Trump and racism

lol... if he doesn't get re 'elected'... will you? is there anything your president can do to have lost your 'christian' support?

What do you mean, my "Christian" support? There are already things he has done that I don't support as a Christian, like have extramarital affairs. Um. There are a lot of thing *I* do that I don't support as a Christian. Newsflash: that's why Jesus had to come, because we are all sinners, every one. You think the church is full of hypocrites? Always room for one more, honey. We'll slide down the pew for ya.

oh my... you sound a little curt. so let's see... his defiling his marriage bed several times... check.

locking up the Christian 'stranger' & allowing them to sit in their own filth for weeks.... check.

allowing the 14th amendment to erode because... well.... perhaps because *y'all* feel icky about it.... check.

hmmmm.... what about abortion, suzy Q? if the pussy grabber suddenly turned a 180, & favored the right to choose, because it benefited him politically to do so
(like he always does).... would that be the trick? or would you sell out again?

as far as sitting in yer church? lol.... no thanx.

i prefer to follow matthew 6: 5-11.

I love the Judgmental Church Lady routine you old ladies have taken on these days. Humorless old scolds, the lot of you. I'm serious. If you look at the old ladies wearing pussy hats at the Women's Marches, that's what you see. Today's Scolding Uptight Grandmas, now scolding but liberals.

It makes me laugh every blessed day. Let me tell you something. We go to our evangelical church to escape it...and laugh

meow........................... hiss.......................... lol, you need to sharpen them thar claws, suzy.... they ain't doin' you much good these days.

however, don't think i haven't noticed your non reply about abortion. how much does your soul cost & is there a tariff on it? :lmao:

Oh sweetheart I didn't even read your screed. You're too busy feeling righteous and being the Uptight Church Lady. You do that; you've all gotten so good at it.


ya you read it. you know you did.... & we both know why you won't answer it.

^^^ scaredy cat has been declawed.
When he gets re-elected will you spontaneously combust?

lol... if he doesn't get re 'elected'... will you? is there anything your president can do to have lost your 'christian' support?

What do you mean, my "Christian" support? There are already things he has done that I don't support as a Christian, like have extramarital affairs. Um. There are a lot of thing *I* do that I don't support as a Christian. Newsflash: that's why Jesus had to come, because we are all sinners, every one. You think the church is full of hypocrites? Always room for one more, honey. We'll slide down the pew for ya.

You have bared false witness already this morning. So get right Pharisee.

You have already stated you are a social worker and we all know what you mean when you say Trump supporters will immediately regret their vote. You have hinted before at this race war and as soon as you're called out on it, you cry like the coward you are.

Also, I love it when men start calling women "heifers" and other names like that. Leftist men, I mean. Should I cry about misogyny and the patriarchy? Oh but we all know you're the FIRST to turn on your own Orthodoxy, like calling black conservatives Uncle Toms and women who disagree with you foul names.

We know. We know how rotten your souls are. Believe us.

I have NEVER advocated for a race war. And you will get called a heifer every time you lie. You can cry about what you want but that's a word my mom taught me. All black conservatives aren't sellouts but I bet the ines you support are. Do you even know why we consider such people sellouts? And don't try that shit about thinking independently when they are repeating white racist stereotypes of blacks.

You are the one with the dark soul and with all of what you said, you could not provide one post where I have advocated for race war. You are low, and you are scum unworthy of being given the high title of woman. And that is why you got called a lying heifer.

Yes we know. Everyone who doesn't buy into your worldview is that, this and the other. Sweetheart, I been dealing with that for 20 years. It's boring
Matthew 6:5-11 5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9"This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us today our daily bread.

Sue, your version of Christianity is fake news.

Got sad news for you IM2. You are not ACTUALLY Jesus Christ. You are not ACTUALLY sitting on the Judgment Throne. You don't actually get to judge.

Sorry to break that to you today.

