Trump And The Trump Organization “Demonstrated Propensity To Engage In Persistent Fraud”

The Mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If he's innocent, why is Trump taking the Fifth Amendment?

Isn't it just DEEEEE-licious that everything Trump has attacked, accused, and ridiculed other people for he has been caught doing those very things?

Karma is a BITCH!

I'm starting to think Trump was born in Keyna...
He's taking the fifth because filth such as yourself as trying to sue him out of politics.
You are failing.
He's taking the fifth because filth such as yourself as trying to sue him out of politics.
You are failing.
Trump tried the same thing with Clinton. That's when he said the mob fifth amendment thing.

He also tried to get Obama thrown out of office by pushing the birther conspiracy to the max.

Karma is a BITCH!

Here's some more reading material which I have posted on this forum before:
Trump tried the same thing with Clinton. That's when he said the mob fifth amendment thing.

He also tried to get Obama thrown out of office by pushing the birther conspiracy to the max.

Karma is a BITCH!

Here's some more reading material which I have posted on this forum before:
Legal Complaints are like assholes...everyone has one.
You seriously think you're not an idiot?
You must be a LibTard.
Trump tried the same thing with Clinton. That's when he said the mob fifth amendment thing.

He also tried to get Obama thrown out of office by pushing the birther conspiracy to the max.

Karma is a BITCH!

Here's some more reading material which I have posted on this forum before:
97% of these complaints are tossed out.
It's obvious you don't realize that useless government employees have to keep busy to not be laid off.
Trump tried the same thing with Clinton. That's when he said the mob fifth amendment thing.

He also tried to get Obama thrown out of office by pushing the birther conspiracy to the max.

Karma is a BITCH!

Here's some more reading material which I have posted on this forum before:
It's one thing to say something on a talk show, it's another to use your authority as AG to prosecute the guy. It takes are a really low kind of scum to do that.
The Mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If he's innocent, why is Trump taking the Fifth Amendment?
Still irrelevant. Ask it again, you will still be asking the irrelevant. But I’ll say this much: if you happen to believe that “they” are literally out to get you (and let justice fuck itself), then why the hell wouldn’t you invoke the right to remain silent?
Isn't it just DEEEEE-licious that everything Trump has attacked, accused, and ridiculed other people for he has been caught doing those very things?
You forget that he has since acknowledged that he was wrong in saying that shit.
Karma is a BITCH!

It’s not karma. And you’re a bitch. 😎
I'm starting to think Trump was born in Keyna...
Liar. You’ve never had any ability to think.
It involves Donald Trump. Ex-president and potential 2024 candidate.

I'm sure you would LOVE for this topic to be buried. I don't blame you.

Don't worry about companies filing lawsuits against Trump. Once the AG's suit succeeds, they will be lining up to file their own suits.

So you're saying the AG invented a predicate for an investigation to start with. GOT IT!

Also this is a duplicate thread, and has nothing to do with a candidate or government policy which is what this forum is supposed to be about. But hey, I guess you think you're special.

It has now become more than obvious why Trump worked so hard to conceal his tax returns, but his criminal behavior is finally being exposed in court.

One example of the kind of crap Trump pulled is claiming his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet, just so he could inflate its value by a few hundred million dollars.

Not only has The Donald been found to be a criminal, so have his spawn.

Trump and the Trump Organization have been found to be more crooked than a dog's hind leg. So much so that none of the Trump family members can conduct any kind of financial transaction in New York without getting a sign-off from a court-appointed monitor.

Judge Arthur Engoron ordered an outside watchdog as he presides over a lawsuit in which New York’s attorney general alleges Trump and the Trump Organization misled banks and others about the value of prized assets, including golf courses and hotels bearing his name.

Attorney General Letitia James says the company is continuing to engage in fraud and has taken steps to dodge potential penalties from her lawsuit, such as incorporating a new, similarly named entity — Trump Organization LLC — in September, just before the lawsuit was filed.

Engoron wrote in an 11-page order that Trump and the Trump Organization “demonstrated propensity to engage in persistent fraud” and that appointing an outside monitor “is the most prudent and narrowly tailored mechanism to ensure there is no further fraud or illegality” pending the resolution of the lawsuit.

The judge is obviously a homo Satanic pedophile who throws puppies into rush hour traffic to entertain his Democrat friends.

Trump is such a scumbag and has done so many horrible things that it's impossible to keep track of it all. But of all of it, this should be the one thing that disqualifies him from running for president.

When Trump ran against Hillary she said he doesn't pay taxes. He said that made him smart. Suggesting he used the tax laws to avoid paying taxes. But this case proves he's a criminal. It's amazing that the Trump Foundation has been found guilty of crimes. The Trump Organization has been found guilty of crimes. His lawyers and employees have been found guilty of crimes. But Trump himself has not?

Come on Republicans. You have to admit if Wesley Snipes was running for President, you'd throw it in his face he tried to dodge paying his taxes. And you wouldn't believe him if he had a corporation and said he didn't know what was going on.

And, Wesley Snipes got years in jail. Trump's CFO got 100 days. And Trump uses that as evidence he's innocent. The prosecutors gave Trump's CFO such a light sentence to plead guilty, he's not really guilty. He's just not going to risk years in jail. That's such a fucking lie but hey, that's Trump.

So bottom line, Trump Org tried to illegally avoid paying taxes for years. This disqualifies Trump from being POTUS again. Or it should. And not even legally. Republicans need to remember this in the primaries. If DiSantis doesn't bring this up at every debate, or if Republicans forgive this, they are all criminals or willing to elect a criminal to run our country. No different than Putin supporters.
So you're saying the AG invented a predicate for an investigation to start with. GOT IT!

