Trump and racism

lol.... ' believe me ' or 'this i can tell you'
tsk tsk tsk... but but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!


& when will ' but her emails ' get posted by you?

Women your age should do better than posts memes that say what you want to say.

But if you could think better you wouldn't be a liberal. You would have been able to think your way out of their boxes by now.

naw... it just shows we are much more creative & colorful............ besides, regurgitating rw pablum talking points is just so boring. live a little suzy... hey here's something you aren't capable of doing!

answering the question about abortion.

Can you read? I did answer that question. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

you did? then it got buried in a post storm. by all means, link it. or you can answer it again....

If Trump turned pro-choice I would never vote for him again.

That's easy.

I don't know why you think that's such a "gotcha"

it wasn't a gotcha. i knew you would draw that line.... you're a one issue gal, just like i thought. funny, how you evaded the question the 1st time, then let your panties catch fire when you said you already answered it.... like i figured.

me thinx you might.... just might regret having voted for him the first time around, if & i mean IF it turns out he's in that evil circle where epstein et al are now being exposed for diddling underage girls.... how will you live with yourself afterwards?

& as a side note, every post of mine re: that disgusting filth & his cohorts should ALL be fried... no matter who... including clinton ( whom i never voted for, btw...) or donny's mouthpieces alan dershowitz, or rotten rudy...................
lol.... ' believe me ' or 'this i can tell you'
Women your age should do better than posts memes that say what you want to say.

But if you could think better you wouldn't be a liberal. You would have been able to think your way out of their boxes by now.

naw... it just shows we are much more creative & colorful............ besides, regurgitating rw pablum talking points is just so boring. live a little suzy... hey here's something you aren't capable of doing!

answering the question about abortion.

Can you read? I did answer that question. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

you did? then it got buried in a post storm. by all means, link it. or you can answer it again....

If Trump turned pro-choice I would never vote for him again.

That's easy.

I don't know why you think that's such a "gotcha"

it wasn't a gotcha. i knew you would draw that line.... you're a one issue gal, just like i thought. funny, how you evaded the question the 1st time, then let your panties catch fire when you said you already answered it.... like i figured.

me thinx you might.... just might regret having voted for him the first time around, if & i mean IF it turns out he's in that evil circle where epstein et al are now being exposed for diddling underage girls.... how will you live with yourself afterwards?

& as a side note, every post of mine re: that disgusting filth & his cohorts should ALL be fried... no matter who... including clinton ( whom i never voted for, btw...) or donny's mouthpieces alan dershowitz, or rotten rudy...................

Leftists are so simple-minded that they have to wishcast me into their cartoon cut out little mind frames. Playtime cannot imagine a world in which I exist so she must invent one in her head. "Oh yeah, you're a one issue voter, you regret your vote", and other things invented about me.

For those reading, it only shows the inflexibility and smallness of mind of your typical liberal. It's why they say, "Oh you're black, you have to be a Democrat" and consider that deep thinking. I'm not kidding in the slightest
he & his father were sued for housing discrimination by the gov'ment back in the 70s, so that shows that he's been a racist for a very long time. however, i think that stephen miller is whispering in his ear to keep the hatred strong & flowing thru his veins.
unless you can prove they were directly involved, it proves nothing
..I'm waiting for your proof
= NOT racist--sorry ..not even close
......that's like saying the CEO of Royal Caribbean hates babies because a baby fell from their ship
If you don't understand it, don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions
Trump Village Section I
that's NOT Donald Trump
hahhaha--your link proves MY point
hahahaha----EXACTLY like I said, Trump was not directly involved
plain and simple--not racist
That's pretty amazing that I inadvertently posted the wrong link because now I have the opportunity to provide an even better explanation that I otherwise would have. This is the correct link which I believe has previously been published by PlayTime

Because you're so deranged in your quest to prove the alleged inferiority of black people, I took the time to find an explanation as to why practically all settlement agreements, consent decrees, and other "settlement" documents use standard verbiage indicating that by signing the document the signatory is not admitting to guilt/liability. The easiest way I can think of to explain why this is the case is to compare it to pleading nolo contendere in a criminal case although this was not a criminal proceding

In a criminal proceeding, a defendant may enter a plea of nolo contendere, in which the defendant does not accept or deny responsibility for the charges but agrees to accept punishment. The plea differs from a guilty plea because a "no contest" plea cannot be used against the defendant in another cause of action.
The bottom line though is that when the government is charging you with violations of various state/federal law you always have the option of going to trial to fight to prove your "innocense", you don't have to accept the agreement. However when the charged parties agree to accept the terms, in most cases they're also agreeing to comply with terms that the charging agency outlines.