One thing's for sure, though, SJW sure are heavy on the JUDGMENT

Try telling me something I don't already know. You sit on your booty calling yourself a Christian and you got the word of god shown to your face. It has been you that has been acting as the judge. I put the word of god out there, not the word of IM2, and according to GOD'S word what you believe is fake news.
What do you mean, my "Christian" support? There are already things he has done that I don't support as a Christian, like have extramarital affairs. Um. There are a lot of thing *I* do that I don't support as a Christian. Newsflash: that's why Jesus had to come, because we are all sinners, every one. You think the church is full of hypocrites? Always room for one more, honey. We'll slide down the pew for ya.

oh my... you sound a little curt. so let's see... his defiling his marriage bed several times... check.

locking up the Christian 'stranger' & allowing them to sit in their own filth for weeks.... check.

allowing the 14th amendment to erode because... well.... perhaps because *y'all* feel icky about it.... check.

hmmmm.... what about abortion, suzy Q? if the pussy grabber suddenly turned a 180, & favored the right to choose, because it benefited him politically to do so
(like he always does).... would that be the trick? or would you sell out again?

as far as sitting in yer church? lol.... no thanx.

i prefer to follow matthew 6: 5-11.

I love the Judgmental Church Lady routine you old ladies have taken on these days. Humorless old scolds, the lot of you. I'm serious. If you look at the old ladies wearing pussy hats at the Women's Marches, that's what you see. Today's Scolding Uptight Grandmas, now scolding but liberals.

It makes me laugh every blessed day. Let me tell you something. We go to our evangelical church to escape it...and laugh

meow........................... hiss.......................... lol, you need to sharpen them thar claws, suzy.... they ain't doin' you much good these days.

however, don't think i haven't noticed your non reply about abortion. how much does your soul cost & is there a tariff on it? :lmao:

Oh sweetheart I didn't even read your screed. You're too busy feeling righteous and being the Uptight Church Lady. You do that; you've all gotten so good at it.


ya you read it. you know you did.... & we both know why you won't answer it.

^^^ scaredy cat has been declawed.

Old women with tired worn out worldviews do not scare me.

To answer you question: OF COURSE I WOULD NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP if he turned on abortion. That's a very stupid question. The fact that you think it's such a tricky one is really quite something. It's like you think you've got me pegged in a tight spot or's more revealing about the way YOU think about politicians than I do.
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.

I don't support everything he says and does, but he didn't become a racist till he won in 2016 and chapped many asses in this country.

Which isn't your country.

So fuck off.
Matthew 6:5-11 5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9"This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us today our daily bread.

Sue, your version of Christianity is fake news.

Got sad news for you IM2. You are not ACTUALLY Jesus Christ. You are not ACTUALLY sitting on the Judgment Throne. You don't actually get to judge.

Sorry to break that to you today.

One thing's for sure, though, SJW sure are heavy on the JUDGMENT

Try telling me something I don't already know. You sit on your booty calling yourself a Christian and you got the word of god shown to your face. It has been you that has been acting as the judge. I put the word of god out there, not the word of IM2, and according to GOD'S word what you believe is fake news.

I do not even have one inkling of what you're talking about---you are putting entirely out of context Bible verses up and I was at a loss. Were we talking about praying in public or being religious "to be seen"? If anything that would be today's Social Justice Warriors, and Virtue Signalers, for pity's sake.
lol... if he doesn't get re 'elected'... will you? is there anything your president can do to have lost your 'christian' support?

What do you mean, my "Christian" support? There are already things he has done that I don't support as a Christian, like have extramarital affairs. Um. There are a lot of thing *I* do that I don't support as a Christian. Newsflash: that's why Jesus had to come, because we are all sinners, every one. You think the church is full of hypocrites? Always room for one more, honey. We'll slide down the pew for ya.

oh my... you sound a little curt. so let's see... his defiling his marriage bed several times... check.

locking up the Christian 'stranger' & allowing them to sit in their own filth for weeks.... check.

allowing the 14th amendment to erode because... well.... perhaps because *y'all* feel icky about it.... check.

hmmmm.... what about abortion, suzy Q? if the pussy grabber suddenly turned a 180, & favored the right to choose, because it benefited him politically to do so
(like he always does).... would that be the trick? or would you sell out again?

as far as sitting in yer church? lol.... no thanx.

i prefer to follow matthew 6: 5-11.

