Trump and Sessions laughing at the Left and the media now


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
It's obvious that this whole thing is totally orchestrated. My take on it is that Trump is providing cover for Sessions, as he's about to bring the hammer down on a few individuals for leaking, unmasking, etc. some of which are in very powerful positions. And dumbass Shumer and the Democrats are now defending Sessions. Can you believe the genius of Donald Trump?

Drain the swamp!
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It's obvious that this whole thing is totally orchestrated. My take on it is that Trump is providing cover for Sessions, as he's about to bring the hammer down on a few individuals for leaking, unmasking, etc. some of which are in very powerful positions. And dumbass Shumer and the Democrats are now defending Sessions. Can you believe the genius of Donald Trump?

Drain the swamp!
Trump has been playing the libtard major media since he announced his run for President.

Go kick their asses, Mr President!
It's obvious that this whole thing is totally orchestrated. My take on it is that Trump is providing cover for Sessions, as he's about to bring the hammer down on a few individuals for leaking, unmasking, etc. some of which are in very powerful positions. And dumbass Shumer and the Democrats are now defending Sessions. Can you believe the genius of Donald Trump?

Drain the swamp!
Trump has been playing the libtard major media since he announced his run for President.

Go kick their asses, Mr President!
I have to tell you, he even had me falling for it, until I reviewed all the people that Trump has worked with that he's been very loyal to (who have also been loyal to him) such as Lewindowski, Maniford, and even yes, general Flynn. You don't get as far as Trump does, if you're throwing loyal people under the bus, like Obama did throughout his presidency.
Hopefully you are right. It would be a brilliant move if that's what's going on.
It's obvious that this whole thing is totally orchestrated. My take on it is that Trump is providing cover for Sessions, as he's about to bring the hammer down on a few individuals for leaking, unmasking, etc. some of which are in very powerful positions. And dumbass Shumer and the Democrats are now defending Sessions. Can you believe the genius of Donald Trump?

Drain the swamp!

I hope you are right.
I have to tell you, he even had me falling for it, until I reviewed all the people that Trump has worked with that he's been very loyal to (who have also been loyal to him) such as Lewindowski, Maniford, and even yes, general Flynn. You don't get as far as Trump does, if you're throwing loyal people under the bus, like Obama did throughout his presidency.
Trump uses people for a specific purpose and when that purpose is done, he lets them go and they understand that from the start, or should.

When his campaign needed to be fresh and edgy, he had Lewendowski for his manager, when he needed an experienced head counter like Manafort, he used a PR blithering storm as cover to let Lewendowski go and hire Manafort.

Once he had a nomination, he let Manafort go and went to Bannon and Conway, with the Ukrainian scandal once again as cover for his move.

I suspect he knows that Preibus is undermining him with leaks, but he has used Preibus to lessen resistance to some degree among the Republican Establishment, and the leaks provide CYA for him to let Preibus go.

Trump understands dynamic management in a hostile PR environment and how to manipulate the media to his advantage.

It is hilarious to see him kick up dust on Twitter when all it is is a distraction from his real game involving policy.
Keep telling yourselves whatever you must to rationalize the turmoil in this White House.

It must be exhausting carrying the water for this gang of incompetents. Can anyone recall a week in the last six months that hasn't been tainted by the appearance of poor governing skills? Contradictory messaging, late night tweet storms, revised paperwork, forgotten meetings, all these things have contributed to the stalling of their legislative agenda.

If anyone is laughing about this, they certainly do not value competence and steadiness in governance. I have no respect for the huckster buffoon in the Oval Office. But I cannot afford laughter. I worry about our system of government. That's no laughing matter.
Putin: We'll have to retaliate against 'illegal' U.S. sanctions

"As you know, we are exercising restraint and patience, but at some moment we'll have to retaliate. It's impossible to endlessly tolerate this boorishness towards our country," Putin told a joint news conference with his Finnish counterpart.

"When will our response follow? What will it be? That will depend on the final version of the draft law which is now being debated in the U.S. Senate."

However, Putin said that Moscow had "many friends" in the United States and hoped that one day the situation would right itself.

Putin: We'll have to retaliate against 'illegal' U.S. sanctions

Putin sends quid pro quo reminder to the Wimp Bitch in Chief
tell me again-----who is JUMPING the fence-----off the (temporarily) confused donkey and
CLAMOURING UP the elephant? --------it's so weird that it is exciting----like
the first time I saw 2001 SPACE ODYSSEY
Keep telling yourselves whatever you must to rationalize the turmoil in this White House.

It must be exhausting carrying the water for this gang of incompetents. Can anyone recall a week in the last six months that hasn't been tainted by the appearance of poor governing skills? Contradictory messaging, late night tweet storms, revised paperwork, forgotten meetings, all these things have contributed to the stalling of their legislative agenda.

If anyone is laughing about this, they certainly do not value competence and steadiness in governance. I have no respect for the huckster buffoon in the Oval Office. But I cannot afford laughter. I worry about our system of government. That's no laughing matter.

Poor butthurt snowflake. Still bitter I see.
Right, that's because for this to work the Right has to also believe in it., and show the reaction it is showing. Do you think if a Trump really wanted Sessions to resign he wouldn't be able to get him to do it, like he did with Flynn? First of all, there is no way even the republicans will confirm another attorney general if Sessions is let go. Trump isn't dumb he knows this. I predict that in the near future we will be seeing Trump and Session do a makeup appearance.

