Trump and the elites


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The War on Poverty and the Great society have destroyed the character, moral fiber and intelligence of US citizens to the extent that metastasizing populations of indigenous Americans are too lazy and drug-addled to do the work necessary to maintain a free democracy. So US political elites partnered with foreign elites to import bodies into the US to do actual work and in the process eliminate the American middle class. The ploy to hide the failures was working right up until a candidate that was not part of the Deep State got elected to the presidency.

There is no question that Donald Trump is pure Kryptonite to the elites and pseudo elites that populate our political process as longstanding parasites of self-serving, corrupt bureaucracies and they are in a state of bedlam, scattering helter-skelter in all directions. Desperate, they resort to idiocy:-He colluded with the Russians! He’s racist! He’s anti-immigrant!

Apparently the main argument is that Trump tricked the American people into voting for him. This raises an alarming question: Does the political status quo in the US believe that the intelligence of its voting population is so low that they can be hoodwinked by a man that they themselves claim to be too dumb to president?

You bet they do. They have been engaged in dumbing down America for decades. In fact Americans of both parties were so dumb and gullibly trusting when NAFTA went into effect that they failed to see that it was purchased with their company pensions and health insurance.

Being one big global family is expensive and some had to pay for it-it was that pesky American middle class. Notice that all the heavy hitters on both sides of the aisle who voted for NAFTA get great pensions and found clever technicalities to immunize themselves from the Affordable Care Act.

The rest of us pay the freight so Canada can have a tariff-supported socialist government and Mexico can finance its elitist, racist, white totalitarian government by directing a brown population that it considers to be bottom feeders to overrun US borders along with hordes of asylum seeking invaders from all over Latin America.

The educational, media and political elites here were targeting the middle class and hitting the bullseye until Trump got elected. Now the tables have been turned and they are going off the rails because the people outwitted them by electing Trump.
I have yet to encounter a con artist who was not as dumb as a box of rocks, and Donald Trump is no exception.
. . . or some of a con's followers, like the OP. The first sentence of this thread is an outright lie. Beginning in 1933 and coming through the 1960s, the living and employment standards for Americans rose to all time highs. Run along, Ray9, with your pitiful con.
It is in the self-interest of those who are plundering this country that we all be at each others throats. So of course their propaganda outlets have worked very hard to dumb down the consumers of their manufactured bullshit and keep them that way.

When you consider that half the people in this country have only a double-digit IQ, it is not surprising they chose a maggot and a turd for their parties nominees.

If you look at our accelerating deficits, it is undeniable we are being plundered. But the tard herd on one side has been programmed to bleev it is the minorities who are doing the plundering, and the tard herd on the other side has been programmed to bleev it is the guy in the bigger house than theirs who busted his ass all his life to succeed who is doing the plundering.
Trump the huckster has to speak in single syllables and tweets so his rube herd can understand and parrot him more easily.
Trump the huckster has to speak in single syllables and tweets so his rube herd can understand and parrot him more easily.

Right, were dumb as a box of rocks yet we CRUSHED you in the election. Oh wait :eusa_think::auiqs.jpg:
Yes, there are a lot more creduloids in America than skeptical people. There's a reason I call you the rube HERD.

Trump talks to you like you are idiots, and he absolutely depends on your gullibility. He has nothing but contempt for you. That's why he tells such whopper lies to you. He knows you will bleev what you are told to bleev.
If you look at the History channel schedule right now, there are six hours of "Ancient Aliens".

Ancient. Fucking. Aliens. On a HISTORY channel.

This was preceded by an hour and a half of a "reality" TV show called Mountain Men. This was preceded by American Pickers, which was preceded by an hour of Pawn Stars.

Americans aren't interested in real history. That's too hard, too boring.

No wonder the rubes swallow whatever distorted or made up shit about our history they are told to bleev.

They DEMAND to be dumbed down.
Rump is "kryptonite to the elites and pseudo-elites"? :laughing0301:

WTF do you think Rump is --- "the poor"? The "working class"?

Good CHRIST. :banghead:
Rump is "kryptonite to the elites and psedo-elites"? :laughing0301:

WTF do you think Rump is --- "the poor"? The "working class"?

Good CHRIST. :banghead:
I know. I was laughing my ass off at that one, too.