Also this is a duplicate thread, and has nothing to do with a candidate or government policy which is what this forum is supposed to be about. But hey, I guess you think you're special.

I was going to start my own thread titled

Trump Organization found guilty of tax crimes​

But the site suggested this thread might be about what I'm trying to talk about.

How can you nominate a candidate who illegally cheated and didn't pay his taxes? Why would Republicans choose a criminal over DiSantis? It's puzzling.
Trump is such a scumbag and has done so many horrible things that it's impossible to keep track of it all. But of all of it, this should be the one thing that disqualifies him from running for president.
Not nearly as much as Biden.

When Trump ran against Hillary she said he doesn't pay taxes. He said that made him smart. Suggesting he used the tax laws to avoid paying taxes. But this case proves he's a criminal. It's amazing that the Trump Foundation has been found guilty of crimes. The Trump Organization has been found guilty of crimes. His lawyers and employees have been found guilty of crimes. But Trump himself has not?
What "crimes" has he been convicted of?
Not nearly as much as Biden.

What "crimes" has he been convicted of?
He hasn't. His organization has. His CFO has.

And don't forget his foundations were shut down. It was proven he used the funds for his own gains. Scumbag. These are the kinds of things that normally disqualify someone from being POTUS. Why not now?
He hasn't. His organization has. His CFO has.

And don't forget his foundations were shut down. It was proven he used the funds for his own gains. Scumbag. These are the kinds of things that normally disqualify someone from being POTUS. Why not now?
When has a candidates business been used to disqualify him? The rule violations Trump's organization was accused of are as common as dirt. Every politician in Washington has family members on the payroll so they can convert campaign donations into family income.
Trump is such a scumbag and has done so many horrible things that it's impossible to keep track of it all. But of all of it, this should be the one thing that disqualifies him from running for president.

When Trump ran against Hillary she said he doesn't pay taxes. He said that made him smart. Suggesting he used the tax laws to avoid paying taxes. But this case proves he's a criminal. It's amazing that the Trump Foundation has been found guilty of crimes. The Trump Organization has been found guilty of crimes. His lawyers and employees have been found guilty of crimes. But Trump himself has not?

Come on Republicans. You have to admit if Wesley Snipes was running for President, you'd throw it in his face he tried to dodge paying his taxes. And you wouldn't believe him if he had a corporation and said he didn't know what was going on.

And, Wesley Snipes got years in jail. Trump's CFO got 100 days. And Trump uses that as evidence he's innocent. The prosecutors gave Trump's CFO such a light sentence to plead guilty, he's not really guilty. He's just not going to risk years in jail. That's such a fucking lie but hey, that's Trump.

So bottom line, Trump Org tried to illegally avoid paying taxes for years. This disqualifies Trump from being POTUS again. Or it should. And not even legally. Republicans need to remember this in the primaries. If DiSantis doesn't bring this up at every debate, or if Republicans forgive this, they are all criminals or willing to elect a criminal to run our country. No different than Putin supporters.

Are you saying you pay taxes on 100% of your gross income? If you're taking a single deduction, then you're using tax laws to avoid paying taxes and that would make you a hypocrite of the first order.

I was going to start my own thread titled

Trump Organization found guilty of tax crimes​

But the site suggested this thread might be about what I'm trying to talk about.

How can you nominate a candidate who illegally cheated and didn't pay his taxes? Why would Republicans choose a criminal over DiSantis? It's puzzling.

Wow, great assumptions. I've never voted for Trump in a primary and if there are other decent candidates in 24, I probably won't then either. That said, as president, Trump did a lot of good for this country.

Are you saying you pay taxes on 100% of your gross income? If you're taking a single deduction, then you're using tax laws to avoid paying taxes and that would make you a hypocrite of the first order.

My boss never came to me and said, "hey, instead of me paying you $50K in taxable income, let me avoid paying income tax by instead paying for your kids $50K private school. Which would be tax free money for both of us. Deal? Yes Deal. Cool? Yea cool.

Sorry, guilty.
It has now become more than obvious why Trump worked so hard to conceal his tax returns, but his criminal behavior is finally being exposed in court.

One example of the kind of crap Trump pulled is claiming his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet, just so he could inflate its value by a few hundred million dollars.

Not only has The Donald been found to be a criminal, so have his spawn.

Trump and the Trump Organization have been found to be more crooked than a dog's hind leg. So much so that none of the Trump family members can conduct any kind of financial transaction in New York without getting a sign-off from a court-appointed monitor.

Judge Arthur Engoron ordered an outside watchdog as he presides over a lawsuit in which New York’s attorney general alleges Trump and the Trump Organization misled banks and others about the value of prized assets, including golf courses and hotels bearing his name.

Attorney General Letitia James says the company is continuing to engage in fraud and has taken steps to dodge potential penalties from her lawsuit, such as incorporating a new, similarly named entity — Trump Organization LLC — in September, just before the lawsuit was filed.

Engoron wrote in an 11-page order that Trump and the Trump Organization “demonstrated propensity to engage in persistent fraud” and that appointing an outside monitor “is the most prudent and narrowly tailored mechanism to ensure there is no further fraud or illegality” pending the resolution of the lawsuit.

The judge is obviously a homo Satanic pedophile who throws puppies into rush hour traffic to entertain his Democrat friends.
He hasn’t shot someone on Fifth Avenue. The rubes couldn’t care less. He was sent by God to save America. Don’t you know that?
Wow, great assumptions. I've never voted for Trump in a primary and if there are other decent candidates in 24, I probably won't then either. That said, as president, Trump did a lot of good for this country.


Yet Trump had no liability in the case, go fucking figure.


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