Trump & all the others can claim all day long that they never admitted to any wrongdoing or the government never found any wrongdoing but they did agree to allow the government to dictate to them the terms under which they could continue to stay in business or not be criminally charged in some cases. Not quite the same thing as a guilty conviction or liability determination, but it's hardly a "oh he never did anything wrong and he's not a racist". If you willfully violate any U.S. laws prohibiting racial discrimination, you have handed the right to others to view you as or consider you a racist.
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he & his father were sued for housing discrimination by the gov'ment back in the 70s, so that shows that he's been a racist for a very long time. however, i think that stephen miller is whispering in his ear to keep the hatred strong & flowing thru his veins.
Yes.I can see how these girls annoy the right wing. Maybe he sees votes by acting in this manner.

Of course he does. He has no filter, nor any manners, so he appeals to those who believe that they are "being replaced"
by,_______________(fill in the blank with anyone who he deems as "being from a shithole country, hates America, or dislikes him personally").
Why do racists get offended when they are accused of racism ? I dont get it.

Because most don't like the ugly truth about themselves and are usually the first to call others "racist or race baiter".

Plenty of examples right here in your thread.
lol.... ' believe me ' or 'this i can tell you'
naw... it just shows we are much more creative & colorful............ besides, regurgitating rw pablum talking points is just so boring. live a little suzy... hey here's something you aren't capable of doing!

answering the question about abortion.

Can you read? I did answer that question. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

you did? then it got buried in a post storm. by all means, link it. or you can answer it again....

If Trump turned pro-choice I would never vote for him again.

That's easy.

I don't know why you think that's such a "gotcha"

it wasn't a gotcha. i knew you would draw that line.... you're a one issue gal, just like i thought. funny, how you evaded the question the 1st time, then let your panties catch fire when you said you already answered it.... like i figured.

me thinx you might.... just might regret having voted for him the first time around, if & i mean IF it turns out he's in that evil circle where epstein et al are now being exposed for diddling underage girls.... how will you live with yourself afterwards?

& as a side note, every post of mine re: that disgusting filth & his cohorts should ALL be fried... no matter who... including clinton ( whom i never voted for, btw...) or donny's mouthpieces alan dershowitz, or rotten rudy...................

Leftists are so simple-minded that they have to wishcast me into their cartoon cut out little mind frames. Playtime cannot imagine a world in which I exist so she must invent one in her head. "Oh yeah, you're a one issue voter, you regret your vote", and other things invented about me.

For those reading, it only shows the inflexibility and smallness of mind of your typical liberal. It's why they say, "Oh you're black, you have to be a Democrat" and consider that deep thinking. I'm not kidding in the slightest

Since 2 percent of all blacks are republican, such thinking is much deeper than yours. There are simpleminded people on both sides, but the majority of the uneducated voted for Trump last time. And while you teach school, meaning you have a college education, you can't be too bright to be a republican at this time.

For example, republicans oppose affirmative action. Do you?
Can you read? I did answer that question. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

you did? then it got buried in a post storm. by all means, link it. or you can answer it again....

If Trump turned pro-choice I would never vote for him again.

That's easy.

I don't know why you think that's such a "gotcha"

it wasn't a gotcha. i knew you would draw that line.... you're a one issue gal, just like i thought. funny, how you evaded the question the 1st time, then let your panties catch fire when you said you already answered it.... like i figured.

me thinx you might.... just might regret having voted for him the first time around, if & i mean IF it turns out he's in that evil circle where epstein et al are now being exposed for diddling underage girls.... how will you live with yourself afterwards?

& as a side note, every post of mine re: that disgusting filth & his cohorts should ALL be fried... no matter who... including clinton ( whom i never voted for, btw...) or donny's mouthpieces alan dershowitz, or rotten rudy...................

Leftists are so simple-minded that they have to wishcast me into their cartoon cut out little mind frames. Playtime cannot imagine a world in which I exist so she must invent one in her head. "Oh yeah, you're a one issue voter, you regret your vote", and other things invented about me.

For those reading, it only shows the inflexibility and smallness of mind of your typical liberal. It's why they say, "Oh you're black, you have to be a Democrat" and consider that deep thinking. I'm not kidding in the slightest

Since 2 percent of all blacks are republican, such thinking is much deeper than yours. There are simpleminded people on both sides, but the majority of the uneducated voted for Trump last time. And while you teach school, meaning you have a college education, you can't be too bright to be a republican at this time.

For example, republicans oppose affirmative action. Do you?

