Trump and Trump's lawyer say the FBI picture of documents on office floor staged

Trump arguments:

  • The secret documents I kept illegally were not arranged like that in my unlocked office!

  • I declassified all the documents I have that were planted by the FBI and Obama did worse by requesting 30,000 pages through the correct channel!

  • When I created a riot and wanted the SS to take me to the capitol I didn’t reach for the steering wheel!

His followers make me shake my head.
Trump arguments:

  • The secret documents I kept illegally were not arranged like that in my unlocked office!

  • I declassified all the documents I have that were planted by the FBI and Obama did worse by requesting 30,000 pages through the correct channel!

  • When I created a riot and wanted the SS to take me to the capitol I didn’t reach for the steering wheel!

His followers make me shake my head.
The Trump minions think everything you summarized makes perfect sense.
Again: Normal stuff. Photo of the evidence at the scene. Unless you're aware of sensitive information being in the photo?

Is it? And if so, what?
But, it wasn’t normal. In things like big drug, or weapons busts, the FBI usually would hold a press conference, and announce it to all media. This was leaked to Politico (if I recall), and people like Swawell, who then tweeted about it.

Usually there is a stone wall concerning investigations within DoJ, Why are they acting like they don’t have a case, and have to create a narrative?
His lawyer also signed an official affidavit which means that all statements she was signing are considered to be under oath) claiming that all documents had been handed over, just weeks before the FBI found over 30 more boxes. Sorry if I don't take their word for it.

Dobbs is facing prison time and disbarrment for lying in her affidavit.
But, it wasn’t normal. In things like big drug, or weapons busts, the FBI usually would hold a press conference, and announce it to all media. This was leaked to Politico (if I recall), and people like Swawell, who then tweeted about it.

Usually there is a stone wall concerning investigations within DoJ, Why are they acting like they don’t have a case, and have to create a narrative?
They still haven’t said what the pending crime is
For Trump's cult members, everything he says is their bible; the ultimate truth. It is amazing how many cult members have killed others or themselves because the cult leader told them to.
Jan. 6th and current Trump cult members trying to kill FBI agents show the control Trump has over them. The majority of members of cults never come back to normal. Jen Thomas is an example.
Is he arrested
Echoing another poster, why are classified documents being photographed and posted for the world to see? Doesn't pass the smell test.
It's so obviously an evidence photo, the ruler for scale the evidence collection photo number.

Have you ever seen a drug bust on a tv program or newspaper photo of one? They have a pic of all the bags of cocaine confiscated all piled on top of a kitchen table with any money or guns found....with a number written on a piece of paper in the photo, and a ruler for scale?

You are seeing the warning jacket cover, of the secret document. Not the secret itself. In the white house, they have a specific staff that fo!lows wherever the top secret documents go and then retrieves them before days end to put them back in to the govts safe place, locked up...their job is to make certain whomever takes out top secret special information never leaves it for a second....if say the Secretary of state took out a document top secret, and he or she then goes to lunch, and leaves their office for an hour, they go in and make certain the document was not laying around, and was put in their safe....

The jacket color, identifies the secrecy level.... Some stranger I didn't recognize on the news last night, who worked with top secret classified, explained the process and protocols for handling.
You all wanted the FBI to give out more information, and now you are whining about it.

Fake “information” that Xiden worshippers like you swallow without question. A staged, FAKED photograph and of course your dumb ass accepts it as the gospel. Typically.
Fake “information” that Xiden worshippers like you swallow without question. A staged, FAKED photograph and of course your dumb ass accepts it as the gospel. Typically.

Even Trump did not deny they were papers from him office, he just whined about them making him look messy.

You lose again.
Even Trump did not deny they were papers from him office, he just whined about them making him look messy.

You lose again.
NO, you’re desperately trying to spin a STAGED propaganda photo as something it isn’t. Cry harder. Beating a know nothing parrot like you is too easy.
NO, you’re desperately trying to spin a STAGED propaganda photo as something it isn’t. Cry harder. Beating a know nothing parrot like you is too easy.

Once again, not even Trump has denied the documents came from his house.

You lose again, again.
How about:

Common Sense

Past Experience

Their Past Actions

Their past proven crimes / violations

FBI Testimony / Confessions

FBI Convictions

The FISA Court citing FBI defrauding their court

20+ Whistleblowers citing corruption / crime....

There is more than enough to go on ... if you WANT to see it and aren't like

View attachment 690163Are so blind that you cannot see those things you site as nonsense? What does any of that gobbly goo even mean?
NO, you’re desperately trying to spin a STAGED propaganda photo as something it isn’t. Cry harder. Beating a know nothing parrot like you is too easy.
What is your evidence it is a staged propaganda coup? I'm talking about documented evidence? Do you have any?
Once again, not even Trump has denied the documents came from his house.

You lose again, again.
You are one stupid illiterate fuck. Trying to use an argument i never made shows how utterly stupid you truly are. The photo was staged. That word has meaning (not that you understand that). Cry harder loser. Keep flailing and failing.

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