Trump and Trump's lawyer say the FBI picture of documents on office floor staged

Yet they took the time to carefully arrange them so as to show only covers, but making it look as if they were carelessly tossed on the floor instead of neatly lined up on a table. Doesn't pass the smell test.
That's all you got, a "smell test?"
You still looking for the sheets that Trump paid hookers to pee on? Lol, you're an idiot.
Speaking of idiots, you have been reduced to idiot posts. Do you have any intelligent arguing points proving Trumps lawyers are telling the truth?
Of course the pictures were staged, and the FBI knew they would get out, and tbe fake news media would pri t them for OPTICS.

FBI rules / protocols require Afents to photograph locations and surrounds AS IS. These documents were obviously piled together.

This is more evidence what the DOJ & FBI are doing is a PR campaign against Trump.

Flashing lights, body armor tgat reads 'FBI', and military style assault rifles right at the entrance/ at the gaye of Trump's home.

False, ridiculous claims of 'National Security-Threatening nuclear secrets' in Trump's possession leaked to / reported by the media...

Staged photos of piles of documents, which were covered by COVER SHEETS so what was u Der them is anyone's clue (maybe Trump's birthday party menu....b...b...but the DOJ & FBI told us there was actually classified information under those coversheet. :p. PROVE IT)...

One huge propaganda campaign veing waged...
Orange XXXL on rush order. :abgg2q.jpg:
Speaking of idiots, you have been reduced to idiot posts. Do you have any intelligent arguing points proving Trumps lawyers are telling the truth?
Yeah the fbi knew Russian collusion was a lie and made up in the beginning and still tried to destroy Trump over it. They have lost all credibility after that.
Yeah the fbi knew Russian collusion was a lie and made up in the beginning and still tried to destroy Trump over it. They have lost all credibility after that.
:laughing0301: 🤪 🤪:laughing0301:🤪:laughing0301:🤪:laughing0301: But, but, the off topic Russia collusion distraction that tells us you have nothing intelligent to debate over the topic of this thread.
Oh my, you will never get it. Trump is controlling your mind if you have one.
You do know, don't you, that the worst thing you can do to TRUMP! is to ignore him, right? He hates that, and he's likely enjoying the continued obsession with getting him on something. And yes, I do believe all this goes away if he announces he's not running in 24.
You still looking for the sheets that Trump paid hookers to pee on? Lol, you're an idiot.
JKknow, trained monkey, is doing a very poor job of trying to deflect. Trump would be embarrassed that you could not do better.
You do know, don't you, that the worst thing you can do to TRUMP! is to ignore him, right? He hates that, and he's likely enjoying the continued obsession with getting him on something. And yes, I do believe all this goes away if he announces he's not running in 24.
We don't care. We don't worship a cult. We don't get on our knees for your master. You do. The DOJ doesn't care if he runs. He's still going to be indicted.
You do know, don't you, that the worst thing you can do to TRUMP! is to ignore him, right? He hates that, and he's likely enjoying the continued obsession with getting him on something. And yes, I do believe all this goes away if he announces he's not running in 24.
Unfortunately, Trumpism does not go away if Trump does not run. This is much bigger than Donald Trump. It is an investigation into Trumpism and the followers breaking laws, putting peoples life at risk, trying to over ride our voting system and Democracy.
Democracy has never had a bigger stress test than Trumpism. It has been tough but our system is winning. It is marginalizing Trumpism before Trumpism marginalizes our Democratic Union.
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JKknow, trained monkey, is doing a very poor job of trying to deflect. Trump would be embarrassed that you could not do better.
Better? :laughing0301: Like hes doing anything at all but looking like a retard.
:laughing0301: 🤪 🤪:laughing0301:🤪:laughing0301:🤪:laughing0301: But, but, the off topic Russia collusion distraction that tells us you have nothing intelligent to debate over the topic of this thread.
The same fbi that went after trump for Russian collusion. Is the same one that wouldn't let nobody witness the raid. Found top secret files spread out all over the place. Even when Trump was in new york. Yes, I call bullshit. The fbi cannot be trusted to investigate Trump anymore. Heck, they can't be trusted at all.
Yeah the fbi knew Russian collusion was a lie and made up in the beginning and still tried to destroy Trump over it. They have lost all credibility after that.
JK, trained monkey, another bad attempt to deflect.
The same fbi that went after trump for Russian collusion. Is the same one that wouldn't let nobody witness the raid. Found top secret files spread out all over the place. Even when Trump was in new york. Yes, I call bullshit. The fbi cannot be trusted to investigate Trump anymore. Heck, they can't be trusted at all.
Anybody not nobody.
Trump could have followed the subpoena for the files and there would have not been a raid.

What will JK, the trained monkey's response be to this one.

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