Trump and Trump's lawyer say the FBI picture of documents on office floor staged

JK, trained monkey, another bad attempt to deflect.
So you good with a law enforcement agency. Planting evidence against you, after finding out they set you up. You good with the same agency going in without witnesses searching your house? If you are, you're a great monkey.
Anybody not nobody.
Trump could have followed the subpoena for the files and there would have not been a raid.

What will JK, the trained monkey's response be to this one.
He did what they asked, they just want to get rid of Trump. Don't worry if this weaponized agency gets away with it. They could ruin you without anyone knowing about it.
Trump promoted a free and sovereign nation and you do not want that.
You people are just like the followers of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Marshall Applewhite, Warren Jeffs. You have no ability to determine truth from lies, right from wrong. People do scary things when they are under the control of an evil cult leader.
He did what they asked, they just want to get rid of Trump. Don't worry if this weaponized agency gets away with it. They could ruin you without anyone knowing about it.
Yes the FBI have ruined the following lives
Al Capone
Bonnie and Clyde
John Gotti
Communist spys
9/11 planners
Many dirty politicians from all parties

Trumpism does not support law enforcement. Trumpism attacks law enforcement. They are worse than "defund the police" idiots. Put them all in a boat and send them to Russia.
Posting pics on-line of supposed classified documents is illegal, which is what the FBI did.

I sometimes get confused over this 'classified/unclassified' nomenclature.

I have no wish to focus unfair attention onto the poster 'Hawk', but...... but if we are to believe the poster "Hawk".....this is a pic of
'classified' stuff.
OK. That could be bad merde'.

But, didn't poster Hawk....or like-thinkers.....persuade us all that there were no 'classified' docs at Mar-A-Largo?
That, in fact, any docs at Mar-A-Largo had already been 'de-classified' by Trump either before or after he left the Whitehouse?

So which is it Hawk?
They were 'classified'?
Or they had been 'de-classified'?

Be our sherpa here.
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Trump and Trump's lawyer say the FBI picture of documents on office floor staged.
The Trump minions follow the lead and scream the FBI is a fraud. What a bunch of fricking idiots.
The fact that Trump's lawyer does not know the purpose of the image shows she is incompetent.

Is leaking the photo to media also standard practice?
Anybody not nobody.
Trump could have followed the subpoena for the files and there would have not been a raid.

What will JK, the trained monkey's response be to this one.
How about this -

You're a partisan idiot.

This raid was going to happen no matter what. It was about OPTICS, PROPAGANDA, DISCREDITING, PERSONALLY DAMAGING Trump.

The DOJ & FBI could have asked for / made an attempt to get all this back for 18 months...and made no effort.

2-3 weeks before the raid the DOJ/FBI collected 15 boxes of material....and could have asked for / gotten what tge wanted.

Garland personally declared it is DOJ SOP to do EVERYTHING it Can to retrieve documents, using a raid as a last resort....

...yet Trump's lawyer had just turned over 15 boxes of material and was talking to them about releasing more. SO Farland's claimof intending to do everything they can short of a raid 1st is debunked as BULLSHIT.

Trump not acting fast enough? Two weeks after turning over material tge DOJ & FBI raid Trump's home ... meanwhile it has been 20 (TWENTY) months since the FBI was ordered to drclassify and release their criminal CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation files / info and THEY have still not complied. When is FBI HQ & Wray's home going to be raided for not complying fast enough?

- The same DOJ personnel who approved the raid are the same former FBI leadership members responsible for CROSSFIRE HURRICANE & who participated in Hillary's & Barry's failed coup attempt

- The FBI Agents who carried out the raid are the same agents who participated in Hillary's & Barry's failed coup attempt ABD are currently under investigation by Durhamfor crimes / abuse of power committed during their participation in the failed coup attempt

- The DOJ & FBI leaked the propaganda / lie that Trump had 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets', their surrogate fake news agencies spread the false claims so idiots like you - already consumed with hate for Trump and proven willing to believe anything they fed to you, passed it on to you, & you did exactly as expected...

There was NEVER any National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets'. It was all just BS false justification for the raid. Garland even said he deliberated for weeks before THAT INFORMATION caused him to 'Green light' the raid.

1. Who the hell waits WEEKS to act to retrieve 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets'? NOBODY!
-- Garland got this shit from Pelosi. Remember? Pelosi called Trump such an IMMEDIATE THREAT he had to be removes from office ASAP....THEN HELD ON TO ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT FOR WEEKS whe failing to force the Senate to conduct their Impeachment hearings by HER rules. So such for an 'immediate threat'. :p

2. The affidavit, the DOJ's/FBI's reason for needing a search warrant, DID NOT MENTION ANY NUCLEAR SECRETS.
- They weren't redacted because they had already claimed to the world Trump had 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets', so there was no reason to redact those words / that claim.

3. If they had found 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets' they would be bragging their asses off & it would be in the media already. Instead they are dodging any mention of it ... because the claim was a false narrative to attempt to justify conducting the 1ST-EVER, UNPRECEDENTED, HISTORIC, UNWARRANTED, HEAVILY-ARMED RAID of a President's home!
-- Snowflakes, if you disagree, PUT UP OR STFU! Pist the link / evidence showing definitively that the DOJ / FBI found 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets' during the raid.