The willful blindness among the rube herd is something to behold.
Trump is an unintended consequence of the machinations of the 'Establishment', the shadowy bunch of oligarchs that the Right calls 'Deep State' and the Left calls 'the 1%'.
Because these banditi are all in it for themselves, individually and collectively, the system has descended into chaos.
The Democrats let the Hildebeast grab control, and the Republicans couldn't get their shit together to prevent the disaster we now live.

Well, at least he is disruptive, and God knows, the current order needs disruption.

We'll survive this bizarre interlude in American politics, but we're mortally wounded, and Trump may ultimately kill us all with runaway Climate Change and toxic pollution.
Trump the huckster has to speak in single syllables and tweets so his rube herd can understand and parrot him more easily.

Right, were dumb as a box of rocks yet we CRUSHED you in the election. Oh wait :eusa_think::auiqs.jpg:
Yes, there are a lot more creduloids in America than skeptical people. There's a reason I call you the rube HERD.

Trump talks to you like you are idiots, and he absolutely depends on your gullibility. He has nothing but contempt for you. That's why he tells such whopper lies to you. He knows you will bleev what you are told to bleev.

We Trump rubes have a msg for you...WE KICKED YOUR ASS HAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump the huckster has to speak in single syllables and tweets so his rube herd can understand and parrot him more easily.

Right, were dumb as a box of rocks yet we CRUSHED you in the election. Oh wait :eusa_think::auiqs.jpg:
Yes, there are a lot more creduloids in America than skeptical people. There's a reason I call you the rube HERD.

Trump talks to you like you are idiots, and he absolutely depends on your gullibility. He has nothing but contempt for you. That's why he tells such whopper lies to you. He knows you will bleev what you are told to bleev.

We Trump rubes have a msg for you...WE KICKED YOUR ASS HAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You lost the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes.

That's not an ass kicking to anyone who can do basic math.
Trump the huckster has to speak in single syllables and tweets so his rube herd can understand and parrot him more easily.

Right, were dumb as a box of rocks yet we CRUSHED you in the election. Oh wait :eusa_think::auiqs.jpg:
Yes, there are a lot more creduloids in America than skeptical people. There's a reason I call you the rube HERD.

Trump talks to you like you are idiots, and he absolutely depends on your gullibility. He has nothing but contempt for you. That's why he tells such whopper lies to you. He knows you will bleev what you are told to bleev.

We Trump rubes have a msg for you...WE KICKED YOUR ASS HAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You lost the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes.

That's not an ass kicking to anyone who can do basic math.

No he didn't. Link to the popular vote election that never took place? :auiqs.jpg:
Thanks for the good post.
Know that every Leftist naysayer in the thread is fully onboard the Communist aka "Socialist" train to hell (ala Venezuela) and so naturally, anything you say otherwise will cause fireworks to bombard their posteriors and the resultant howling is their posts.

They lost the election, they long ago lost their minds, they are losing their coveted Unions, the SCOTUS is being repaired and most American are seeing the violence and filth they represent. It is likely they will face more defeats this November since their best offering is a young Latina hard core Socialists with all the same losing messages that lost it all for them last go round.

Look for the Dems to be wiped out in November. Especially since they have lost much of their mechanisms for the 3 million illegal votes they stole last election cycle. I expect a complete blow out and collapse of the Dems. They do not have the support. I've been in the trenches with blacks who have been lifelong Democrats and I can tell you things ARE changing. Devoutly Christian immigrants are appalled by their immoral behavior and even they see them for what they are.

Another thing few are aware of but will likely affect the mid terms and the next general elections is the brewing troubles with China over trade and territorial claims. As this escalates (and it is as I type), Americans are going to overwhelmingly feel the need for a strong leader and the American people know these do not come from the Left. In fact, the Left's weakness has led the world to most of the global problems we have today with China, Russia etc.
The problem isn't with the majority that voted for President Trump, the analysis should be on the freaking idiots who voted for the world class enabler for her husband's infidelity aka the babe who called in sick after an Ambassador and his courageous body guards ran out of ammunition and were killed by militants on the anniversary of 9-11 on her watch while she blamed an obscure you tube vid. Hillary pretended to be aboard Hussein's crazy anti-corporate ship but she took an astonishing quarter of a million each for a series of mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers. She even cheated Sanders out of the primary election. Should she be trusted by anyone? Maybe the hard core quasi socialist Marxist hypocrite dwindling democrat core that only exists in elitist academia and racist East Coast and California cities.

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