Trump and the GOP are ready to give the middle class a royal SCREWING

Poor natty. You have to learn how to screw the govt over legally no matter what letter is behind the name of the prez.
Oh, that tax bill will prove to be quite the screwing of most of us.....

First, let's all admit that Reagan tried it.....GWB tried it.....and BOTH failed miserably in boosting the economy......Bush-daddy was spot on when he called Reagan's plan VOODOO ECONOMICS and, sure enough, Reagan had to RE-raise taxes or cause a meltdown.

But, if we look at what is being proposed NOW, the "genius" of Trump and his fellow crooks boils down to feeding the right wing base the name of "Tax Cuts for the Middle Class"....and these idiots actually "cheer"....while the 1% of our super wealthy population snickers at the abject IGNORANCE.

Secondly, the very fact that the wealthy's tax cuts is PERMANENT and the middle class meager tax cut is TEMPORARY should give eben most right wing idiots just a bit of skepticism......but maybe not.

Third, the $1.5 TRILLION additional debt we are about to incur is purported to be offset by "YYYuge" economic growth......However, ask any elected GOPer if he or she is willing to put his head on the line, and they scatter like roaches in a spotlight....

Bend over, middle class ..
The GOP is banking (literally) on this. Most jt filiers in the 80-150 range will see some cut. Peanuts compared to the 250K and up, and really peanuts compared to the .1% But enough to say "hey I got something," and these other fucks don't pay shit, and they get Obamacare and welfare.

No actual econ projection shows it increasing growth enough to pay for itself, and projections are for 3% or even 4% growth without it. And the fed is already raising rates. And NOBODY can figure out why prices aren't inflating already.

The gop wants to say "we did something, anything," and at the same time give the gop elite what they want so they'll get behind the Oranguton for 2020

PS and ultimately they may be cynical enough to force a choice between defense and medicare.

Not ONE open committee hearing on this tax cut catastrophe......But these bastards are counting on the screwing to take effect AFTER the 2018 midterms....
The dems can be equally duplicitous, but the justification for the gop plan is that we can't spending cut our way out of a deficit picture that is dire in that eventually we will not be able to have defense and soc sec/medicare and pay interest on the debt. THAT actually is true.

But no one - not moodys Kiplinger chase - contends this bill will increase growth enough to pay for the lost revenues that will add to deficits.

But the gop is pressuring guys like Corker and Flake, who've been anti-deficit for years - to support this pig because with it enough voters will see a couple of thousand extra bucks to maybe keep the gop in power. That's it. It has nothing to do with patriotism or the good of the country. Or, to the degree they try to justify on the good of the country it's .... we're not as bad a dems. Partisans will say that's right, but it's not borne out by the history of 1980 to the present. there's no rational way to pin the great recession on the dems. You can blame both with some justification, but W's tax cuts undeniably contributed to the real estate bubble, and that's the cause of the deficits in 2005-08.
You want to take care of the national debt. Cut taxes and regulation to grow the economy so the federal government takes in more revenue.

Just ask economists how well Reagan's and GWB's tax-cut bullshit worked out.

We had two decades of economic growth with Reagan. Clinton coasted on it.

Bush's economic boom lasted from 2001 to 2008.

Would have lasted longer if the establishment hadn't stood in the way of the reforms necessary.
The econ crashed while W was in office. What prevented W from enacting the reforms?

Democrats and Republicans in Congress
Well yes, but the gop held the executive and mostly congressional branches.
But the gop is pressuring guys like Corker and Flake, who've been anti-deficit for years - to support this pig because with it enough voters will see a couple of thousand extra bucks to maybe keep the gop in power. That's it. It has nothing to do with patriotism or the good of the country

That is PRECISELY IT.......The current GOP bastards well know that Trump is killing the party with his antics and ineptitude.......SO, to maintain their power for the next couple of years, they are WILLING to royally screw the middle class by giving them a few dollars up front and let the next bunch of elected crooks worry about the fallout later.
But the gop is pressuring guys like Corker and Flake, who've been anti-deficit for years - to support this pig because with it enough voters will see a couple of thousand extra bucks to maybe keep the gop in power. That's it. It has nothing to do with patriotism or the good of the country

That is PRECISELY IT.......The current GOP bastards well know that Trump is killing the party with his antics and ineptitude.......SO, to maintain their power for the next couple of years, they are WILLING to royally screw the middle class by giving them a few dollars up front and let the next bunch of elected crooks worry about the fallout later.
Yes. And this time, we can't blame the dems too. The gop could have come in and said we're willing to give you X in new revenue if you agree to X in reduced increases to entitlements along with some cuts in overall rates to be negotiated.

but the gop had to cut rates at the top because of ideology.
Yes. And this time, we can't blame the dems too. The gop could have come in and said we're willing to give you X in new revenue if you agree to X in reduced increases to entitlements along with some cuts in overall rates to be negotiated.

but the gop had to cut rates at the top because of ideology.

....AND the appropriate bribes (or, to use the more euphemistic label: campaign contributions....)
Yes. And this time, we can't blame the dems too. The gop could have come in and said we're willing to give you X in new revenue if you agree to X in reduced increases to entitlements along with some cuts in overall rates to be negotiated.

but the gop had to cut rates at the top because of ideology.

....AND the appropriate bribes (or, to use the more euphemistic label: campaign contributions....)
Maybe. But the ideology prevented them form ever considering whether to only cut rates on the middle class and not the top quintile. The effect of the Reagan tax cuts of eliminating loopholes to cut rates across the board stimulated growth, and those with investment income did the best ... so their taxres as % of the total went up, while workers's taxes went down as a % of all taxes paid.

We're stuck in that pattern and have been since the 80s. However, workers's taxes for things like payroll, property and state taxes are generally much less progressive.

The only way out is to implement a VAT tax on goods, and limit income tax primarily to the very upper earners.

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