Trump and the rube factor


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
This is from a Rightwing web site , Looks like wars in the republican party, going to be better then watching wrestling this year

"If there is one useful thing that Donald Trump is doing, it’s identifying who in the Republican Party and the conservative movement the true rubes are.

If you go on Twitter or on Facebook, you see so many conservatives who are talking about Trump in glowing tones. They talk about how fearless he is, how he can’t be bought off by donors, and how he is the only candidate who has the courage to stand up to the special interests in both parties."

Donald Trump: Identifying the Rubes
This is from a Rightwing web site , Looks like wars in the republican party, going to be better then watching wrestling this year

"If there is one useful thing that Donald Trump is doing, it’s identifying who in the Republican Party and the conservative movement the true rubes are.

Goddam, I said exactly the same thing a couple weeks ago on this forum. Someone is reading my mail!
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That's funny. a rube judging someone as a rube. whoa:haha:

Its from a rightwing web site and
You fit the definition of the word rube perfectly

an unsophisticated person from a rural area; hick.

an uneducated person who is usually from the country

a yokel. An uninformed Yahoo
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This is from a Rightwing web site , Looks like wars in the republican party, going to be better then watching wrestling this year

"If there is one useful thing that Donald Trump is doing, it’s identifying who in the Republican Party and the conservative movement the true rubes are.

If you go on Twitter or on Facebook, you see so many conservatives who are talking about Trump in glowing tones. They talk about how fearless he is, how he can’t be bought off by donors, and how he is the only candidate who has the courage to stand up to the special interests in both parties."

Donald Trump: Identifying the Rubes

Amazing, eh?

He was pro-abortion. They love him.
He wants to tax the rich. They still love him.
His solution for companies that go south? Higher tariffs, which means higher taxes. The rubes still love him.
His beautiful Trump Taj-MaWall on the southern border would cost 100s of billions of dollars. They love him even more.
He says he can't be bought off, and then we find he is secretly hunting for big donors. The still love him.

He could go on a stage tomorrow and say that all men must go suck cock and by G-d, I bet that millions of young Conservative men would drop to their knees, cuz if their messiah Trump says it, it MUST be so. After all, his face showed up on a tub of butter in Missouri. He's THE ONE!

This is the best entertainment I have seen in years.
This is from a Rightwing web site , Looks like wars in the republican party, going to be better then watching wrestling this year

"If there is one useful thing that Donald Trump is doing, it’s identifying who in the Republican Party and the conservative movement the true rubes are.

Goddam, I said exactly the same thing a couple weeks ago on this forum. Someone is reading my mail!

Admit it, you are the author of those write-ups!!!
This is from a Rightwing web site , Looks like wars in the republican party, going to be better then watching wrestling this year

"If there is one useful thing that Donald Trump is doing, it’s identifying who in the Republican Party and the conservative movement the true rubes are.

If you go on Twitter or on Facebook, you see so many conservatives who are talking about Trump in glowing tones. They talk about how fearless he is, how he can’t be bought off by donors, and how he is the only candidate who has the courage to stand up to the special interests in both parties."

Donald Trump: Identifying the Rubes


There is a certain irony to that piece. The REAL rubes are the ones that don't understand that it doesn't matter which establishment candidate you throw your support behind, nothing will change. Are things different now that we have Obama than they were under Bush? Of course not, it is still the establishment puppeteers controlling things. Yet this article would like to make supports of an "anti-establishment" candidate think they don't know what they are doing. Classic.

"And the anti-establishment Trump supporters are showing that their focus is not and will never be on winning elections and implementing conservative principles, but in merely bitching about the establishment."

Naturally, the only way to show the nation how corrupt the system is, and to show that it doesn't matter who you vote for, is to shine a light on how the system really works. Duh.

As if any of those issue matter compared to the endemic and pervasive corruption and REAL problem that exist that are rooted throughout the system that both the tea-party and occupy movement KNOW exist, but b/c of entrenched interests, the establishment won't do anything about and the whole system is on a collision course with annihilation.

If it weren't for the fact that Bernie is sheep-dogging for Hillary, I think a lot of the same people that like Trump, would like Bernie, I know I would. But I know that Bernie is LYING about his true motivations. I've analyzed his campaign and caught him in some lies already. So there it is. People aren't interested in these small side issues. They are concerned about the deep rooted inherent structure of the national government, and it is corrupt to the core. THEY WANT THE BIG ISSUES SOLVED, NOW! People that want to keep quibbling about these distractions are the rubes!


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
idiots are lined up to kiss Trump's ass and tongue probe him ..

He's creating his BRAND.

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