I love the Judgmental Church Lady routine you old ladies have taken on these days. Humorless old scolds, the lot of you. I'm serious. If you look at the old ladies wearing pussy hats at the Women's Marches, that's what you see. Today's Scolding Uptight Grandmas, now scolding but liberals.

It makes me laugh every blessed day. Let me tell you something. We go to our evangelical church to escape it...and laugh

meow........................... hiss.......................... lol, you need to sharpen them thar claws, suzy.... they ain't doin' you much good these days.

however, don't think i haven't noticed your non reply about abortion. how much does your soul cost & is there a tariff on it? :lmao:

Last thing: I am just going to leave you to trip all over the notion that we IDOLIZE Trump. YOU had the fainting harpies at the Obama rallies. YOU had Obama surrounded literally by a halo with the mantra Hope and Change, like Jesus. YOU had Obama with the fake Greek columns. But in true Leftist form, you really think Trump is our idol. No honey. That's your bag. Obama had no platform or changed his completely but he had that dreamy crease in his pants and wasn't Michelle so fashionable???

tsk tsk tsk... but but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!


& when will ' but her emails ' get posted by you?
lol... if he doesn't get re 'elected'... will you? is there anything your president can do to have lost your 'christian' support?

What do you mean, my "Christian" support? There are already things he has done that I don't support as a Christian, like have extramarital affairs. Um. There are a lot of thing *I* do that I don't support as a Christian. Newsflash: that's why Jesus had to come, because we are all sinners, every one. You think the church is full of hypocrites? Always room for one more, honey. We'll slide down the pew for ya.

You have bared false witness already this morning. So get right Pharisee.

You have already stated you are a social worker and we all know what you mean when you say Trump supporters will immediately regret their vote. You have hinted before at this race war and as soon as you're called out on it, you cry like the coward you are.

Also, I love it when men start calling women "heifers" and other names like that. Leftist men, I mean. Should I cry about misogyny and the patriarchy? Oh but we all know you're the FIRST to turn on your own Orthodoxy, like calling black conservatives Uncle Toms and women who disagree with you foul names.

We know. We know how rotten your souls are. Believe us.

I have NEVER advocated for a race war. And you will get called a heifer every time you lie. You can cry about what you want but that's a word my mom taught me. All black conservatives aren't sellouts but I bet the ines you support are. Do you even know why we consider such people sellouts? And don't try that shit about thinking independently when they are repeating white racist stereotypes of blacks.

You are the one with the dark soul and with all of what you said, you could not provide one post where I have advocated for race war. You are low, and you are scum unworthy of being given the high title of woman. And that is why you got called a lying heifer.

Yes we know. Everyone who doesn't buy into your worldview is that, this and the other. Sweetheart, I been dealing with that for 20 years. It's boring

No Sue, that's what "conservatives" do. And when you get confronted and shown how draconian the garbage you believe is, you retreat into victim mode just as you have done here.
Matthew 6:5-11 5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9"This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us today our daily bread.

Sue, your version of Christianity is fake news.

Got sad news for you IM2. You are not ACTUALLY Jesus Christ. You are not ACTUALLY sitting on the Judgment Throne. You don't actually get to judge.

Sorry to break that to you today.

One thing's for sure, though, SJW sure are heavy on the JUDGMENT

Try telling me something I don't already know. You sit on your booty calling yourself a Christian and you got the word of god shown to your face. It has been you that has been acting as the judge. I put the word of god out there, not the word of IM2, and according to GOD'S word what you believe is fake news.

Also your posts are funny. What is this about my booty and being a heifer and everything? Am I the only one sitting on my computer to do this? Are you all standing up or typing on a treadmill?

