Trump and the GOP are ready to give the middle class a royal SCREWING

So come-on snowflakes, tell us how it would be different if Hillary had won. Sorry - been there, done that. Libs had their chance, and took full advantage of it - bending over the middle class / Americans while pushing their liberal agenda.

So, Quesay basically you are stating that since you got FUCKED by the Democrats.....You're ready to get fucked AGAIN by the republicans.......Is that your conclusion?
So, Quesay basically you are stating that since you got FUCKED by the Democrats.....You're ready to get fucked AGAIN by the republicans.......Is that your conclusion?
Nope, try again, gnat.

I just pointed out that we got screwed MORE, FASTER, under the Democrats / Obama. It is happening slower under Trump, probably due to Establishment GOP frozen in fear of doing anything that might cost them their jobs, and / or the Democrats who are, according to Schumer, 100% committed to blocking everything.
So, Quesay basically you are stating that since you got FUCKED by the Democrats.....You're ready to get fucked AGAIN by the republicans.......Is that your conclusion?
Nope, try again, gnat.

I just pointed out that we got screwed MORE, FASTER, under the Democrats / Obama. It is happening slower under Trump, probably due to Establishment GOP frozen in fear of doing anything that might cost them their jobs, and / or the Democrats who are, according to Schumer, 100% committed to blocking everything.

Obama handed Trump an economy that was close to what economists consider full employment. The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then, to 4.3% in July.

At full employment, businesses have an extremely difficult time finding available, qualified workers to fill job openings.

In fact, if Obama left a problem for Trump, it wasn't that the economy was too weak -- it was that the labor market was almost too strong. Employers may well be hiring faster if they weren't having so much trouble finding the workers they need

How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs
Oh, that tax bill will prove to be quite the screwing of most of us.....

First, let's all admit that Reagan tried it.....GWB tried it.....and BOTH failed miserably in boosting the economy......Bush-daddy was spot on when he called Reagan's plan VOODOO ECONOMICS and, sure enough, Reagan had to RE-raise taxes or cause a meltdown.

But, if we look at what is being proposed NOW, the "genius" of Trump and his fellow crooks boils down to feeding the right wing base the name of "Tax Cuts for the Middle Class"....and these idiots actually "cheer"....while the 1% of our super wealthy population snickers at the abject IGNORANCE.

Secondly, the very fact that the wealthy's tax cuts is PERMANENT and the middle class meager tax cut is TEMPORARY should give eben most right wing idiots just a bit of skepticism......but maybe not.

Third, the $1.5 TRILLION additional debt we are about to incur is purported to be offset by "YYYuge" economic growth......However, ask any elected GOPer if he or she is willing to put his head on the line, and they scatter like roaches in a spotlight....

Bend over, middle class ..
The GOP is banking (literally) on this. Most jt filiers in the 80-150 range will see some cut. Peanuts compared to the 250K and up, and really peanuts compared to the .1% But enough to say "hey I got something," and these other fucks don't pay shit, and they get Obamacare and welfare.

No actual econ projection shows it increasing growth enough to pay for itself, and projections are for 3% or even 4% growth without it. And the fed is already raising rates. And NOBODY can figure out why prices aren't inflating already.

The gop wants to say "we did something, anything," and at the same time give the gop elite what they want so they'll get behind the Oranguton for 2020

PS and ultimately they may be cynical enough to force a choice between defense and medicare.
You want to take care of the national debt. Cut taxes and regulation to grow the economy so the federal government takes in more revenue.

Just ask economists how well Reagan's and GWB's tax-cut bullshit worked out.

We had two decades of economic growth with Reagan. Clinton coasted on it.

Bush's economic boom lasted from 2001 to 2008.

Would have lasted longer if the establishment hadn't stood in the way of the reforms necessary.
You want to take care of the national debt. Cut taxes and regulation to grow the economy so the federal government takes in more revenue.

Just ask economists how well Reagan's and GWB's tax-cut bullshit worked out.

We had two decades of economic growth with Reagan. Clinton coasted on it.

Bush's economic boom lasted from 2001 to 2008.

Would have lasted longer if the establishment hadn't stood in the way of the reforms necessary.
The econ crashed while W was in office. What prevented W from enacting the reforms?
Oh, that tax bill will prove to be quite the screwing of most of us.....

First, let's all admit that Reagan tried it.....GWB tried it.....and BOTH failed miserably in boosting the economy......Bush-daddy was spot on when he called Reagan's plan VOODOO ECONOMICS and, sure enough, Reagan had to RE-raise taxes or cause a meltdown.

But, if we look at what is being proposed NOW, the "genius" of Trump and his fellow crooks boils down to feeding the right wing base the name of "Tax Cuts for the Middle Class"....and these idiots actually "cheer"....while the 1% of our super wealthy population snickers at the abject IGNORANCE.

Secondly, the very fact that the wealthy's tax cuts is PERMANENT and the middle class meager tax cut is TEMPORARY should give eben most right wing idiots just a bit of skepticism......but maybe not.

Third, the $1.5 TRILLION additional debt we are about to incur is purported to be offset by "YYYuge" economic growth......However, ask any elected GOPer if he or she is willing to put his head on the line, and they scatter like roaches in a spotlight....

Bend over, middle class ..
The GOP is banking (literally) on this. Most jt filiers in the 80-150 range will see some cut. Peanuts compared to the 250K and up, and really peanuts compared to the .1% But enough to say "hey I got something," and these other fucks don't pay shit, and they get Obamacare and welfare.

No actual econ projection shows it increasing growth enough to pay for itself, and projections are for 3% or even 4% growth without it. And the fed is already raising rates. And NOBODY can figure out why prices aren't inflating already.

