Trump and Trump's lawyer say the FBI picture of documents on office floor staged

This thread is useful to reinforce exactly who are the useful Trumpian idiots on this message bored.

It's a bit of a let down to find they're the usual suspects.
I wanted to see what they had before the raid to justify the raid, Simp. I guess this is it.
This is from the 15 boxes from January:

This is from January and August:

The FBI launched a criminal investigation and found that the 15 boxes included 184 specific documents marked classified, 67 of which were marked “confidential,” 92 marked “secret” and 25 marked “top secret,” according to the affidavit.

The search warrant was revealed days after the FBI entered Mar-a-Lago in August. It indicated that FBI agents were looking for materials showing violations of laws against obstruction of justice and the removal of official records, as well as the U.S. Espionage Act.

The FBI took at least 20 boxes of items in the August raid, including numerous sets of highly classified documents, according to a property receipt that was also made public by the DOJ.

Cartons the FBI brought with them.
Show me the video and photos. Not even Trump says that the FBI brought 20 boxes into inside Mar O Lago, while they waited.

Throw it against the wall. NOT STICKING.
LOL, Trump lawyers are now comparing the documents to overdue library books. Some pasta against the wall.

If Trump wanted them returned like library books, he would have done it in January, May, June, when he got subpoena to return all of them.

One does not BORROW classified documents and then totally refuse to return 20 boxes of them.
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It seems very "creative" to me to take the time to carefully arrange some papers to as to show only inflammatory information, but at the same time appear to be haphazardly thrown into a pile. Combine that with the purpose of posting the picture and it's questionable in my mind. I would expect a defense attorney to start screaming jury tampering, and TRUMP!'s probably will.
Oh my, you will never get it. Trump is controlling your mind if you have one.
Of course the pictures were staged, and the FBI knew they would get out, and tbe fake news media would pri t them for OPTICS.

FBI rules / protocols require Afents to photograph locations and surrounds AS IS. These documents were obviously piled together.

This is more evidence what the DOJ & FBI are doing is a PR campaign against Trump.

Flashing lights, body armor tgat reads 'FBI', and military style assault rifles right at the entrance/ at the gaye of Trump's home.

False, ridiculous claims of 'National Security-Threatening nuclear secrets' in Trump's possession leaked to / reported by the media...

Staged photos of piles of documents, which were covered by COVER SHEETS so what was u Der them is anyone's clue (maybe Trump's birthday party menu....b...b...but the DOJ & FBI told us there was actually classified information under those coversheet. :p. PROVE IT)...

One huge propaganda campaign veing waged...
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Wouldn’t that be done in court, Dumbass?

PR stunt because they know they have no case.
You cannot be this stupid. "done in court", yes but have you heard of due process.
What is happening is "due process" to see if there is enough evidence to go to court. If there is not enough evidence, nor court and Trump goes on without charges.
Where do you people come from.
The ignorance of a liberal is astounding.
I think the responses to this post has shown the absolute stupidity of the Trump minions like no other.
They have no knowledge of our legal system; due process; the checks and balances required to charge an individual with a crime.
Our system protects the criminal, too much, in many situations. If you have money you can really use and abuse the protection of the criminal. It is exactly what Trump has done his whole life.
Trump and Trump's lawyer say the FBI picture of documents on office floor staged.
The Trump minions follow the lead and scream the FBI is a fraud. What a bunch of fricking idiots.
The fact that Trump's lawyer does not know the purpose of the image shows she is incompetent.

Willful idiots! Anything to try and replace the truth for lies.
I think the responses to this post has shown the absolute stupidity of the Trump minions like no other.
They have no knowledge of our legal system; due process; the checks and balances required to charge an individual with a crime.
Our system protects the criminal, too much, in many situations. If you have money you can really use and abuse the protection of the criminal. It is exactly what Trump has done his whole life.
You still looking for the sheets that Trump paid hookers to pee on? Lol, you're an idiot.
sure they were. Why else would they show them? If they were actually top secret, they wouldn't be allowed to be photographed. You don't know how classified works huh?
The actual documents weren't photographed, just the cover sheets, dope.

Get real.

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