3. The search warrant was intentionally made broad as hell to allow the DOJ & FBI to go on a fishing expedition, taking ANYTHING & EVERYTHING that could potentially help them now and / or in the future ... TO INCLUDE TAKING ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED INFO...AGAIN... which Garland said they already rushed through) photo-copying EVERYTHING, I'm sure.

You can bet tbe FBI had agents and scanners working round the clock to do this before Trump & his lawyer could legally put a halt to them copying / looking at everything or before Trump's team cod get a 3rd party assigned to look at it instead of the DOJ / FBI.

This is why Garland was so giddy about declaring getting such a 3rd party to do so was unnecessary because the damage had been done / the FBI & DOJ had already looked at everything.

Wray declared the FBI has identified 'protected' Attirney-Client Privileged documents taken (AGAIN)...
- Yeah, no shit. You they targeted, identified, thentooktjise documents during the raid. You can also bet they did more than 'identify' that I formation. The DOJ & FBI has copies of all of it by now.

'What will JK, the trained monkey's response be to this one.'

Destroy the BS apologist, anti-Trump propaganda with facts, reality, & common sense.
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So you good with a law enforcement agency. Planting evidence against you, after finding out they set you up. You good with the same agency going in without witnesses searching your house? If you are, you're a great monkey.
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How about this -

You're a partisan idiot.

This raid was going to happen no matter what. It was about OPTICS, PROPAGANDA, DISCREDITING, PERSONALLY DAMAGING Trump.

The DOJ & FBI could have asked for / made an attempt to get all this back for 18 months...and made no effort.

2-3 weeks before the raid the DOJ/FBI collected 15 boxes of material....and could have asked for / gotten what tge wanted.

Garland personally declared it is DOJ SOP to do EVERYTHING it Can to retrieve documents, using a raid as a last resort....

...yet Trump's lawyer had just turned over 15 boxes of material and was talking to them about releasing more. SO Farland's claimof intending to do everything they can short of a raid 1st is debunked as BULLSHIT.

Trump not acting fast enough? Two weeks after turning over material tge DOJ & FBI raid Trump's home ... meanwhile it has been 20 (TWENTY) months since the FBI was ordered to drclassify and release their criminal CROSSFIRE HURRICANE operation files / info and THEY have still not complied. When is FBI HQ & Wray's home going to be raided for not complying fast enough?

- The same DOJ personnel who approved the raid are the same former FBI leadership members responsible for CROSSFIRE HURRICANE & who participated in Hillary's & Barry's failed coup attempt

- The FBI Agents who carried out the raid are the same agents who participated in Hillary's & Barry's failed coup attempt ABD are currently under investigation by Durhamfor crimes / abuse of power committed during their participation in the failed coup attempt

- The DOJ & FBI leaked the propaganda / lie that Trump had 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets', their surrogate fake news agencies spread the false claims so idiots like you - already consumed with hate for Trump and proven willing to believe anything they fed to you, passed it on to you, & you did exactly as expected...

There was NEVER any National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets'. It was all just BS false justification for the raid. Garland even said he deliberated for weeks before THAT INFORMATION caused him to 'Green light' the raid.

1. Who the hell waits WEEKS to act to retrieve 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets'? NOBODY!
-- Garland got this shit from Pelosi. Remember? Pelosi called Trump such an IMMEDIATE THREAT he had to be removes from office ASAP....THEN HELD ON TO ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT FOR WEEKS whe failing to force the Senate to conduct their Impeachment hearings by HER rules. So such for an 'immediate threat'. :p

2. The affidavit, the DOJ's/FBI's reason for needing a search warrant, DID NOT MENTION ANY NUCLEAR SECRETS.
- They weren't redacted because they had already claimed to the world Trump had 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets', so there was no reason to redact those words / that claim.

3. If they had found 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets' they would be bragging their asses off & it would be in the media already. Instead they are dodging any mention of it ... because the claim was a false narrative to attempt to justify conducting the 1ST-EVER, UNPRECEDENTED, HISTORIC, UNWARRANTED, HEAVILY-ARMED RAID of a President's home!
-- Snowflakes, if you disagree, PUT UP OR STFU! Pist the link / evidence showing definitively that the DOJ / FBI found 'National Security-Threatening nuclear Secrets' during the raid.

3. The search warrant was intentionally made broad as hell to allow the DOJ & FBI to go on a fishing expedition, taking ANYTHING & EVERYTHING that could potentially help them now and / or in the future ... TO INCLUDE TAKING ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED INFO...AGAIN... which Garland said they already rushed through) photo-copying EVERYTHING, I'm sure.

You can bet tbe FBI had agents and scanners working round the clock to do this before Trump & his lawyer could legally put a halt to them copying / looking at everything or before Trump's team cod get a 3rd party assigned to look at it instead of the DOJ / FBI.