The gop wants to say "we did something, anything," and at the same time give the gop elite what they want so they'll get behind the Oranguton for 2020

PS and ultimately they may be cynical enough to force a choice between defense and medicare.

Not ONE open committee hearing on this tax cut catastrophe......But these bastards are counting on the screwing to take effect AFTER the 2018 midterms....
Bush's economic boom lasted from 2001 to 2008.

The New York Times provided a jaw-dropping analysis of the dismal state of the economy under George W. Bush. Just days after the Washington Post documented that Bush presided over the worst eight-year economic performance in the modern American presidency, the Times charted his historic failure in expanding GDP, producing jobs and fueling stock market growth. As it turns out, Bush is just the latest Republican to confirm the maxim that Wall Street and the economy overall almost always do better under Democratic presidents.

january 2009

Jaw Dropping Analysis of GWB & GOP on The Economy, 8 Yrs of Economic Hell & Repiggy's
GOP Congress under Bush 1st 6 Years. DNC nearly super majority control of Congress for the next 4 (Bush's last 2 years and Obama's 1st 2 years in).

Since the DNC controlled the budget / spending for 2 years before Obama came in and 2 years during Barry's time as President, the only one Barry inherited a 'bad economy' from was his fellow Democrats.

Snowflakes do not have the integrity / honesty to admit that. They just continue to lie, deny, spin, etc...
You want to take care of the national debt. Cut taxes and regulation to grow the economy so the federal government takes in more revenue.

Just ask economists how well Reagan's and GWB's tax-cut bullshit worked out.

We had two decades of economic growth with Reagan. Clinton coasted on it.

Bush's economic boom lasted from 2001 to 2008.

Would have lasted longer if the establishment hadn't stood in the way of the reforms necessary.
The econ crashed while W was in office. What prevented W from enacting the reforms?

Democrats and Republicans in Congress
You want to take care of the national debt. Cut taxes and regulation to grow the economy so the federal government takes in more revenue.

Just ask economists how well Reagan's and GWB's tax-cut bullshit worked out.

We had two decades of economic growth with Reagan. Clinton coasted on it.

Bush's economic boom lasted from 2001 to 2008.

Would have lasted longer if the establishment hadn't stood in the way of the reforms necessary.
The econ crashed while W was in office. What prevented W from enacting the reforms?

Democrats and Republicans in Congress
BOOM! Third Quarter GDP Revised Up to 3.3%

Obama WISHES he had had GDP growth over 3%...

An economy does NOT turn in any president's first year.......Trump......should thank and bow down to Obama's feet......LOL

BOOM! Third Quarter GDP Revised Up to 3.3%

Obama WISHES he had had GDP growth over 3%...

An economy does NOT turn in any president's first year.......Trump......should thank and bow down to Obama's feet......LOL

View attachment 163407
And Congress controls spending / the budget / the economy, not Presidents. Snowflakes should learn / accept that...

Unless, like Obama did, the President hands out money to terrorists / enemies for the ransom of US hostages, promises billions for Zika for Americans only to give it to the UN for their new global initiative, or gives terrorists $221 Million on his way out the door...stuff like that.
Oh, that tax bill will prove to be quite the screwing of most of us.....

First, let's all admit that Reagan tried it.....GWB tried it.....and BOTH failed miserably in boosting the economy......Bush-daddy was spot on when he called Reagan's plan VOODOO ECONOMICS and, sure enough, Reagan had to RE-raise taxes or cause a meltdown.

But, if we look at what is being proposed NOW, the "genius" of Trump and his fellow crooks boils down to feeding the right wing base the name of "Tax Cuts for the Middle Class"....and these idiots actually "cheer"....while the 1% of our super wealthy population snickers at the abject IGNORANCE.

Secondly, the very fact that the wealthy's tax cuts is PERMANENT and the middle class meager tax cut is TEMPORARY should give eben most right wing idiots just a bit of skepticism......but maybe not.

Third, the $1.5 TRILLION additional debt we are about to incur is purported to be offset by "YYYuge" economic growth......However, ask any elected GOPer if he or she is willing to put his head on the line, and they scatter like roaches in a spotlight....

Bend over, middle class ..

O bent the middle class over and rode side saddle shoving telephone poles sideways and you were cheering. But now the hand wringing and righteous indignation? Lol.
The Senate Republican tax plan gives substantial tax cuts and benefits to Americans earning more than $100,000 a year, while the nation’s poorest would be worse off, according to a report released Sunday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Republicans are aiming to have the full Senate vote on the tax plan as early as this week, but the new CBO analysis showing large, harmful effects on the poor may complicate those plans. The CBO also said the bill would add $1.4 trillion to the deficit over the next decade, a potential problem for Republican lawmakers
The ORDER to cut taxes for the wealthy came directly from the Koch alliance, when representatives of the Koch brothers told Republican leadership at a July retreat in Aspen, Colorado, that if they did not cut taxes for the wealthy and repeal the Affordable Care Act, the “Dallas piggy bank” that funds their gerrymandered campaigns would be closed for business. From The Guardian:
I will pay approximately 2000/yr less in taxes. You must have graduated from the Oprah Winfrey School of Economics. Dumb ass.

here's another asshole Tigger states above.....the tax cut law is a mystery, and this fuck head is going out ready to say that he saves $2.000.......,

Yeah and another fuck head claimed that the "tax bill will prove to be quite the screwing of most of us.....", I wonder which fuck head that was? :rolleyes:

Thanks for continuing to be the voice of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance in America, your efforts are much appreciated!

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