Trump and Pence may need to be removed . . .

. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
Just how do you plan of proving your fake news? :lol:
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
Just how do you plan of proving your fake news? :lol:
We will leave it to the FBI. Comey wants Trump pulled down.
Look at all the alt right fascist running all over the place hooting like loons.

Comey and the FBI are investigating Trump and his ties to Putin. If they get him in a lie, Congress will dump him and Pence.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.

/----- First remove the DemocRATS for doing the same damn thing. Go ahead punk
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.

:laugh::laugh: Dude, you funny! The only asshole that is in political hot water is your hero obummer for the illegal wiretapping he was doing. That clown had a history for doing the sort of shit you only see in banana republics. Why you still want to suck his tiny dick I'll never know but the only person who provably broke the laws of this land on multiple occasions was him.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
You had Nobama there for 8 years, what are you talking about?
Obama is not the problem, Trump is, and he is in boiling hot political water now.

/---- only in you tiny twisted mind
I wonder how many left wing loons will kill themselves when this goes nowhere? I never thought we would see anything surpass Bush, or Obama derangement syndrome but if you combined the two they still wouldn't equal the level of insanity caused by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
You unhinged, dumb ass. You need a minimum amount of evidence of collusion before you can investigate. Otherwise, it is a fishing expedition. What's worse is that it is a politically motivated fishing expedition. Thus far there is no evidence. In fact, it is not even to the level of conjecture. The collusion allegations are pure fiction.
You don't read well, do you: "if the collusion with the Russians can be proven."

Ryan would be a far better president.
You've been talking about this for months with no proof. One good thing is, Trump is erasing Obama's legacy as you complain!
Months? :lol: Silly fascist. Can you say, "President Ryan?"
Yes, a couple days after the election you twits came up with this. You have nothing and the Clinton's are powerless!
Obama is not the president, westwall. Trump is. He has lost control of the narrative, and you people supporting are spiraling down with him.

You are ludicrous.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
Just how do you plan of proving your fake news? :lol:
We will leave it to the FBI. Comey wants Trump pulled down.
Liberals are so desperate your agreeing with Bush. Lol
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
You had Nobama there for 8 years, what are you talking about?
Obama is not the problem, Trump is, and he is in boiling hot political water now.
Go fuck yourself, Trump is president. Get over it, he isn't going anywhere.
HIt a nerve, yeah. Trump is in terrible peril and it is getting worse. He may be going to prison.

/---- Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.
You unhinged, dumb ass. You need a minimum amount of evidence of collusion before you can investigate. Otherwise, it is a fishing expedition. What's worse is that it is a politically motivated fishing expedition. Thus far there is no evidence. In fact, it is not even to the level of conjecture. The collusion allegations are pure fiction.
You don't read well, do you: "if the collusion with the Russians can be proven."

Ryan would be a far better president.
You've been talking about this for months with no proof. One good thing is, Trump is erasing Obama's legacy as you complain!
Months? :lol: Silly fascist. Can you say, "President Ryan?"
Yes, a couple days after the election you twits came up with this. You have nothing and the Clinton's are powerless!
Prove that we were talking about Trump and Russian collusion in the first week after the election. If we did, we were very prescient, yes.
Obama is not the president, westwall. Trump is. He has lost control of the narrative, and you people supporting are spiraling down with him.

You are ludicrous.

Yes, and with the evidence of obummers treasonous behavior there is a good chance he will be the first ever ex POTUS imprisoned for crimes against the people of this country.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.

The ramblings of a senile old fool, the FBI has already said there was no collusion.
The investigation is ongoing. Comey is after Trump.

The FBI, Speaker and the head of the Intel committee all have said there is NO evidence that ANY American was involved in the Russian activities. What are you freaks hoping for, someone to manufacture something?
Obama is not the president, westwall. Trump is. He has lost control of the narrative, and you people supporting are spiraling down with him.

You are ludicrous.
Yes, and with the evidence of obummers treasonous behavior there is a good chance he will be the first ever ex POTUS imprisoned for crimes against the people of this country.
Nope to Obama but a very possible yes to Trump. Ryan will be a better president.
You unhinged, dumb ass. You need a minimum amount of evidence of collusion before you can investigate. Otherwise, it is a fishing expedition. What's worse is that it is a politically motivated fishing expedition. Thus far there is no evidence. In fact, it is not even to the level of conjecture. The collusion allegations are pure fiction.
You don't read well, do you: "if the collusion with the Russians can be proven."

Ryan would be a far better president.
You've been talking about this for months with no proof. One good thing is, Trump is erasing Obama's legacy as you complain!
Months? :lol: Silly fascist. Can you say, "President Ryan?"
Yes, a couple days after the election you twits came up with this. You have nothing and the Clinton's are powerless!
Prove that we were talking about Trump and Russian collusion in the first week after the election. If we did, we were very prescient, yes.

When asked to come to a Congressional Hearing to go over the evidence the security agency making the claims declined to come. That tells me they have nothing and are merely making shit up. A clown could figure that out. What's stupider than a clown fakey? Cause whatever that ARE!
You don't read well, do you: "if the collusion with the Russians can be proven."

Ryan would be a far better president.
You've been talking about this for months with no proof. One good thing is, Trump is erasing Obama's legacy as you complain!
Months? :lol: Silly fascist. Can you say, "President Ryan?"
Yes, a couple days after the election you twits came up with this. You have nothing and the Clinton's are powerless!
Prove that we were talking about Trump and Russian collusion in the first week after the election. If we did, we were very prescient, yes.
When asked to come to a Congressional Hearing to go over the evidence the security agency making the claims declined to come. That tells me they have nothing and are merely making shit up. A clown could figure that out. What's stupider than a clown fakey? Cause whatever that ARE!
That tells me you are making up Alt Facts again. You know better than that.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.

The ramblings of a senile old fool, the FBI has already said there was no collusion.
The investigation is ongoing. Comey is after Trump.

The FBI, Speaker and the head of the Intel committee all have said there is NO evidence that ANY American was involved in the Russian activities. What are you freaks hoping for, someone to manufacture something?

Yes. The intel community has no doubt been feverishly working their collective asses off trying to manufacture something that can't be disproven in an instant like that peeing in the hotel report was.
. . . if the collusion with the Russians can be proven.

We can't traitors in the two highest offices in the Nation.

Ryan would become President, and he probably would nominate Graham as his VP.

Get ready for unhappy days ahead.

Jake totally lost it around 11pm November 8th 2016

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