Trump and Pence may need to be removed . . .

. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.
If, if, and if.
Satan used that term ad nauseum. Go figure
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.


Just because you dream it, will not make it reality. Get ready for a Yuge letdown, cupcake.
Why would you want RINO Ryan? Let me guess: You're really a paid globalist shill pushing for the New World Order.

Why in the **** else would you post some asinine rhetoric such as that? There's no other reason.

. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

LMAO! Thanks for the entertainment Jake.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.

Yeah this is exploding fairly quickly. I don't expect to see Trump in office for too much longer. It's clear these leaks are not going to stop.

trump is in, way over his head...

and he has brought all of this heat, on to himself by not being truthful or forthcoming....upfront, with his taxes, with his connections with Russians.... with his team's connections, just one lie after another.... if he were upfront and honest, betcha none of this would have happened

as the saying goes

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trump is in, way over his head...

and he has brought all of this heat, on to himself by not being truthful or forthcoming....upfront, with his taxes, with his connections with Russians.... with his team's connections, just one lie after another.... if he were upfront and honest, betcha none of this would have happened

as the saying goes


Here's a lil hint cupcake gf: Trump is playing them all.

Perhaps you didn't notice that he played 16 opponents in the primaries, or that he really didn't even have to run except for he saw how down the tubes America is going. It's over. Done. We're all weary of it. Do you really see what happens when you make America mad? Seriously, the silly leftists are maybe 27% max.
They could be crushed in a weekend. Then we could get on with making the country better. My advice to them is to stop pushing, you will not like it when the other side pushes back.

He's motivated and focused.

Leftist tactics are not going to work as they did on Herman Cain, who, btw, would have made a fine president.

He may have taken more crap than Trump, but he is still a patriot.

This leftist garbage isn't flying any further than it can be thrown.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
You unhinged, dumb ass. You need a minimum amount of evidence of collusion before you can investigate. Otherwise, it is a fishing expedition. What's worse is that it is a politically motivated fishing expedition. Thus far there is no evidence. In fact, it is not even to the level of conjecture. The collusion allegations are pure fiction.
These traitors should be stood on a wall.
Yes, Trump and Pence would have a great fall.

Thing is, being the incredibly spiteful and childish person you are, you want them to fall. You'd give anything if they fall.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
You unhinged, dumb ass. You need a minimum amount of evidence of collusion before you can investigate. Otherwise, it is a fishing expedition. What's worse is that it is a politically motivated fishing expedition. Thus far there is no evidence. In fact, it is not even to the level of conjecture. The collusion allegations are pure fiction.
These traitors should be stood on a wall.
Yes, Trump and Pence would have a great fall.

Thing is, being the incredibly spiteful and childish person you are, you want them to fall. You'd give anything if they fall.

I don't want Trump to fall. Pence is scarier by far. But Trump needs to put a filter on his mouth and fingers. And it's high time an independent group look into the Russian Tampering. Remove it completely from both sides.
Why are leftists one with the ruling class? Can't they see their crazed anti Trump actions and beliefs are exactly what the ruling class has instigated? The ruling class are criminals yet many poor and middle class leftist Americans are siding with them. It is crazy.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.
If Trump is impeached and convicted, then Pence becomes President, yes?

Why? Do you plan on impeaching Pence simultaneously? On what basis?
Why are leftists one with the ruling class? Can't they see their crazed anti Trump actions and beliefs are exactly what the ruling class has instigated? The ruling class are criminals yet many poor and middle class leftist Americans are siding with them. It is crazy.
Patricians seduce the Plebians with high-sounding principles and keep them agitated and distracted from what's really going on... and the Sheep follow along, bleating.
Gipper and Kondor merely drive a partisan ideology that has no intersection with what is really happening.

Pence can be removed either by impeachment, or by Amendment XXV if he succeeds Trump.

"Tainted fruit" of the election would be the reason to remove Pence and elevate Ryan.
Why are leftists one with the ruling class? Can't they see their crazed anti Trump actions and beliefs are exactly what the ruling class has instigated? The ruling class are criminals yet many poor and middle class leftist Americans are siding with them. It is crazy.