Stereotypes are hilarious. But you keep going
What do you mean, my "Christian" support? There are already things he has done that I don't support as a Christian, like have extramarital affairs. Um. There are a lot of thing *I* do that I don't support as a Christian. Newsflash: that's why Jesus had to come, because we are all sinners, every one. You think the church is full of hypocrites? Always room for one more, honey. We'll slide down the pew for ya.

You have bared false witness already this morning. So get right Pharisee.

You have already stated you are a social worker and we all know what you mean when you say Trump supporters will immediately regret their vote. You have hinted before at this race war and as soon as you're called out on it, you cry like the coward you are.

Also, I love it when men start calling women "heifers" and other names like that. Leftist men, I mean. Should I cry about misogyny and the patriarchy? Oh but we all know you're the FIRST to turn on your own Orthodoxy, like calling black conservatives Uncle Toms and women who disagree with you foul names.

We know. We know how rotten your souls are. Believe us.

I have NEVER advocated for a race war. And you will get called a heifer every time you lie. You can cry about what you want but that's a word my mom taught me. All black conservatives aren't sellouts but I bet the ines you support are. Do you even know why we consider such people sellouts? And don't try that shit about thinking independently when they are repeating white racist stereotypes of blacks.

You are the one with the dark soul and with all of what you said, you could not provide one post where I have advocated for race war. You are low, and you are scum unworthy of being given the high title of woman. And that is why you got called a lying heifer.

Yes we know. Everyone who doesn't buy into your worldview is that, this and the other. Sweetheart, I been dealing with that for 20 years. It's boring

No Sue, that's what "conservatives" do. And when you get confronted and shown how draconian the garbage you believe is, you retreat into victim mode just as you have done here.

Oh sweetheart, Victim Olympics is the Leftist bag. I'm no one's victim. Believe that.
What do you mean, my "Christian" support? There are already things he has done that I don't support as a Christian, like have extramarital affairs. Um. There are a lot of thing *I* do that I don't support as a Christian. Newsflash: that's why Jesus had to come, because we are all sinners, every one. You think the church is full of hypocrites? Always room for one more, honey. We'll slide down the pew for ya.

oh my... you sound a little curt. so let's see... his defiling his marriage bed several times... check.

locking up the Christian 'stranger' & allowing them to sit in their own filth for weeks.... check.

allowing the 14th amendment to erode because... well.... perhaps because *y'all* feel icky about it.... check.

hmmmm.... what about abortion, suzy Q? if the pussy grabber suddenly turned a 180, & favored the right to choose, because it benefited him politically to do so
(like he always does).... would that be the trick? or would you sell out again?

as far as sitting in yer church? lol.... no thanx.

i prefer to follow matthew 6: 5-11.

I love the Judgmental Church Lady routine you old ladies have taken on these days. Humorless old scolds, the lot of you. I'm serious. If you look at the old ladies wearing pussy hats at the Women's Marches, that's what you see. Today's Scolding Uptight Grandmas, now scolding but liberals.

It makes me laugh every blessed day. Let me tell you something. We go to our evangelical church to escape it...and laugh

meow........................... hiss.......................... lol, you need to sharpen them thar claws, suzy.... they ain't doin' you much good these days.

however, don't think i haven't noticed your non reply about abortion. how much does your soul cost & is there a tariff on it? :lmao:

Last thing: I am just going to leave you to trip all over the notion that we IDOLIZE Trump. YOU had the fainting harpies at the Obama rallies. YOU had Obama surrounded literally by a halo with the mantra Hope and Change, like Jesus. YOU had Obama with the fake Greek columns. But in true Leftist form, you really think Trump is our idol. No honey. That's your bag. Obama had no platform or changed his completely but he had that dreamy crease in his pants and wasn't Michelle so fashionable???

tsk tsk tsk... but but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!


& when will ' but her emails ' get posted by you?

Women your age should do better than posts memes that say what you want to say.

