good analysis from an experienced attorney, with many details for those interested in them.

What I'd like to know is, under 50 USC 1805, is it possible to have a wiretap order issued strictly on the authorization of the Attorney General?

Here is a snippet that contains the wording in question:

"the judge shall enter an ex parte order as requested or as modified approving the electronic surveillance if he finds that - (1) the application has been made by a Federal officer and approved by the Attorney General"

Since we know the request was turned-down once by the FISA court (a rare occurrance indicating the reason for getting the wiretap approval were really weak) - did Obama turn to his own AG to go ahead and do it anyway? I say yes!

Yes, There Could Be Serious Legal Problems if Obama Admin Involved in Illegal Surveillance

The AG has to approve the "request" they don't have the authority to approve the warrant.
We understand why all of you Trumptards are so hysterical.

Trump and Putin were going to implement your Stalinist utopia, and throw all those dirty liberals in the gulag. You'd finally get revenge on the liberals for all those thousands of times they humiliated you. Now that dream of yours is gone, and you're not taking it well.

Seriously, you've all never been this hysterical before. You ought to get some rest. DearLeader will no doubt tweet some new edicts for you party apparatchiks tomorrow, and you'll want to be well-rested for that. After all, inventing a totally new reality takes effort. And the new orders are going to be just as insane as ever, so you've got a busy day of spinning and flailing about madly ahead of you.

Hysterical laughing you mean. You twits are clinging to thin air, there is no evidence to support your BS.
Apprently, Stats took the 2 cents per post rate for "Alt Right " and doubled it for "Russia".

Desperate times for Progressives
Last edited:
We understand why all of you Trumptards are so hysterical.

Trump and Putin were going to implement your Stalinist utopia, and throw all those dirty liberals in the gulag. You'd finally get revenge on the liberals for all those thousands of times they humiliated you. Now that dream of yours is gone, and you're not taking it well.

Seriously, you've all never been this hysterical before. You ought to get some rest. DearLeader will no doubt tweet some new edicts for you party apparatchiks tomorrow, and you'll want to be well-rested for that. After all, inventing a totally new reality takes effort. And the new orders are going to be just as insane as ever, so you've got a busy day of spinning and flailing about madly ahead of you.
No, we will finally have you out of our lives. Our schools, government, and our bathrooms! It will be great!
This diagram says it all...

. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

So what your saying is trump will be in office at least 4 years.

We already knew that

Yes we did.

In fact it's going to be more like 8 years! :2up:
You twits are clinging to thin air, there is no evidence to support your BS.

Says the insane person who instantly and fanatically believed Trump's tweet that has no evidence to support it.

Try not to project the way you think and act on to the normal people, cultists.
Lol, you believe anything the talking points tell you. You have no credibility.
You twits are clinging to thin air, there is no evidence to support your BS.

Says the insane person who instantly and fanatically believed Trump's tweet that has no evidence to support it.

Try not to project the way you think and act on to the normal people, cultists.

Only tweets I know about are posted here or on the news. I do know what the FBI, Speaker and the head of the Intel committee has said, which is there is NO evidence that ANY American was involved in the Russian meddling. Now, feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

Gee.. Like we really needed another wrestling match thread over such an INSIGHTFUL (not) and UNIQUE (not) baiting OP..
The left are going crazy because they thought they were going to win.....

We have to figure out how they thought they had it in the bag. This is why they are going nuts.

Means they thought they had it rigged. This is why they wont let it be.

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