Oh you cannot begin to claim that Republicans hold the lock on the "uneducated" vote, sorry. That claim is specious at best. That's for starters. And it should be pretty obvious that I'm no dim bulb. I have my intellectual weaknesses for sure, but overall.

I am not completely opposed to Affirmative Action, no. Because of the inequality that still exists in our public school systems, I think we must have something in place for college admissions. I do see the point when conservatives say it's "reverse discrimination"--but it's an imperfect world. So this might be the best we can do for now.
you did? then it got buried in a post storm. by all means, link it. or you can answer it again....

If Trump turned pro-choice I would never vote for him again.

That's easy.

I don't know why you think that's such a "gotcha"

it wasn't a gotcha. i knew you would draw that line.... you're a one issue gal, just like i thought. funny, how you evaded the question the 1st time, then let your panties catch fire when you said you already answered it.... like i figured.

me thinx you might.... just might regret having voted for him the first time around, if & i mean IF it turns out he's in that evil circle where epstein et al are now being exposed for diddling underage girls.... how will you live with yourself afterwards?

& as a side note, every post of mine re: that disgusting filth & his cohorts should ALL be fried... no matter who... including clinton ( whom i never voted for, btw...) or donny's mouthpieces alan dershowitz, or rotten rudy...................

Leftists are so simple-minded that they have to wishcast me into their cartoon cut out little mind frames. Playtime cannot imagine a world in which I exist so she must invent one in her head. "Oh yeah, you're a one issue voter, you regret your vote", and other things invented about me.

For those reading, it only shows the inflexibility and smallness of mind of your typical liberal. It's why they say, "Oh you're black, you have to be a Democrat" and consider that deep thinking. I'm not kidding in the slightest

Since 2 percent of all blacks are republican, such thinking is much deeper than yours. There are simpleminded people on both sides, but the majority of the uneducated voted for Trump last time. And while you teach school, meaning you have a college education, you can't be too bright to be a republican at this time.

For example, republicans oppose affirmative action. Do you?

Oh you cannot begin to claim that Republicans hold the lock on the "uneducated" vote, sorry. That claim is specious at best. That's for starters. And it should be pretty obvious that I'm no dim bulb. I have my intellectual weaknesses for sure, but overall.

I am not completely opposed to Affirmative Action, no. Because of the inequality that still exists in our public school systems, I think we must have something in place for college admissions. I do see the point when conservatives say it's "reverse discrimination"--but it's an imperfect world. So this might be the best we can do for now.

You do understand that whites have benefitted the most from affirmative action and you are a member of the demographic that has benefited most of all.

Trump got the majority of the "uneducated" vote.
If Trump turned pro-choice I would never vote for him again.

That's easy.

I don't know why you think that's such a "gotcha"

it wasn't a gotcha. i knew you would draw that line.... you're a one issue gal, just like i thought. funny, how you evaded the question the 1st time, then let your panties catch fire when you said you already answered it.... like i figured.

me thinx you might.... just might regret having voted for him the first time around, if & i mean IF it turns out he's in that evil circle where epstein et al are now being exposed for diddling underage girls.... how will you live with yourself afterwards?

& as a side note, every post of mine re: that disgusting filth & his cohorts should ALL be fried... no matter who... including clinton ( whom i never voted for, btw...) or donny's mouthpieces alan dershowitz, or rotten rudy...................

Leftists are so simple-minded that they have to wishcast me into their cartoon cut out little mind frames. Playtime cannot imagine a world in which I exist so she must invent one in her head. "Oh yeah, you're a one issue voter, you regret your vote", and other things invented about me.

For those reading, it only shows the inflexibility and smallness of mind of your typical liberal. It's why they say, "Oh you're black, you have to be a Democrat" and consider that deep thinking. I'm not kidding in the slightest

Since 2 percent of all blacks are republican, such thinking is much deeper than yours. There are simpleminded people on both sides, but the majority of the uneducated voted for Trump last time. And while you teach school, meaning you have a college education, you can't be too bright to be a republican at this time.

For example, republicans oppose affirmative action. Do you?

Oh you cannot begin to claim that Republicans hold the lock on the "uneducated" vote, sorry. That claim is specious at best. That's for starters. And it should be pretty obvious that I'm no dim bulb. I have my intellectual weaknesses for sure, but overall.

I am not completely opposed to Affirmative Action, no. Because of the inequality that still exists in our public school systems, I think we must have something in place for college admissions. I do see the point when conservatives say it's "reverse discrimination"--but it's an imperfect world. So this might be the best we can do for now.

You do understand that whites have benefitted the most from affirmative action and you are a member of the demographic that has benefited most of all.