But if you could think better you wouldn't be a liberal. You would have been able to think your way out of their boxes by now.
lol.... ' believe me ' or 'this i can tell you'
oh my... you sound a little curt. so let's see... his defiling his marriage bed several times... check.

locking up the Christian 'stranger' & allowing them to sit in their own filth for weeks.... check.

allowing the 14th amendment to erode because... well.... perhaps because *y'all* feel icky about it.... check.

hmmmm.... what about abortion, suzy Q? if the pussy grabber suddenly turned a 180, & favored the right to choose, because it benefited him politically to do so
(like he always does).... would that be the trick? or would you sell out again?

as far as sitting in yer church? lol.... no thanx.

i prefer to follow matthew 6: 5-11.

I love the Judgmental Church Lady routine you old ladies have taken on these days. Humorless old scolds, the lot of you. I'm serious. If you look at the old ladies wearing pussy hats at the Women's Marches, that's what you see. Today's Scolding Uptight Grandmas, now scolding but liberals.

It makes me laugh every blessed day. Let me tell you something. We go to our evangelical church to escape it...and laugh

meow........................... hiss.......................... lol, you need to sharpen them thar claws, suzy.... they ain't doin' you much good these days.

however, don't think i haven't noticed your non reply about abortion. how much does your soul cost & is there a tariff on it? :lmao:

Last thing: I am just going to leave you to trip all over the notion that we IDOLIZE Trump. YOU had the fainting harpies at the Obama rallies. YOU had Obama surrounded literally by a halo with the mantra Hope and Change, like Jesus. YOU had Obama with the fake Greek columns. But in true Leftist form, you really think Trump is our idol. No honey. That's your bag. Obama had no platform or changed his completely but he had that dreamy crease in his pants and wasn't Michelle so fashionable???

tsk tsk tsk... but but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!


& when will ' but her emails ' get posted by you?

Women your age should do better than posts memes that say what you want to say.

But if you could think better you wouldn't be a liberal. You would have been able to think your way out of their boxes by now.

naw... it just shows we are much more creative & colorful............ besides, regurgitating rw pablum talking points is just so boring. live a little suzy... hey here's something you aren't capable of doing!

answering the question about abortion.
lol.... ' believe me ' or 'this i can tell you'
I love the Judgmental Church Lady routine you old ladies have taken on these days. Humorless old scolds, the lot of you. I'm serious. If you look at the old ladies wearing pussy hats at the Women's Marches, that's what you see. Today's Scolding Uptight Grandmas, now scolding but liberals.

It makes me laugh every blessed day. Let me tell you something. We go to our evangelical church to escape it...and laugh

meow........................... hiss.......................... lol, you need to sharpen them thar claws, suzy.... they ain't doin' you much good these days.

however, don't think i haven't noticed your non reply about abortion. how much does your soul cost & is there a tariff on it? :lmao:

Last thing: I am just going to leave you to trip all over the notion that we IDOLIZE Trump. YOU had the fainting harpies at the Obama rallies. YOU had Obama surrounded literally by a halo with the mantra Hope and Change, like Jesus. YOU had Obama with the fake Greek columns. But in true Leftist form, you really think Trump is our idol. No honey. That's your bag. Obama had no platform or changed his completely but he had that dreamy crease in his pants and wasn't Michelle so fashionable???

tsk tsk tsk... but but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!


& when will ' but her emails ' get posted by you?

Women your age should do better than posts memes that say what you want to say.

But if you could think better you wouldn't be a liberal. You would have been able to think your way out of their boxes by now.

naw... it just shows we are much more creative & colorful............ besides, regurgitating rw pablum talking points is just so boring. live a little suzy... hey here's something you aren't capable of doing!

answering the question about abortion.

Can you read? I did answer that question. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
lol.... ' believe me ' or 'this i can tell you'
meow........................... hiss.......................... lol, you need to sharpen them thar claws, suzy.... they ain't doin' you much good these days.

however, don't think i haven't noticed your non reply about abortion. how much does your soul cost & is there a tariff on it? :lmao:

Last thing: I am just going to leave you to trip all over the notion that we IDOLIZE Trump. YOU had the fainting harpies at the Obama rallies. YOU had Obama surrounded literally by a halo with the mantra Hope and Change, like Jesus. YOU had Obama with the fake Greek columns. But in true Leftist form, you really think Trump is our idol. No honey. That's your bag. Obama had no platform or changed his completely but he had that dreamy crease in his pants and wasn't Michelle so fashionable???

tsk tsk tsk... but but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!