Crazy is ignoring Trump and his Criminal Cabinet. And I can't believe even YOU can be pro Trump. Even Arnie sees the damage he is doing to all of us. Yes, even to you. Even Fox is starting to hammer Trump and his criminal cabinet.

No matter the promises from Trump, there will be NO new jobs made by him. Those jobs that are being made are by industry and would happen anyway. But even those jobs being added aren't keeping up with the jobs that are just going away. Trump is taking credit for others efforts. Meanwhile, he is pissing off America big time. I noticed that some Congress Critters borrowed right out of his play book. They fear for their lives to the point that they won't do face to face with their constituents. They claim that they are paid democratic agitators. I know a number of people that wanted face to face with 2 or our Colorado Congress Critters in town halls. At Gardners town hall, they ended up putting up a carboard cutout of him and had it anyway. These people won't forget in 2 or 4 years. Following Trumps lead is crazy. Trump is crazy and you can't be much smarter than a box of rock. Not box of rocks, just a box of rock.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.
If Trump is impeached and convicted, then Pence becomes President, yes?

Why? Do you plan on impeaching Pence simultaneously? On what basis?

They have kept Pence squeaky clean just in case. There won't be any reason to impeach or remove Pence from office. Meanwhile, the rest of the Criminals will all be removed one at a time.
Why are leftists one with the ruling class? Can't they see their crazed anti Trump actions and beliefs are exactly what the ruling class has instigated? The ruling class are criminals yet many poor and middle class leftist Americans are siding with them. It is crazy.

Crazy is ignoring Trump and his Criminal Cabinet. And I can't believe even YOU can be pro Trump. Even Arnie sees the damage he is doing to all of us. Yes, even to you. Even Fox is starting to hammer Trump and his criminal cabinet.

No matter the promises from Trump, there will be NO new jobs made by him. Those jobs that are being made are by industry and would happen anyway. But even those jobs being added aren't keeping up with the jobs that are just going away. Trump is taking credit for others efforts. Meanwhile, he is pissing off America big time. I noticed that some Congress Critters borrowed right out of his play book. They fear for their lives to the point that they won't do face to face with their constituents. They claim that they are paid democratic agitators. I know a number of people that wanted face to face with 2 or our Colorado Congress Critters in town halls. At Gardners town hall, they ended up putting up a carboard cutout of him and had it anyway. These people won't forget in 2 or 4 years. Following Trumps lead is crazy. Trump is crazy and you can't be much smarter than a box of rock. Not box of rocks, just a box of rock.
There is no doubt Trump is capable of stupidity, but he is NOT of the ruling class. The ruling class considers him an enemy, as do you. Why are you one with the corrupt criminal ruling class, that has done so much damage to American citizens?
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.
If Trump is impeached and convicted, then Pence becomes President, yes?

Why? Do you plan on impeaching Pence simultaneously? On what basis?

They have kept Pence squeaky clean just in case. There won't be any reason to impeach or remove Pence from office. Meanwhile, the rest of the Criminals will all be removed one at a time.
Pence will have been elected as a result of tainted evidence. Yes, he can be removed, easily.
THE DUMBASS THREAD OF THE DAY AWARD GOES TO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JAKEY BOI, FOR THIS SUPER DUMBASS THREAD.


. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't permit traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for most unhappy days ahead.
If Trump is impeached and convicted, then Pence becomes President, yes?

Why? Do you plan on impeaching Pence simultaneously? On what basis?

They have kept Pence squeaky clean just in case. There won't be any reason to impeach or remove Pence from office. Meanwhile, the rest of the Criminals will all be removed one at a time.
Pence will have been elected as a result of tainted evidence. Yes, he can be removed, easily.
Why are you, a lowly Obamabot, one with the ruling class?

You have not nothing in common with the ruling class. They think you are a dunce (well...they are probably right about that)...but they think they can force you and all Americans to do whatever they want. They are tyrants who would not shed a tear if you were unjustly arrested, imprisoned, or murdered.
You are well describing yourself, gipper, a lackey of the rulers. Your side does not demonstrate any willingness to respect the Constitution, American democracy, and law and order.

Trump and Pence may well need to be removed to save the country from the extreme far right.

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