Trump got the majority of the "uneducated" vote.

So, you voted for Trump?
Why do racists get offended when they are accused of racism ? I dont get it.

Because most don't like the ugly truth about themselves and are usually the first to call others "racist or race baiter".

Plenty of examples right here in your thread.
Its like deep down they know that they are wrong but hate being reminded of it.
Actually, fair housing was only first investigated and prosecuted during the Nixon Administration. It wasn't a federal concern before President Nixon took office, the procedures were part of a 1968 piece of legislation.
And you don't think that the passage of the Fair Housing Act in 1968 had anything to do with the fact that these types of cases were not previously pursued?

On April 11, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which was meant as a follow-up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The 1968 Act expanded on previous acts and prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, sex, (and as amended) handicap and family status. Title VIII of the Act is also known as the Fair Housing Act (of 1968).

The enactment of the federal Fair Housing Act on April 11, 1968 came only after a long and difficult journey. From 1966-1967, Congress regularly considered the fair housing bill, but failed to garner a strong enough majority for its passage. However, when the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson utilized this national tragedy to urge for the bill's speedy Congressional approval. Since the 1966 open housing marches in Chicago, Dr. King's name had been closely associated with the fair housing legislation. President Johnson viewed the Act as a fitting memorial to the man's life work, and wished to have the Act passed prior to Dr. King's funeral in Atlanta.

Another significant issue during this time period was the growing casualty list from Vietnam. The deaths in Vietnam fell heaviest upon young, poor African-American and Hispanic infantrymen. However, on the home front, these men's families could not purchase or rent homes in certain residential developments on account of their race or national origin. Specialized organizations like the NAACP, the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), the GI Forum, and the National Committee Against Discrimination In Housing lobbied hard for the Senate to pass the Fair Housing Act and remedy this inequity. Senators Edward Brooke and Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts argued deeply for the passage of this legislation. In particular, Senator Brooke, the first African-American ever to be elected to the Senate by popular vote, spoke personally of his return from World War II and inability to provide a home of his choice for his new family because of his race.

With the cities rioting after Dr. King's assassination, and destruction mounting in every part of the United States, the words of President Johnson and Congressional leaders rang the Bell of Reason for the House of Representatives, who subsequently passed the Fair Housing Act. Without debate, the Senate followed the House in its passage of the Act, which President Johnson then signed into law. / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

BTW, the Trumps never faced such charges ever again. No one has sued Trump for housing discrimination at Mar a Lago, Trump Tower or any other property
You'd have to be a freaking idiot to commit the same violations that you had previiously been "sanctioned" for - having to pay a settlement amount (money) and comply with stipulations and "shall nots" by being forced to enter into a consent decree AND probably additional punishments and penalties for violaing the previous agreement.
You have bared false witness already this morning. So get right Pharisee.

You have already stated you are a social worker and we all know what you mean when you say Trump supporters will immediately regret their vote. You have hinted before at this race war and as soon as you're called out on it, you cry like the coward you are.

Also, I love it when men start calling women "heifers" and other names like that. Leftist men, I mean. Should I cry about misogyny and the patriarchy? Oh but we all know you're the FIRST to turn on your own Orthodoxy, like calling black conservatives Uncle Toms and women who disagree with you foul names.

We know. We know how rotten your souls are. Believe us.

I have NEVER advocated for a race war. And you will get called a heifer every time you lie. You can cry about what you want but that's a word my mom taught me. All black conservatives aren't sellouts but I bet the ines you support are. Do you even know why we consider such people sellouts? And don't try that shit about thinking independently when they are repeating white racist stereotypes of blacks.

You are the one with the dark soul and with all of what you said, you could not provide one post where I have advocated for race war. You are low, and you are scum unworthy of being given the high title of woman. And that is why you got called a lying heifer.

Your post right here. Sentence one: "died FIGHTING". Sentence two: "We are all going to die from something." Sentence three: "I don't think you are prepared to face PEOPLE LIKE US." Sentence four: "WHITES LIKE YOU don't fare well against people unafraid to die."

The meaning, I assure you, is crystal clear. And I was far from the only one in the thread who saw you agitating. So turn down the gaslight

I descend from people who have died fighting against fakes like you who thought they could determine what America is. We all are going to die from something. I don't think you are prepared to face people like us. Whites like you don't fare well against people unafraid to die.

What would have happened if Obama had told the birthers in congress to go back to Europe?

And here is where you get called a lying bitch.

We believe we do and we are willing to fight and die for it.
Is your ilk?