& when will ' but her emails ' get posted by you?

Women your age should do better than posts memes that say what you want to say.

But if you could think better you wouldn't be a liberal. You would have been able to think your way out of their boxes by now.

naw... it just shows we are much more creative & colorful............ besides, regurgitating rw pablum talking points is just so boring. live a little suzy... hey here's something you aren't capable of doing!

answering the question about abortion.

Can you read? I did answer that question. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

you did? then it got buried in a post storm. by all means, link it. or you can answer it again....
Matthew 6:5-11 5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9"This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us today our daily bread.

Sue, your version of Christianity is fake news.

Got sad news for you IM2. You are not ACTUALLY Jesus Christ. You are not ACTUALLY sitting on the Judgment Throne. You don't actually get to judge.

Sorry to break that to you today.

One thing's for sure, though, SJW sure are heavy on the JUDGMENT

Try telling me something I don't already know. You sit on your booty calling yourself a Christian and you got the word of god shown to your face. It has been you that has been acting as the judge. I put the word of god out there, not the word of IM2, and according to GOD'S word what you believe is fake news.

I do not even have one inkling of what you're talking about---you are putting entirely out of context Bible verses up and I was at a loss. Were we talking about praying in public or being religious "to be seen"? If anything that would be today's Social Justice Warriors, and Virtue Signalers, for pity's sake.

Sue those verses are about more than praying in public. Later on in Matthew Jesus talks about works, fruits and what you do for the least of them. Well the least of them are sitting on our southern border only wanting to come here to get a chance at a better life. You oppose that and say you are a Christian. That's what Jesus was talking about when he mentioned praying loudly on the streets to be seen.

You came in here loudly proclaiming your belief in god and your Christianity to show your righteousness. But what you believe doesn't fit the show. This is exactly what Jesus was talking about.
Last edited:
he & his father were sued for housing discrimination by the gov'ment back in the 70s, so that shows that he's been a racist for a very long time. however, i think that stephen miller is whispering in his ear to keep the hatred strong & flowing thru his veins.

Actually, that shows nothing of the sort.

In fact, there was NO WRONGDOING ever admitted or proven in the case brought by housing bureaucrats back in the 1970's.

President Trump knew they were innocent, but the patriarch of the family, Fred Trump, made the undoubtably correct decision to pay off the bureaucrats. The Trump Organization would still be in court over this and it would have cost far more to defend than to pay.

You can't beat the government on something like this.
he & his father were sued for housing discrimination by the gov'ment back in the 70s, so that shows that he's been a racist for a very long time. however, i think that stephen miller is whispering in his ear to keep the hatred strong & flowing thru his veins.

Actually, that shows nothing of the sort.

In fact, there was NO WRONGDOING ever admitted or proven in the case brought by housing bureaucrats back in the 1970's.

President Trump knew they were innocent, but the patriarch of the family, Fred Trump, made the undoubtably correct decision to pay off the bureaucrats. The Trump Organization would still be in court over this and it would have cost far more to defend than to pay.

You can't beat the government on something like this.

lol.... ya.... you go with that.
he & his father were sued for housing discrimination by the gov'ment back in the 70s, so that shows that he's been a racist for a very long time. however, i think that stephen miller is whispering in his ear to keep the hatred strong & flowing thru his veins.

Actually, that shows nothing of the sort.

In fact, there was NO WRONGDOING ever admitted or proven in the case brought by housing bureaucrats back in the 1970's.

President Trump knew they were innocent, but the patriarch of the family, Fred Trump, made the undoubtably correct decision to pay off the bureaucrats. The Trump Organization would still be in court over this and it would have cost far more to defend than to pay.

You can't beat the government on something like this.

Wrongdoing was proven and Trump paid a then record settlement to avoid court.

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