This is why Garland was so giddy about declaring getting such a 3rd party to do so was unnecessary because the damage had been done / the FBI & DOJ had already looked at everything.

Wray declared the FBI has identified 'protected' Attirney-Client Privileged documents taken (AGAIN)...
- Yeah, no shit. You they targeted, identified, thentooktjise documents during the raid. You can also bet they did more than 'identify' that I formation. The DOJ & FBI has copies of all of it by now.

'What will JK, the trained monkey's response be to this one.'

Destroy the BS apologist, anti-Trump propaganda with facts, reality, & common sense.
You people are just like the followers of Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Marshall Applewhite, Warren Jeffs. You have no ability to determine truth from lies, right from wrong. People do scary things when they are under the control of an evil cult leader.
I know what more freedom is. You do not. Kill each other. Maim each other. Burn down infrastructure. Come on. Keep doing it. Pay off corrupted unions and government employees to the chagrin of the local living areas. Pay off irresponsible people who live with irresponsible ways. But you have your threads to type.

FBI picture of documents on office floor staged​

No, those papers just all fell there all neatly lined up, then the camera actually released the shutter by itself sending the picture out to all of the media by itself!

Because, you know, the FBI always raids president's homes for papers that don't belong to them that are already declassified that they could have simply subpoenaed for if they wanted then take a picture of all that top secret stuff so that NYT can print pictures of it, asswad! :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

Just remember how you've damaged the office of the president now that you've set the precedent that any president and his staff no matter what can be forced to testify about anything anytime by anyone and see what effect that has on future administrations!
I sometimes get confused over this 'classified/unclassified' nomenclature.

I have no wish to focus unfair attention onto the poster 'Hawk', but...... but if we are to believe the poster "Hawk".....this is a pic of 'classified' stuff.

The STAGED picture shows CLASSIFIED COVER SHEETS. It does NOT show classified documents.

Investigators are required to take photographs of what they find AS IS, not move things around to take a STAGED photo.

When investigators arrive at a crime scene they take photos of the surroundings AS IS. The police don't pick up a knife 10 feet away from the suspected murderers body, place it in his hand, and THEN take pictures.

- This is the same equivalent to what the FBI did at Trump's house. They STAGED the photo after piling up all this 'classified' info

2. The photo is of Classified COVERSHEETS, NOT actual classified information

I am sure anti-Trumpers were creaming their panties at the sight of the photo (as they were supposed to), eagerly willing to believe they were looking at a stack of classified info in Trump's home ... because they are creatures of EMOTION and NOT of FACT / EVIDENCE.

THINK for a second:

Taking a photo of classified information and releasing it to the public would break so many laws (to include Espionage - releasing classified with the intent to do so) that if they had done so Wray & everyone involved would already be in jail!


'B...b....but the DOJ & FBI told us it was a picture of classified material...'

The same FBI that violated the Constitution, the Patriot Act, defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on Americans and the President, withheld exculpatory evidence, criminally altered documents, willingly and knowingly participated in Hillary's failed coup attempt, worked to brand parents as domestic terrorists, lied about and has been protecting the Biden's and Hunter's laptop...and more

THAT FBI told you that you were looking at a pile of classified documents?

laughing hilariously.jpg
Yes the FBI have ruined the following lives
Al Capone
Bonnie and Clyde
John Gotti
Communist spys
9/11 planners
Many dirty politicians from all parties

Trumpism does not support law enforcement. Trumpism attacks law enforcement. They are worse than "defund the police" idiots. Put them all in a boat and send them to Russia.
From the party of the summer of love 2020. That's funny, defund the fbi. Not police.
The same fbi that went after trump for Russian collusion. Is the same one that wouldn't let nobody witness the raid. Found top secret files spread out all over the place. Even when Trump was in new york. Yes, I call bullshit. The fbi cannot be trusted to investigate Trump anymore. Heck, they can't be trusted at all.
What raid you idiot?
"This raid was going to happen no matter what. It was about OPTICS, PROPAGANDA, DISCREDITING, PERSONALLY DAMAGING Trump."

Which, I suppose, makes one wonder why DonT. still.....still!.....kept all those docs with the 'classified' designations around Mar-A-Lago.
The raid was gonna happen no matter what....per the astute observer 'easyt65'.
Accordingly, we could expect DonT and his enablers to have known exactly what 'easyt65' claims he knew, and get those docs the hell-outta-there.
Yet, there those docs remained.


papers that don't belong to them that are already declassified that they could have simply subpoenaed*

Ah, good poster '2bfreak' drives home the nail my poor avatar attempted to earlier.
Meaning, those pics could not have been illegally obtained and displayed by the FBI because.....well, because they weren't pics of illegally retained 'classified' docs.
Per '2bfeak' they had all been already de-classified.

So is all good now?

*re that asterisk I inserted in the quote from 2bfreak. The asterisk next to the word 'subpoenaed.'
Because.....well, because that 'subpoena'-thingy for Don Trump has been pretty thoroughly covered already on this venue.
It was a thing.
And he and his legal-beagles failed to follow it's 'suggestions'.
And now it is even more of a 'thing'.
Trust me on that 2bfreak.

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