Hey I could be wrong, but that's how I'm reading it.
Putin: We'll have to retaliate against 'illegal' U.S. sanctions

"As you know, we are exercising restraint and patience, but at some moment we'll have to retaliate. It's impossible to endlessly tolerate this boorishness towards our country," Putin told a joint news conference with his Finnish counterpart.

"When will our response follow? What will it be? That will depend on the final version of the draft law which is now being debated in the U.S. Senate."

However, Putin said that Moscow had "many friends" in the United States and hoped that one day the situation would right itself.

Putin: We'll have to retaliate against 'illegal' U.S. sanctions

Putin sends quid pro quo reminder to the Wimp Bitch in Chief

Putin will retaliate by wiping Dems out of Congress in 2018
Its all a brilliant plan and when its not a brilliant plan it'll still be a brilliant plan. Like not defeating Isis, Not repealing and replacing the ACA, Passing no legislation, Colluding with Russians and telling you he didn't.

All part of his brilliant plan to something something Liberals
Keep telling yourselves whatever you must to rationalize the turmoil in this White House.

It must be exhausting carrying the water for this gang of incompetents. Can anyone recall a week in the last six months that hasn't been tainted by the appearance of poor governing skills? Contradictory messaging, late night tweet storms, revised paperwork, forgotten meetings, all these things have contributed to the stalling of their legislative agenda.

If anyone is laughing about this, they certainly do not value competence and steadiness in governance. I have no respect for the huckster buffoon in the Oval Office. But I cannot afford laughter. I worry about our system of government. That's no laughing matter.

Poor butthurt snowflake. Still bitter I see.
No, you Philistine! I'm not butthurt nor am I a snowflake. Those simple, moronic terms betray a shallowness of thought that one should,run from, yet you embrace it.

It's more than winning. It's governing. It's more than politically,retribution, it's advancing a legislative agenda. This I should not like cheering for the Steelers. This is actually real nning the free world.

You Political,neophytes, you knucledragging mouth breathers look,at this great nation the way high school drop puts look at insipid reality TV as if it has redeeming qualities beyond boorishness. Don't you comprehend the damage wrought by amateur governing? Does n't you realize that nothing else will happen so long as the children run the asylum?

What manner of thinker would Williams Nguyen ignore the havoc in Trump's wake? One who cannot fathom consequence, only victory.
Keep telling yourselves whatever you must to rationalize the turmoil in this White House.

It must be exhausting carrying the water for this gang of incompetents. Can anyone recall a week in the last six months that hasn't been tainted by the appearance of poor governing skills? Contradictory messaging, late night tweet storms, revised paperwork, forgotten meetings, all these things have contributed to the stalling of their legislative agenda.

If anyone is laughing about this, they certainly do not value competence and steadiness in governance. I have no respect for the huckster buffoon in the Oval Office. But I cannot afford laughter. I worry about our system of government. That's no laughing matter.

Poor butthurt snowflake. Still bitter I see.
No, you Philistine! I'm not butthurt nor am I a snowflake. Those simple, moronic terms betray a shallowness of thought that one should,run from, yet you embrace it.

It's more than winning. It's governing. It's more than politically,retribution, it's advancing a legislative agenda. This I should not like cheering for the Steelers. This is actually real nning the free world.

You Political,neophytes, you knucledragging mouth breathers look,at this great nation the way high school drop puts look at insipid reality TV as if it has redeeming qualities beyond boorishness. Don't you comprehend the damage wrought by amateur governing? Does n't you realize that nothing else will happen so long as the children run the asylum?

What manner of thinker would Williams Nguyen ignore the havoc in Trump's wake? One who cannot fathom consequence, only victory.

Need a tissue, snowflake?
Keep telling yourselves whatever you must to rationalize the turmoil in this White House.

It must be exhausting carrying the water for this gang of incompetents. Can anyone recall a week in the last six months that hasn't been tainted by the appearance of poor governing skills? Contradictory messaging, late night tweet storms, revised paperwork, forgotten meetings, all these things have contributed to the stalling of their legislative agenda.

If anyone is laughing about this, they certainly do not value competence and steadiness in governance. I have no respect for the huckster buffoon in the Oval Office. But I cannot afford laughter. I worry about our system of government. That's no laughing matter.

Poor butthurt snowflake. Still bitter I see.
No, you Philistine! I'm not butthurt nor am I a snowflake. Those simple, moronic terms betray a shallowness of thought that one should,run from, yet you embrace it.

It's more than winning. It's governing. It's more than politically,retribution, it's advancing a legislative agenda. This I should not like cheering for the Steelers. This is actually real nning the free world.

You Political,neophytes, you knucledragging mouth breathers look,at this great nation the way high school drop puts look at insipid reality TV as if it has redeeming qualities beyond boorishness. Don't you comprehend the damage wrought by amateur governing? Does n't you realize that nothing else will happen so long as the children run the asylum?

What manner of thinker would Williams Nguyen ignore the havoc in Trump's wake? One who cannot fathom consequence, only victory.

Need a tissue, snowflake?

You are not worthy to debate.
It's obvious that this whole thing is totally orchestrated. My take on it is that Trump is providing cover for Sessions, as he's about to bring the hammer down on a few individuals for leaking, unmasking, etc. some of which are in very powerful positions. And dumbass Shumer and the Democrats are now defending Sessions. Can you believe the genius of Donald Trump?

Drain the swamp!
I don't believe it was planned but I think that's where it's going.

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