Trump and Trump's lawyer say the FBI picture of documents on office floor staged

Which, I suppose, makes one wonder why DonT. still.....still!.....kept all those docs with the 'classified' designations around Mar-A-Lago.
The raid was gonna happen no matter what....per the astute observer 'easyt65'.
Accordingly, we could expect DonT and his enablers to have known exactly what 'easyt65' claims he knew, and get those docs the hell-outta-there.
Yet, there those docs remained.



Ah, good poster '2bfreak' drives home the nail my poor avatar attempted to earlier.
Meaning, those pics could not have been illegally obtained and displayed by the FBI because.....well, because they weren't pics of illegally retained 'classified' docs.
Per '2bfeak' they had all been already de-classified.

So is all good now?

*re that asterisk I inserted in the quote from 2bfreak. The asterisk next to the word 'subpoenaed.'
Because.....well, because that 'subpoena'-thingy for Don Trump has been pretty thoroughly covered already on this venue.
It was a thing.
And he and his legal-beagles failed to follow it's 'suggestions'.
And now it is even more of a 'thing'.
Trust me on that 2bfreak.
Have you actually seen any classified documents retrieved from Trump's house?

Since you do not have a security clearance and a need to know I guess you never will & are just going to have to trust the reliable DOJ, FBI, & fake news media, huh?!

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Have you actually seen any classified documents retrieved from Trump's house?

Since you do not have a security clearance and a need to know I guess you never will & are just going to have to trust the reliable DOJ, FBI, & fake news media, huh?!

And? The alternative? Would that be you? :laughing0301:

Let's believe the poster 'easyt65', for the sake of the discussion.

So the next too-obvious questions are:

  • Why didn't Don Trump return to the United States those documents when it was verbally, then textually requested?
  • Why didn't he return them when he was subpoenaed?
If that's all ittookto put someone in jail there would be a helluva lot of Democrats in prison right now.

But there aren't are they? For references, ask those January 6th terrorists about going to jail and paying fines.
So you good with a law enforcement agency. Planting evidence against you, after finding out they set you up. You good with the same agency going in without witnesses searching your house? If you are, you're a great monkey.
Oh, so it's back to planting evidence again? :spinner: Did the FBI go and plant de-classified documents that wouldn't help them? :laughing0301: Dude, everytime you post, I'm thinking, surely this time his post won't be dumber than the last. Wrong!
"Have you actually seen any classified documents retrieved from Trump's house? "

Have I seen such docs?
Well, no. I'm just an old retired biz-guy who farms in the midwest now. So, any chance of me being on the 'cc:'-list has long past.
So the answer to the poster 'easyt65's' question, I have not laid eyes on the docs that the FBI took back for the American people from Don Trump's golf club.


are just going to have to trust the reliable DOJ, FBI, & fake news media, huh?!
Well, I dunno who is the 'fake-news-media,' and who ain't.

But the other part of your question, 'trust the ...DOJ, FBI,...... well, versus who?
A poster using a fake name and anonymously opinionizing on an internet social-media gossipboard?
Or trust Don Trump?
Or Gateway Pundit? Epoch Times?
Or Trump' attorneys---Christina Bobb and Evan Corcoran?

Of those choices poster easyT....well, I gotta go with the DOJ.

That's how I roll.
And? The alternative? Would that be you? :laughing0301:
How about:

Common Sense

Past Experience

Their Past Actions

Their past proven crimes / violations

FBI Testimony / Confessions

FBI Convictions

The FISA Court citing FBI defrauding their court

20+ Whistleblowers citing corruption / crime....

There is more than enough to go on ... if you WANT to see it and aren't like

We don't care. We don't worship a cult. We don't get on our knees for your master. You do. The DOJ doesn't care if he runs. He's still going to be indicted.
I worship no man, that's on you if you do.
Unfortunately, Trumpism does not go away if Trump does not run. This is much bigger than Donald Trump. It is an investigation into Trumpism and the followers breaking laws, putting peoples life at risk, trying to over ride our voting system and Democracy.
Democracy has never had a bigger stress test than Trumpism. It has been tough but our system is winning. It is marginalizing Trumpism before Trumpism marginalizes our Democratic Union.
All I can say is, you really poked the bear on that one. There's a massive number of people in this country that just want to left alone, but you couldn't have that, so now we have more division than we've ever had.
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Happens every time I am forced to talk to you TDS-suffering, mentally damaged, Trump-obsessed, traitor / criminal DOJ/FBI-apologizing, scream at the sky, easily offended / triggered Democrat sheep.

View attachment 690145
You Trump minions are an angry group. Don't take your anger out on law enforcement like too many of you angry crazies have done.
All I can say is, you really poked the bear on that one. There's a massive number of people in this country that just want to left alone, but you couldn't have that, so now we have more division than we've ever had.
Trumpism is a minority of the population. Most who voted for Trump in 2020 were voting against Biden.
The true Trump minions, like you, are around 20% of the populations.
The extreme left and the extreme right are both a minority but they have undue influence for their numbers..
The extremists, the crazies. Within the Trump White House they joked about the true Trumpists as the crazies.
The, ummm, 'trustworthy' FBI you snowflakes are so eager to trust ... every time ... just got exposed for / BUSTED ADDING THEIR OWN DOCUMENTS TO THE PILE IN THE STAGED PHOTO TO MAKE IT LOOK WORSE!

The photo was also photoshopped.
- Sounds like Swalwell's work.


It is normal.
It is holy cow NOT normal to release it to the media so they can see it.
Especially while an active investigation is taking place.
Unheard of in fact.
It is an attempt to stop the Trump crazies from killing FBI agents. Trump had them too riled up with lies.
Trumpism is a minority of the population. Most who voted for Trump in 2020 were voting against Biden.
The true Trump minions, like you, are around 20% of the populations.
The extreme left and the extreme right are both a minority but they have undue influence for their numbers..
The extremists, the crazies. Within the Trump White House they joked about the true Trumpists as the crazies.
The American Revolution was won by about 1/3 of the population. 1/3 supported Britain, and a 1/3 just wanted to be left alone. Once you get the people who want to be left alone started, it's hard to stop them. Quid Pro will certainly stop nothing by bad-mouthing huge numbers of Americans.

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