Do you recognize this post? It's the one I was responding to. In classic fake Christian white identity style, you ignored that to lie about me advocating for a race war. You are a disingenuous piece of trash.

Right, and instead of not respond or back down or at best, say, "not unless we are attacked", you escalated and REPEATED the vitriol here. In fact what exactly DID you mean in your post here, the threat that if we re-elect Trump we will regret it immediately, in light of what you posted above? How would YOU have taken it if we were posting that nonsense before Obama's second term? "If Obama gets re-elected, Obama supporters are going to regret that immediately"

You would have lost your crap entirely

Whites here will not tell me how I am to respond to things. Your racist ass should be talking to the person I was responding to. Instead I am suppose to back down and be the good docile black whites like you want me to be.

What else did you want? Was I supposed to find a ukelele and wear some big dancing shoes while singing "Mammy"? Fuck that.

If Trump is re elected America as we know it is dead. Obama did not do what Trump is doing, if he had been I would have said the same thing. If Trump get re elected and his policies start hitting full stride you who supported this are going to learn a hard lesson. Everybody is going to suffer, but you who acted like Trump was the American savior are going to be hurt and disappointed. I don't think about race wars, seems that whites like you preoccupy yourself with such thoughts.
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lol.... ' believe me ' or 'this i can tell you'
naw... it just shows we are much more creative & colorful............ besides, regurgitating rw pablum talking points is just so boring. live a little suzy... hey here's something you aren't capable of doing!

answering the question about abortion.

Can you read? I did answer that question. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

you did? then it got buried in a post storm. by all means, link it. or you can answer it again....

If Trump turned pro-choice I would never vote for him again.

That's easy.

I don't know why you think that's such a "gotcha"

it wasn't a gotcha. i knew you would draw that line.... you're a one issue gal, just like i thought. funny, how you evaded the question the 1st time, then let your panties catch fire when you said you already answered it.... like i figured.

me thinx you might.... just might regret having voted for him the first time around, if & i mean IF it turns out he's in that evil circle where epstein et al are now being exposed for diddling underage girls.... how will you live with yourself afterwards?

& as a side note, every post of mine re: that disgusting filth & his cohorts should ALL be fried... no matter who... including clinton ( whom i never voted for, btw...) or donny's mouthpieces alan dershowitz, or rotten rudy...................

Leftists are so simple-minded that they have to wishcast me into their cartoon cut out little mind frames. Playtime cannot imagine a world in which I exist so she must invent one in her head. "Oh yeah, you're a one issue voter, you regret your vote", and other things invented about me.

For those reading, it only shows the inflexibility and smallness of mind of your typical liberal. It's why they say, "Oh you're black, you have to be a Democrat" and consider that deep thinking. I'm not kidding in the slightest

<ppppffffft> m'k... epstein & trump being child diddlers wouldn't cross your line... if i think of any others that you simply can't wrap your mind around, i'll let you know Q-Q.

it really was a simple question & yet you didn't answer that one either. got it.
  • Thanks
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Why do racists get offended when they are accused of racism ? I dont get it.

Because most don't like the ugly truth about themselves and are usually the first to call others "racist or race baiter".

Plenty of examples right here in your thread.
Its like deep down they know that they are wrong but hate being reminded of it.

they keep needing permission to be race or religiously intolerant or they get uncomfortable.
You'd have to be a freaking idiot to commit the same violations that you had previiously been "sanctioned" for

Hello, Mariyam.

On the topic of idiots.

Would you consider a fellow citizen an IDIOT or mentally ill for introducing multiple newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens to a a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

POVERTY toya graham .jpg

Mariyam, is this American mom an IDIOT for raising a child who matures into an apparent EMOTIONALLY TROUBLED teen and adult embracing VIOLENCE, HATE, as well as proudly engaging in and promoting family, people and community harming anti-social behaviors?


Mariyam, as ALWAYS, I look fwd to you ignoring my questions.



    460.9 KB · Views: 28
Do you think it comes from the heart ?
Or is there somebody nudging him ,whispering in his ear and telling him this is the route he must take?

I actually think he is breaking up and the question is how much damage he can do before he is turfed out.

I know that this thread will invite the usual deflectors but does anyone really see his spew as acceptable.

Hello, Tommy Tainant. Keeping it Real, Factual & 100% Respectful, I have a few questions.

I look fwd to reading your intelligent reply.



Tommy Tainant, Denounce Tariq Nasheed, Mechee X, Umar Johnson.jpg

Trump isn't racist! Trump is Trumpist, in other words, he believes himself superior to everyone else regardless of race. Trump will attack (with words) anyone who speaks ill of him. Trump will praise most anyone who praises him.

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