Trump and Pence may need to be removed . . .

. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

Now Fakey has started stealing posting ideas....this time from me:
Obama's FAKE Russian-Connection Story Unraveling... #45
Nope. It's obvious. Your post shows your brain operates clearly at times. The fact is that if both Trump and Pence go, Ryan is the guy. I am glad you understand, and I hope you are working for it.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
Just how do you plan of proving your fake news? :lol:
We will leave it to the FBI. Comey wants Trump pulled down.

Comey is going through his act of contrition.It is Lent, after all.LOL
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

Now Fakey has started stealing posting ideas....this time from me:
Obama's FAKE Russian-Connection Story Unraveling... #45
Nope. It's obvious. Your post shows your brain operates clearly at times. The fact is that if both Trump and Pence go, Ryan is the guy. I am glad you understand, and I hope you are working for it.

FYI...Although you make my skin crawl, I decided not to report you for plagiarism because I know how important this place is to you. The time stamps clearly show you copied my post about Ryan and now the readers know too.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

Now Fakey has started stealing posting ideas....this time from me:
Obama's FAKE Russian-Connection Story Unraveling... #45
Nope. It's obvious. Your post shows your brain operates clearly at times. The fact is that if both Trump and Pence go, Ryan is the guy. I am glad you understand, and I hope you are working for it.

FYI...Although you make my skin crawl, I decided not to report you for plagiarism because I know how important this place is to you. The time stamps clearly show you copied my post about Ryan and now the readers know too.
The only reason you don't report is that everyone would know you are lying. How pathetic of you. We came up with a similar idea, a very obvious one, and your hatred is such you deliberately lie. You are on personal ignore for this thread, the one I created. If they were to be removed, younker, who do you think would be President.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.
If Trump is impeached and convicted, then Pence becomes President, yes?

Why? Do you plan on impeaching Pence simultaneously? On what basis?

They have kept Pence squeaky clean just in case. There won't be any reason to impeach or remove Pence from office. Meanwhile, the rest of the Criminals will all be removed one at a time.
Pence will have been elected as a result of tainted evidence. Yes, he can be removed, easily.
Did Russian Government operatives tamper with the vote-counting systems used by the various States and Counties in numbers sufficient to influence the election?

If "yes", then... link, please.

Did Russian Government operatives disseminate modified evidence that substantively and decisively swung the election in Trump's favor?

If "yes", then... link, please.

Did Bubba Clinton inappropriately meet with the Attorney General of the United States out-of-view on an airport tarmac the day before the Justice Department announced that it would not be recommending an indictment against his wife?

If "no", then... link, please.

And on and on and on.

You Dems-Libs-Progs are trying sssooooooo very hard to clone the German post-WWI "stab in the back" theory to explain why you lost in November 2016.

No sale.

For that, you must look to your own shitty agenda and shitty campaign strategy and tactics and shitty candidate, and you must look long and hard into the mirror.

Until you do, you will not be returning to political power anytime soon.
When the feebs and the intel agencies complete their investigations, kondor3, then you and the rest of us will know and so on and on and on. :lol:
Translation: "I don't really have a damned thing, yet... just suspicions... message received.

Moron.....If all that was needed to be known was already exposed, then YES, there would be NO need for an investigation.

BTW, Comey just announced that Trump is either wrong or a liar when accusing Obama of the wiretapping,
Translation: "I don't really have a damned thing, yet... just suspicions... message received.

Moron.....If all that was needed to be known was already exposed, then YES, there would be NO need for an investigation.

BTW, Comey just announced that Trump is either wrong or a liar when accusing Obama of the wiretapping,
Calm yourself, snowflake.

One must have a "reasonable basis for suspicion" before one can credibly claim substantive interference in election.

The two questions asked were designed to determine whether a reasonable basis for suspicion existed, in an election-altering framework.

Your boy - and you - have failed to supply that basis.

Nothing to do with me.
Both should be removed and placed in some third world country that is better fitted to their brand of idiocy.
"Elections have consequences" - Barack Obama, January 23, 2009, to House Minority Whip Eric Cantor

Perhaps you should have spent more time playing to White Middle-Class and Blue-Collar America, and spent less time worrying about homos and illegal beaners and the like.

Too late now... you've had your political balls cut off, and they aren't going to be sewn back on anytime soon.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

Feel free to prove this Russian "collusion".

We've been waiting for months now, still nothing.

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